Mantras of the vaccine cult:

Vaccines are safe and effective.

Vaccines do not cause autism.

Andrew Wakefield is a fraud.

Foods contain more heavy metals than vaccines.

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Vaccines hinder neurological operations of the brain because all vaccines contain aluminum as a conductor. Confusion comes from the unnatural pathways. Looking for conformity, vaccines are the answer that evil has chosen even for the newborn. I believe that the woke are the example of not just poor schooling, but brain disfunction too.

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I live on an island off an island off an island and at the start of Covd we were told as isolated communities we were extra vulnerable cos we were not exposed to various things circulating in cities etc. Supposedly exposure to bird flu etc could have helped us. Geert Vanden Bossche has just echoed something like this today , saying that if we are naive to too many ‘germs’ we will be vulnerable . As an island we are also much more containable and controllable so it’s a worry. Does anyone have any research I can use to counter the idea that isolated or remote communities do suffer by being ‘under exposed’ to the human biome ?? Are we vulnerable ?? Any evidence either way that anyone knows of ??

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Beta glucan research shows that it trains the innate immune system to be responsive to a wide variety of pathogens. A small daily dose invokes a protective response.

Our great-grandparents ate a diet that contained a variety of beta glucans.

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I probably eat much more beta glucans than my great grandparents .. I've eaten too much in the past tbh. My question was more about exposure to pathogens. Is it required ?

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Here is some research this decade on yeast cell wall β-glucan. Oat and barley β-glucan is a different subject.

1. Trains the brain's microglia so that they defend without inducing significant cytokine expression.

https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12974-021-02103-4 “Systemic administration of β-glucan induces immune training in microglia”

2. Yeast cell wall β-glucan beforehand increases rodent survival on induced tuberculosis infection.

https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(20)30587-8 “β-Glucan Induces Protective Trained Immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection: A Key Role for IL-1″

3. Same thing with surviving MRSA and Listeria monocytogenes infections.

https://academic.oup.com/jid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/infdis/jiz692/5691195 “Trained immunity confers broad-spectrum protection against bacterial infections”

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hmm. Thankyou. Sadly didnt work for me. During my oat, barley, mushroom , yeast years I had a terrible brain infection that nearly killed me. My attempt at a peasant diet didnt work at all :(

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As far as “vaccines” go, far too often the response to legitimate questions about those products assigned that word reaches the point of a religious fervor, with doubters treated as heretics to be expelled from serous conversation instead of addressed. This observation is beyond debate.

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I think you'll find it's the idea of viruses causing disease that's the problem, Toby, and not the idea of vaccines against them.


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Why not both ideas as they go together.

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Agree. Vaccinations and fluoridation are both seductive "magic potion" narratives. But there are two things to learn from those parables:

1) The purveyor is usually dishonest

2) The potion is more likely to cause serious harm.

Heck, even the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden warns against hubris!


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Nice neat summary, Toby.

'Vaccine religion' is a contrived phrase but will anagram to:

ironic vice angel

I vile carcinogen

In I go evil cancer

'The idea of vaccines' phrase is interesting too.

sh vice defaecation

ie Hecate covid fans

if Satan device echo

A chiefest aid coven

Satanic chief do Eve

Posted a year ago today.


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Yes there is a reason

Tetanus shot is unfortunately not available in many counties of my country ad hoc and I do move around a lot and the environment is not free of corroded shit just lying around

I also have an old garden that I still am cleaning . As you know there is no cure if you catch tetanus.

DTP is trovalent, P is for perthussis, over the last decade we have autumn epidemic of perthussis in Serbia regularly. This is a 100-days disease. I am a single mum and the only provider of the family

Meningococcal A+C I got for cental Asia travel. Mosquitoes there transmit encephalitis.

I had covid and did not receive and will not receive the GMO shot...

I strongly believe that our deficiencies are the root of the problem, not the illness itself. And this all comes from empty & poisonous food that is offered to us.

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Avoid all shots including tetanus. They are all a deceit. Deficiencies are the root of much of the problem.


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Now do virology.

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There is so much research about the social, emotional, religious determents of so called anti-vaxxers. This is only one singe example. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-024-18873-4

This was a huge research project about hesitance and misinformatioon from 2021-2025 funded by EU for global use.

The JITSUVAX team consists of psychologists, epidemiologists, behavioural scientists, clinicians and others. Together we are investigating misinformation around vaccines which may lead to people being less likely to accept vaccination. We will be testing ways of combatting this misinformation and helping healthcare professionals to communicate with patients.

Why ‘Jiu Jitsu’ with misinformation?

A Jiu Jitsu ‘model of persuasion' was described in 2017 in a peer-reviewed paper by Hornsey & Fielding. ‘Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that coaches people to use the opponents’ force against them, rather than trying to defeat it head-on….. It teaches that small or lightweight fighters can win by using leverage, gravity, and momentum to defeat more powerful opponents, in other words, by turning the opponent’s power into an asset.’ In short, we are trying to find ways of working with people’s motivations rather than fighting them.


The new public health approach without any doubts about the products.

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It's more than weired that UNESCO-bioethics was disrupting principles of medical ethics. Suggesting a mandatory vaxx more than 6 months before there is an real-world-evidence is destroying every good pracitice of ethical advisory. Not a single word about, we must see, this in a new technology/platform, Operation warspeed shortened the time of approval.

In an interview in the current issue of profil, the head of the Bioethics Commission, Christiane Druml, now also speaks out in favor of mandatory vaccination in cases of doubt. The commission advises the Federal Chancellor on sensitive issues. “If people don't voluntarily go to the surgery, then we need to consider how we can make vaccination compulsory,” she says. The Commission already advocated compulsory measles vaccination in 2019. When asked whether the arguments from back then could also apply to coronavirus, Druml says: “I think so. Covid-19 is not a cold, but a disease with potentially serious consequences, even for young and healthy people. The autonomy of the individual ends where I harm others.” In the case of coronavirus, the economic damage caused by the pandemic must also be taken into account when weighing up whether to make vaccination compulsory. A flu vaccination requirement should also be widely discussed in order to be better prepared for further waves of coronavirus, she suggests. https://www.profil.at/oesterreich/druml-bioethik-kommission-impfpflicht-11485392

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I would agree that most physicians are recommending the jabs without knowing their contents nor mechanisms, nor liabilities. (Making this point causes them big discomfort).

So it does seem to be a government and licensure driven system with many acolytes that recite and mandate without understanding.

With respect to my actual religious faith: it's specifically "against the rules" to mandate that anyone else adopts or complies with this set of beliefs. Neither pious acts nor sins "count" unless they're freely willed. It's so different than government in true application.

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Nous ne sommes pas sortie de l'emprise de Gog et magog et leurs descendants, essaient de terminer le travail commencer c'est à dire l'anéantissement de l'humanité

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Driven by greed and their genocidal ambitions, promoted by sold out media and government bureaucrats!

Corruption is nearly as rampant as was in Sodom and Gomorrah!?! Can God’s Judgment be nearing the Door?!?😳🤔😵. Yeshua/Jesus is the only Way to redeem humanity, at least that portion who has ears to hear and eyes to see⁉️😳😁🙏🏼💕🙏🏼

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Judgement is already falling. The vaccines are part of it.

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Cheap shot, implying all priests are pedophiles.

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Well, not all...but many.

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Vaccines are a fear based ideology. If you don’t inject yourself or your child you’ll either die or get horribly ill.

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