Dr. Toby, I love your work! Thankful for your insights and the information you present. Your work, along with Alex, Steve, Malone, Peter, etc has helped a group of us prepare for a presentation on Friday to our state dental society. We're praying that our information will be received with open minds and that we can change some hearts. We hope to open scientific discussions and redirect the course of this nonsense at least within our profession.

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Jan 12, 2022
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Great news! Thank you!

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The logical fallacy and the concept of Sin are both extremely compelling. You cut right to the heart of both of those issues.

On the bright side, it seems as though at least a partial merger of the social media bubbles is inevitable, at least for the percentage in the middle that can be swayed. The avalanche of evidence and real world stories that contradict the corporate narrative is only beginning.

On the not so bright side, there's a lot of pain that's going to go with that, both physical and emotional. Stay strong, and build the bonds with your people.

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"This is the crime of the century. The evil doers are not going to just say “oops!” and walk away. They are going to double down and double down and double down until we TAKE power and arrest them."

100% this. There were lots of self-congratulatory messages from Team Real yesterday on twitter and gettr, including people who should know better. The time to give ourselves pats on the back is NEVER. We are up against a tireless, inexhaustable, enemy who will never give up, and nor should we. At the heart of it all is an unspeakable evil targetting the most vulnerable of our society which needs to be pursued and exposed.

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Ha!👏 cracking talking points. AND utterly impenetrable and meaningless to a progressive. As you write, that seamless, flawless on-point messaging across all media. I'm reminded of the Velociraptor scene in Jurassic, swallows swooping down the hill; Total MSM engagement of every nuance of the Daily Message. I surf "news" shows and swear the very SAME messages are freakishly on at exactly the SAME instant AND follow in the exact SAME order... A large % of voters literally haven't a clue that ANY controversy is to be examined. Everything is hunky-dory, dontcha know? Stockmarket is booomin' mate🥳 Activism means being a pest, talking truth to the unwilling. 👍

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I enjoyed your thinking points.

I'm focusing on the portraits of failure this week and also, though I'm not on social media, the fact that the majority of the people in my orbit do seem to be on the other side of the fence from me on most major issues and I have a great opportunity here. It takes a lot of finesse-- I've found it's important to use the Socratic method and never, ever play defense with this wily crew (of whom I long counted myself one)-- but if you're right about social media (you are) real-world interactions with people in our communities count a lot.

As for sin, you nailed it. I grew up with progressives who left the Catholic church, so I should know. The idea that humans can be perfect if we just work hard enough is so noxious, so anathema to contentment on this planet and to truly being able to love one another and have healthy relationships and families and communities. I am glad you addressed it here.

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As disturbing as this is it has opened the door for the first time in our lives to dismantle the obscene power structure, the lies it was built on and the egregious harm it has caused for decades world wide. The medical industrial complex, military industrial complex etc need to fall all together. If I see people in the streets in 2022 and independents running for office at all levels my hope will remain alive. Anything short of that and reality replaces hope.

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Beautifully written. I also noticed that ideas should be "let in the air". A few month ago I defined to myself that my main argument against any mandates is that it goes against informed consent. And then i started to notice that also in public space more and more people start to talk about informed consent and medical ethics. My wild hypothesis is that it should reach some tipping point of thoughts to go public.

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I like that Japan is emphasizing informed consent as imperative, and not to discriminate based on injectable pharma status. https://thepulse.one/2021/12/27/japan-ministry-of-health-no-vaccination-will-be-given-without-consent/

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(Bloomberg) -- European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system and may not be feasible.


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We read this and think "What a shocking admission from the EU!" Yet it is in essence an axiomatic statement of obvious truth. Only shocking because it comes from a government body that previously would never acknowledge such a thing.

Which means get ready for these people to tack to a different authoritarian position.

