ALWAYS appreciate your articles and your information and viewpoints. We testified against a minor consent bill (you know, minors being able to consent to drugs, vaccines and even surgical procedures without parental consent or notification) at the legislature yesterday here in NV. There were, of course, a lot of people testifying for pas…
ALWAYS appreciate your articles and your information and viewpoints. We testified against a minor consent bill (you know, minors being able to consent to drugs, vaccines and even surgical procedures without parental consent or notification) at the legislature yesterday here in NV. There were, of course, a lot of people testifying for passage of the bill. Driving home afterwards it occurred to me that EVERY SINGLE person that testified in favor either directly and personally stood to gain financially or worked for an NGO or a governmental agency that stood to gain financially off the additional revenues this would create. Thank goodness our warriors came out in force. But with our dem majority, the thing will pass and we'll have to do everything in our power to convince our governor to veto. This is what we are up against. The machine is enormous.
ALWAYS appreciate your articles and your information and viewpoints. We testified against a minor consent bill (you know, minors being able to consent to drugs, vaccines and even surgical procedures without parental consent or notification) at the legislature yesterday here in NV. There were, of course, a lot of people testifying for passage of the bill. Driving home afterwards it occurred to me that EVERY SINGLE person that testified in favor either directly and personally stood to gain financially or worked for an NGO or a governmental agency that stood to gain financially off the additional revenues this would create. Thank goodness our warriors came out in force. But with our dem majority, the thing will pass and we'll have to do everything in our power to convince our governor to veto. This is what we are up against. The machine is enormous.