Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Just read an article from Humanely on Telegram regarding folic acid and supplements during pregnancy and the increase of autism. Thought of you, Toby!


I started taking a supplement with iodine, copper, zinc, selenium, ashwagandha among others to support my thyroid. I was told over 15 years ago that I would have to take a pill for the rest of my life. I weaned myself off the medication and feel great! More big Pharma bullshit.

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RemovedSep 2, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers
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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Thyrocsin by Thorne.

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When will we reach the tipping point where even the mainstream media will not be able to deny the harmful COVID vaccine side effects? How long will it take? I hear of people in my immediate and extended circle having new health issues nearly every day. About 95% of them are fully vaccinated and the vast majority boosted.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I am still trying to digest your post, 3 down the stack - July 31.

Consequently, when I read today: ".... rather participate in self-inflicted genocide than risk thinking for themselves." -- I think: " a sign of a society in the grips of a mass poisoning event. "

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Re tribalism. Yeah, tell me about it. I've been singing that song for a long, long time.

Agnotology is another term for it, as are group-think, confirmation bias and uncertainty bias. Cognitive dissonance, magical thinking and cult-like devotion are part of the gestalt.

AGNOTOLOGY: The tendency of a group to ignore, censor or delay knowledge due to bias.

Whenever someone calls someone else a conspiracy theorist or claims they trust the experts, pay attention. They are shutting down dialogue and virtue signaling. Doesn't mean everything anyone says is right or wrong, it's just disrespectful and inappropriate to deny anything or anyone out of hand.

“The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.” - William Osler, a founding physician of Johns Hopkins who emphasized listening to patients and detailed clinical work

“It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence." - Upton Sinclair

“Consensus is the first refuge of scoundrels…. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.” - Michael Crichton, physician and author

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I absolutely abhor conspiracy theory used in a pejorative term., A friend, a district attorney, called them nonsense....hey, dude, you and your cops have to theorize about crimes committedby 2 or more people all the time. Most criminals don't walk in and confess

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As for copper,.it has some involvement in angiogenesis. So those with a family history or other risk for cancer may want to proceed with caution. Zinc counteracts that stimulus, and should outweigh copper in the diet, or supplementation by 15 to 1 up to 30 to 1 ratio by milligrams, and Zn 30 mg with Cu 2 mg is usually a good ratio, typical for a multi.

Some integrative oncologists even use molybdenum to chelate copper, but I don't with my patients. Better I think to simply oppose excess Cu with Zn.

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spotted this - looks interesting:

in a study that should have been done during clinical trials BEFORE rolling out injections to adolescents and still hasn't been done for infants, check this study out from Thailand.

Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents[v1] | Preprints

pdf here: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202208.0151/v1/download

on page 6 of 14

"3.2. Cardiovascular findings

Cardiovascular adverse events observed during the study were tachycardia (7.64%), shortness of breath (6.64%), palpitation (4.32%), chest pain (4.32%), and hypertension (3.99%)."

on page 10 of 14

"4. Evaluation of patients developing abnormal ECG post-vaccination

After vaccination, ECG revealed that of the 301 patients, 247 (82.06%) had normal sinus rhythm, while an abnormal ECG finding was noted in 54 patients (17.94%) (Table 4). The most common abnormal ECG finding was sinus rhythm with sinus arrhythmia (7.31%), followed by sinus tachycardia (6.64%) and sinus bradycardia (1.33%). Of the two patients with abnormal rhythm, one had junctional escape rhythm, and one had ectopic atrial rhythm. Arrhythmia was observed as premature ventricular contractions in two patients (0.66%), and three (1%) had premature atrial contraction. One case (0.33%) had diffused ST elevation with PR depression."

get that? 18% of the 301 in the prospective survey of 301 adolescents in thailand had abnormal ECG readings. Sinus arrythmia was 7%.

but.. in conclusion, the paper states :

"Clinically suspected myocarditis is temporarily associated with the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in a small proportion of adolescent patients. Chest pain is an alarming symptom in patients receiving BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, especially a second dose of BNT162b2. We found the risk of these symptoms to be not as low as reported elsewhere, but in all cases, symptoms were mild with full recovery within 14 days."

i did not know that you could recover from myocarditis with bed rest!

this sort of study has NOT been completed by the CDC/FDA or any other health authority like those in Canada, UK or Australia.

the BMJ accepted this on 25 May 2022 and published it on 13 July 2022

Incidence, risk factors, natural history, and hypothesised mechanisms of myocarditis and pericarditis following covid-19 vaccination: living evidence syntheses and review | The BMJ

"Results 46 studies were included (14 on incidence, seven on risk factors, 11 on characteristics and short term course, three on longer term outcomes, and 21 on mechanisms). Incidence of myocarditis after mRNA vaccines was highest in male adolescents and male young adults (age 12-17 years, range 50-139 cases per million (low certainty); 18-29 years, 28-147 per million (moderate certainty))."

just around 100 per million of myocarditis (one in 10,000) amongst 12-17 year old boys with low certainty.

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january entry for the tedros person: “i didn’t get any of the shots”

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yes, tedros claimed that he could not get a shot until everyone had been "shot" in his poor country of origin (ethiopia).

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i’m not jewish,but the rabbi nails it, specifically addressing that ridiculous excuse way back in feb 2021

(#9 in the 31 reasons not to take the vaccine)


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“But the bougie collaborators, I don't know how they will ever be rehabilitated.”

