Sooo. I know Toby I read a substack this week and you mentioned the show. The leftovers. I’ve been watching. I wanted to comment but now I can’t find that article???

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Thanks Deb. It's here:


I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the show.

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We have to fight back, problem is so many won’t.

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Great post!

"Pfizer is just the East India Company all over again — in a more technologically advanced world." - Spot on the money!

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I firmly believe that the longer insanity prevails the more entrenched it will be. It might already be too late to reverse mankind’s decline.

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Amen. You're singing my song when you talk about narcissism and the normalization of abusive behavior. Critical thinking has been replaced by logical fallacies and narcissistic 'word salad.'

Bullies and dictators, who by definition are narcissists, have always behaved this way. The fable "The Emperor's New Clothes" was a clever description of the con-men tailors, the hubris filled leader, and the compliant populace seeking to protect themselves by going along with the narrative in order to protect themselves. The innocent child who spoke the truth are the minority voices on social media, today. Unfortunately, it is easier to silence the many scientists and others in today's "town square" of social media than it was to ignore a single child in a village.

Notice that in the fable, the Emperor continues on unabashed after realizing he is indeed naked and was conned rather than admitting a mistake and taking action to rectify the situation by commandeering covering for himself from any of his guard. This was almost a silly little end-note to the fable, but in August 2022 with the CDC et al. claiming their only mistake was in not communicating better and for that they need more power and money, it is the most important part.

Twenty-first century hubris knows no shame. None.

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Good,your getting it. Think animal sacrifice to invisible imaginary gods made in the image of tyrants, the passing of the baton of patriarchal authority & legal immunity from prosecution etc

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Virtue signaling in market capitalism is used to build an image in others’ mind so that corporations, universities, groups can successfully compete with others. Virtue signaling in socialism is a survival skill that needs to be done in order to avoid the ‘Gulag’.

Wake up all and spread the word and truth! Most elite colleges introduced vax mandates to ‘signal an image/virtue’ without scientific data on the jab. They sold their soul to the devil as Faust did and sacrificed our kids’ health at the altar of capital’s science as Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son, Isaac.

Check out our Survey Report on the Effects of the Uni Syst of Maryland’s vaccine mandate here: https://www.coalitionforfuturemd.org/currentissues

And come to our Health Freedom CommUNITY Empowerment Event 2 this Sunday in Annapolis, Maryland. See flier here: https://www.coalitionforfuturemd.org/events

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Good, your joining the dots. Abraham , Cane & able, prodigal son, good son, etc. Vivisectors sacrificing animals for research funding, legal immunity from prosecution, devouring the inheritances of wealthy widows widowers for medical research etc on & on, status, power. These people can now be seen in broad daylight, they are disgusting now, no longer revered. They have a long uphill climb back to a good conscience. They need to meditate. VIPASSANA meditation

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The only bit Sorelle left out is that if you get your carbon bill at the end of the month and ignore it there are 87,000 new IRS agents authorized to bust into your home guns blazing to collect the “tax”

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Paper: Vaccine-induced spike protein production causes neurogenerative diseases similar to mad cow/creutzfeld jakob's. DO NOT COMPLY


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"capital demands everything (for reasons that I don’t quite understand, capital has a habit of turning the living into the dead)."

Capital and the markets (the technosphere) can't see systems. They are mechanistic in ideology. A Tree is sold as lumber and it's value has always been limited in the capitalist systems to being killed and sold as a unit. A tree gives oxygen, shade, information, seed, food, bird habitat, soil remediation, insect food, firewood and heat, water filtration, mushrooms need it's sugars, kookaburra's need it's hollows for shelter. We get tannins, lemons, wind protection, privacy screening and a million more unseen values that Capital can't 'price'.

The issue now is the petro dollar will go the way of the dinosaur and be replaced by these values build into the CBDC's and form the 'value' behind the currency.

We who live love and know forests better than anyone will not get a say in their management and use. Like Dutch farmers we will have to fight but city people have lost their minds to the technosphere and can't see a tree and it's inestimable value to their own bodies - they will become our bitter enemies until they learn they are of nature - not just oil and it's derivatives.

Time to meditate as to be in the world but not of it is how sanity returns to one such as myself who has seen 'enough'

Thanks for your work and writing.

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That's right. Meditate. Think of intangible benefit that extends beyond the material tangible life of the body & it's ephemeral cravings & aversions

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Thank you for this thoughtful comment! 🙌

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Excellent points, all. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Another great article! Spot on!! Evil ways for evil times. When you’re aware of what’s really happening….. it’s painful, depressing and tragic to watch! God help us all!

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I was thinking the technocrats are trying to drive us into a more technologically advanced, brutal version of the old Indian caste system. If you're a Brahmin/elite, you belong to the sovereign class and can use your private jet/yacht and pollute the planet anytime you desire. If you are a commoner/Average Joe or untouchable/pleb, you will have a carbon ration quota and have it connected to your Universal Basic Income Digital Cryptocurrency which is totally controlled by the state. Fun times!

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That's right. We've always had a caste system. & we love to condemn lndia. They behave much better than western people & they know the value of Sila(the 5/8 precepts)

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Yep, that's exactly what's happening.

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I am well aware that capital is not the same as capitalism. Also, while capital certainly is used to buy systems like Big Pharma, capital is also used to start small/medium businesses that create wealth, jobs and increase competition. Capital in and of itself is not bad. I absolutely agree that capital is unrestrained by our corrupt government. What's worse is that entities like Big Pharma run our government and dictate policy via regulatory capture. How capital is generated, fairly or unfairly, with or without preferential treatment from big government and how capital is utilized are the keys to determining how free a market is. I also am well aware that capitalism is an economic system. Crony capitalism however is political as government involvement distorts the free market. Our political system is not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic that includes certain aspects of the democratic process such as in local elections and referendums. While Scandinavian countries do practice democratic socialism as evidenced by their cradle to grave entitlements, those entitlements are funded by a vibrant private sector that rates very high on the free market/economic freedom scale. Let's just say that Scandinavian democratic socialism is not remotely close to the bogus version touted by frauds like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. As for dictatorships, monarchies, oligarchies, democratic socialism, monarchic capitalism, dictatorial communism, smaller democratic communist societies they all to varying degrees favor the collective/common good over individual liberty and the right to self determination. Democracies do not protect individual liberty and often lead to mob rule. I never mentioned the word democracy and never suggested any connection between democracy and capitalism. Whether communism is in the form of a dictatorship, totalitarian or a kibbutz or has some democratic processes present the individual is subservient to the collective and individual rights are infringed. My overarching point is that any form of government that does not first protect the right to self determination and any economic system that is distorted by government is progressivism no matter what one wants to call it, and it is progressivism that creates monsters like Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Ed, etc.

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You are right about the additional challenge being the psyops. Individuals, down to the family unit, are TRAINED in how to push the vaxx. Any persuasion technique is considered acceptable in pursuit of convincing a family member to take the mRNA injections: telling lies, subtle threats of ostracism, lies of omission, manipulating statistics, emotional pressure.

Chinese families never gave their five-year-olds an Opium pipe, but today in Western and other Asian countries they give them the needle.

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