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Lots of light in this post. Especially liked the Christian conservative/ atheist progressive contrast. Thanks! I'm not the one writing so I hesitate to comment, but ... I've become more and more interested in transcending these dualities and think we are. I'm still sorting it out, but there's a place (experience, movements) where all of these things exist in their highest, benevolent form (humility and true progress, unity and individual sovereignty, etc). Discerning those from people (and their products) who have co-opted universal truths that resonate with our hearts using word sorcery work, now that's mastery. It sounds corny, but listen to our hearts. The body knows. Logic is important and useful, and there are also things that no amount of critical thinking will be able to verify or negate, and the mind can sometimes be full of mirrors and shadows. Staying informed, but detached rather than rubbernecking this disaster; cutting off the evil actors from the supply of our fear and anger which fuels their nefarious machinery can be even more interesting endeavor of personal growth (sounds so progressive, lol). IMHO, we can more easily build the high road/ new world as this old world falls apart, by lending our consciousness more and more to things that affirm life, heart centered humanity, nature and, of course, Love. Thanks again for Thinking Points Memo Toby!

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Wow, gorgeous comment! Yes, I agree with all of that. Even though here in the trenches I'm a partisan, I aspire to the vision you have described. Not just winning but transcending the dualisms that have us mired in the muck right now. Yes, (mixing metaphors here) that's the north star that we can use to navigate our ship to safety. Thank you!!!

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See Charles Eisenstein on Substack for beautiful words on unity.

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Thank you!

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Toby, excellent writing and deep thought, with one troubling comment: “Take power, take power, take power, that’s how this ends.” Such a victory will likely by Pyrrhic and will energize the Covid fascists to regain power in the next election cycle. A more permanent solution probably requires a peaceful divorce.

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Yes, good point. 'Dissolve power, dismantle power, constrain corporate and government power' might have been better.

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Yes, dissolve... make obsolete... and the idea that any power is outside of us is not true (though it certainly looks and feels that way sometimes). Embody our power (stop outsourcing our power). And we can take power peacefully- turn toward our fear, indignation, shadows, etc. for a plentiful well of our personal power... Metabolize, transmute the war and abuse within and watch our advocacy efforts become so powerful. For sure I haven't mastered it, but seems right to me.

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A peaceful divorce - from a forced marriage to a violent narcissistic psychopath?

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I was (somewhat) glad to see you say that we're fooling ourselves if we think the pandemic is winding down, which is what everyone is saying this week. I saw Lord of the Rings many times with my kids back in the day, and I keep seeing in my head the moment in the Mines of Moria, after the fellowship has just fought off a vicious bunch of trolls, when they realize something much, much worse (the Balrog) is approaching, and Boromir, somewhat puzzled, asks, "What is this new devilry?" THAT'S where we are. It ain't over yet, we just don't know what's coming next.

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Yep. "What is this new devilry?" indeed.

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Devilry is an exquisitely appropriate word!

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Toby, as always, very thought provoking, You do make me think, and that is a gift from you to us. I always plan to come back and write some of my thoughts, but life gets in the way.

Boosting into the pandemic is known genocide by those in charge, they know.l what they are advocating. Will our government declare war to distract the public away from their crimes, if the Project Veritas leak proves to be factual and gains traction? Will other countries attack us, since the USA knowingly released this virus and vaxx program on the world?

I have thought since the illegal rollout of the vaxx that the plan was a dictatorship, otherwise, how does one logically explain the vaccine passports and all of the censorshipand controls on movement?

Will we vote, as in will the elections occur? Will our votes count? With mail-in votes, I have no confidence in elections.

Thanks again

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The concept of "sin" is based on the concept of moral law. "Sin is the transgression of the Law." But the Gospel is the "power of God" to save us from sin.

In John 8, Romans 6 and 7, and the illustration of Israel in Egypt, the idea is taught that sin is not just an action, but an enslaving power. It is a corrupted life force, an unclean fountain, an evil tree, that keeps on producing corrupt thoughts and acts. The solution, therefore, is not just a legal forgiveness, for deeds done wrong in the past, but cleansing from the corruption within. This results in victory, holiness, purity, and love being planted in the human.

