How would you like to go to a cocktail party with reps from each of these 10 cartel entities....

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Jan 22Liked by Toby Rogers

The "Neurodiversity' Cartel and the "Fat Acceptance/Obesity Acceptance" Cartels need to be added to this list as well. Besides ASAN (autistic 'self advocacy' network, by pro v-c.cine groups) who else is responsible?

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Jan 2Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby you rock. Academia is controlled by the above... for the most part. Yes to below: Big Climate. See Dane Wigington and his website Geoengineeringwatch.org for everything climate without dilution. And Education that breed ignoance, compliance, homogeneous herd mentality, "inclusion" "Diversity" (unless you are a critical thinker who refuses to "buy and comply". Toby a huge service you are doing here. Thank you so....

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And how does academia fit the picture? Most people accept what's going on because "the experts with academic credentials said it's the right way to do things".

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I didn't see Big Climate. John Kerry would be so crestfallen to be left out.

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This summary is key to understanding the global monopoly capitalism we live under today.

These cartels are created by the International, banking, finance and investment cartel - which through gigantic funds like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street control every major corporation in the world. What Toby has written about America is true worldwide. And it is the key to forcing policies down from the top. And the apex predators are Big Finance - and all of these cartel members have come together into the World Economic Forum, a key think tank, policy distribution, and corruption network.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

When corporations became people. This article from 2014 NPR is now a historical artifact, from when NPR appeared outwardly decent. https://www.npr.org/2014/07/28/335288388/when-did-companies-become-people-excavating-the-legal-evolution

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A friend of mine found a bunch of my emails on her spam. She spent a whole day catching up! This reads even more powerful and timely now! Thank you !!!

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Yes you are right these companies control the US and UK, though you left out big animal ag (about 85% of which involves animals living in concentration camps), for which GMO corn and soy, the biggest users of agrochemicals, is grown to feed and which is the biggest user of pharma products. Animal ag also has huge lobbying power, kickbacks and massive tax payer subsidies.

However even the power of these massive companies I think will fade soon. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-tufty-club-and-the-dollar-are


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Intelligence agencies?

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I have taken to calling it the Military Industrial Everything Complex

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or maybe Everything Industrial Complex for short

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That’s a pretty darn bleak round up… but, unfortunately all true.

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WRT big oil Toby needs to check his numbers from an AP article “The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.” Most onshore wells are fairly marginal economics so small changes in royalties have big impacts because they’re right off the top regardless of whether the wells are operating at an economic loss. Deep water offshore were wells are bigger producers and a lot more expensive are already 18.5%. If you add up all the production of Big oil it is a small percentage of world production. The really big producers are state oil companies.

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Here’s the link but I had a typo. The offshore rate was 18.75% not my 18.5%. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/16/1093195479/biden-federal-oil-leases-royalties

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Toby there might have been some confusion in that the royalties rate was 1/8 th = 12.5% not 8%

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Devolution is in action

These predators must be caught in the act, no pre-crimes.

Traps are set, playbook is known

The DS antics are accelerated and folk are blinking and shaking their heads

The frogs are jumping ahead of the new WEF order as it moves to hoover up freedom, double down desperation just brings more exposure

This time good wins

Patel Patriot’s

Devolution series

1-24 on Substack

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