Trans messaging is too sophisticated to be the work of a small sexual minority dealing with severe health issues
It appears to me that someone else is driving these messaging campaigns and the question is who?
I. Introduction
It brings me no joy to write this article. But I have a unique vantage point on a fiercely contested social issue and feel compelled to share what I know.
Before I go any further let me state unequivocally that I support LGBT equality. Everyone deserves respect, love, and kindness. Any bigotry in the comments will get deleted and possibly banned. In this article and the discussion that follows I aim to model the sort of adult conversation about a difficult topic that is rarely seen anymore. Please join me in elevating the discourse.
Here are my bona fides in connection with this issue:
I spent 10 years fighting for LGBT equality as the communications director for the moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). I edited hundreds of speeches, sermons, and articles as well as the book Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality that became a Christian bestseller. When we began in 2000, marriage equality was polling below 20%. Over the course of a decade we changed so many hearts and minds that the denomination revised its Constitution to allow LGBT ordination and marriage. Thanks to our work, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved LGBT equality before the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed marriage equality and thus created political cover for the Supreme Court to do the right thing.
After the campaign was over I got a master of public policy degree (2010-2012) at UC Berkeley and went to Cambodia in 2012 where I taught Gender Studies in a private university in Phnom Penh. I taught the Genderbread Person v1 and I even taught sections of Judith Butler’s classic work, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, to Cambodian teens and young adults in my classes. It was fascinating and wonderful.
Suffice it to say, I have read, written, and thought a LOT about gender. I think gender studies is a helpful tool for understanding power and relationships and examining how societies are organized.
By 2012-2013 we had won across the board. Equal rights to marriage, employment, housing, and hospital visitation rights were becoming the law of the land in the U.S. and throughout the world. We had achieved bipartisan consensus even on the fiercely divided U.S. Supreme Court. We had science, logic, and reason on our side. It was settled law and settled science.
And then, somewhere around 2015, the movement went completely off the rails.
II. The very strange switch in messaging
For a century, progressives had fought to show that biological sex and gender were two different things. The argument was that sex is biological, given (and yes there was acknowledgement of the 0.02% to 1.7% of people who are intersex). Gender was/is seen as a social construct, theater, performative. Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique; Susan Faludi, Backlash; Anne Fausto Sterling, Sexing the Body; and Judith Butler, Gender Trouble all made the same point, sex is biological, gender is socially constructed. We won that argument in a rout.
But in the last few years, the argument shifted. Socially constructed gender now superseded biology. Everything was gender now. Biological sex itself was labelled a social construct.
This contradicted a century of progressive scholarship on the topic and threatened to erase extraordinary gains for women (Title IX being one of the clearest examples). This was a 180 degree turn and yet the field of gender studies proceeded as if nothing had changed at all. All of this was very strange to anyone who had studied this topic at length and fought in the trenches in the gender wars.
Prior to 2015, two of the worst sins that one could make in the gender wars were gender essentialism and biological determinism.
“Gender essentialism” is the notion that, “all men are like this (whatever predefined masculine traits the speaker chose)” or “all women are like this (whatever predefined feminine traits one might select).”
“Biological determinism” is the notion that biology is destiny, that sex characteristics define personal expression (they don’t).
What’s striking to me then about the current version of the trans movement is its rigid gender essentialism and biological determinism. A woman is defined, by the trans movement, as lipstick, long hair, boobs, and skirts. Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Levin, or Laverne Cox don the costume of stereotypical womanhood and boom they are a woman. But that goes against a century of scholarship in the feminist movement that fought to say that these are NOT the traits that define a woman.
Furthermore, if everything is socially determined, why is there an emphasis on hormone injections and radical surgery to force one’s body conform to one’s thoughts? If gender is just performative theater (it is) then there is no need for surgery, just be whoever you want to be and love the body that God gave you. The LGBT movement went from “God does not make mistakes” (acceptance) to God as a drunken factory worker who often mixes up parts (get thee to a surgeon for repair!) in the space of just a few years.
