Thinking Points, August 31, 2022
Bougie dread, Jeffrey Tucker, psyops, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, Covid Wars Hero, would you rather, the anti-intellectualism of the Pro V' camp, dendrites, midterm elections, apoptosis, Nobel Prize
Bougie dread
The thing that she feared the most —
more than sharks, snakes, and spiders combined —
was the mere suggestion that the mainstream narrative could not be trusted.
The CDC was founded in 1947 to spray the country with DDT. Later, the agency moved on from killing mosquitos to killing science, hope, and freedom itself.
Psyops work

The 3 best articles on why Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905) was wrongly decided
I asked my friends and followers on Facebook to name the best articles on why Jacobson v. Massachusetts was wrongly decidedly and they delivered:
Holland, Mary S., Reconsidering Compulsory Childhood Vaccination (September 15, 2010). New York University School of Law Public Law Research Paper No. 10-64.
Blackman, Josh, The Irrepressible Myth of Jacobson v. Massachusetts (August 17, 2021). Buffalo Law Review Vol. 70, No. 113 (2021).
Mariner, Wendy K et al. Jacobson v Massachusetts: it’s not your great-great-grandfather’s public health law. American journal of public health vol. 95,4 (2005).
When we take power we absolutely positively must overturn Jacobson.
Apparently this is real and it’s fantastic!!!
Someone made Covid Wars Hero stickers for quant genius and medical freedom fighter Jessica Rose! And let me tell you, I’m here for it! If they become available I would also buy stickers for Bobby, Del, and Andy and all sorts of other leaders in the movement. All revolutions need to have an aesthetic and a sense of fun and I think this is a great place to start. On sale now on Redbubble!
The arrogance
Bougiecrats would rather:
crash the global economy;
close schools for years on end; and
engage in self-inflicted genocide
than admit that they were wrong about vaccines.
It never was about science
I'm struck by the profound anti-intellectualism of the Pro Vaccine Camp:
RCTs!? Who needs RCTs!?
Postmarketing surveillance!? Who needs postmarketing surveillance!?
They cherry pick studies instead of doing meta analysis or systematic review. If no studies exist to support the narrative then the CDC assigns fixers John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, and Matt Oster to just start making things up with dodgy definitions and junk science methods.
And then the mainstream media goes to work and universities cover it up and doctors lie to your face because they don’t want to get blacklisted by the cartel.
And next thing you know you’re dead. That’s the cost of fitting in these days.
It’s like yelling at a dead tree branch
I keep yelling at people who have no dendrites and then wondering why they don’t get it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The release of the reformulated shots is timed to influence the midterm elections
Here’s what’s up:
ACIP is having an “emergency meeting” September 1 and 2 to push through the reformulated boosters.
On orders from the White House, Walensky will approve immediately after the meeting concludes.
Reformulated shots will start going into bodies immediately after Labor Day (around September 6).
What do we know about the mRNA shots (well, no one knows anything about the reformulated shots because they skipped clinical trials). But what about the other shots?
They suppress the immune system for a few weeks, but then two months after the injection is what Alex Berenson calls “The Happy Valley” when antibodies are at their peak.
What’s two months after Labor Day? Election day.
Peter Marks at the FDA and Rochelle Walenksy at the CDC timed the roll out of the reformulated shots so that they would be at their maximum efficacy literally on the day of the midterm elections.
But the only way to meet that date was to skip human clinical trials altogether — which is what they did.
What else do we know about these shots? After 4 months, efficacy goes to zero and by 6 months efficacy goes negative.
The other thing that we know is that these shots accelerate the evolution of new variants. Sometimes those variants are more mild (Omicron) sometimes they are more severe (Delta) — it’s really just a roll of the dice. But with antibody dependent enhancement we know that the vaccinated are more vulnerable to infection.
So what’s going to happen is that Dems are going to artificially create the appearance of efficacy by election day, in the attempt to keep the House and Senate. But by January 2023, the bougiecrats who are dumb enough to get dose 5 in September are completely and totally f*cked. Efficacy from the shots will be less than zero. And they will be especially vulnerable to the new variants.
For the vaccinated we are likely looking at a winter of severe illness and death.
The rest of us will be fine. I doubt U.S. democracy will be able to survive this astonishing mix of cynicism and corruption from the highest ranks of government though.
Apoptosis. noun, PHYSIOLOGY: the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism’s growth or development.
That’s what we are witnessing. The bougiecrats are absolutely determined to off themselves. There is no talking them out of it. They are programmed to turn themselves off at this point.
The question then becomes... what is the larger organism of which we are just cells? Humanity? Capitalism? Gaia? And why does this larger organism suddenly want to rid the world of technocratic middle managers? 🤔
It is objectively true that
If we survive this psyops (a big IF at this point) Bobby, Del, Andy, and a million warrior mamas deserve the Nobel Peace Prize AND the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting against Pharma Fascism. 🙏
Tune in tomorrow (September 1) at 10 a.m. EST to watch Dr. Meryl Nass liveblogging the ACIP meeting. The meetings are heartbreaking but Dr. Nass provides a masterclass in science, medicine, and politics via her commentary.
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
“Bougiecrats would rather … than admit that they were wrong about vaccines.”
Sorry to inform you, Toby, but the entire point was to:
“crash the global economy;
close schools for years on end; and
engage in self-inflicted genocide”
Hence, it isn't about the philanthropaths admitting they were wrong but merely about maintaining the facade of their incompetence to cover up their diabolical depopulation and financial reset agenda:
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
Another great post Toby! I recently caught a cold because I slept with my bedroom window open. I mentioned to one of my coworkers that I had the sniffles and was feeling a tired. Before my first break, my manager came over to me and asked me if I wanted to be tested for the Rona. I politely declined and finished my shift a few hours later then went home. I’m not vaccinated nor will I ever be. I’m done with the Rona testing and the lies perpetrated by MSM and the medical establishment. I stopped watching television three years ago, immediately after my brain tumor surgery in order to focus on my physical therapy. My craniotomy was and continues to be the biggest blessing in disguise because it opened my eyes to everything going on around me. I would love to just enjoy the years I have left in peace, if that’s even possible anymore… All my best! 🙏