I went to only three short years of 'public school' outside home in my entire life, late 4th to early 7th grade. In self-contained elementary 6th grade (I was one of the only students with regressive Kanner's Autism likely caused by aluminum/DTAP and antibiotics, not HFA nor Aspergers) me and other students were forced to hide in/behind our desks, or flee our classroom, because this blonde-haired boy in an orange shirt (always an orange shirt, no other color) he had explosive, angry rages against me, our teachers/teacher aides, and us. This boy would punch, throw and flip chairs and desks, he's growl and screech like a demon, and we watched police officers restrain him by the shoulders, grabbing him out of the classroom. This was in 2013-14 and I was 11 to 12 years old that time.

Flash forward to 2020: https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/post/des-moines-nbc13-covers-violent-room-clears-in-schools-nationwide-problem

"For months, Channel 13 has reported on violent, destructive behavior in America's classrooms and the controversial practice known as the "room clear." That is when well-behaved students are evacuated while a child is allowed to destroy the classroom."

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So, if an ordinary tackle can cause such damage, and happens often enough to gather statistics on it, maybe football should be outlawed. Like the effort against guns. Where are those big-hearted humanity protectors always willing to condemn the wrong cause now?

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thank you again for an exceptional article with actionable data! 5 to 45.. mins got it.. we are going to win this war...! Absolutely... Mission 1 each day STOP the Jab, Mission 2 Nuremberg.. we Have Unstoppable Momentum Now...

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here is the video add 'h' to ttps://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/01/nfl-rigged-damar-hamlin-injury-exposed-2537354.html

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I saw a video commentary on the event, and I agree there is something very suspicious about that event--as it appeared staged. Notice all the players kneeling in a circle around him while he is being resuscitated--that never happens after an injury. And, since when do NFL players kneel in prayer since it is mostly outlawed??? Just the medical people are allowed to be around the injured. How convenient not to be able to see what was going on. Cameras zoomed into a lot of aggrieved faces and tears from players seemed over dramatic and the ambulance had no markings as to who owned it. Again, I'm not sure why this would have been staged except to perform a psyop either to suppress the vaccine injury narrative as described by you or to bring it more to the forefront since it was a major NFL game. I'm sure this view has been shared in earlier posts as it was all over Telegram

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I know this is old news but I wanted to set the dialogue in motion.

It's the one thing I find on all the captured news media sites is there is no open debate (comments).

If I didn't know any better I would say they're deathly afraid of truth. But that's probably some kind of conspiracy to even entertain the thought.

In my search for truth I came across a Forbes story critical of disinformation, misinformation or blah blah something or other. Why don't they just come out and say lying ?

Ok back to why I'm posting.

I stumbled across this headline ;

[ Damar Hamlin’s GoFundMe Receives Over $8 Million, Here’s An Update On His Condition ]

So me being an anti-vax type for over thirty years and a white supremacist racist mediaphobe for the last 6-7 I needed to investigate my follies.

The usual rhetoric but to my delight they had a comment section.

The following is what I posted on the 7th of Jan. ;

Mike Stilinovich

7 January, 2023

Push your agenda, you ask Mr. Bruce Y. Lee.

When is the proper time to ask about your vax status or if it could be a contributing factor in the event that just transpired ?

Would that be only when you're entering the Holocaust museum in Illinois ? How ironic is the previous statement Mr. Lee ?

Is it per entry into a restaurant, concert, sporting event or possibly to be able to have a life saving transplant?

So Mr. Bruce Y. Lee please tell me when is the proper time to inquire about these matters because the faster the nation knows the truth the sooner we can rectify, what I think beyond a reasonable doubt is provable, the astronomical rise in died suddenly cases, teens diagnosed with myocarditis, other heart ailments etc. etc.

Has it dawned on you the importance of news sources such as this wouldn't eliminate truths that are so important to the conversation to go unheard for either moral reasons or even financial benefits.

So now Mr. Bruce Y. Lee, I beg you, for the sake of the innocents, especially the children, when is the proper time to have this conversation which is possibly the biggest story in the history of our country.

A story that is going to forever change the history of not only our beloved nation but the world at large.

(Continued Below)



Mike Stilinovich

7 January, 2023

So Bruce, may I call you Bruce ?

I beg you to tell me when is the time, is it today, tomorrow, next week, month or year ? Possibly let it fade into the memory hole like all news stories that enter in the cycle.

Wait for its relevance to slowly vanish into another abstract memory.

Please tell me .........

With heartfelt sincerity,

Michael A. Stilinovich

ps May God Bless you all

To this day, crickets. Little investigating and found out that Mr. Lee is part of the machine.

Here's the link....


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I am very happy to come back and say that I was absolutely wrong on the diagnosis of Damar Hamil! I like many other people am praying that he has a complete recovery from his incident!

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GOD arrived. Prayers work.

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He had Joe Biden’s safe and effective bull-shit vaccine.

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I appreciate your response. You provided plenty of information. My argument was that no matter how flawed Floyd was, it was a heartbreaking video. It was a result of what’s so wrong with our society. Many police officers are wonderful people (I’m close to some of these folks). I do have a problem with saying that it was ok for Floyd to have suffered that way only because he was a criminal. I don’t have a problem with saying that it was ok for Floyd to get arrested and restrained properly for his behavior.

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

Great point. Most reasonable doctors would like to wait and gather evidence before giving a definitive diagnosis. So how could there possibly be a definitive “commotio cordis” diagnosis almost immediately?

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

Who was the UNC bball player that left with myocarditis?

Also are you aware of these US / World patents @ ◆◇◆ UNC ◇◆◇

7279327B2 / Wo2002086068A2


20170096455a1 / Wo2015143335A1


Harvard Law's RFK JR 🦉 on UNC


Arrested 4x w/ no priors for peaceful protest


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It's reported today, Jan 5th, Hamlin is now holding hands with family, and also, neurologically intact.

This is great news!

Never underestimate the power of prayer.

It's my personal experience and belief...prayer works! Praise God!🙏

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It was cardiac arrest, not a heart attack.

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WSJ Opinion piece 1/1/23, Japan begins investigation into vaccine deaths, Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein today. With a wide reach. More and more this is all coming out.

Like most, I thought the tipping point would’ve been reached long ago. Are we there yet?

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Point of clarification: in this case, it is the DoD--using Pharma as a front and marketing tool--which “has killed several hundred thousand Americans and millions more around the world with the clot shot.”

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