I love a man who doesn't mince words! What a fantastic article. Succinct, to the point, brutally honest, and funny. Well written. Thank you for shining a light on the unbelievable criminal activities going on in this here, uh, our health agencies, including the Center for Disease Creation. Anyone who still thinks the alphabet agencies are protecting their health should have their collective heads examined.

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Could someone please Foia Peter Marks and Woodcock, Califf and Walensky on this and the approval of the shots for 6mo-5 yo?

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Pharma mafia:

maybe - pharmafia?

Adds a funny twist to Creepy and True.

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Just an update. A recent study showed that there is no increase in myocorditis, compared to background rates, in those post COVID-19. Only in those post injection. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/11/8/2219/htm#B12-jcm-11-02219

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If they still gave Pulitzer Prizes for great journalism, Toby, your reports on these meetings would/should win a Pulitzer. Your analysis and insights are nothing short of phenomenal, and everybody should be reading them.

Sadly, the Pulitzer these days goes to whoever can spin the best yarn with which to damage Donald Trump and his supporters.

I guess we're going to need to come up with a new prize that we can start awarding for real journalism.

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Thank you Darby!!! 🙌

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Thanks for the great report Toby. I didn't know we, the taxpayers, paid that much for novavax. It's hilarious that they think people will take it. But maybe they'll be able to pass it off as a traditional vaccine to the vaccine "hell-no" crowd.

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We all knew it would pass, but the mental gymnastics these people throw out there to justify a “yes” vote is absurd. Are they protecting money/reputation/status, or is someone pointing an actual gun to their heads? I’d have more grace for them if the latter was true.

Will send out more emails today. Got one response from Hickenlooper about “safe and effective blah blah blah.” Expected but disappointing nonetheless as I actually liked him when he was Denver’s mayor.

Not-so-funny story… I have a client who owns a small cafe near a college. She’s having trouble, in her own words, finding “neurotypicals” to hire. She says the line gets over 5 customers and her young employees fall apart and have to retreat to the back to pull it together. Will there be any neurotypicals left when it’s all over? This is all so sad. 😭

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Whoa. Yep, they've poisoned 96% of kids since 1986. Being on the spectrum is the new "normal".

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GM factories in the 1950s were wild. They had a guy at the end of the assembly line with a rubber mallet whose whole job was just to pound any pieces that did not fit back into place. Extra parts were thrown into a lake rather than correcting the supply chain to produce the correct amount. Innovation never happened because U.S. manufacturers had an oligopoly and huge profit margins so there was no need to improve the product. Peter Marks would have thrived in that era because he asks no questions of authority, he just implements the plan.

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The more I learn about COVID vaccines the more disgusted I become. They are all trash, poison shots. They don’t work at all after 2-5 months. They even increase your risk of COVID (negative efficacy) not to mention risk of cancer, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, cerebral thrombosis, myocarditis, sudden death and thousands of other deadly side effects. Mortality is up 40% is young healthy Americans since the COVID injection mandates started according to insurance companies. It is clear, that Safety does not matter at all to public health officials. CDC, FDA, NIH, and pediatricians could care less about you or you child’s health. They want their kickback from big pharma and the government. This is unacceptable! I am utterly disgusted how these government agencies would approve something that doesn’t work and might kill you yet lie and tell the public it is “safe and effective”. If these injections are unsafe - then all the other vaccines are probably unsafe as well.

Think about it - moth protein, PEG, triton x, lipid nano particles, mercury, aluminum, sodium benzoate, formaldehyde, squalene, simian cancer virus. These are all toxic poisons found in childhood vaccinations. Are we stupid as a population???? Why would we inject these poisons into our children. You literally can not find any safely studies for pediatric vaccines online. There is NO WAY THEY ARE SAFE!!!!

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Even worse...they are STILL saying that they are safe and effective despite mounds and mounds of data. WTF...do they think we are all stupid!?

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Thank you for this great analysis! What world are we living in? This is UNCONSCIONABLE!!!!

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Stupifying but not unexpected. The FDA runs outside the law and Congress appears to have no desire to reign them in. Just too much money being passed around. Everyone wants a cut.

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Thank you for this article and exposing more truth about the FDA Jabba the Huts that decide what poisons will be offered to kill off humanity. In the past two years I have had 5 friends die of heart failure after one or more injections. Please, keep sounding the alarm because I use your articles to plant seeds in totally brainwashed people. I then water your words with prayer that they will be awakened by divine spiritual forces of the universe. Dr. Sheri Tenpenny announced this (6-2-22) past Thursday that she was permanently banned off Trump's Truth Social for posting the truth about vaccines. This only adds to my growing body of research that Trump is not one of us working to save lives. Instead, he willingly fooled and continues to buffalo his largest fan base, the Christians and conservatives. Meanwhile, Obama and leading deep state Democrats continue snookering unawake progressives and others who hate the Right. Thank you for answering The Call to save lives and wake up the deaf and blind. We are all in this together to save the human race.

