I watched the movie Dumb Money last week. 👍👍👍 If you want to see ethics vs no ethics portrayed really, really clearly, and with LOL humor, go see it! True story! Highly recommended.
I watched the movie Dumb Money last week. 👍👍👍 If you want to see ethics vs no ethics portrayed really, really clearly, and with LOL humor, go see it! True story! Highly recommended.
Thanks for the tip, but I'll have to pass. Pardon the soapbox here, but part of maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as I can live involves avoiding anything that promotes mental stressors as well as physical stressors. The decades-long trends in visual information and entertainment is toward more and more tension, both in overt content and the background factors involved in how it's presented. Our world is outrageously overstimulated, from visuals, aural, gastronomic, and olfactory (literally everything in people's lives has to have toxic, chemical stink). People who've blindly followed along are like boiling frogs; they don't realize how conditioned to the excesses they are. When I catch glimpses of it, it's jarring and disturbing. So I watch absolutely nothing that's new. Same with my music. The only reason why I'm paying attention these days is because the psyops (which I knew were coming many years ago), have insinuated themselves directly into my life and the lives of my kids. Good food, hard, physical work, and mental calm is the plan for me.
I watched the movie Dumb Money last week. 👍👍👍 If you want to see ethics vs no ethics portrayed really, really clearly, and with LOL humor, go see it! True story! Highly recommended.
As told by the gutter pool of putrified souls called Hollywood? No thanks.
Thanks for the tip, but I'll have to pass. Pardon the soapbox here, but part of maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as I can live involves avoiding anything that promotes mental stressors as well as physical stressors. The decades-long trends in visual information and entertainment is toward more and more tension, both in overt content and the background factors involved in how it's presented. Our world is outrageously overstimulated, from visuals, aural, gastronomic, and olfactory (literally everything in people's lives has to have toxic, chemical stink). People who've blindly followed along are like boiling frogs; they don't realize how conditioned to the excesses they are. When I catch glimpses of it, it's jarring and disturbing. So I watch absolutely nothing that's new. Same with my music. The only reason why I'm paying attention these days is because the psyops (which I knew were coming many years ago), have insinuated themselves directly into my life and the lives of my kids. Good food, hard, physical work, and mental calm is the plan for me.