Thinkings Points, October 17, 2022
Risk/benefit, Albert Einstein, quantum entanglement, heroic medicine, tobacco "science", Baal, tools, supremacy, 8 mice, a very bad deal, the kindness of strangers
Here are my latest thinking points:
Perfect tweet
If Albert Einstein were alive today, he would be banned from social media
Hat tip to Elliot Freed for the quote!
Advanced physics is really really out there
Last week the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three researchers (Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger) for their work on “quantum entanglement”. For reasons that I do not understand, physics is hundred of years ahead of biology or chemistry in their understanding of the universe. And their understanding of the universe is really really out there — somewhere between mysticism and a science fiction novel.
The NY Times described their findings as follows:
In experiments conducted over the last 50 years, they confirmed the reality of an effect that Albert Einstein had disdained as “spooky action at a distance.” Measuring one of a widely separated pair of particles could instantaneously change the results of measuring the other particle, even if it was light-years away. Today, physicists call this strange effect “quantum entanglement”, and it is the basis of the burgeoning field of quantum information.
You can literally use this fact to build unbreakable encryption keys. The NY Times followed that up a few days later with a related article on black holes:
As Daniel Kabat, a physics professor at Lehman College in New York, explained it, “We’re used to thinking that information about an object — say, that a glass is half-full — is somehow contained within the object. Entanglement means this isn’t correct. Entangled objects don’t have an independent existence with definite properties of their own. Instead they only exist in relation to other objects.”
I’m just struck by the fact that physics is actually a science. They conduct the experiment and report the findings — even when they do not conform to our limited understanding of the universe.
Vaccinology by contrast is stuck in an 18th century understanding of the immune system and all of their results are tainted by corruption, bias, and capture. No one ever asks what the implications of quantum mechanics are for the vaccine program because vaccinology is so primitive, it cannot even be called a science at this point.
And yet, these absolute genius physicists and astrophysicists likely went right out and dutifully got the clot shots up to 5 times. (Caltech, near me, is crazy for the shots in spite of all of the available evidence of fraud.) That’s the paradox and the mystery here. These people are smart enough to plumb the depths of the universe but not smart enough to read the Pfizer clinical trial with a critical eye. How do we explain that?
Who is pushing people into the river upstream?
One overlooked problem with heroic medicine is that one needs a constant supply of new victims er patients in order to keep getting that heroic adrenaline hit.
Same with heroic social change. (Hat tip Plum Remsom for this addition).
It really is this bad
The Great Regression cont’d
Tony Fauci and his various bioweapons took 2 years off of the life expectancy of the average American. But it’s even worse than that. Morally, ethically, cognitively, Fauci/Pharma forced society to regress 3,000 years to the time of Baal and ritual child sacrifice.
“The base determines the superstructure.”
Three millennia ago, the economy was based on agriculture. So people worshipped a weather/rain/fertility god, Baal. They even sacrificed children to him.
Today the economy is based on Pharma. If you work in media, academia, government, science or medicine — bribes/”grants”/ads/profits from Pharma are the source of your income. So people worship a virus/germ/immortality god, as symbolized by a Vaccine. They even sacrifice kids to it.
It’s pretty tough to have a conversation with a worshipper of Pharma/Baal. Their ideas about the world are pre-rational and core to their identity.
Only wrong answers are converted into policy
Using interest rates as the only tool for managing inflation is as dumb as using vaccines as the only tool for managing a pandemic. They both make things much much worse and cause the very problem that they are pretending to solve. Surely after hundreds of years of misery we could come up with something better on both counts.
A supremacist ideology
The American political left has long since abandoned liberalism. Progressivism is now a supremacist ideology. Newsom, Pan, Biden genuinely believe:
• “I am smarter than you.”
• “I know better than you.”
• “The rights of the state supersede the rights of parents and individuals.”
…even though there is no evidence to support any of these claims.
The FDA went from:
“DON’T TAKE THAT HORSE MEDICINE!” [That won the Nobel Prize in 2015]
“Eh, a vaccine only tested in 8 mice is fine.” [And then they pre-ordered 171 million doses.]
A very bad deal
The bougiecrats are willing to give up everything that has been gained since the Enlightenment:
• logic
• reason
• rationality
• science
• freedom (from slavery)
• liberalism and
• democracy
in order to preserve their misplaced faith in vaccines.
It’s the worst trade in human history.
This image moved me to tears
When he went out onto that bridge he had no idea of how many people cared. There is so much going on in this photo — the eye contact (and presumably reassuring voice) of the man in the sports coat, the hands reaching through the grate to hold onto the belt, and the person whose face we cannot see kneeling and reaching all the way around the back of the legs. The kindness of strangers indeed. 🧡
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone working to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone working to build the parallel economy our hearts know is possible. ✊
As always, I welcome any corrections.
In the comments, please let me know what’s on you mind.
I found the link to this post in AAPS News's November edition, which cites the quote, "Morally, ethically, cognitively, Fauci/Pharma forced society to regress 3,000 years to the time of Baal and ritual child sacrifice." I'd argue that it's the reverse: It's man's failure to morally evolve beyond the cave-dwelling stage that makes Fauci and everything else possible. It's not possible to corrupt the morals of an entire planet in a few months. The parasite class is just cashing in on something that already exists. People who take ideas seriously, whose immediate response when confronted with proposals to violate their freedom wholesale is, "Go f**k yourself," are a minority. Evil is impotent in the long run, but in the history of man's moral evolution, for most of humankind it's earlier than we think.
"Science," indeed, is a bad joke: