I got your comment on my comment, and all I can say is, please don't politicize woo. It's bad enough being a woo person into alternative spirituality, psychic perceptions, and visions of humanity's potential path of healing while talking to people on the left who look at me funny. But then on the right, if I don't use Christian terms and languaging, people think I'm demonic. So please don't throw us out of both left and right even though we are both and neither. We've been attacked for centuries!

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According to the "Club of Rome," a group of pretty stupid and insipid but astoundingly un-self aware persons, the real issue, the "Problematique" they seek to solve is humanity. As in every human psyche, their response, apparently impregnable to maturation, is that human consciousness is the enemy that must be overcome. Judging by their disturbing misuse of adjectives, this is to be achieved through linguistic noise combined with arrogance and aggression. It seems a staple of those who wish to achieve divinity via unconsciousness that they see the solution as extinguishing the light of consciousness in others, while distracting themselves with sexual and violent fantasies inflicted on anyone who cannot defend themselves. If demons did not exist, we would have to invent them to instantiate these viewpoints.

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In the back of my mind none of the billionaires were worried, they travelled did not huddle in their homes. I thought they took ivm or hq or had insider information about the illness.

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Vitamin a (cod liver oil) and iodine are used in the past to help with illnesses.

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Would love to hear more on your thoughts about New Age Woo 🤗

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"from the exchange of genetic material between"

Hey! Did you see who is mentioned in that linked article at https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/13/science/virosphere-evolution.html ?

“It infected antelope, it infected wildebeest and other large grazers across the whole ecosystem,” said Peter Daszak, the president of Ecohealth Alliance, which is working on a global project to catalog viruses likely to pass from animals to humans.

“The impact was not just on the animals. But because they are primary grazers and they died off in huge numbers, vegetation was impacted, and it allowed trees to grow where they would have been grazed away,” he said.

“The large acacia trees on the plains of Africa are all the same age and were seedlings when rinderpest first came in and the wildlife died,” Dr. Daszak said. In other places, far less grazing created a hospitable habitat for the tsetse fly, which carries the parasites that cause sleeping sickness.

“These kinds of ecological changes can last for centuries or even millennia,” Dr. Daszak said.

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Great post. What constitutes new age woo?

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You are missing the 2009 swine flu pandemic. This almost had everything. Billions in BARDA money for vaccines, Fake PCR testing sending cases through the roof, fear porn on the TV screen. The only thing missing was the bodies. They needed to drive fear with deaths. They fixed this for covid with dead people falling over in China, Showing crowded hospitals, freezer trucks of dead people in NYC, interviews with doctors talking about how horrible it is... etc. It was one of the reasons I knew it was a hoax from the start. I was never scared and never followed any guidelines unless I absolutely had to get something done. Wolfgang Wodarg tried to bring these people to some kind of justice in 2009 resulting in the link below as he was in parliament at the time. Sadly his efforts didn't quite succeed or we might not have landed here. He was one of the first people I went looking for when covid hit... I was glad to see he is still alive and was ringing the alarm bell right from the start. He knew what was coming and tried to warn everybody right from the start.


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Good one, the next step in the assault after AIDS.

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and if maybe Viruses don't really exist and have never been properly, scientifically isolated? That really changes everything

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

the candle in the dark room is 'empathy'.

evil dictates that 'i' consider myself greater and more important than someone else - we no longer have to work hard to imagine the diverse fruits that fall from this tree...

human soul/DNa exists with empathy included - woven throughout its wondrous fabric...

it has become so easily possible to recognize members of our eternal tribe..

the perspective afforded by this 'touchstone' clarifies, pretty much, everything..

Empathy, and the appreciation that inherently flows from within it, IS the fuel that moves the mountains from our path...


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Every once in a while you come across a post, however brief, that shows someone who just knows how to write...."our eternal tribe." ❣️

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

And what terms do we use for those who lack empathy?




