Here are my latest thinking points:
A koan
How many doses of a vaccine with negative efficacy does it take to stop a pandemic?
Where we are at
Day 678 of 15-days-to-flatten the curve.
Q: What’s the incubation period for the virus?
A: No one knows.
Q: What are the most effective treatments?
A: FDA, CDC, and anyone with critical thinking skills know, but doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies will not let you have them.
Q: How are the vaccines working out?
A: Negative efficacy.
Q: That’s bad?
A: Literally worse than doing nothing.
Q: What’s Brandon doing?
A: Sending people 1 billion tests.
Q: Wait, tests!? Why?
A: Keep people hyped.
Q: Hyped for what?
A: More ‘rona, more vaccines, more masks, more totalitarianism.
Q: How are other governments responding?
A: Australia deported the healthiest guy in the country for making everyone else look bad. Canada is a prison state. France, Germany, and Austria are using fascism to push vaccines with negative efficacy. Blue states/cities are setting up Vaccine Apartheid. The Third World is doing great by using inexpensive off-the-shelf treatments that work.
Sagging poll numbers
The only chance that Biden has to survive politically is to fire, arrest, and prosecute Fauci for crimes against humanity. His popularity would soar. But that’s never going to happen because Biden works for Fauci, Fauci does not work for Biden.
(Same was true for Trump by the way. But he passed up on a golden opportunity for reasons that are not clear.)
Getting the word out
Children’s Health Defense republished my recent Supreme Court article.
The Brownstone Institute also republished my Supreme Court article.
My Substack is now one of the Top 100 in Politics!
It’s a joy to reach people. But it’s all so bittersweet because none of this should be happening.
We are all in the same simulation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

CBD oil prevents and fights Covid-19 infection.
News story (here). Actual study (here).
It makes the maniacal push for the clot shot all the more sinister.
Building a bridge to the 19th century
I cannot overstate how devastating the failed pandemic response is to the progressive movement.
When you lie every day for two years about the most important issue in people’s lives (which is what happened) no one will never trust you again.
The inability of progressives to get away from a bad hand when it came to Pharma & vaccines is going to cost them the entire rest of their policy agenda — Roe, climate change, minimum wage, free college, immigration reform, etc. all go down the drain because when the game was on the line, they pushed all in for Pharma genocide.
Addiction to vaccines has set the progressive movement back by a century.
And I doubt more than a handful of progressives can even understand what I just wrote because the Kool-Aid is too strong and the neurological injury is so extensive.
It brings me no joy to write this. I identify with many of the goals of the progressive movement. But I’m a single issue voter now and my former comrades are on the wrong side of history.
Build Back Better
The problem with universal pre-k and expanded childcare is that Dems will just use these programs as leverage for endless shots with devastating consequences for kids. It’s just a nose under the tent to expand the market for Pharma.
A climate bill should not cost the public a single dollar. CO2 is produced by the largest, richest corporations on the planet. Tax them to pay for your program or create carbon markets. There is no reason the average citizen should foot the bill for Exxon, Shell, Chevron, etc.
And inflation is what’s on everyone’s mind. Increasing federal spending by $2 trillion is inflationary. All Americans are getting a 6% reduction in their standard of living this year because of inflation. Mandates (and the unwillingness to provide access to safe & effective treatments) mess up the supply of labor and create bottlenecks that drive up prices. But once again, Dems are unwilling to cut their ties to the most lethal industry on the planet.
So Manchin wasn’t crazy in walking away. One can value all of the aims of the program while realizing that this bill was the wrong way to get there.
Yet another brilliant quant on Substack who is with us
Joel Smalley. Follow this guy. We are going to win because we are faster and smarter than the public health establishment. It’s not even close. We have science, logic, and reason. They have capture, censorship, and totalitarianism.
They know
Google has a record of every search everyone has ever made on their site. That’s what they sell to advertisers, that intimate knowledge of people’s lives and the relationships between different facets of their day.
So inside the servers at Google are millions of searches that go something like this:
Directions to pediatricians office
[2 hours later] How to help high pitched screaming?
How to bring down a fever?
What to do when a baby won’t stop crying?
What to do when a baby is vomiting?
What are the signs of a seizure?
Pediatrician’s phone number
3 minutes outgoing phone call to pediatrician
Directions to emergency room
Insurance company website
“What’s covered” page on insurance company website
Vaccine side effects
Malpractice lawyer
Directions home
FB post asking for help....
Google knows. This pattern of searches is repeated hundreds of thousands of times each year. Legal discovery in a judicial system that worked would be able to uncover this.
Blessings to all of the warriors in D.C. who are participating in “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming” today (January 23). You can livestream the event starting at 11:30 a.m. EST on The Highwire and at 12:30 EST on CHD.TV. 🙏✊
As always, I’m keen to know what’s on your mind so please share your thoughts in the comments.
You are one of a handful of "go-to" accounts on Substack for valuable COVID resources and insights. Thank you!
“It brings me no joy to write this. I identify with many of the goals of the progressive movement. But I’m a single issue voter now and my former comrades are on the wrong side of history.” True for me as well. I once was a supporter of Medicare for All, but the govt response to Covid tells me that it would only be used to force any medical compliance the govt desired. As it is now, I really don’t trust the medical establishment in any way. In the past, it was easier to ignore physicians who push meds to manage symptoms, rather than actually solve medical health problems. Medical schools were captured by big pharma a long time ago. Those MDs who graduated prior to that are now retiring or have long ago retired. We are on our own, especially if healthcare is withheld from the unvaxxed. Best advice is to become as healthy as possible so you don’t need to rely on the US healthcare system or big pharma.