I found the link to this post in AAPS News's November edition, which cites the quote, "Morally, ethically, cognitively, Fauci/Pharma forced society to regress 3,000 years to the time of Baal and ritual child sacrifice." I'd argue that it's the reverse: It's man's failure to morally evolve beyond the cave-dwelling stage that makes Fauci and everything else possible. It's not possible to corrupt the morals of an entire planet in a few months. The parasite class is just cashing in on something that already exists. People who take ideas seriously, whose immediate response when confronted with proposals to violate their freedom wholesale is, "Go f**k yourself," are a minority. Evil is impotent in the long run, but in the history of man's moral evolution, for most of humankind it's earlier than we think.

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Excellent post. Thanks especially for "Entangled objects don’t have an independent existence with definite properties of their own. Instead they only exist in relation to other objects.” Shall we apply this to humans trying to live sanely on planet Earth . . . before mechanization totally takes us over?

And AMEN to "Huzzah for everyone working to build the parallel economy our hearts know is possible." Totally possible as long as we honor our 'entanglement'.

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Nice post, TR! Pharmaceutical industry as being the new religion and order of human life is definitely under explored and under recognized. The last 2 years provide so many parallels to the worst aspects of religion. It's like the infant vaccines are the secular baptism rite into society. Hopefully the covid ones aren't added to that with this AICP thing coming up.

Also some dark humor: imagine if the guy on the bridge suddenly declared he was unvaccinated/was driven to the bridge because of the mandates and his own vax status! The photo may have had a different twist, sadly...

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Above in the article you quote this as follows:


"As Daniel Kabat, a physics professor at Lehman College in New York, explained it, “We’re used to thinking that information about an object — say, that a glass is half-full — is somehow contained within the object. Entanglement means this isn’t correct. Entangled objects don’t have an independent existence with definite properties of their own. Instead they only exist in relation to other objects.”


I have another way of saying something similar that it just happens I've been thinking about lately (per the shape question I posed on your last post). Bear with me if you don't mind, but it is simple. So, we often characterize a person as left-handed or right-handed. Or similarly, in organic chemistry you can have molecules that are deemed "right oriented" or "left oriented". The same holds true in crazy quantum physics nomenclature with respect to spin - one way or the other - and many, many other things. But, at the end of the day, the concept of being left-handed or right-handed only makes sense if there is more than one individual/entity. Otherwise, the distinction would be meaningless. So, the concept of "left" versus "right" is one of comparison between two entities. If there was only one entity, the concept really would not be of value. I could explain this another way visually using a single shape made out of 3 hexagons, but I hope the point is evident, and for the sake of succinctness I leave it at that.

With that said, I think much of quantum physics is sort of a "religion" that only a "few" get to grasp after lifetime studying under the "high-priests" and something bout that rubs me the wrong way - it leads to much bias and it is a problem......better ideas are needed in my humble opinion and quantum physic if anything is just a tool used by a few to confuse the many.



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TQ for this comment. after Schrödinger's cat I stopped following the discussions - good enough is good enough and it illustrated quantum physics' basic idea quite clearly. or maybe I'm wrong (I'm a natural blonde), but that's OK too.

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Hmmm. How is one to interpret that....and really, what is a natural blonde?

(ha, ha....

smiley face I'd put here but really, hold on, something like this (: or is it this :)

I prefer brunettes!

Peace - Ken

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God Bless you Toby Rogers.

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Toby, I just found out the CDC is voting on adding covid vaccines to the childhood schedule this week. Why no posts?

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Thanks Toby! Sharing on Twitter

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Yes, call to action! I've emailed and left a public comment.

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I feel so very sad for those who have similarly been the victims of psychiatry over the ages, and still today. Forced medical intervention, causing further trauma.

Meanwhile the public have looked the other way for far far too long.

Only now that forced medical intervention is being pushed upon said public do people perhaps get a glimpse of what those souls have and still do endure

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Yes Dr. Peter Breggin has been such a warrior in this area

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This talk by John Hagelin, sooths and is a welcoming announcement to the Minds who have forgotten and on the verge of knowing, what is real.


6:16 to 14:14.

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I think these physicists have gone completely off the rails. Roger Penrose said in an interview a couple of weeks ago that the Schrodinger equation was meant as a wake up call to physicists that they had gotten into a rabbit hole where they don't even know what's real and they'd better realize it before continuing (my paraphrasing). Penrose knew Schrodinger personally and discussed this with him. Instead, physicists have gone off into La La Land where magic is supposedly based on physical laws. I think the deepest underlying motive for these ideas is to normalize occult phenomena. Stay tuned to see how that plays out.

