Here are my latest thinking points:
The Best and the Brightest(TM)
I’m struck by the parallels between the failures of The Best & the Brightest(TM) in the Vietnam War and now in the Covid War.
They begin with high-minded ideals (perhaps).
But their attempts to quantify progress create structural incentives for barbarity. In Vietnam it was body counts in the Covid war it’s vaccine counts.
Eventually as the original goal (winning) slips from their grasp, they throw up their hands and regress into savagery:
“Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.” —Generals in the Vietnam War
“Vaccinate ‘em all and let God sort whether these things are safe and effective.” —the FDA in the Covid War
Democrats think that minors are adults when it comes to decisions about sex, birth control, abortion, hormone therapy, and vaccines, but that Republican adults are children who must be forced by the state to do the right thing. And Dems are wrong on both counts.
A Faction of Karens
Biden is failing because his policies are designed to appease the hypochondriac wing of the Democratic Party rather than the median voter.
The purpose of torture is not to elicit a confession.
The purpose of torture is to elicit a false confession that fits a narrative.
The purpose of White House censorship is not to stop misinformation.
The purpose of White House censorship is to erase facts that challenge the narrative.
Literally everyone gets this except the evil-doers themselves.
CNN’s audience shrinks by 49%
CNN Bottomed Out in 2021 Will Viewers Come Back?
The network reigned supreme at the end of the Trump era, but has fallen back to Earth. What happened?
In fact, just this past week, the network averaged a paltry 585,000 total viewers in primetime, placing CNN all the way back in 17th place among all basic cable. Worse yet, the channel’s 120,000 viewers in the key primetime demographic were only good enough for 31st place among cable stations.
To put that in perspective, an average episode of Joe Rogan has 11 million viewers; an average episode of The Highwire gets 6 million viewers; Alex Berenson, Steve Kirsch, eugyppius, and el gato malo all have audiences over 100,000 for their best articles.
That’s why they want to censor us — the legacy media is dying and it cannot compete in the regular marketplace of ideas.
Welcome Warriors!
Del Bigtree just started a Substack!
Geert Vanden Bossche just started a Substack!
OG warrior mama Ginger Taylor just started a Substack!
Let’s show them some love! 🙌
This is genius (sound on)
Audio of Trudeau’s lies over video of the actual protesters in Ottawa:
Trudeau has lost all credibility.

“Society Must Be Defended”
All week, the phrase, “Society must be defended” has been going through my head. I finally stopped and Googled it today and re-discovered that this is the name of Foucault’s most famous lectures — in 1976.
Trying to understand Foucault is like signing up for a journey into a dark swamp — many enter but few ever return. So I do not wish to revisit nor unpack his theories here. Rather it strikes me that, “Society must be defended” is the animating principle that is guiding the bourgeoisie today (I imagine that was actually Foucault’s point?):
GoFundMe steals $10 million from the Canadian truckers. Why? Society must be defended.
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter shred the Constitution and set up a global Stasi network. Why? Society must be defended.
The FDA shifts to a model of approving drugs for kids first, maybe getting data later. Why? Society must be defended.
The white coats, the entire Democratic Party, governments, and corporations across the developed world are mandating toxic injections that don’t work and come with life-threatening side effects. Why? Society must be defended.
Washed up rock stars and second rate authors who have never read a vaccine safety study in their lives demand censorship of a comedian who is wiser than they are. Why? Society must be defended.
This really is a class war.
What few people realized before the invention of the internet was that most bourgeois gatekeepers were always illegitimate. They weren’t smarter, better, nor more talented than the rest of us. Our society was a series of cartels within cartels within cartels.
With the introduction of broadband and then ubiquitous mobile phones, the peasants were able to find each other and compare notes about the various cartels we were living under. Social media gave us a megaphone. Barriers to entry came down. True talent started to emerge. Avenues emerged to challenge power and people started pointing out that the various emperors have never had any clothes. The gatekeepers could no longer control the narrative, the facts, nor the public. And those who had always held the reins of power throughout the developed world started freaking out.
So the gatekeepers instinctively reached for digital book burning and poisonous injections, propaganda, demagoguery, surveillance, and totalitarianism — their every action motivated by defending their crumbling class position. Society must be defended. It’s the hiss that fills every CNN broadcast and every utterance from the mouth of Leana Wen, Michael Osterholm, and Peter Hotez. It’s Gollum hissing my precious as he gazes lovingly upon the idolatrous ring. It’s the mantra of the fascists and the justification that they will use to do literally anything to stay in power. It’s the idea that we must smash.
People must be defended. Families must be defended. Kids must be defended. Liberty must be defended. The Constitution must be defended against all enemies foreign and domestic. That’s our mantra, that’s what we are doing, and that’s why we are going to win.
Blessings to the warriors!
Prayers for the truckers!
Please keep those calls, emails, faxes, and letters going to the FDA!
In the comments please let me know how you are doing amidst this remarkable week when the truckers have shown us the path to truth and freedom. 🙌
The gofundme news was disappointing, but the fact that the givefundgo page for the Freedom Convoy is being flooded is f’ing marvelous! The fact that gofundme is being flooded with refund requests is almost as glorious!
@uTobian You are really good at this. Please keep these thinking points coming.