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Well done in covering the continuing sham, shame and crimes of the FDA. (For me now translates to: Fully Deceptive A'holes) It's hard to care and apply continuous effort in a corrupt environment, so thank you sincerely for not giving up. 🙏 And thanks for the unexpected laugh with this line: "That’s the equivalent of an American high school boy saying that he “definitely has a girlfriend, but she lives in Belgium."


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I also like, as a translation although not as our reality, Federal Democide Agency.

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I think Offit is trying to get off this train. Everyone has standards, and I think he realizes that these products are below his own. Molecular mimicry used to be the kind of thing you'd be excommunicated for talking about (cf. Yehuda Shoenfeld... the medical and research communities pretend the guy doesn't exist). Offit got his question on the public record, so no one can say that it wasn't known to be a possibility.

Re: Poland, I don't think Novavax paid him anything. He just knows that he'll go the way of Shoenfeld (or worse, Wakefield) if he doesn't kiss some *ss to make up for letting the public know about his permanent disability from the corona shots. At the beginning (spring 2020), there were three guys you could count on for quotes about the possibility of a successful corona vaccine: Offit, Poland, and Peter Hotez. Offit has supported what's going on, but less and less enthusiastically, and still has his position as a quote machine. Hotez has <insert inappropriate metaphor here> every aspect of the current corona shot program, and is interviewed on TV regularly and quoted in every press outlet. Poland was not quoted at all in the mainstream press after the shots were EUA'd, then told a reporter that his 3rd shot gave him tinnitus (which he described as "pretty much unrelenting" and got tears in his eyes as he talked to the reporter: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97592).

But he needs to keep his job at Mayo, so he's promoting the shots on a podcast whose audience must be 99 percent colleagues (https://podtail.com/podcast/mayo-clinic-q-a/) and showing up to promote yet another shot at the VRBPAC meetings (which, although our little crowd here watches them, are still an insider's game).

So I think maintaining status quo was enough for Poland to show up and do his dog and pony show. Just my two cents.

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Didn't Offit vote yes?

He's an odd character. He's fully on Team Apocalypse, but trys to say just enough actual honest info and questions to claim to be moderate and truth seeking. None of that keeps him from being on board with every truly destructive thing over last 2+ years

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Everybody voted "yes," except for Gellin, who abstained, and explained his abstention this way:

"Let me just say that this is a conditional yes, and I’ll explain that, but “conditional yes” wasn’t an option. This was a case study of perseverance by the company, and there’s nothing easy about vaccines, and the vaccine race that’s inspired by COVID that was supported by Warp Speed (and I had nothing to do with that) has brought us the vaccines that we have, and which have had an impact, and that’s impressive. [global equity, etc.] The data we’ve heard today has been impressive, and support the original vision for this vaccine from the beginning [stuff about ease of storage and transport and the magical adjuvant]. Highlighting Dr. Offit’s intervention, that we need to understand the mechanism here, because this infection, and the vaccines against it, are going to be with us for the foreseeable future. [based on totality] We can clearly say that it was [effective], but we don’t know whether that attribute continues to be relevant today. Dr. Levy [cross-protecting immunity] are encouraging, but [don’t know what’s going to happen in the future]. In the flu world, we’re always [troubled] by mis-match. […] A lot of things have been learned, that we haven’t heard about.

"I want to be clear that I’m not going against the vaccine. As this is a real product that, if authorized, will be used, it will be important to evaluate whatever data is available [that shows its performance]. Recognizing that we’re an advisory committee, and we’re advising FDA, and having heard from Dr. Marks that FDA will continue to work with the company on manufacturing issues […] it’s my expectation that FDA will review the totality of data that will be available to them, to inform their [decision on EUA]."

I don't know that Offit is on Team Apocalypse the way, say, Fauci is. I do think he will never oppose a vaccine; he is true believer in the concept, and of course it's also how he earns his living. He also knows that it doesn't matter what the committee says or votes or thinks anymore, at least about corona. I think he is beginning to recognize that the mRNA products are dangerous in ways he hadn't considered in Dec. 2020, which is why he has made the comments publicly that he has (like telling the press that he told his own son not to get a third shot).

People have different motivations for doing things that end up harming other people, and I think Offit's motivations are very different from those of Marks and those of Fauci.

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I'm grateful to have that long convoluted quote from Gellin all typed up. I tried to follow it at the time and it didn't make sense to me. Seeing it now in black and white, he's really saying a lot between the lines. But the message between the lines points towards NO, not yes. So these people are nuts.

I think Offit is completely insane. He's Nero painting pictures while Rome burns. He's always Lucy with the football -- saying something reasonable and then pulling the football away at the last moment to vote Yes. I think his kink is that he gets off on dashing the hopes of sane people. Offit knows he's going down in history as worse than the bloodletters and he absolutely does not care. He seems to delight in his ignominy.

