My fav part: "The question then becomes... what is the larger organism of which we are just cells? Humanity? Capitalism? Gaia? And why does this larger organism suddenly want to rid the world of technocratic middle managers? 🤔

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Bougie Dredd cruises politely on they/their scooter through Suburb City, intentionally spilling medium-hot Pumpkin Spice Oatmilk Latte on wrongthinkers, hooligans and the white patriarchy

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lolz. Pretty much.

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Essentially this is the Jim Jones koolaid party x 1,000,000

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"Pharma fascism" is only a symptom. The global masters possess the ultimate weapon: they control the global money flow, which gives them control over governments, production/distribution, "healthcare," and just about everything else that matters.

It's an eugenicist-technocratic globalist takeover, when the perpetrators have even been openly taunting their victims. Moreover, their schedule for 2030 is progressing unhindered, while the "opposition" is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Ultimately, it doesn't matter who is right; what matters is what has been and what is going to be happening:


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Not sure I agree that Delta was worse than the Wuhan strain. Lots of people got extremely sick with Wuhan, and many died worldwide. To my thinking, the virus has always been mutating toward less dangerous but more contagious (which is the way of nature).

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Jessica had wonderful law enforcement guest on, yesterday I believe. In CHD live. I love Canadians. Especially because of ARGO. (Movie beyond great). Truckers, had great brave doctors very early on. Jessica great host, sorry her writings beyond me... Can't comment. But I bet their very good!

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there is no efficacy...

only doing something dangerous for your "safety"... ;)

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I am not denying that people are ill, I am just denying that they 'caught' anything. Colds and flu are detox. Your body is detoxing from the toxic inputs that are accumulated over time. So I am not disagreeing with their illness occurring, only the causes. The other issue is that the 'test' is not valid if there is no virus that has been isolated to 'test' against. Therefore, the argument has to be about the virus existing and the fact that the CDC has replied to FOIA requests and admits they have not isolated a virus. How could any logical thinker not think that is a BIG deal? If the 'test' is flawed then we did not have a pandemic, we just had the same cold and flu we have every year and the reaction to it was the only thing that was uniquely terrible.

I don't expect to change your mind, but only to ask you and your readers to do some digging and see if you can find real evidence that viruses actually make people sick and are contagious. I have not found any scientific evidence of that so far, only anecdotal. I have BELIEVED my entire life in viral particles and contagion, but have never thought twice about proving it. I have actually tried to find scientific proof and cannot. If the CDC doesn't have proof then who does? Did you know that the PCR method lost it's EUA on Dec 31, 2021 because they admit it is not accurate enough to be considered useful. So that tells me that PCR has been useless since the beginning of this entire charade.

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Some general responses to your last 3 posts Toby. And lazily (or prioritizing work and getting my kid ready for school start lol) not connecting my responses to specific points in those posts. So qualifiers aside:

I just had another debargument (less than an argument or debate) with my ex/ son’s father. We both see each other as a lost cause but occasionally engage at this point. I was struck with laughter that I suppressed and a bit of hope hearing him say, if we (pro vax, wokesters) are wrong and are just 1984 zombies believe in everything from an evil elite then it’s our fault and we deserve what happens. Of course I want my son’s dad to live, laughter and bit of hope… maaaybe reality’s seeping in there. I see it’s harder for him to consider or see the true evil. And he’s always believed the human “condition” and nature is a battle bw our innate good and evil. Where as I said good and trauma expressed as evil. And now believe battle bw innately good humans and evil beings posing as and manipulating/ infiltrated humans.

My next most perplexing question to why didn’t we get brainwashed is why don’t they see when evidence that is in black and white or straight on video?. (Which I’ve heard the best videos called deep fakes lol, there’s a way to wave off everything). I see folks not seeing as not looking, an inch in front of their faces. It is the defense of not being able to tolerate acknowledging the reality of the severity of the evil abusive parent/ “leaders”. I hear the, I’m asked, Do you really think the government and a bunch evil billionaires sit around trying to kill kids and groom them to accept pedophilia.? Why yes I do. And yes, I understand it’s absolutely unthinkable. And it has been a gut wrenching, puking, sobbing experience keeping my eyes open as the evidence for this came into view.

Truthers v Transcemdent Manifesters. Weighing this for a long time. Both are important but What’s the balance? The elite captured media play rope a dope with plenty of upsetting, terrorizing grist for the mill. (Sorry for the mixed metaphor). I don’t want to lend my consciousness to the evil by highlighting and reacting to it all the time. And yet Truth is so important for our sanity, warning those who can wake up, history and righteousness.

