This is 'Pharma fascism' in its purest form. Brilliantly dissected with great clarity by uTobian, this wake-up article should be syndicated by Reuters and Associated Press (oh wait, I forgot..). Well, it should be picked up by every self-styled independent or conservative news website.
"By today, the NY Times and Washington Post are cla…
This is 'Pharma fascism' in its purest form. Brilliantly dissected with great clarity by uTobian, this wake-up article should be syndicated by Reuters and Associated Press (oh wait, I forgot..). Well, it should be picked up by every self-styled independent or conservative news website.
"By today, the NY Times and Washington Post are claiming that Novavax will be manufactured by the Serum Institute of India."
As an aside, Serum Institute of India manufactures Covishield for the uninformed Indian sheeple. Covishield is the rebranded AstraZeneca "vaccine" which has been linked to countless deaths worldwide from blood clots and other side effects. Whereas the AstraZeneca "vaccine" has been suspended in many countries, Covishield is widely pushed in India. Like the AstraZeneca shot, Covishield is an adenoviral-vector "vaccine" which compels the human body to produce billions of toxic, coagulatory spike proteins. But this topic is taboo in India, where the mainstream media is completely controlled by the globalist cabal and India's health bureaucracy has been heavily penetrated and co-opted by Gates and his multiple tentacles.
The Awaken India Movement ( publishes an ongoing compilation of deaths directly linked to the covid jabs in India. This document gives the lie to the Indian government's official statistics promoting the genetic cocktails as "safe and effective". It can be accessed at: On some computers the table will not open properly, and you have to write to AwakenIndiaMovement to request a usable copy.
Narendra Modi in India and Vladimir Putin in Russia are both complicit in crimes against humanity and democide through their wholehearted acceptance of the globalists' scamdemic scenario and "vaccination" drive. For more on India: "Open Letter To Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi"
This is 'Pharma fascism' in its purest form. Brilliantly dissected with great clarity by uTobian, this wake-up article should be syndicated by Reuters and Associated Press (oh wait, I forgot..). Well, it should be picked up by every self-styled independent or conservative news website.
"By today, the NY Times and Washington Post are claiming that Novavax will be manufactured by the Serum Institute of India."
As an aside, Serum Institute of India manufactures Covishield for the uninformed Indian sheeple. Covishield is the rebranded AstraZeneca "vaccine" which has been linked to countless deaths worldwide from blood clots and other side effects. Whereas the AstraZeneca "vaccine" has been suspended in many countries, Covishield is widely pushed in India. Like the AstraZeneca shot, Covishield is an adenoviral-vector "vaccine" which compels the human body to produce billions of toxic, coagulatory spike proteins. But this topic is taboo in India, where the mainstream media is completely controlled by the globalist cabal and India's health bureaucracy has been heavily penetrated and co-opted by Gates and his multiple tentacles.
Another 'miracle jab' produced by Serum Institute of India is Covovax, a "recombinant spike protein nanoparticle vaccine" for children now available for kids ( India's Prime Minister Modi is totally under the control of the globalist elite and is relentlessly pushing the genetic cocktails on younger and younger children---making a slow-burn genocide of adults and children his lasting legacy.
Covovax is described as "COVOVAX (Novavax formulation)" (, so there is a connection to Novavax which I don't understand. It's not explained on SII's product sheet (
The Awaken India Movement ( publishes an ongoing compilation of deaths directly linked to the covid jabs in India. This document gives the lie to the Indian government's official statistics promoting the genetic cocktails as "safe and effective". It can be accessed at: On some computers the table will not open properly, and you have to write to AwakenIndiaMovement to request a usable copy.
Narendra Modi in India and Vladimir Putin in Russia are both complicit in crimes against humanity and democide through their wholehearted acceptance of the globalists' scamdemic scenario and "vaccination" drive. For more on India: "Open Letter To Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi"
( ; Edward Slavsquat's substack is a terrific source for Putin's betrayal of the Russian people in the covid hoax <>.