Yes, dissolve... make obsolete... and the idea that any power is outside of us is not true (though it certainly looks and feels that way sometimes). Embody our power (stop outsourcing our power). And we can take power peacefully- turn toward our fear, indignation, shadows, etc. for a plentiful well of our personal power... Metabolize, t…
Yes, dissolve... make obsolete... and the idea that any power is outside of us is not true (though it certainly looks and feels that way sometimes). Embody our power (stop outsourcing our power). And we can take power peacefully- turn toward our fear, indignation, shadows, etc. for a plentiful well of our personal power... Metabolize, transmute the war and abuse within and watch our advocacy efforts become so powerful. For sure I haven't mastered it, but seems right to me.
Yes, dissolve... make obsolete... and the idea that any power is outside of us is not true (though it certainly looks and feels that way sometimes). Embody our power (stop outsourcing our power). And we can take power peacefully- turn toward our fear, indignation, shadows, etc. for a plentiful well of our personal power... Metabolize, transmute the war and abuse within and watch our advocacy efforts become so powerful. For sure I haven't mastered it, but seems right to me.