We are witnessing intentional genocide by the elite gatekeepers who believe in a scorched earth policy to reduce the global population. The death toll when it all is counted in the west is going to be incalcuable. Perhaps this is God's judgment over us for allowing abortion to go on unfettered for 50 years?
We are witnessing intentional genocide by the elite gatekeepers who believe in a scorched earth policy to reduce the global population. The death toll when it all is counted in the west is going to be incalcuable. Perhaps this is God's judgment over us for allowing abortion to go on unfettered for 50 years?
We are witnessing intentional genocide by the elite gatekeepers who believe in a scorched earth policy to reduce the global population. The death toll when it all is counted in the west is going to be incalcuable. Perhaps this is God's judgment over us for allowing abortion to go on unfettered for 50 years?