The modern trans movement does not appear to be a natural outgrowth of the feminist or even gay, lesbian, and bisexual acceptance movement. It is my strong belief that something else altogether is going on here.
III. Stabbed in the back by former allies
Now my work focuses on corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. Starting in 1986 and accelerating in 2015, the pharmaceutical industry launched an all out war against humanity. Pharma has spent billions of dollars to pass totalitarian vaccine laws in every state and at the federal level in the United States. Pharma’s dual goal is to wipe out any unvaccinated pockets in the population in order to hide evidence of their crimes and normalize chronic illness which makes them rich. All of the world’s wealth will thus be drained out of individuals and families and directed into the Swiss bank accounts of pharmaceutical industry executives. Through control of the World Health Organization and other international bodies, Pharma (and their enablers) have sought to expand this totalitarian model throughout the developed world.
It has been incredibly painful to see many people in the LGBT community go all in to support Pharma and gaslight mothers of vaccine injured children. Gay elected officials including Brad Hoylman in NY and Scott Weiner in CA have gone full fascist as they require 54+ shots for all children regardless of their religion or medical history. The result is a health catastrophe as chronic illness rates, including neurodevelopmental disabilities, skyrocket across the country. These policies appear to make no discernible difference on the infectious diseases that they purportedly target as many of these shots are not very effective. So the harms always outweigh the imagined benefits.
We are in the midst of a Pharma genocide of children and many people in the LGBT community who should know better are the point of the spear leading the charge. There is no intersectional solidarity nor any hint of self-awareness that they have become the bullies that they used to fight against. I fought for the LGBT community and alongside the LGBT community and now many former allies are stabbing me and the parents of vaccine injured children in the back every single day. This is not okay.
IV. The trans wars
The trans wars are everywhere right now.
Dave Chappelle is arguably the most successful comedian in a generation. In October of last year (2021) Netflix released his third comedy special for the streaming service titled, “The Closer.” The hour-long monolog is centered around Dave’s friendship with a trans comedian who killed herself after being bullied for defending Dave’s work. The special is many things — funny, edgy, offensive at times, an insightful commentary on the intersection of race and gender, vulnerable, raw, personal — but above all it is a heartfelt plea to end trans-on-trans violence.
The release of the comedy special was met by an incredibly sophisticated campaign to “cancel” Dave Chappelle for being “transphobic”. Most people who spoke out against Chappelle either had not seen “The Closer” or did not understand it. It is extremely difficult to get a story on the front page of a mainstream newspaper (it usually requires the help of an expensive PR firm) and yet this story was on the front page of every major newspaper for weeks. The NY Times hit Chappelle multiple times a week — to the point where the story about the supposed backlash was on the front page, business section, and arts section all in one day. A few days after the special first aired, a small protest of about 45 people with handmade signs in front of Netflix headquarters led the evening news across all of the major TV networks. The medical freedom movement can now turn out 20,000 to 50,000 people for a protest and we get zero mainstream news coverage. How do 45 people holding signs at lunchtime in front of the offices of Netflix make the front page and the evening news?
J.K. Rowling is one of the most beloved authors in a generation. Her Harry Potter novels and movies have smashed sales records and led to an entire subculture built around love for these stories. She is a fierce defender of women and the entire LGBT community.
Then things got weird.
As Glamour magazine reports,
On June 6, 2020, Rowling retweeted an op-ed piece that discussed “people who menstruate,” apparently taking issue with the fact that the story did not use the word women. “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” she wrote.
A strange kind of fury followed. Rowling was called transphobic, a TERF (“trans-exclusionary radical feminist”), and she started getting very detailed death threats from a handful of people in the trans community. Every time Rowling explained her thoughts and her lifelong commitment to LGBT equality, the attacks on her intensified. Emma Watson who stars in the Harry Potter movies spoke out against J.K. Rowling from the stage at an awards ceremony. J.K. Rowling was not included in an HBO Max documentary about the reunion of the actors from the Harry Potter movies because of her supposed (but not actual) “transphobic” views.
