Think about how powerful vaccines are AS AN IDEA. The injectable biological products themselves do not work as advertised and cause catastrophic side effects; nearly all of the supposed benefits from vaccines actually come from clean water, having enough food to eat, sanitation systems, etc. But as an idea, vaccines have the unrivaled ability to hypnotize people and convince them to abandon their core values.
Vaccines make scientists and doctors completely abandon science and medicine. Double blind randomized controlled trials? Who needs those? Postmarket surveillance? Why would we do that? Automated reporting of side effects? What, are you some kind of nutter?
Vaccines cause people on the political left to completely abandon their understanding of capital. The left pretends that vaccines descend like magic from the sky with no relationship to corporate power or profit. The left conceives of doctors and scientists in general and vaccinologists in particular as a priestly class (without the pedophilia) unbothered by worldly concerns like paying the mortgage or keeping up with the Joneses.
Vaccines lead people on the political right to completely abandon their theory of the state. Heretofore the right claimed that the state could do almost nothing right (with the possible exception of the military). But when it comes to vaccines, the right is suddenly rapturous about the ability of the state to create new and novel medical products for the good of the people.
Vaccines compel the leaders of civil society to completely abandon the notion of civil society. Citizens are being maimed and killed every day by vaccines and the leaders of civil society have stepped forward to ask, ‘How can we help to maim and kill even more people to better serve the fascist Pharma state?’
THE IDEA OF VACCINES is that we are in control, that we know what we are doing, that we have conquered nature, that we can stop all disease, and ultimately that we can live forever. The idea of vaccines is that we are God — omniscient, benevolent, infallible, timeless.
For the last two thousands years, most people in the west believed that we were expelled from paradise because of our sinful nature but that we can live forever through our faith in Jesus Christ. Now the vaccine religion would have us believe that the sole cause of death is viruses and our own defective genes but that we can live forever through our faith in The Science.™
Vaccines are a cult in a vial, an idea that has supplanted religion and yet claims to be secular. The idea of vaccines hits about as hard as high-grade heroin and is just as addictive. Because vaccines are in fact toxic trash the idea of vaccines causes people to lose their minds and their lives. The idea of vaccines is destroying our society and all of western civilization.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for those who are building the parallel society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
I think you'll find it's the idea of viruses causing disease that's the problem, Toby, and not the idea of vaccines against them.
Agree. Vaccinations and fluoridation are both seductive "magic potion" narratives. But there are two things to learn from those parables:
1) The purveyor is usually dishonest
2) The potion is more likely to cause serious harm.
Heck, even the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden warns against hubris!