Probably more of nurture than nature, though more common in men. A result of our narcissistic culture? Elevating one’s feelings above the others’?

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My own reflections have very recently drawn me to recognize that there are 'non-humans' <draconians / lizards> amongst us - once it is seen, it becomes obvious and there is no-going back. What is important is the emergence of love and appreciation for all things truly Human. There is HUGE empowerment in this clarity.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Thomas Cowan MD wrote about that theme in his book, "The Truth About Contagion." I haven't yet read "The Invisible Rainbow" but have heard about it.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Not to mention, vaccine strains are always more potent and potentially lethal than wild strains.

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Yes, this is a very thought provoking read. I want to make a contribution: how to never need a dentist:

During the pandemic I decided to not allow vaccination because I think it is a violation of human integrity. As a result I felt that I had a responsibility to be immune. To do that I decided to eat no sugar and no wheat. I was strict and did not eat a bite of either sugar or wheat.

Two years later I went to the dentist for a check up and the usual cleaning. Except there was nothing to clean. My teeth were perfect.

Upon reflection I remembered that in the large graves where dead people were thrown 10,000 years ago before wheat was discovered, the skulls had all their teeth and they were perfect. The loss of teeth came with the cultivation of wheat.

A lot more came with it. One was invasions and war as a regular outcome. Egypt could provide the wheat for armies. Notice that today the war continues in the Ukraine because both the Ukraine and Russia are growing enough wheat to feed the people and the armies on both sides. They said so.

But wheat was never good for humans. What it does for teeth it does for the gut. If a person eats pasta for dinner everyday that person can become depressed, even violent. Worse, today Roundup or glyphosate is used as a desiccant on wheat in America . In other words all American wheat products including beer contain the carcinogenic wheat.

So here we are, back to the world of corporate domination.


Moisha Blechman

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

“Magical thinking ...

New Age Woo is so completely destructive to revolutionary movements that I’m starting to think it’s a CIA project just like postmodern art.” ... Dr Rogers - don’t just “start” to think this - keep pulling that thread - because the state ALWAYS appropriates voices of dissent so as to neutralize them - ALWAYS in ALL ways.

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The capture is not uni-directional (Corp captures State), it’s multi-dimensional; the State has been captured but not by pharma. The State(s) has (have) been captured by the global borg financial cartel; the cartel has also always owned pharma. And through several decades of legal architecture development (fully explored by Katherine Watt on Bailiwick News - https://open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program?utm_source=direct&r=1bajmy&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) and several years of truly bizarro dangerous unprecedented contracting developments (fully explored by Sasha Latypova on Due Diligence and Art - https://sashalatypova.substack.com/), the global borg gang or some faction of it thought it had the pieces in place to do something fantastical and impossible. This is really old gang delusions and believing their own BS territory we’re all in. It’s very dangerous. But it is navigable. And they have so overreached that there is an incredible opportunity these next years to rid the planet of these mofos once and for all.

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I have myself felt the same about neoliberalism and everything is a transaction but when I think more about it the picture becomes more complex. As an example, the slave trade was before neoliberalism and people were bought and sold. I see most people working today as slaves. Maybe the form of transactional slavery just changes from era to era. Or, "As soon as coin in coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs". Our evolution is slow and though the environment of our nature changes our ways do not. You have given me something to think about.

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Probably the biggest environmental change that challenges us is remote connection. For example people have friends on Twitter whom they have never met face to face, and the number of such friends can be huge. Those communications are very poor in meta-content if not content, which leads to easy misunderstanding. You can block connection. This is very different from knowing your neighbours for years for better or worse over the garden wall. I took in a parcel today for a neighbour who is away, another neighbour has given me vegetables he has grown; I make a rich cake that I share round with neighbours etc. In some ways Twitter forces connections to be transactional - I say this to have you say that and give you a like hoping I will get a like back. This is not fully thought out but you get the drift?

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