PREDICTION: the psycho-criminals will not need to release another virus. Everybody I know around me that has been vaxxed is getting sick, repeatedly. 4 billion people will be getting AIDS-like 'chronic covid' with repeated re-infections by coronavirus, because of OAS and no N-protein antibodies, and boosters. It has started in all the h…
PREDICTION: the psycho-criminals will not need to release another virus. Everybody I know around me that has been vaxxed is getting sick, repeatedly. 4 billion people will be getting AIDS-like 'chronic covid' with repeated re-infections by coronavirus, because of OAS and no N-protein antibodies, and boosters. It has started in all the heavily vaxxed countries.
Breakthrough infections and booster shots will be the KILLERS because both of these slowly decimate the immune system. At one point a weakened immune system will lead to all kinds of OTHER opportunistic infections, and cancers (already started). God save us all.
Wow. I can’t believe there is a doctor in Montreal Canada who can see the truth! You are a light in the Trudeaus communist Canada! Please help wake Canadians up! They are all brainwashed!!! Like the Criminal Canadian Dr Sun who injected over 500 babies with the COVID vaccine despite it not being approved for babies!!!!
Tex, I don't know ANY MD in Quebec who is red-pilled, including 3 in my immediate family. It's a lonely existence outside the Covidian Cult. There are 25,000 MDs in Quebec so I'm sure there are some, but the problem is finding them because no MD dares speak up in fear of losing one's licence.
Meanwhile, Quebecers are lining up for the MonkeyPox vaxx. The Jonestown Cult massacre continues. Tragic.
Unfortunately as we see with c19 injections, viral infections increase. Thus mpox vaccine takers will become infected and distributors of pox infections if the modus operandi stands.
PREDICTION: the psycho-criminals will not need to release another virus. Everybody I know around me that has been vaxxed is getting sick, repeatedly. 4 billion people will be getting AIDS-like 'chronic covid' with repeated re-infections by coronavirus, because of OAS and no N-protein antibodies, and boosters. It has started in all the heavily vaxxed countries.
Breakthrough infections and booster shots will be the KILLERS because both of these slowly decimate the immune system. At one point a weakened immune system will lead to all kinds of OTHER opportunistic infections, and cancers (already started). God save us all.
Marc Mullie MD, Montreal
Wow. I can’t believe there is a doctor in Montreal Canada who can see the truth! You are a light in the Trudeaus communist Canada! Please help wake Canadians up! They are all brainwashed!!! Like the Criminal Canadian Dr Sun who injected over 500 babies with the COVID vaccine despite it not being approved for babies!!!!
Tex, I don't know ANY MD in Quebec who is red-pilled, including 3 in my immediate family. It's a lonely existence outside the Covidian Cult. There are 25,000 MDs in Quebec so I'm sure there are some, but the problem is finding them because no MD dares speak up in fear of losing one's licence.
Meanwhile, Quebecers are lining up for the MonkeyPox vaxx. The Jonestown Cult massacre continues. Tragic.
Unfortunately as we see with c19 injections, viral infections increase. Thus mpox vaccine takers will become infected and distributors of pox infections if the modus operandi stands.
Yes. this is why they eliminated masks. They WANT people to get re-infected and to clamor for boosters.