My favorite was the conspiracy theorist/Noah one - amen, Toby! I forwarded this post to my husband so he could read the section about physics as he used to teach Astronomy. In fact, we just watched the annular eclipse in TX - like we came here for this. πŸ™„ Wonderful that there are great birds here too 😊and we've really been blessed - Vermilion flycatcher today (again) and at least 7 Scissor-tailed flycatchers were amazing.

The service dogs video was very interesting. My long-covid is because I already have dysautonomia, but thankfully, not POTS. Very, very slowly, things seem to be getting better and I keep gaining more insight on why it's been such a long slog.

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"My argument is that whole overlapping layers of high-status America β€” in academia, in media, and in politics" - don't forget the medical elite! sigh

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The paragraph from Chris Bray struck a sore spot. Yesterday I unwittingly looked at a series of photographs of Barack Obama that made me sick to my stomach and I have not been able to shake off the urge to scream about them to the mountain tops. If those photos are real, and they seem so, he is a monster who not only diddles little girls, but then kills and eats them. In addition, there is a very sane-sounding online journalist who said that one of Jeffrey Epstein's dinner guests was warned ahead of time not to touch the meat. He reported to her that those guests who were eating the meat commented that the dark meat tasted the same as the light meat, but he could see no difference in the colour of the meat on their plates. He had to excuse himself to go vomit. It seems there are actual cannibals in high places. It is sickening and something should be done about it, soon.

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In the era of AI, photographs are not a valid epistemology. Anything at all can and will be faked. And promoting the most extreme (and unlikely) scenarios hurts our ability to tell the real story by just following the money (which is horrific enough). imho

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I don't know much about AI. I truly hope those photos are fake.

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I liked your bit about conspiracy theories and ethics. More and more I think that if people are ethical they will be spotted by the higher ups and not promoted because they are ethical. I guess that's pretty cynical.

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Since I first learned about what service dogs are capable of, several years ago, I always think of them as "furry angels".

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I don't cry easily, but sometimes when seeing a service dog working it brings tears to my eyes.

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"Having ethics is a MASSIVE disadvantage in the workplace (yet no one talks about this)."

I was fired because I was outraged and very vocal about my employer, a hospital, that was lying to the public about the cause of a patient death. The patient died because an on-call MD refused to get out of bed to treat the patient. The hospital implied that it was an equipment malfunction in the OR. The reason why they were lying, in their words which will sound very familiar: we can't lose the public's trust. I said, "if you want the public to trust you, how about earning the trust and deserving it?"

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I watched the movie Dumb Money last week. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ If you want to see ethics vs no ethics portrayed really, really clearly, and with LOL humor, go see it! True story! Highly recommended.

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As told by the gutter pool of putrified souls called Hollywood? No thanks.

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Thanks for the tip, but I'll have to pass. Pardon the soapbox here, but part of maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as I can live involves avoiding anything that promotes mental stressors as well as physical stressors. The decades-long trends in visual information and entertainment is toward more and more tension, both in overt content and the background factors involved in how it's presented. Our world is outrageously overstimulated, from visuals, aural, gastronomic, and olfactory (literally everything in people's lives has to have toxic, chemical stink). People who've blindly followed along are like boiling frogs; they don't realize how conditioned to the excesses they are. When I catch glimpses of it, it's jarring and disturbing. So I watch absolutely nothing that's new. Same with my music. The only reason why I'm paying attention these days is because the psyops (which I knew were coming many years ago), have insinuated themselves directly into my life and the lives of my kids. Good food, hard, physical work, and mental calm is the plan for me.

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The corruption and rot in mainstream medicine right now is mind-blowing. I'm so sorry for what you went through. You did the right thing though. πŸ™

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Well done, Dr Rogers. The other 21st century science bits that are conviently ignored in the conversation are recent discoveries in the realms of microbiology and in non linear, complex,systems thinking.

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Thanks for sharing these thoughts....especially some of what you described about "physics" caught my attention and I have a sort of "supposition" about what is going on the field of physics as follows:

1. Much of physics, small and big (like real small and real big), is mostly "imaginary" math gone wrong.

2. It stems from calculus, but like everything calculus is flawed at the "edges".

3. Models have been created and egos attached, and big egos have a hard time letting go of ideas - even ones proven wrong.