V. What on earth is going on here?
Being trans is difficult. People who are trans are often dealing with a wide range of comorbid mental and physical health issues. Being trans is often experienced as distressing, foreign, more akin to OCD than identity. Depression and suicidality are common. Family and friends often do not understand. Discrimination makes finding and keeping employment more difficult. Many trans people, particularly teens, end up homeless. Most trans people are just trying to make it through the day.
In any movement, messaging is incredibly difficult. It’s difficult to distill the ideas of a large group of people into single words or soundbites that are sticky and easy to share. As I said above, making the front page of the newspaper is incredibly difficult and these days even the most successful movements require very expensive PR firms to help “place” the story. Making the TV news is even more difficult and more expensive.
Yet somehow, the trans movement, right out of the gate, was firing on all cylinders. The weaponized terms “cisgender” and “TERF”; the vast campaign to get people to put pronouns in their bios; the phrase “trans women are women”; the aggressive push into women’s sports; the repeated promotions of the completely incompetent Rachel Levine to ever-higher government posts; the ability to place stories at will in all mainstream media outlets; and the elaborate campaigns to “cancel” any critical discussion of these matters… that’s all extremely labor-intensive and expensive to pull off.
Trans messaging (in the mainstream press and on social media) is far too sophisticated to be the work of a marginalized sexual minority that is dealing with a wide range of health issues (and other challenges) every day.
It appears to me that someone else is driving these messaging campaigns. The question is who? Only a few industries have the resources to pull this off and even fewer have the motive. Cui bono?
To me, the incredible sophistication of the trans movement feels like the work of elite Pharma PR firms. Trans messaging, vaccine messaging, and Democratic Party messaging all have the same look these days — lean, fast, hard-hitting, planned out months or years in advance, focus-group tested, and perfectly executed. The similarities between these campaigns would make sense if they are all using the same PR firms.
But why would Pharma be so intent on promoting trans acceptance?
Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are financial supporters of the Human Rights Campaign. But beyond that, it does not appear that Pharma coordinates with trans groups at all. The “biggest” trans advocacy groups in the country are all tiny (less than $100k in annual revenue) — there is no way that they have the wherewithal to land a story on the front page of the NY Times, even though that happens on a regular basis. It appears that Pharma is doing this on their own to serve their own interests. Why?
VI. Sexual dysphoria appears to be vaccine injury
The answer, unfortunately, is here:
There are now at least 23 empirical studies that show that people with sexual dysphoria are significantly more likely to be autistic (and vice versa). See literature review here — footnotes 12 through 34.
If autism is the result of injury from toxicants including vaccines (it is), and autistic people are more likely to be trans (they are), then it is also likely that sexual dysphoria is vaccine injury.
If trans is vaccine injury that would explain why the trans population is growing so rapidly. Like autism, there are few trans people in the oldest age groups but in the younger populations, 3% to 5% identify as trans or nonbinary. If trans is vaccine injury, the upper bound of the future size of the trans population is a limit approaching 100%.
(As a side note, one of the common characteristics of autism is mixing up pronouns — and alternative pronouns have become one of the hallmarks of the trans movement.)
If trans is vaccine injury that would explain Pharma’s interest in normalizing all things trans and why Pharma would be willing to spend billions of dollars on it (independent of the trans community itself).
Look, I wish it wasn’t true. The vaccine debate is already complicated enough without bringing in the gender wars too.
Increasing trans prevalence could also be the result of the pesticide atrazine (that turns male tadpoles into females). Or it could be that vaccines are contaminated with pesticide residues (including atrazine). Theresa Deisher argues that using cells lines from aborted male and female fetuses to grow the antigens used in some vaccines could be wrecking havoc on sexual expression as well. The mechanism of action will be sorted out over time (or not, if Pharma blocks any research into the matter).
