Thank you for this piece

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Viruses don't exist. We've been lied to for ages. They've never been able to isolate a virus. Terrain theory... the innate wisdom of the body to heal itself, creates flu-like symptoms. The weaponized virus idea is part of the fear mongering. Hegelian dialectic - problem, reaction, solution. We must fear in order to be so easily controlled.

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Alice. Give it a break.

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Some believe in vaccines because its one part of a population control program. By poisoning the population through all vaccines we are limiting birth rates. They forget about the remaining 99% left in a permanent disease state or the evolutionary impact of vaccines on our species.

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You say "We cannot Amish our way out of this mess ... If we just put up a fence and raise goats they will come for us." Perhaps you mean to use tech to our advantage, but there is a certain way to go Amish. Dr. Pam Popper expressed this as she quoted her governor when asked why Ohio didn't push the mandates on the Amish: "There are too many of them." We have to not comply in too many numbers to round up.

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"If we want to know how to get the better of stupidity, we must seek to understand its nature. This much is certain, that it is in essence not an intellectual defect but a human one. There are human beings who are of remarkably agile intellect yet stupid, and others who are intellectually quite dull yet anything but stupid. We discover this to our surprise in particular situations. The impression one gains is not so much that stupidity is a congenital defect, but that, under certain circumstances, people are made stupid or that they allow this to happen to them"


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Might have to disagree with the first thought. Jury is still out on this "virus" and I'm not convinced that this was simply about money.

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Greed, State control and Power. Fear always sells. Government knows that as well as anyone.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

"Nagging suspicion"--I can relate. At the age of 4 or 5, I sat on a mountainside--really--and pondered what I could be when I grew up. I wanted to be paid to think, but about the bigger questions--existential questions ( I didn't know that word at the time!). I also, wanted to be "helpful" to mankind because I knew that very bad things were about to happen--a doctor or nurse, someone who could put people back together. I picked psychology.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Always be the salmon. Just keep swimming upstream.

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I've come to believe the only way people can still be soooooo blinded is the ability of the god of this world, Satan, the Devil, to blind minds to the gospel of the grace of God (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). Given that, I say the Devil can blind minds to anything.

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Dear Mr. Thomas,

I am also doing my part. Raising two pandemic babies. Boys who will learn the classics I love. Who will learn what makes America unique. They will learn to hunt and forage, to garden and preserve.

They will not be dependent on the medical/pharmaceutical establishment. They will not go to indoctrination camp (school). They will not be exposed to ridiculous ideologies of unearning cultural role models. They will not spend their formative years immersed in video games and fantasy worlds. They will not be given crutches and labels to use as excuses for failures and incompetencies.

They will be leaders of the next generation of men who will put this country on a new and better path.

It is a mother's will.


Bonnie Pedersen

Kronenwetter, Wisconsin

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Properly trained in what? I notice their command of correct English frequently weak.

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I know a lot of people who are very articulate and grammatically correct, always; however, they lack the humanity this women is trying to tell you about. The message is important.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

(See below for a sad admission of being let down by the left, by a parent who seemed to have missed the covid lies altogether)

Part of the left's obsession with the cult of vaccine is that they actually believe vaccines protect people. Viruses / bacteria *Can* be devastating - this is the grain of truth. (Of course, they're more devastating in bodies poisoned by poor choices, pollution that we can't choose our way out of, and a medical system that gives toxic pills and shots instead of actual health care).

When there's trust in the media, which was solidified by disgustingly virulent, contagious strains of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and they say that taking a pinprick and a sore arm will help other humans everywhere be less vulnerable to Very Bad Germs ... people believed them ... even tho those claims were based on absolute fraud and lies.

This https://pitt.substack.com/p/ive-got-the-blues-part-1

(*Clarification - these are not my words, this is quoting a parent on the informative, heartbreaking substack PITT - Parents With Inconvenient Truths About Trans (If anyone ever comments there, please be respectful, those parents have been through hell. I will comment on this article about how the media is just as dishonest with other medical information as they are with the medical trans lack of informed consent).

(While I'm disgusted by how this person describes how blindly loyal they used to feel about the liberal media, there is an honesty here, a reckoning with betrayal, that is raw and beautiful. But, holy shit, ugh, this is how they feel about the murderous media! (I mean, I did used to trust Democracy Now, and I used to listen to John Stewart and Oliver once in awhile, - couldn't stomach John Oliver after his disdainful "Guinea Pig Bridge" making fun of the idea that the covid vaccinated are guinea pigs, but this level of devotion to the media, fueled by Trump Derangement Syndrome, is many levels beyond where I've been, even at my most gullible.) -

(Partial Paste) -

". . . Encouraged and reassured by left-leaning mainstream media, I believed that I was a part of a community that was more compassionate and more intelligent, selfless and kind, the torch in Lady Liberty’s outstretched arm. What a shocker to peel back the glowing skin of righteousness and find underneath a bunch of horrible lizard-people. .

