I was (somewhat) glad to see you say that we're fooling ourselves if we think the pandemic is winding down, which is what everyone is saying this week. I saw Lord of the Rings many times with my kids back in the day, and I keep seeing in my head the moment in the Mines of Moria, after the fellowship has just fought off a vicious bunch of…
I was (somewhat) glad to see you say that we're fooling ourselves if we think the pandemic is winding down, which is what everyone is saying this week. I saw Lord of the Rings many times with my kids back in the day, and I keep seeing in my head the moment in the Mines of Moria, after the fellowship has just fought off a vicious bunch of trolls, when they realize something much, much worse (the Balrog) is approaching, and Boromir, somewhat puzzled, asks, "What is this new devilry?" THAT'S where we are. It ain't over yet, we just don't know what's coming next.
I was (somewhat) glad to see you say that we're fooling ourselves if we think the pandemic is winding down, which is what everyone is saying this week. I saw Lord of the Rings many times with my kids back in the day, and I keep seeing in my head the moment in the Mines of Moria, after the fellowship has just fought off a vicious bunch of trolls, when they realize something much, much worse (the Balrog) is approaching, and Boromir, somewhat puzzled, asks, "What is this new devilry?" THAT'S where we are. It ain't over yet, we just don't know what's coming next.
Yep. "What is this new devilry?" indeed.
Devilry is an exquisitely appropriate word!