But for now we have a strong association between trans and autism, that raises the question about the role of vaccines, and we are also witnessing the curious fact that trans messaging has all of the hallmarks of a multibillion dollar Pharma PR campaign.
VII. The left and the right are now completely useless for thinking about gender and biological sex
The left thinks that children, many of whom are autistic and/or have multiple mental health issues, should be able to surgically mutilate their bodies permanently without telling their parents, and that this should be covered by both government and private health insurance. This view stretches from the Biden administration all the way down to local Democratic Party elected officials. Democrats believe that they are the only people who care about these children and that this position is supported by science (it’s not). This view is clearly insane and should be called out as such. This is Orwellian Gender Tyranny brought to you by Pfizer (Merck, GSK, and Sanofi).
Meanwhile the political right makes a mess of this debate too. Matt Walsh’s documentary, What is a Woman (on Dailywire) is brilliant. He exposes the fact that the left is so addled by ideology that they are completely unable to define the word “woman”. But in the end he mucks things up by announcing his strong support for biological determinism. For Walsh, biology is destiny and having a vagina means that women want to have babies, wear dresses, and make sandwiches for men (for real). He thinks this declaration is clever whereas it’s actually just the same tired, self-serving, knuckle-dragging neanderthal nonsense that lost badly in the 100-year gender wars of the last century. In his rush to reaffirm the patriarchy, Walsh completely missed the real story here — the role of one industry, Pharma, in erasing women altogether.
I am proposing a third position, that is neither left nor right but sane and offers us a way forward as a society. To reiterate, gender and sex are two different things. Gender is socially constructed, performative, theater. Sex is biological, given, and refers to chromosomes, hormones, and anatomical features (and yes, somewhere between 0.02% to 1.7% of people are intersex). This is what we spent the last century figuring out and it is backed by mountains of evidence from the social sciences and physical sciences (before they went bonkers at the behest of Pharma).
The real issue here is that the pharmaceutical industry is trying to take over the world. They seek to destroy any independent source of power including families, religion, personal sovereignty, women, men, children, democracy, independent media, science, critical thinking, logic, reason, and love itself. Pharma loves everything about the trans movement that they appear to have created and run. It enables them to cover up vaccine (or other toxic) injury, transition surgery is a big money maker for doctors, and trans people are dependent on Pharma for life for hormone and other treatments. Pharma uses the trans community to make money and normalizes sexual dysphoria to cover up the evidence of Pharma’s crimes.
Pharma’s astroturf support for all things trans also supports the wider goals of the globalists at the WEF. Klaus Schwab said the quiet part out loud at a recent conference when he said that power in the future will come from the combination of the material, biological, physical, and digital worlds.

The future that Gates, Schwab, Bourla and the predatory globalists want is The Matrix where everyone is chronically ill, plugged into the system, and enslaved by the Pharma billionaires. The Pharma totalitarian worldview is mechanistic and deterministic and so human bodies, organs, and cells are just seen as gears to be arranged in the global machine that they designed to serve them. Through a combination of toxic injections, political capture, and the most sophisticated messaging operation in the history of the world, they are well on their way to accomplishing their goals.
Updates July 19, 2022
For those who object to the statement that “gender is theater” let me offer a more nuanced view. Anne Fausto Sterling’s Sexing the Body is an absolutely brilliant exploration of the roots of desire. And toward the end of the book, after working through mountains of scientific data on the question, she comes up with the Russian nesting dolls metaphor. She argues that desire is the result of the interaction between these six layers of existence — the cell, organism, psyche, person to person relationships, culture, and history. So, biology plays a role, but there are lots of factors (biological, psychological, and social) that interact to shape our desires. I find the Russian nesting dolls metaphor helpful for explaining all sorts of different human tendencies.
Also, in the comments, several people pointed out that Jennifer Bilek has already done extraordinary work on following the money behind the big trans push. She recently posted a Twitter thread that links to several articles that provide receipts on who is funding what:
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)
Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?