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I think Meissner is an even worse Lucy, but I hear you. What they say during the meeting has nothing to do with how they vote.

And I think Gellin was reading a statement he had prepared. It came off that way, which makes it all the nuttier that it doesn't make sense. At least he did not vote "yes."

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All scripted. theater buffoons.

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Isn't it odd that this link was been deleted off TRUTH Social? The week of June 6th, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was permanently deleted off TRUTH Social too. Coincidence, Mr. Donald?

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wtf--doesn't that tell us everything we need to know?

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PREDICTION: the psycho-criminals will not need to release another virus. Everybody I know around me that has been vaxxed is getting sick, repeatedly. 4 billion people will be getting AIDS-like 'chronic covid' with repeated re-infections by coronavirus, because of OAS and no N-protein antibodies, and boosters. It has started in all the heavily vaxxed countries.

Breakthrough infections and booster shots will be the KILLERS because both of these slowly decimate the immune system. At one point a weakened immune system will lead to all kinds of OTHER opportunistic infections, and cancers (already started). God save us all.

Marc Mullie MD, Montreal

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Wow. I can’t believe there is a doctor in Montreal Canada who can see the truth! You are a light in the Trudeaus communist Canada! Please help wake Canadians up! They are all brainwashed!!! Like the Criminal Canadian Dr Sun who injected over 500 babies with the COVID vaccine despite it not being approved for babies!!!!

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Tex, I don't know ANY MD in Quebec who is red-pilled, including 3 in my immediate family. It's a lonely existence outside the Covidian Cult. There are 25,000 MDs in Quebec so I'm sure there are some, but the problem is finding them because no MD dares speak up in fear of losing one's licence.

Meanwhile, Quebecers are lining up for the MonkeyPox vaxx. The Jonestown Cult massacre continues. Tragic.

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Unfortunately as we see with c19 injections, viral infections increase. Thus mpox vaccine takers will become infected and distributors of pox infections if the modus operandi stands.

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Yes. this is why they eliminated masks. They WANT people to get re-infected and to clamor for boosters.

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This is 'Pharma fascism' in its purest form. Brilliantly dissected with great clarity by uTobian, this wake-up article should be syndicated by Reuters and Associated Press (oh wait, I forgot..). Well, it should be picked up by every self-styled independent or conservative news website.

"By today, the NY Times and Washington Post are claiming that Novavax will be manufactured by the Serum Institute of India."

As an aside, Serum Institute of India manufactures Covishield for the uninformed Indian sheeple. Covishield is the rebranded AstraZeneca "vaccine" which has been linked to countless deaths worldwide from blood clots and other side effects. Whereas the AstraZeneca "vaccine" has been suspended in many countries, Covishield is widely pushed in India. Like the AstraZeneca shot, Covishield is an adenoviral-vector "vaccine" which compels the human body to produce billions of toxic, coagulatory spike proteins. But this topic is taboo in India, where the mainstream media is completely controlled by the globalist cabal and India's health bureaucracy has been heavily penetrated and co-opted by Gates and his multiple tentacles.

Another 'miracle jab' produced by Serum Institute of India is Covovax, a "recombinant spike protein nanoparticle vaccine" for children now available for kids (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/covid-19-vaccine-covovax-now-available-for-children-in-india-adar-poonawalla/articleshow/91289086.cms). India's Prime Minister Modi is totally under the control of the globalist elite and is relentlessly pushing the genetic cocktails on younger and younger children---making a slow-burn genocide of adults and children his lasting legacy.

Covovax is described as "COVOVAX (Novavax formulation)" (https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/vaccines/123/), so there is a connection to Novavax which I don't understand. It's not explained on SII's product sheet (https://www.seruminstitute.com/COVOVAX.php).

The Awaken India Movement (www.AwakenIndiaMovement.com) publishes an ongoing compilation of deaths directly linked to the covid jabs in India. This document gives the lie to the Indian government's official statistics promoting the genetic cocktails as "safe and effective". It can be accessed at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uikc1a6_KDzUx7HNLrfwaI1NJRt0D_YP/view?usp=sharing On some computers the table will not open properly, and you have to write to AwakenIndiaMovement to request a usable copy.

Narendra Modi in India and Vladimir Putin in Russia are both complicit in crimes against humanity and democide through their wholehearted acceptance of the globalists' scamdemic scenario and "vaccination" drive. For more on India: "Open Letter To Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi"

(https://stateofthenation.co/?p=106594 ; https://www.globalresearch.ca/will-india-free-itself-from-globalist-yoke-mr-prime-minister/5770274). Edward Slavsquat's substack is a terrific source for Putin's betrayal of the Russian people in the covid hoax <edwardslavsquat@substack.com>.

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