4. Eventually there is no stopping better ideas and so just like everything, physics, the field of it, is in big-time flux presently and big changes are on the way.

5. Most institutional physicist have their heads stuck in sand - they are pathetic and their ideas are stale cause they are affixed to models proven wrong already and their explanations mostly are just to "cover the flaws" and the egos associated.




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I love the scientific method for solving mysteries. I’m not so charmed by the hubris that accompanies some β€œscientists.”

I love the below...it describes my experience. When I captured β€œenough” for financial freedom, I left and started trying to expose the charade.

β€œBougieness is like playing a carnival game. Learn the rules, figure out how to win, reap the rewards. Soon one discovers that the games are rigged and the prizes are junk. Then the question becomes what to do? Smart people walk away. But bougiecrats become carnival barkers.”

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Most of space science is fraud.

Most of epidemiology is fraud.

Most of immunology is fraud.

Most of virology is fraud.

Not good.

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Most ALL history about everything is fraud.


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Hi Dr Toby

Amazing how these dogs can take care of their owners πŸ’•

You are completely correct about β€œscience” TM

Everything we were told might be wrong. We need to go back to critical thinking on everything, back to where there was last control experiments and reevaluate to get to the truth so we can properly heal.

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ThΓ© Covid report is good but it doesn’t address the money. So much money was appropriated. Where did it go? There was a huge money grab by governors, and so much corruption. Hospitals were paid off to kill patients, schools were paid off to terrorize students, cities and towns were paid off to go along with the mandates, and all citizens got little bribes to make them forget that they were being sent to slaughter. Trillions of dollars printed out of nowhere, given away to corporations and countries that need to be investigated. This is a scandal of epic proportions. It seems to be largely ignored.

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Right on.

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Thanks for your thoughts. I particularly like the point about conspiracy theorists: I'm afraid I may steal that. (The "sincerest form of flattery").

Appropos the cosmology/science bit, what I really want to say is longer: see

"Coping with Disagreement and Being Wrong". (Not a very great title. It was my miserable attempt at one which was more clickbaity than "A Complete Amateur's Take on Science and Epistemology")!


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The comment about 70 years of political advertising and nobody knowing what works reminds me of the quote, "One-Half the Money I Spend for Advertising Is Wasted, But I Have Never Been Able To Decide Which Half".


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Almost nothing important can be explained as we barely understand anything. I sometimes use the example of finance. Thousands of the best and brightest minds, fast sharp ambitious men, studying the market devotedly, with every single factor being monitored in real time and the effects of these factors well understood, and not one person knows ten seconds in advance what the market is about to do. How do I know this? Because there is enough chop in the market, up and down, up and down, second to second if one could actually be 10 seconds ahead of the market starting with $1000 within six or eight months you would be the richest person on the planet. And all of this is nuts and bolts, it is just arithmetic. Weather? Many times as complicated as the market. And it isn’t understood and it gets mediocre minds. And Health is to weather as Gaugin’s works are to an average 6 year old finger painting. Almost nothing important is even 1% understood.

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If the physicists change the theory to fit the facts at hand, then they are practicing science. Bravo if so. The limitations of human-built machines and our five physical senses combined with delusion will always skew things unfortunately. In Buddhist meditation, if one can temporarily suppress the five mental hindrances (desire for the five sense world, ill-will, tiredness, worry/remorse, and doubt) through wisdom, it is possible to see reality without any sort of mental distortions or bias according to the Buddha. This cannot be done through willing it to happen however but a natural process of letting go. Plenty of seclusion too is required for that!

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This is exactly where I was going. Being a "scientist" myself, I have completely changed my perspective on science and don't trust any theories anymore. My husband laughs at me when I am putting in doubt Darwin's theory...Anyway, spirituality and ancestral ways of getting in touch with our essence, communicating with the invisible and listening to what shamans and other spiritual guides have to tell us might be another starting point to knowing the truth about our universe. Less mental work and more feeling from the heart.

I have no answers at all and cannot believe half of the things I am coming across taking this path for now (I guess it takes time to "detox" from a scientific background), but I can feel the answer is there. At least for me.

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Wisdom comes from silence (internal but the external will assist and support) essentially.

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