Most modern teachings about sin and forgiveness have lost this deeper meaning. The gospel is presented as a cover over the wrong actions of the past, and the atonement of Christ is a blanket that hides all the defects. The defects are still there, just hidden. And the law, which defined what sin is, is considered harsh, legal, and not applicable to the Christian. The Christian is presumed to be free from the law...but how can he be free from sin and free from the law at the same time, since these are opposites?

When that kind of gospel is believed and taught, the result is nominal Christianity: lacking in spiritual power and life. Inevitably, people under such a system will turn to other sources of power: political-power, money-power, the admiration and approval of others.

I would argue that this decay is what causes the rise of other solutions, such as progressive and atheistic ideas. A large proportion of America used to identify as religious, and mainly Christian. "If the salt has lost its savor" then it cannot preserve the world anymore. Therefore, the corruption of the world is due to the lack of salt: that is, the lack of true spiritual power.

Instead of looking to progressive or atheistic ideas as the main enemy, Christians need to look more deeply into their own state (first personally, and then in their families and churches). The last condition of the church is described by Laodicea, "rich and increased with goods" in her own eyes, but "wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked," in God's sight.

Remember, that when Jesus came the first time, the Jewish nation thought that the Romans were the main problem they had to contend with. Jesus showed them that their inner spiritual condition was the actual problem. It was an unwelcome revelation.

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Great analysis; that last para is so accurate. The moral Law justified no-one. Neither did good works. There is one Mediator between God and man; Christ Jesus.

The teaching of Scripture of the total depravity of man, and the need for a Saviour was taught in churches up until the 1800's, then was glossed over at first, and then denied, by the mainstream churches and has now for the most part been forgotten, except in some church circles. Same for the teaching on eternal punishment of unbelievers by a just God. "what kind of God would do that?" is the usual response.

Next on my list of events driving the current situation is the fear of death. The true Christian may have concerns about the manner of their death, (severe illness, disabled by stroke, cancer, road accident etc) but at the same time they know that their end has been ordained by God and that "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for You are with me". God's law is written in every person's heart, so deep down, they know there is an afterlife, and are afraid to face God, hence the mad rush for vaccines.

The institution of the state is corrupt and has been since all time (Psalm 2). By that I mean all earthly governments that oppose Christ - described in Revelation 13 as the "beast from the sea"- i.e civil government.

Will this present situation wake up some unbelievers to reality as they see the house built on lies start to collapse? I don't know. God sends these events to punish some and to strengthen the faith of others. We are also told by Scripture that God sends a spirit of blindness on some, and "darkens their foolish hearts". A different way to describe "mass formation psychosis" possibly? But we know that in all these things, God is sovereign, and that Satan can do nothing unless God allows it. (Book of Job, Ch.1).

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When we say that "God sends these events," "God hardens hearts," "God makes people blind," we must always remember that God is using human language to define His behaviour, but we must not assume from this that He uses the same methods as evil humans would use to accomplish those results. God's ways are holy, not unholy.

A few examples can be considered. When God "hardened Pharoah's heart," we must consider the great blessings conferred on the Egyptians. First, we notice that they were not so hard in Abraham's day, when Pharoah inadvertently took Abraham's wife, suffered some plagues, and immediately returned her and sent him away.

After that, Egypt experienced the salvation brought through Joseph; then the immigration of the rest of Joseph's family, and the prosperity that God gave them, to show the Egyptians the benefits of serving God.

In spite of these advantages, the Pharoah of Moses' time turned from all these blessings and chose to enslave the Israelites. By turning from the light, he hardened himself. How then did God "harden his heart"? By sending him light, privileges, blessings. How was he hardened by these things? By misusing them; by not following on with gratitude to God; by imagining that he was independent of God.