The Stryker Corporation and the Arcus Foundation: Billionaires Behind The New ‘LGBT’ Movement
Capturing the American Psychological Association: The Engineering of Human Sexual Evolution
It’s interesting to me that it always comes back to the billionaires. A billion dollars is so much money I think it’s hard for any of us to wrap our heads around how much influence a billion dollars can buy. We live in the age of billionaires and this is really a new phenomenon — lots of people with more concentrated wealth than at any point in history who decide to spend it on remaking the world to fit their ideas of how things should be. And billionaires are crazy so their ideas of utopia always turn into dystopias for everyone else.
Update July 27, 2022
In the comments, many people suggest that the rise in trans prevalence reflects a sort of social contagion akin to eating disorders. This was Bill Maher’s premise when he suggested that trans rates are higher in California than Ohio. This is also the claim in Abigail Shrier’s book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. As the Russian nest dolls metaphor makes clear, social factors always play some role. But I don’t think they play the major nor determinative role. I believe that social contagion theories of eating disorders have faded somewhat over the years and now a greater emphasis is placed on biological factors. Furthermore, this theory of the case does not fit the most prominent trans figures in society — Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Levine, Jennifer Pritzker, and Chelsea Manning. All of these people grew up and thrived in hypermasculine environments — Jenner in sports, Levine in medicine, and Pritzker & Manning in the U.S. military. There was no pressure to conform to feminine stereotypes in those settings. In every case, I think their shot records (and/or exposure to atrazine) will tell the tale. The aggressive overvaccination of the U.S. military and senior citizens I think explains the emergence of male senior citizens who suddenly announce that they are trans — after a lifetime of comfortably embodying masculine traits (see for example the book, In the Darkroom by Susan Faludi that recounts her father’s sex transition surgery at seventy-six years old).
Update August 3, 2022:
Really important article on atrazine from Environmental Health News:
“Countries all over the world are banning atrazine. The US just keeps spraying.”
From the article:
Atrazine “is now banned or being phased out in 44 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. Yet here in the United States atrazine remains the nation’s second-most used pesticide, with more than 70 million pounds used each year on just three crops: corn, sorghum, and sugarcane.”
Atrazine contaminates our food and our drinking water. “It can travel hundreds of miles on airborne dust from the farm fields where it’s applied… and can persist for decades.” Atrazine is toxic at 0.15 parts per billion (1 part per billion = one drop of water in an Olympic-size swimming pool). I would not be surprised if atrazine also contaminates egg or fetal cell lines used for growing vaccines.
Update August 27, 2022
Fascinating opinion piece in Newsweek by a gay man about how trans activism is trying to cancel homosexuality itself (if there is no biological sex then there can be no same sex attraction). In a former era, effeminate boys or masculine girls may have been pressured to stay in the closet. Then there was a brief period of acceptance. Now those same children are pressured (through a very sophisticated and well-funded corporate messaging campaign) to get sex assignment surgery and go on hormones for life. Surgically mutilating queer youth to enrich Pharma is not the political win that some people on the left seem to think it is.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone working to stop Pharma from poisoning humanity. 🙏
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
When anyone refers to me using the derogatory term “anti-vaxxer”, (even though as a pediatric nurse for 40 years- it’s accurate) my new more empowering title to counteract their obvious ignorance, is to say
“No– I’m a “Vaccine Injury Specialist”
First, it throws people off guard because it turns the tables on them. It’s indicative of someone who knows the science, knows injuries are real & it tends to provoke a perplexed facial expression. It’s a good start! Try it!!!
