Well planned and organized trans movement?

Who would want this to happen in the US?

Who hates America?

Our international adversaries and of course, globalists.

This idea makes the most sense to me as to who is responsible

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Great article! Have you read Jennifer Bilek’s work? Her essays dispatches from the 11th hour on transsexual, transgender and trans humanism are mind blowing!

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Episode 14 Shakespeare And The Occult Pt 2-Androgyny & Scientific British Imperialism

It's the Gnostics bro. Gnostic alchemy and war on God to steal creation. Madness. Shakespeare. 😳

It sounds crazy but...alchemy is obsessed with androgyny. Alchemy is early Science. The alchemists can now attempt 'heroic' science to learn the power to create sex not just gender. They also attempt artificial wombs and artificial embryos.. .it's the same bunch. It's modeern Gnostic scientific alchemy.

The founder of modern Science was also Shakespeare. And the earliest references to Freemasonry are in Shakespeare. So the behind the scenes palimpsest was created as well.

Reversal of Gender in Ancient Egyptian Mythology: Discovering the Secrets of Androgyny

Have a listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-14-shakespeare-and-the-occult-pt-2/id1567752130?i=1000649050071

"One Greek myth of origin of Herme's Caduceus is part of the story of Tiresias who found two snakes copulating and killed the female with his staff. Tiresias was immediately turned into a woman, and so remained until he was able to repeat the act with the male snake seven years later. This staff later came into the possession of the god Hermes, along with its transformative powers."

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Hi Toby,

I'm seeing this post of yours just a little late, and it is so large and broad that I wouldn't know where best to start with comments. I couldn't stop right now to write a particularly long one, so you're (somewhat) safe there, but in my life as an intersex-trans-autistic individual trying to understand "what happened to me?", what you have written here fits very well with what I have observed.

I will bring up just one matter that I didn't see in your original post or edits, although I could have missed any number of things. Before pharma's all-out assault on children through the vaccine schedule, there was something else going on that I probably have mentioned in other comments to you, DES. This chemical castration agent was prescribed to millions of pregnant women over about a 30 year span from the 1940s through the 1960s and into the early 70s as I recall.

A DES researcher with which I had contact published an interesting link: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Diethylstilbestrol#section=Health-Hazards

If you search through it, it contains a rather interesting statement buried in the "Health Hazards" section: "It can cause male impotence and transsexual changes."

Thirty years. Millions of mothers. Think about the possibilities. I was born in 1950, and transitioned in 2007, at 56-57 years old (10-month RLE "year"). I met a surprising number of people of similar age who were transitioning at the same time. Some if not many credited hormones with helping them to "think like a woman". I personally didn't need help like that, however -- I had "transition plans" of a sort as a child -- nor did my closer friends, and that might reflect different causes for transsexualism. I did experiment with low-dose estradiol during transition, but primarily because it was rumored to also help with autism, and it might have benefited me that way. There were too many variables for me to be sure.

If there was a wave of transsexualism resulting from DES, it would have been dropping off among people now aged ~55 or younger. In the meantime, vaccine injury could have come to dominance. It might be something to look for in the data.

I could go on about sex vs. gender (yeah, they're different), the "repurposing" of the trans community (2015 sounds about right for the takeover), evangelicals and transpeople (a favorite topic of mine these days, being both for the last seven years or so), and more, but I won't. If you're curious, we could talk.

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Thank you for your very thoughtful reply. 🙌

I read many of the DES studies during my Ph.D. research. If I recall correctly, they rewrote our understanding of intergenerational effects of toxicants because many of the harms from DES skipped the first generation and were more harmful to the second and later generations (particularly cervical cancer?).

The other variable that almost no one talks about is the health impacts from widespread nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s. There were over 2,000 atomic tests, most of them above ground and the health impacts downwind are likely to continue for generations. With that many atomic tests I imagine everyone on Earth was harmed in some way. It's very difficult to measure those impacts but I imagine radiological fallout would cause endocrine disruption to varying degrees for a very long time.

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Take a step further back. The 'growth' of LGBT is a mirror of the vax schedule. Imo. But check out the figures.

Look at youngsters today. Trans aside. So many look asexual and odd body shape - indeterminate facial features / hair. Indeterminate body shape - no womanly curves nor masculine muscle. Voice pitch childlike.

Listen to USA voices - very nasal, high pitch, often squeaky. Ungrounded, almost unbroken teenage voices. Vax effects of asexual androgenous people? 🙏

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“Over the course of a decade we changed so many hearts and minds that the denomination revised its Constitution to allow LGBT ordination and marriage. Thanks to our work, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved LGBT equality before the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed marriage equality and thus created political cover for the Supreme Court to do the right thing”.

Toby, I’m sure your heart is good & that what you’ve done re LGBT comes from love & not shrewd calculus. I also want to thank you for your important & influential, current work.

I respectfully disagree however that it’s been a good & societally beneficial thing to promote relationships based on other than monogamy and heterosexuality.

I’m not personally anti L, G or B. I’m actively troubled by T. I’m of the opinion that all this forcing (for it is forced via mega investor pressure to enact DEI policies “or else”) was carefully chosen with the goal of destruction of Christian & Western values which assist & celebrate the majority of the population who used to choose monogamous, heterosexual relationships and to raise children within the boson of a close-knit group of similarly constituted relationships. Those I call “the perpetrators” have been engaged in multiple forms of spiritual, psychological, economic and social warfare for decades, via our respective governments, all coordinated at a supranational level by “a big club, that we ain’t in”.

I’m soft enough to be wholly tolerant of things that some others wouldn’t be. I reflect that if more of us & our parents had been a lot less accommodating of what amounts to social engineering from the 1960s, we’d probably be in a much better position than we actually are.



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Thank you 🙏🏼

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What a fascinating article. Thank you!

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" Gender is socially constructed, performative, theater. Sex is biological, given, and refers to chromosomes, hormones, and anatomical features "

Even that is biased and not entirely true.

But you sound so earnest in all your battle(s) that I'd never want to "lock horns" with you about *anything*.

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Frankfurt School

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Ivy league professors are your culprits. All this nonsense starts in the Academy and filters down into society as the indoctrinated students go out into the world.

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I understand and agree with the critique of the for profit pharmaceutical industry having a perverse incentive of marketing trans acceptance to line their pockets - but I don't agree with the blanket conclusion that all gender and sex identities are a "synthetic" pathologisations of vaccine induced autism (or anything else for that matter) - trans identities have existed long before big pharma came into the picture.

And on the whole 'love the body god gave you" argument - would you say the same for people wearing glasses? There's a very obvious incentive for lens manufactures to push glasses onto people but I don't see you argue that people should just learn to love their reduced sight because that's how god made them.

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and also hormones in milk are affecting human development.

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Very well written! I grew up in the 70s-80s with the notion and encouragement that I could do whatever I wanted outside of gender norms. As such I had a very successful career that was primarily carried out by the opposite sex. I saw those walls dissolve, along with many other gender stereotypes. Suddenly the stereotype defines women and men? It did happen so quickly.

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Hi Toby, one of my kind subscribers directed me to this post.

I am looking at a number of chemical insults to the foetus that affect adult sexual orientation.

Started with Fluoride, latest is Endotoxin.


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Do Klaus's eyes go black and roll into the back of his head??

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Only when he feeds.

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