Fighting for truth seemed like “what we resist persists” strengthening evil and negative manifesting, breathing it into existence through polarized relating. I deeply appreciate art and narratives for love, life, nature, humanity prevailing. No not even prevailing but where the rest has just become obsolete. And think we, I can do well to spend more time and energy on that.

Books like Counterclockwise show how our beliefs physical affect our bodies (and other 3D reality IMO). So is Truth dousing detoxifying or will it make family and friends who got boosted more likely to die? Is their denial preservative of their lives at this point?

My views are evolving, while my principles stand firm so this is a very thin slice (distinction). Recently a beautiful little children’s book, Breaking Stalin’s Nose brought me to recognize a place for creation through destruction (through a supportive character, Vovka), and the freedom that comes from understanding the rules are rigged and not giving a blank and taking it to the street, while still upholding principles, but accepting the fight is with scum bag thugs. I’m a lover not a fighter, but am now seeing hard core Truthers and other righteous fighters as just as filled with radiant heart and light as peace meditating, manifesting, energy folks. Both courageously live their principles, even on the face of discomfort and isolation. (More thoughts on the peace and love, holistic camps and their dangers via insidious cults another time. Suffice it to say, I see socialist literature and benevolence wrapped vudu at various freedom meetings. Beware of jumping from the frying pan to the fire).

Thanks as alway, Toby, for your thought provoking posts, facts and your big brain and Heart. Sorry for the ramble. I guess work and kid have yet to be prioritized today lol.

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My feeling is that truth sets you free, and freedom is better for a person than denial.

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The modus operandi of the COVID-19 vaccine promoters should give us pause. They were willing to forcibly deny treatments that were safe and effective to people diagnosed with COVID-19, and to induce people to take unproven shots using continual fear-mongering. Is this unique to medicine? Doubtful.

Over the past century, there were sporadic individuals who claimed to have successful treatments, or "cures", for cancer (e.g., Max Gerson, Royal Rife, etc.). They were attacked by the media and the government, fined, and, in many cases, either jailed or had their licenses removed. Were they quacks, as the media portrayed them to be? Possibly; I wouldn't discount that. On the other hand, did they have a concept that was effective, and the government wanted to suppress it the same way they are suppressing Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine now?

The present experience with COVID-19 tells me the government will stop at nothing to suppress treatments for disease that would be far more effective and safe than the more expensive and lucrative products of the "healthcare" industry. This may go well beyond cancer to perhaps any disease where the profit motive would be affected adversely.

Perhaps the time has come to revisit those treatments and concepts for cancer et al that were banned and hidden from public view for the past century. We need some independent groups not beholden to the "healthcare" industry or their pawn, the US government, to carry out these investigations to ascertain whether any had merit or not.

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Excellent post. Thank you.

Regarding "The arrogance... Bougiecrats would rather: crash the global economy; close schools for years on end; and engage in self-inflicted genocide than admit that they were wrong about vaccines", I think I see it a bit differently.

For the totalitarian monsters at the very top, the 'vaccines' are doing exactly what they intended. For the psychopath oligarchs in the Big Pharma nexus, they are completely indifferent to the harms as long as they can escape accountability while amassing ever more wealth and power. So, here again, the 'vaccines' are doing 'their job'. The mid-level bureaucrats like the CDC's Walensky and most politicians including the Young Global Leaders aren't clever enough to be in on the elaborate conspiracy. They are useful fools who have been enveloped in the Mass Formation Psychosis. So, again, for them, the 'vaccines' are 'working'.

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With the initial vaccination series (first 2 shots), there was a "benefit" in Pfizer's eyes from week 6 to week 20. However, the benefit has been for a shorter duration with each booster, down to 10 weeks after the 2nd booster. There now has been a long delay for most between their last booster and the bivalent booster.

There are no RCTs with the next booster. No one now how "effective" they will be, or how long the "benefit" will last. This type of "vaccine" has never been used in any animal trial assessing clinical outcomes (only antibody response in 8 mice has been studied). This experiment is shaping up to be a disaster for several reasons:

1) Uptake of each successive booster is dropping. I have felt from the beginning that the push to vaccinate everyone is to eliminate the control group. At this time, a control group is beginning to re-emerge (at least one that is less "vaccinated"), and it will become increasingly obvious how dangerous the mRNA-based vaccines really are when people see worse outcomes for people they know who have been progressively vaccinated and boosted.

