Your analysis points in the right direction, but doesn’t go far enough. The anti establishment “make love not war” radicals of the 60s have morphed into the pro-war establishment. Along the way their neo Marxist, post modern collectivist philosophy worshipping Big Brother as their jihadi savior leading the war against poverty, war on crime, war against drugs, war against terror, and war against disease.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

I might have more to say after I read the comments, which are also so informed and intelligent.

First, thanks for making me laugh with these spot-on descriptions- doesn't matter where you are in the country, this is their song. 4

I had a talk with someone who disappeared for the past two years, prides herself on being very loving(TM) and caring(TM) but during the conversation admitted that in her imagination she is a bit of an authoritatian and if we could just take the guns away from boys and give them to little girls (pink toy ones) so that when they got to be teenagers they could understand it was THEIR job to defend society and they wouldn't be powerless and they'd do a much better job than the men... and I realized that some wires must've gotten crossed, for her and for everyone else who is singing the Loving Fascists Song. Somehow their personal bugaboo, whatever it is, has gotten pulled into the covid saga and made it okay to hate "Them." When I asked her if she thought it was okay to force a medical procedure on someone, the answer was no but is WAS okay to make their life impossible if they didn't "agree to it." Because it's for Their Own Good (TM)!

Yes, it can get this bad, Caring Corrupted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz8ge4aw8Ws

You might enjoy the work of Josh Slocum at Disaffected Podcast. He's been pointing out Mommy Munchies and the Cluster B personality types that have taken hold of nearly every establishment. Quite on point and also hilariously funny at times. Josh is also a huge defender of children-- he was abused, and knows how helpless they are.


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I wonder if anything will change even if the Dems lose power in upcoming elections. Frankly, it seems like full-on psychosis has taken over. Critical thinking is now scoffed at! To me, the scariest thing is how quick people are to defend subservience to “authorities “: if you so much as QUESTION pharma, you are attacked with “are you a doctor??? No? Well then you have no right to an opinion!” This is said earnestly. Remember at Halloween people had gravestone decorations that said “I did my own research”?! It’s shocking how huge amounts of people think it is somehow smart (and virtuous!) to blindly follow authority. And yeah, all of the rest of the woke nonsense.

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I think you’re correct, and probably not taking your observations far enough toward their logical conclusions.

The situation reminds me of Flannery O’Connor’s observation: “tenderness leads to the gas chamber.”

The last couple of years, one of the things I’ve been trying to figure out is how the legal system is engaged in the whole thing, because I’ve been so confused by the failure of human and Constitutional-rights based claims to make it to the discovery and trial phase, and by the failure of judges to simply rule on the pleadings that the executive overreach is unconstitutional and therefore void. (Among other work over the last 20 years, I’ve worked as a paralegal helping trial lawyers with civil rights cases).

In late January, I listened to a podcast with Todd Callender, an attorney who has pieced together a lot of it,


which is related to research the Breggins did for their book — Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.


After listening to Callender’s interview twice, I spent three weeks tracking down the legal citations and Federal Register entries about the legal structures he described, so that I could write it up for people who prefer to read to get information.


I’m working on a shorter summary tl;dr version (that one is a long-read.)

And will continue to go down that research and writing rabbit hole, because there’s much more to find, particularly in terms of Heath and Human Services regulatory changes that they’ve made since 2017, without any Congressional oversight.

And HHS moves matter, because under the International Health Regulations of 2005 and the “public health emergency of international concern” declared by WHO on Jan. 30, 2020 and still in effect, the health department of each jurisdiction (federal, state, local) supersedes the governing authority of the elected representatives and the constitutions and charters of the respective nation-states.

Blessings to you and all your readers.

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The progressive values of the 1960s are the values of those in power who now have the power to try and force those values on the country and have been corrupted by that power.

Socialism would work on a national scale if we just had the right people in place doing it, right?

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You've got it right. But I feel like I've been hearing it for more than two years. I was always a democrat. I thought I might have even been a liberal. Then I had kids and started looking at the vaccine schedule... Now my friends say behind my back, "She's a conservative, she just doesn't know it yet..." Your explanation - I have definitely been hearing parts of it for much longer than two years. Before I knew any republicans I thought those things because I was hearing those things all the time from a media I thought was middle of the road. I always knew there was another side to it all. Thank god I found it.

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Accurate. This makes me want to stand up and cheer while simultaneously curling up in a corner to cry. 🙌😭

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"Okay so let’s chat. Have I got this wrong? Or is this the gist of the narrative that we’ve been fed for two years — and it’s so horrible that we often look away and make excuses to cover up the fact that we are living in a fascist country?"

Toby, you're right. That's the narrative. And what I hate most about that narrative is that it's so plainly intellectually bankrupt. When you actually state it, as you did, it's obviously so completely bogus that it shouldn't be given another thought. And yet, it's the dominant narrative from the governing elites.

