Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

The gofundme news was disappointing, but the fact that the givefundgo page for the Freedom Convoy is being flooded is f’ing marvelous! The fact that gofundme is being flooded with refund requests is almost as glorious!

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Everyone knows go#&ckme has been compromised for years... Makes me wonder why that useless platform was chosen to begin with over something like givesendgo.com.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

The organizers said they didn’t know how bad go fund me was. They lawyered up and should be able to get the some of the money back. But get a refund now and resend it to the truckers another way.

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It's great that this is red pilling an even larger swath of normies on the problems with big tech. These platforms have only maintained their power because most users weren't paying attention.

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That and the "oh they were bad people anyway so it doesn't affect me" syndrome. It's inevitable, but still exasperating to watch; over and over again.

Watch as the banks start to wage the war on this trucker protest too. And all the cries of "who could have seen this coming!" will ring out.

And when the government martyrs some of them, actually or just legally.

Again and again.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

The truckers should accept donations in bitcoin.

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I’d get a refund. Anyone who gave should get one. I really do t send how they gone can just steal the money.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Have tried twice now to make a donation, but can't get through. Wonder if their server is temporarily down due to flood of gifts.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

It’s overrun with traffic. Keep trying!!

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

Do not use the gofundme.com refund form. Issue a charge-back/open a dispute with your bank, this way, GoFundMe will have to pay min $15 or more, for each charge-back request, plus the refund value.

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The name go f me should be a red flag

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Marketers would disagree.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

@uTobian You are really good at this. Please keep these thinking points coming.

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Thank you Patrick! 🙌

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Covid is the standard Flu dressed up in a scary Halloween costume that scares the bejeebers out of the low courage crowd. ( A very large crowd as it has turned out) The PCR and other supposedly accurate tests have never been accurate. One thing this Fakedemic has shown is how many humans are ignoramuses and permanently frightened of everything, but most importantly it has highlighted the previously suspected but hitherto unconfirmed vast numbers of Evildoers and Power addicts and shameful excuses for human beings. The Pandemic is not a novel virus but instead uncovered the mass blooming of a species of incredibly horrible people.

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It's a new disease with a separate and distinct symptom profile in its later severe stages. With proper perspective though it's no more a threat than any severe ILI. With proper prophylaxis, far less so.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Hi Dr Toby, Great insights as usual. 💕

I just wanted to share something I have observed recently. As I have been running errands and chatting with local ladies this past week, one thing struck me that might sound old fashioned but it seemed to be true; at least in my observations; is that the some of same chickies who voted our loser PM Trudeau into office (only 30% of Canadians who voted, not me) are now in whiplash speed against him and behind the truckers. Not because of COVID per se. These random chickies I speak of here, mask up and are jabbed, but because Trudeau ran away and hid when the truckers took over our capital city. So it struck me how much these ladies are still into the alpha male thing. (Makes sense, we all like being protected or on the wining side) I just wanted to throw that out there because I think going forward our freedom movement makes no apologies. We are all confidence. We will attract more of the masses if we act like we already won. Which technically maybe we have in someways. Or at least the events of this week have me on a hopeful high. It been a crazy beautiful week. Cheers 🥂

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I should add for those who wouldn’t know Canadian politics. We just had an election in October where Trudeau literally ran on saying anti vax were horrible people and should be othered. Telling voters he was going to start vax passes. So those 30% who voted for him either never listened to him or wanted that then. Just to frame the turn around by them now a little better.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Canada is/was divided, a situation which Trudeau and the Prime Minister's Office actively cultivated. Incredible that a minority government can drag the country down this path.

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Great insights! 🙌

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I've written before we've simply morphed from an empire outwardly expanding and murdering through the MIC to a rapidly failing empire now collapsing and murdering internally through the PIC(pharmaceutical industrial complex).

In times of collapse, it's no longer barbarians at the gate that are a threat but instead it is dissent from within. Crushing that dissent becomes paramount. The Beast control system being enabled by this Covid pandemic is absolutely required for an orderly cull of key dissidents and "useless eaters".

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One of Gavin Newsom's staff publicly called us "oxygen thieves" during the fight against SB 276 in 2019 -- for committing the sin of breathing. She was not disciplined nor fired for the remarks. That's what they think of us.

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And Gavin was supposedly educated by the CIA's central casted best "evil villian", Mr. Klaus Schwab. Klaus is too much of a caricature to be believed and his books are meaningless word salads to those of us actually familiar with cutting edge technology. This entire failing regime just seems too obvious eh? As if it's designed to fail.

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Agree 100%. This Bond villain guy Klaus is off, completely unremarkable, no charisma, boring written word. He has very shady past, it doesn't seem a far stretch that he has been assigned a role.

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HE has a shady past? Are you including his father and grandfather? You should.