2) Expect a significant increase in adverse events following this bivalent booster. Co-existing viral infections are quite rare (one virus basically overwhelms other viruses). The bivalent formulation will inject multiple spike proteins, all of which are pathogenic, beyond the body's normal defense mechanisms (respiratory mucosa, basement membrane of blood vessels), and distribute this pathogenic protein throughout the body via LNPs. What could possibly go wrong? There is a reason why no RCTs were done with the bivalent boosters.

3) If the "benefit" continues to decrease with each successive booster, the lack of efficacy in preventing infection and spread may be readily apparent prior to the November elections. This will be an obvious black eye on the Biden Administration just before the midterm elections.

4) All-cause mortality increase in mid 2021, and yet the media can't seem to understand why? I would expect another step-wise increase in all-cause mortality starting 2-3 months after rollout of the bivalent boosters. It will be interesting to see how the media continues to ignore the obvious.

So, the timing of these boosters only works if adverse events are low, "effectiveness" resembles the original first two shots, and the public remains psychologically committed to ongoing boosters. I don't think any of these assumptions are guaranteed, and if these assumptions do not hold up, the resulting disaster hurts all Democrats running for election.

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Berenson talks of window of benefit all the time. But if I took vax, and dropped dead 2 hours later, I woulda been counted unvaxxed death.

Honest scientists are gonna have to prove there's any benefit. I don't believe you or berenson. Prove it. Using real data collected in good faith.

Frankly, sub stack writers I trust lose (A little) credibility when they quote vaers data without any caveat. People do it all the time...

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Rolling these out will give them cover to falsify that the "unvaccinated" are getting sick and dying by counting all people who get sick or die before the 3 weeks as unvaccinated.

On another note, that is the exact same game played to create the illusion of any window of efficacy which never existed in the trials or the live fire experiment.

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There have been many recent substack and blog articles on the high number of deaths among (highly-jabbed) Canadian doctors. Why would that be different from the experience of any highly-jabbed group with similar demographics? For example, university faculty have been required to get jabbed to keep their positions. They are probably similar demographically to doctors. Why wouldn't we expect to see similar death rates to those of the doctors? Are we; is there data available from faculty associations?

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My guess, doctors (everywhere) are continually exposed to COVID (from nursing home residents or patients in the hospital) while university faculty are not. The driver of COVID will be old/sick patients who go in/out of hospitals and expose a highly vaccinated group of people (nurses, doctors) who in turn spread infection of an every evolving virus to other old/sick people in the hospital or nursing home.

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Agreed. They may be more susceptible to COVID because of the exposures associated with their profession. However, I didn't get the impression they were dying from COVID. The causes stated for their deaths appear to be other than COVID.

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The COVID vaccines definitely increase all cause mortality, and it should do so for all groups equally. Ongoing exposure to COVID in the workplace may trigger autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular events (heart attack, stroke) at a higher rate in these individuals, but healthcare workers in the US are more likely to have had more shots as a requirement for employment. I believe that adverse effects from the COVID vaccines are dose-related, and repeated workplace exposures are problematic in highly-vaccinated groups.

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More shots. They also got them right away, so they’re suffering the long-term effects already.

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Hero? Ms. Rose fully deserves to be honored with her own sandwich. Favorite recipes, anybody?

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One question. How are they going to blame authorizing the bivalent bioweapon before studying them on President Trump?

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Trump is not culpable in this. He is culpable in not gathering a wide array of different scientists around him. Any major operation, you get different opinions. He's an utter failure. But your statement is correct

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You mean Anthony Fauci wasnt the greatest infectious disease bureaucrat known to man?

Dr. Moncef Slaoui wasn't qualified? Was he a Trump acolyte?

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Fauci, in my very limited opinion, seems like long term sadist and mass murderer. I don't know or care about Slaoui...

Trump knew about ivermectine... He's supposed the big leader, macho man...A leader would have made cannon sure it was made available... He could have put controls, real or perceived, to satisfy the cult.

He failed miserably as a leader.

I, a normal citizen, found alternative medical voices. And quickly studied them more and more.

Trump did... Until he himself didn't nerd ivermectine anymore.

He's pond scum. And yet, better then Killary or Pedaphile.

I'd be screaming at these people if I was in their circles. All of them except 5 percent

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You're wrong. Sadly so. And accusing Trump of not advocating for early treatment is obviously disingenuous. Good evening.

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Of course he advocated. Big deal. Everyone knows that.

He's the President. He should have made it happen.

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