What if we took bougiecrats at their word instead of making excuses and covering up their bad behavior?
The reality is more troubling than I had realized.
Yeah look, I hate this article. But it just started writing itself in my head this morning so I thought I should pay attention and jot it down. A lot of what I do is to just channel energies and emotions that seem to be in the air. The process of writing this down was unpleasant and uncomfortable. I’m calling out my erstwhile allies whom I still love very much.
Once you’ve had a chance to read it, let’s talk about it. I would absolutely love to be wrong. I would love to have someone point out the errors in my analysis here. But after watching and listening very closely to the mainstream narrative for two years now, this is what I’m hearing. It’s ugly. We often call it fascism. But the granular details of this worldview are worth noting and are really jarring.
I think we have to take bougiecrats at their word. They truly believe that:
‘Autism is a gift and that rising rates of autism (and other chronic conditions) are cause for celebration. Anyone who wants to keep toxic chemicals out of kids must hate disabled kids and want to kill them.’
‘Trans women are women. Indeed they are now the only women. All other former “women” are now “birthing persons” or womb having persons according to the best medical experts.’
‘Testosterone is a crime. Unless it is injected into women and girls. Then it is a lifesaving miracle.’
Their epistemology is muddled and contradictory but let’s try to piece it together:
‘Pharma press releases are the only truth.’
‘We’ve reached the end of history, all truth is known a priori by Pharma.’
‘Critical thinking and scientific debate are no longer necessary. “Thinking for oneself” is a dog whistle for right wing extremism that is dangerous and must be stopped.’
‘Internal thoughts and perceptions (by people who have gone to liberal arts colleges) are what’s true (postmodernism). There is no external reality. Everything is a performance that creates reality. Except Pharma press releases which are stone tablets handed down directly from god. Of course there is no god, only Pharma. Point being, Pharma is the only institution qualified to measure external reality. Anyone who thinks differently than this is dangerous and should be put into a “quarantine” camp.’
‘Democrats are the only people who Care(TM) and have Empathy(TM). We know that they care because they demand Equity(TM) in the distribution of experimental genetically modified poisons to the immunocompromised, underserved communities, and poor countries. Because Democrats are the only people who care, they are the only people fit to govern. In perpetuity. Even though legislatures have been replaced by executive orders, this could not possibly be authoritarian because Dems Really Care(TM).’
‘Republicans are inherently racist, sexist, homophobic, and violent and their thoughts are by definition false. Republicans hate Science(TM) which means that they hate truth and they sadistically revel in causing harm to others and tearing down society. This is why they must be censored, silenced, and removed from society. The purity of our thoughts and society and therefore health, can only be maintained through rigid separation to remove the always already diseased people (Republicans) from our midst.’
None of this makes any sense. But it’s the approved narrative(TM) that has been cranked out 24/7/365 for two years.
Me again: So the modern progressive bougie mindset is a weird mix of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (making kids sick is great), internalized misogyny (the total erasure of women), internalized corporatism/colonization (the worship of Pharma/vaccines), self flattery and self deception (‘only “I” am merciful’), and a series of cognitive devices (‘postmodernism for me but not for thee’) to prevent any challenges to this worldview. It’s like the progressive values of the 1960s got hijacked, hollowed out, inverted, weaponized, and reinjected into society to serve the interests of capital.
Now ask yourself if this is a society that you want to live in and do you want these people in charge? If the answer is no, then we need to get these people out of office.
Okay so let’s chat. Have I got this wrong? Or is this the gist of the narrative that we’ve been fed for two years — and it’s so horrible that we often look away and make excuses to cover up the fact that we are living in a fascist country?
To be clear, I respect and will defend with my life people on the spectrum and trans people. Obviously. We are fighting for the inherent worth and dignity of all people. (I just have to state this plainly because bougiecrats have a habit of getting things twisted and misunderstanding/misrepresenting satire and critique.)
The bigotry and hate that have been directed our way nonstop for two years is unlike anything I have ever seen before. I think we need to name it and call it out.
Blessings to the warriors! 🙌
Free Tamara Lich and all of the Canadian political prisoners. 🙏
Undermine fascism always and everywhere. 🙌
In the comments, please let me know your thoughts about the above or anything else that is on your mind.
(As always, please let me know if you spot any typos.)
Your analysis points in the right direction, but doesn’t go far enough. The anti establishment “make love not war” radicals of the 60s have morphed into the pro-war establishment. Along the way their neo Marxist, post modern collectivist philosophy worshipping Big Brother as their jihadi savior leading the war against poverty, war on crime, war against drugs, war against terror, and war against disease.
I might have more to say after I read the comments, which are also so informed and intelligent.
First, thanks for making me laugh with these spot-on descriptions- doesn't matter where you are in the country, this is their song. 4
I had a talk with someone who disappeared for the past two years, prides herself on being very loving(TM) and caring(TM) but during the conversation admitted that in her imagination she is a bit of an authoritatian and if we could just take the guns away from boys and give them to little girls (pink toy ones) so that when they got to be teenagers they could understand it was THEIR job to defend society and they wouldn't be powerless and they'd do a much better job than the men... and I realized that some wires must've gotten crossed, for her and for everyone else who is singing the Loving Fascists Song. Somehow their personal bugaboo, whatever it is, has gotten pulled into the covid saga and made it okay to hate "Them." When I asked her if she thought it was okay to force a medical procedure on someone, the answer was no but is WAS okay to make their life impossible if they didn't "agree to it." Because it's for Their Own Good (TM)!
Yes, it can get this bad, Caring Corrupted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz8ge4aw8Ws
You might enjoy the work of Josh Slocum at Disaffected Podcast. He's been pointing out Mommy Munchies and the Cluster B personality types that have taken hold of nearly every establishment. Quite on point and also hilariously funny at times. Josh is also a huge defender of children-- he was abused, and knows how helpless they are.