The reality is the the Big Bang could not be true. They ignore the disconfirmatory evidence (ah, science). To deal with problems in The Big Bang pointed out from the very beginning by physicists themselves they've ended up with String Theory where there are at least 1 trillion alternate universes in the very space we occupy. Give them a day or 2 and we'll have 1 trillion more. Betcha didn't know that is the only reason String Theory exists, to fill unfillable holes in a 100 year old theory? And why isn't that common knowledge? Could it be scientists don't have your best interests at heart?

Now they're banging on about quantum computers that real experts claim will never work. All they could do is give a probability answer. If you want to know with certainty it will have to re-compute over and over, forever. And we've got fusion energy. Any bet that's going nowhere, ever? But they'll keep spending on it because you and I aren't smart enough to debunk it.

These people are claiming to have a degree of certainty that they just don't have. They're actually worse than medical science, which is really something.

Nassim Taleb says Chemistry is the only science - not because chemists are smarter or more moral but because "the variance of the variables of the stuff they work with is so low that they don't have to resort to sophisticated statistical analysis to make sense of their data." So that's what's happening. They're making shit up. Kinda like with Covid.

But with quantum physics this stuff is so far out there we can't even question it. I'm an electrician in a factory. How could I question these big brains confidently without being a lunatic?

Let's look at electricity, or electromagnetism. I'm into high end audio. I know how to design and build my own gear. I've been reading lately about the design of interconnect - the cables that transmit signal from component to component (holy expensive!). The arguments that arise on forums are incredible. Long story short. Maxwell's equations originally consisted of 14 different equations each having 14 unknowns (I think, on that last point - the point is they were unsolvable). Along comes a mathematician that reduces them to 4 equations with 1 unknown each - so they could actually "solve" them.

So they basically took a complicated model of reality that I'm not even certain is accurate and dumbed it down so they could get an answer at the bottom of the page. Then all these years later with high speed digital electronics they found out their theories were wrong. They starting using super computers to add unknowns to the original equations and started getting a deeper understanding of this stuff. But it is only a sliver farther along. It's still too complicated to do the math (actually, Thomas Bearden say Maxwell's equations are 100% wrong).

See The Catt Anomaly or The Catt Question. It took decades for anyone to answer this question and it used good old fashion classical electromagnetism to do it. I read the answer. It makes little sense to me. Somehow an aspect of this stuff responds instantaneously across any distance. Action at a distance.

It turns out we aren't really certain how a capacitor works. The problem is there are several aspects. Electrons, charge carriers, electric field, magnetic field, signal, electron rotation. No one's really sure. Some big brains claim they know because in the context of their work they've got it figure out. The problem is when you have a new situation (search Groundside Electrons for a example) the wheels fall off when you try to explain it. It doesn't help that these things are invisible and/or small beyond all belief.

We can develop intuitive models to deal with this stuff and not have to expend an entire lifetime trying to do just one single calculation. See Grounding and Shielding 4th edition by Morrison for insight into this.

And as for physics of the universe, no one knows if their models of physics are real. Think I'm making stuff up? See Cosmic Plasma by Alfven or Physics of the Plasma Universe by Peratt.

I'm 58 and one thing I've learned is kinda like what Einstein was saying. We know a lot but it's still almost nothing of these subjects we study. Let's not forget that (and never trust anyone who claims to have certainty).

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The man on the bridge - great photo. Why does the MSM not cover this' They just want to create division and could care less about "true" compassion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's old

But a lovely photo

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Beautiful collection of both thinking points and comments.

I love that Einstein quote. That’s the heart of a true scientist.

One of my joys lately has been running the science experiments for our school co-op. I love watching the kids’ eyes pop when something fun or surprising happens and I know they are really enjoying the discovery process. I could live in that mental space every day if it were practical. Just learning because it’s fun to open your mind to the wonder all around us.

Fauci doesn’t even deserve to be in the same classroom with those kids. They are better scientists than he could ever hope to be.

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Excellent piece sir !

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Kary Mullis was an acid head. He invented PCR while he was tripping his brains out on high-powered home-made LSD.

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LOL Fauci looks very awkward, crammed into that corner, brown leather shoes, like he has never seen a swimming pool before.

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Regarding physics, I recommend "The Higgs Fake" by Alexander Unzicker, and "Faster Than the Speed of Light" by Joao Magueijo for portraits of the sort of nonsense that goes on in the world of physics.

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Thanks. I love books like that. I'll check them out.

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