We find the same thing at play in Jesus' time. The revelation of God given through Jesus was the brightest light ever given to man. By rejecting that light, because it did not please the carnal heart, the rejectors became more hardened in sin, and more rebellious. Finally the Romans could not tolerate this anymore, and destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD.

Had God not sent Jesus, they would not have been hardened so quickly. Therefore, God hardens, by trying to soften; He destroys by trying to save; He blinds by sending light. The destruction is the result of the sinner's action, not a direct use of force on God's part. "The wages of sin is death." Sin pays those wages, not God.

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God also hardens by "turning His face" from man (i.e nations) and individuals. He does this by withdrawing His common grace and leaving man to his own devices. This too is a form of judgement.

The Egyptians enslaved the Children of Israel, despite the good that they had done, because they feared that they were getting too numerous. (Depopulation agenda). Yes Pharaoh hardened his own heart, but in the final analysis, God hardened him so that His people would be released and He would be glorified. What was the outcome? Judgement on the Egyptians through the plagues and finally, their drowning in the Red Sea.

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Isaiah 59:2 "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear." It's always sin that causes the hiding, not an exercise of compelling force from God's side.

If force could have been used to compel people to serve God, it would have been done right at the beginning, and the whole experiment of sin would have been over.

But the exercise of compelling power is contrary to the principles of God's government. His is a government based on truth and love, and the presentation of these principles is the means by which Satan's kingdom is overcome.

Romans 12:21 - "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

Proverbs 5

21 "If your enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:

22 "For you shall heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward you."

God asks us to "be holy, for I am holy" Lev 11:44, 1 Pet 1:16.

Jesus was "holy, harmless, and undefiled." Heb 7:26

Rom 13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."

Therefore, God, who is Love, "works no ill to His neighbor."

If God manipulated people to do evil, then His kingdom would not be a righteous kingdom. Instead, it would establish the principle that "the end justifies the means." But that is a principle of Satan's kingdom. God never breaks His law, in order to establish it. Jesus showed that, once and for all, by His life, and by His death on the cross. At the cross, Satan was revealed as a liar and murderer, and God was revealed as a Saviour and a Saviour only.

We must be exceedingly careful how we interpret the Bible when it speaks about God's actions, that we do not inadvertently make Him to be like a sinful man, or a tyrant.

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I want to come to your church! I stopped attending mine about 6 months ago when I came to see that the pastor was leading most of his flock over a cliff rather than protecting them. It is frustrating to see so much 'fake' everywhere, but unfortunately, fake Christianity is a thing.

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Gram, you can reach me via my website: www.practicaprophetica.com

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Delightful read, Toby. Incisive & insightful. You’re a true thought leader.

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Thanks Alix! 🙌

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“But in public, the progressive is infallible. The problem is always THEM — whether that be oil companies, Trump supporters, or ‘those disease carrying anti-vaxxers’.”

I wholeheartedly agree. Progressives (regressives) refuse to accept responsibility for anything, and I think that’s a big reason as to why they are so dangerous. They’re not introspective people and they will do literally anything to get their way or to end their perceived oppression. Whether it’s their natural disposition or indoctrination, they are personally disempowered. To your point on religion, that’s partly why progs hate traditional religion (especially Christianity).

That’s why free speech is so important and must be reinforced. A society controlled by progressives will be constructed with lies, manipulations and violence. We must be able to call them out. Conversely, that’s why progs hate free speech and equate it with violence.

As Jordan Petersen says, “clean your room.”

As an aside, I just don’t see how there’s any reconciling of differences between progs and conservatives or even independents (because again, the idea of “live and let live” is antithetical to progressives because inherently, we are and will always be the problem).

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Toby - the concept of sin - I believe the word conservative Christians would use is repentance, the turning away from the from the original direction or action - in relation to progressives is powerful. You gave understanding of the progressive worldview which helps (me at least) people grasp why those in power are not turning direction or admitting wrong. Thanks for this "talking point"!!

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