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It’s hard to see it all spelled out like that. But it’s all pretty accurate messaging from the left. Do they really think though, that WE are trying to “tear down society”? How preposterous. That’s what they’re doing, clearly. To rebuild a “better” one…

I think they want to silence us because we show how ridiculous they are, but their messaging on why we should be censored seems to be because we’re “dangerous” lol. Dangerous to their plans and destructiveness. This is not a society that anyone would want to live in save the elites. But mass formation psychosis is keeping people from seeing it. We must take the legislature in November.

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Precisely: “It’s like the progressive values of the 1960s got hijacked, hollowed out, inverted, weaponized, and reinjected into society to serve the interests of capital.”

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You are spot on...thank you! For the past 7 years, especially the past 2, I have felt like I was living in the Twilight Zone of 1984 that in 2021 had The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In the past year the Dems definitely had their bodies snatched & became Zombies dedicated to eradicating anti-vaxxers, censoring highly qualified medical doctors & researchers and making fascism their ideal! They are definitely Big Pharma's druggies...The War on Drugs did not work!!!

Autism is not easy for those who have a child who suddenly begins to display erratic behavior after one too many vaccines. My now 34yo grandson was doing just fine at home and in school, Then when he was 8 and in the 4th grade, things began to fall apart. He started displaying Tourette's syndrome (not accepted in school), chewing on his clothes at the neck, going into raging fits, smashing things and definitely was anti-social. Where he had been a good student, he no longer could focus. In high school, he was placed in Job Corps to train for a job but could not ever maintain a job for more than 12 hours. When he was 28, he finally was tested properly and diagnosed as in the "autism spectrum". He is on disability, has counseling, and like many with autism is very musically oriented. He composes music and takes music courses at our local community college. But he is not able to be independent.

With regard to drugs, Big Pharma by buying doctors and HMOs has created a drug addicted society where it appears most people go to their doctor to get a prescription for almost anything. It began like a tsunami after Congress allowed Big Pharma to advertise (worst decision ever!!!). I remember watching TV & seeing the ads come on for you name it and go check with your doctor if you have these symptoms! The ad always concluded with the list of side effects...including death! I thought "why would anyone in their right mind take this drug?" Well a few years later I learned that a close aunt of mine, with whom I spoke regularly, was having some serious dizziness issues & other health upsets. For the most part up to this point, my aunt (in her late 70s early 80s) thought nothing about getting in her travel van & doing road trips. Since I lived 400 miles away from her but have a nurse cousin who lived near by, I asked my cousin to go check on her. My cousin found that our aunt had been consuming a toxic cocktail of drugs that her various physicians had not paid any attention to when they prescribed a medication for some ailment or another. Once the drug package was identified and removed, she got better. My aunt, who was born in 1921, was in the generation that idolized modern medicine and felt her doctors & Big Pharma knew best. I'm not in that mentality and feel Big Pharma is killing people with a big smile!

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

You’re definitely right about 99% of this. The only thing I’d disagree with is the implication that trans women shouldn’t be thought of as women. A trans woman is not a biological female, but if she identifies as a woman, we should respect that. It’s the difference between “female” (biological sex) and “woman” (societal gender). A lot of people seem to think that trans women claim to be female. They do not. They’re women trapped in male bodies.

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

You are right on Toby. But the problem is fixing this mess is a marathon not a sprint. They (Dems and Republicans alike) have been tearing down the boundaries, built in by our founders, that protect people by limiting power. Many of those have been removed using powerful influence by well funded ideologues through associations like the Bar Assoc, National Governors Assoc, Municipal League of Cities, etc. on politicians. They are eroding our Federalist System Layer Cake for a Marble Cake Cooperative Federalism with centralized power and few boundaries. This is why almost all states reacted the same way to COVID regardless of being Red or Blue. We have to engage in a high level chess game to restore the boundaries and diffuse power. We need to know our government system, look at it as a system. Depersonalize government to an "it" not a "they". We have to fix the problems not the symptoms. We need to educate ourselves, organize and start working the crowd, old school, face to face. Talk to neighbors, friends, co workers. Through connecting and conversations we can get back to our roots. The Patriot Academy I hear has great training. I went to some classes this weekend though https://www.centerforselfgovernance.com/

I love this country and I want my children and grandchildren to enjoy it as I have, at least until 2020. No more staring at our phones for long periods of time. We have to get up and get active.

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

This terrifyingly reads like 1984. But this Big Brother is not fiction, it is real and we are all living it.

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I can't imagine that the people who write this totally incomprehensible trash actually know what they are writing about. Clearly from an intelligently balanced, reasonably-human, vantage point, this is 1. a waste of time to discern; 2. completely laughable; and 3. requires one to spend a portion of their day building an orgasm of pity for the very sick, captured, and disappointing, poor-example-of humanity who live, breathe and bend as they are designed: techno-robots. That is what they sound like to me!

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

A big problem: it seems that once a principled, activist Republican gets elected to office, their principles and enthusiasm in promoting them takes a backseat to getting along with the opposition, avoiding media criticism, and retaining elective office. Few Cincinnatuses or Washingtons.

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