On point VI: I have such mixed feelings about this. I'm a somewhat autistic woman, just a bit too old to have been diagnosed when "Asperger's Syndrome" was the current fad, not disruptive enough in school to need it-- under the radar. But I have a very systematizing, pattern-finding, not-typically-feminine approach to life (along with all the social retardation and neurological weirdnesses that come with it). I'm not a mechanical genius or anything, but hey, I change the oil and do minor repairs on my own car. Whatever. I grew up at the ideal time for this: when I was in school, we were still in "Women can do ANYTHING! You can be an astronaut! Or the president! Because women are just as great as men!" territory. So I felt I had a right, as a woman, to have typically masculine interests and hobbies all mixed in with more stereotypical girl stuff. Totally OK to be in love with SF novels *and* enjoy sewing and baking, *and* use my own power tools. And dangitall, this is the way it *should* be. I'm glad no enlightened soul told me I was actually a dude.
But here's the thing. Part of being "on the spectrum" as a girl, is-- puberty sucks. I mean, puberty sucks for everyone, but when you're a girl, with neurological problems, facing the brutal social sorting machine that is middle/highschool/college.... heaven help you. It is the worst, and it takes *forever*. We basically reach emotional maturity at age 25. Other girls terrorize and ostracize us (so I get why autistic girls don't want to be girls! Girls are the worst!). Men start noticing us, but it's never *nice* men, because we're not normal. It's always creeps because they have nothing to lose and hit on everything that moves. Maybe normal girls know instinctively how to respond to this. I dunno, I've never been normal. But for me it was friggin' *terrifying*. Here is this repulsive excuse for a human trying to chat me up, not taking no for an answer, following me. What do I do?? I have no idea how to get out of this situation! At that age, the world is so full of sexual *expectations* for women, and we don't meet expectations and often have no idea how to even navigate them. I know at that age I had no desire to have any kind of romantic relationship with anyone. Couldn't handle touching people-- it was too neurologically overwhelming. But there's no way to say "actually I'm just not interested in people right now" without marking yourself a giant flaming freak.
I found my own solution. Since I had no particular investment in being a proper girl (I mean, girls were mean to me! Why would I want to be one of *them*?), I shaved my head, and I got all my clothes from the men's section-- straight jeans and the comfy white T-shirts that come in 3-packs. I can say, retrospectively, that before that, everything about my clothes (comfortable), posture (slouchy), and general appearance (no makeup-- too itchy-- long hair, sneakers, cheap glasses) signalled insecurity and low status. It was like chumming the water for creeps and predators. But once I shaved my head and adopted a masculine wardrobe, it was like magic! Nobody hit on me, ever! And it was great! I didn't actually look like a guy (well, ok, sometimes retail employees called me "sir" reflexively. Maybe I did.), still had boobs and whatnot. But it radically changed the way strangers "read" me, and it made me safer, more comfortable, and got me through to the magic age of 25, when everything got less scary, less intense, and I had learned some of the basic social skills that everyone else gets from the social-skills fairy at, like, twelve.
I don't dress like a guy anymore. It was a useful defense mechanism while I did. I don't, and never have, thought I *was* a guy. I'm a woman who happens to enjoy SF and dabbles in car repair. I'm happily married to a guy. We have a good life.
And holy shamoley am I glad I'm too old to have been in high school when trans became popular. Those creeps would have eaten me alive! They're taking girls like me, and like a bad fairy with a pot of fake gold, they're offering us a way to be important, socially acceptable, celebrated, protected, and never, ever be hit on by guys, ever. What I wouldn't have given for that, when I was seventeen, and things didn't feel like they could ever, possibly, get any better!
Are my autistic traits a vaccine injury? Maybe. I got the usual slate of shots that every kid in the 80s got. I think probably some people are more susceptible to ill effects from those than others, and it's possible I was one of them. Who knows?
Do vaccines make people trans? Only indirectly, if they make us autistic, and being autistic makes us vulnerable to manipulative people, uncomfortable with being women (because women are mean to us, and sexual expectations are really difficult to navigate with subpar social skills, and don't get me started about what periods are like when you're neurologically hyper-reactive to *everything*)-- at least while we're young. We are late bloomers. It gets better, we just take longer to get there than everybody else. Or that's what it feels like. Why is it suddenly OK for people to exploit autistic girls, though?