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Absolutely! and involved in nuclear weapons program in South Africa.

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I've thought that about Kalifornia since I was about 12. Keep hoping for the big earthquake! (That way they won't have to secede, they'll have their own separate country.)

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This strikes me as your most powerful post yet, with clear insights and grounded passion. An inspiration! I just posted another take on the truckers... https://nowick.substack.com/p/logistics-trumps-strategy

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Beautifully charted!

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Please help bring awareness to the fight our military is battling! Check out all of the issues with the unlawful DOD mandate here: https://chforum.backendcdn.com/us-west-2:b8af10aa-385a-461f-9fba-e2e2f1efe053/4dcff876-a2c8-4e0e-9213-86df8abbe5fc.pdf

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Our institutions - state, secular, religious - are morally corrupt. We must let God back in to restore justice, truth, and freedom for the little guy.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

“Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.” is from the Spanish Inquisition. It was used when an entire church was burned that was sheltering Jews.

Bidens policies have nothing to do with appeasing party members. It's about establishing control by the elite. It's to get vaccine passes and ultimately a digital pass for equivalent to the Chinese system, and to get rid of the vaccine control group so damage can't be detected, and its to get the vaccines approved for kids so that the manufacturers get complete immunity from liability.

The party and the media could turn off the COVID hysteria as fast as they shut down BLM protests, if they wanted to. They don't want to yet. They can't let up until the vaccines are on the childhood immunization schedule. Once that happens COVID will magically end. Not before. At this point it's more important than the midterms, though they are trying to fast track approval for children so they have time to roll everything back before the midterms are completely lost.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Agreed. And notice how now Biden is now going to end all cancer. It’s always the opposite of what they say, is what they mean. The shots cause cancer so I think he is trying to get ahead of the narrative.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I don't think so. I think it's another funnel of cash to big pharma and more research grants to be doled out to doctors and scientists so they tow the party line on COVID. They can't have doctors deciding to follow their consciences and speak the truth. The best way to prevent that is to insure a steady stream of $ conditioned on their staying quiet.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Could be both. Win-win.

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Biden's promise to end cancer? King Canute was unavailable for comment.

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Great points! Spot on! 🙌

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I agree this is class war. The true enemy is the kleptocrats that own the West including their governments. Think the Davos and Bill Gates.

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Hi, it has never been about health....nor about that society must be defended.....it is about wealth. Fabio Vighi wrote some very good articles about it. Here's one; https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/red-pill-or-blue-pill-variants-inflation-and-the-controlled-demolition-of-society/ Cheers!

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Interesting that you should bring up the comparison to the Vietnam War as I’ve been feeling lately like we’re at the tail end of that losing war, and those of us who have seen that this is a murderous, futile war from the outset are trying to drag the hawks away from the napalm button before we all go up in a petrochemical puff of smoke.

One minor but important correction: “el galo malo” > “el gato malo” 😸

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Oh thank you!!! Fixing now!

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Re: the Vietnam War... History has been rhyming ever since.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Once again, great points! Each one worthy of its own ruminations.

I am praying for the truckers, and it's linked to what you wrote in "Orwellian." What matters is not the truth. What matters is the government's insistence-- with a complicit media-- to create a narrative of violent extremists from Day 1. Right now TikTok and citizen journalism seem to be providing protection for the peaceful protesters-- what if we didn't have those?

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Some great points, and yes Foucault did not go out of his way to be clear in his arguments, partly I think because his ideas emerged as he wrote them. Or spoke them.

A key point in Society Must Be Defended is that creating "science" out of literally everything is not so very different from acts of Enclosure. Take some land, build a big fence around it, assert that it is yours and attack anyone who trespasses. Find some ecological niche for your ideas (see Ian Hacking: Mad Travellers), delineate some abstract ideas that are inherently unfalsifiable, call these science, attack anyone who trespasses by saying "I am the expert round here!"

What does that remind you of..?

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Great point! "Science(TM)", cartelization, and enclosure are all part of the same monster.

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That's right

One typical bumper sticker of the era you refer to reads: Kill em all let God sort them out. ...I disagree with this sentiment. Did the generals start that?

The update on the same meme is now:

Hacksxxxxinate them all and let the ones who are not killed nor maimed come back for booster 5

How did it get to be so totally fascist in Killafornia? I mean, I know the hacksxxxxine injured Gravel Gruesome Nuisance is out with London unmasked and these folks, was it Garcetti? Claiming they hold their breath when unmasked. Wonder if these are the perps who Justin hiding claims steal food from homeless...

Thee law for thee but not for me, mmmm lawfare is the use of law as a weapon of war...

Oh, are they starting the next war already ? Yawn, how will the hacksxxxine injured soldiers be able to fight?

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Yes, CJ Hopkins is so great! 🙌

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