. . .

"The Trump years galvanized lefties like no other period in my lifetime. There were marches and protests and pink hats. The mainstream legacy media was on fire, surging back from creeping obsolescence. Like so many of my fellow libDems, I sucked up every NYT article about Trump’s collusions and callous behaviors. I fed greedily off WaPo indignation. And if that paragon of truth, NPR, could have been surgically attached to my ear, I would have gladly gotten in line. But it wasn’t only me that lived for left-wing news, my son was right there with me, energized by the passion of social justice and encouraged by his lefty teachers in our liberal enclave. We soaked up the liberal outrage and joy. And then I was hit in the face with the brick of gender ideology, only to see the incomprehensible lies being spread by these same media outlets. It was too much. At first, and on and off for a solid year after, I had to convince myself I wasn’t crazy. That it wasn’t me misunderstanding what quickly became so blindingly obvious — that adolescents had no capacity to comprehend the path they were being set upon; no ability to foresee the horrible price they would pay for what the medical establishment was selling. That it was, in reality, my world turning upside down that was making me feel dizzy and destabilized. Goodbye to the news sources I trusted — if the NYT, WaPo, and NPR will lie about what’s happening to children and families, complicit in the horrific harm to vulnerable young people, what else had they lied about?"

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Thank you for your heartfelt confession. Clearly, it must be when they go after our children that people wake up and ask "are you kidding me?" You did. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on why you saw this, and wonder about your social circle...are they seeing it, too? If not, why not? Can you talk to them any more?

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Hi DrDoug, just quick note for now to clarify - the confession of deep devotion to liberal media was not my words, that was a parent from PITT, a heartbreaking, informative substack about kids caught up in the trans cult, the writers are mostly parents and detransitioners. ("Parents With Inconvenient Truths About Trans")

I never was nearly that trusting of the media, although I do feel a sense of betrayal with Democracy Now, that I trusted because I thought they were outside of the mainstream media, but I didn't cherish every Trump insult or worship the ground Amy Goodman walked on, as it seems this poor parent did about way too much of the mainstream / progressive media.

I didn't have severe, constant Trump Derangement Syndrome, but I had an embarassing flare up of TDS when I was first told about hydroxychloroquine in 2020, the first and only words I heard were, "Today President Trump ...", said with what sounded like respect, and I was so taken aback to hear that that I didn't listen to anything else, and certainly - as Democracy Now would remind me, something liked by Trump could not be a useful medicine. Or my ignorant liberal mind thought.

Later when I learned about Ivermectin in 2021, and saw what the media was doing to the covid doctors, I finally saw them for the scum they are. Even tho I had reason to distrust them all along, including how they cover wireless radiation with such a gaslighting industry bias. But Horse De-Wormer was my breaking point. Only after that did I realize what was happening to children with the trans cult. I will reply to that comment, sometimes I say some things in PITT, respectfully (I'm not a parent, just would have been an obsessed They/Them if I was a kid today) - about the similarities of scientific fraud / captured media and medical org's / journals, and gaslighting of the injured in both vaccines and medical transitions. And how when both the vaccine injured and those who support them, and detransitioners and those who support them, join together, it will be a powerful force indeed.

About communicating with social circle, I've had mixed results along the way. Some listen, some strongly believe I'm the one misinformed and we've distanced ... lately in the physical world I've had some good interactions, talking about how it's important to learn from the covid response so it doesn't happen again, and talking about how horrible it was to insult the covid doctors and how obviously wrong some things were, in a way where there's an assumption they're somewhat on the same page.

There are other communications I've been too slow with picking back up .. more communication that needs to and will happen with folks on the left ...

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Wondering if you have seen, Sound of Freedom? another pivotal moment, for sure.

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Not yet, but planning to see it this Wednesday. Noticing, of course, that the same media who ridiculed the covid docs, and ridicule RFK, Jr, are mocking this movie and the amazing heroes in it.

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Brilliant, Tob. The other comments picked up what I think. Thanks as always.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

"My whole life I had the feeling that there was something deeply and pathologically wrong with mainstream society." - The Nuremberg Code forbids the use of force, fraud, deceit, duress, containment or coercion to get people into a medical experiment. Society has done everything but forced injection (and they tried that in Austria).

The vast majority went along with 5. I like to point out to people that they would have gone along with the final item, forced injection. They would not have to get their hands dirty, just acquiesce with their silence. That is the ONE thing that the majority is good at.

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