This is what bothers me the most about this entire, sordid episode. Like politicians who can’t help themselves but to lie and be corrupted, we expect pharma to poison for profit. That’s who they are. But the millions of people worldwide who would rather willingly go along with self-inflicted genocide than simply ask a few questions is frightening and disgusting beyond words. How will it be possible to even relate to them in the future? They are so thoroughly ensconced in their programming, how will they ever think clearly about anything?

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So the killing continues unabated. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/do-you-know-how-many-people-have?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

"Nine Omicron Covid symptoms affecting the fully vaccinated - and signs you may have it | The Independent" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/omicron-symptoms-ba5-fully-vaccinated-b2144740.html?amp

"Pfizer's COVID vaccine wanes in teens 27 days after 2nd dose" https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/covid-pfizer-vaccine-teens-17368239.php

"A monkeypox drug was approved under the 'Animal Rule.' STAT explains" https://www.statnews.com/2022/08/15/monkeypox-treatment-tpoxx-fda-animal-rule-explainer/

"Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tests positive for Covid" https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna43134

"Johns Hopkins Researchers Have Developed a Method That Predicts Sudden Cardiac Death" https://scitechdaily.com/johns-hopkins-researchers-have-developed-a-method-that-predicts-sudden-cardiac-death/amp/

"Tirzepatide: Weight Loss Drug Suppresses Appetite, Awaits FDA Approval" https://www.insider.com/tirzepatide-weight-loss-medication-what-to-know-2022-8?amp

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

This might be off-topic although it is a thinking point. I cannot understand why there are so many health agencies such as WHO, CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA, etc., plus all the non-qualified who have their say, meaning people like the UN, Gates, WEF, and those who hide behind the scenes. Has anyone ever questioned why we need all these people, and what exactly do they do besides creating hell on earth and stealing tax-payers money?

Another thinking point of mine – I hope you don’t mind Toby. When people question any of these agencies or companies, why do they not question the fact that computer hardware/software is contained in the jab and why does Bluetooth divulge a Code identifying the jabbed person, because there is obviously more than just a “messenger” system contained in the jab? No doubt, we know or can guess what all this is about but I think it is time that THEY are publicly questioned on this subject.

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Computer hardware software is contained? Once I verify this, I won't be on fence about shot... This sounds awesome!😎😎😎😎😎

Computer software in me! Cannot freaking wait

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In light of recent events, some might be inclined to believe that, at this point, no person or entity is allowed to occupy a power space without the consent of the surveillance state.

How would this be disproved?

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

The Kulldorff tweet is great.

Maybe most of the bougiecrat collaborators will be eliminated by the jabs they love so much.

I wonder if the deer was bottle raised as the nursing on her shirt reminds me of one of our bottle feeding kittens. It's typical behavior for an animal separated too early. He would nurse on my sleeve in the mornings and other times. We lost him to a heart attack/cardiomyopathy/blood clot at 10 months 2 days after we left on a vacation. 13 years later, I still grieve. But the Kingdom is coming, and nothing is lost.

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The deer was hysterical. In Canaan Valley WV there are very tame wild deer that would do this. At least as of 10 years ago you could hand feed them (obviously the recommendation was don’t, but they were already used to humans feeding them and the population was strong and healthy).

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

BTW, I loved your post elsewhere about your daughter and her voluminous reading. I especially loved the last line about it being terrifying to be her mother!! It's always so encouraging for me to see people raising lions, not sheep.

I shared the story with one of my husband's former students who we had over to talk about the Harry Potter books. She's read 23 books this summer (with a full-time internship) and I think she read the entire HP series in 3 weeks!

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That brought a huge smile to my face. Thank you!!!!

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Hard to believe we are building a revolution on a platform as buggy as Substack. But here we are! lolz.

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It will take a generation to push back. The kids today who come out of this with sanity and critical thinking skills will need to find the personal agency that only comes with adulthood and the motivation to protect their own children that we failed so miserably at doing. Those of us that tried must hold the line to ensure some children survive and have a path and a place to use their voice. Looking at my own kids I have enormous hope for the future, but I also recognize their chances at success our dependent upon our ability to hold the line with every ounce of our being.

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There is no Trans Spectrum. Its a Psychological Disorder and now its being cultivated to make customers for Big Pharma. If the gender you're assigned at Birth was random then 50% of the population would claim to be Trans.

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Gender is not assigned at birth. Sex is observed at birth. Gender comes much later and is a social construct.

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I think there is a large issue with conflating gender and gendered descriptions. I am a woman because I am an adult human female living in a human society. How women are perceived, treated, and valued, as well as gender norms and expectations, are influenced by culture, but the core of it ultimately rests on being an adult human female. When I say have a strong feminine physique and masculine personality traits, I am describing characteristics of myself using gendered language. Gendered language related to people is often a subjective description based on generalities, not hard and fast biological rules. Having masculine personality traits, or a feminine body, has nothing to do with the reality that I am a woman.

Increasingly trans activist demand that gendered descriptions of an individual's human traits must align with the gender we "present" to the world. That is regressive, and honestly outright insane. It is also overtly cruel to teach this to children who have no ability to comprehend what that actually means, much less what their future adult wants, desires, or motivations might one day be.

If they aren't hurting anyone, I don't care how other adults live or chose to "present" themself to the world, so long as female private spaces and athletic competitions are protected based on biological sex. These spaces don't exist because of gender norms or social constructs, they exist because of biology. I find it deeply misogynistic to tell women and girls they must sacrifice their own feelings of security and privacy, their bodily safety, and their athletic opportunities on the altar of coddling male "feelings," no matter how strong those feelings may be. The belief that material reality for females falls below the desires of males on the hierarchy of a society's values has been used to justify the material oppression and abuse of women throughout human history.

I also find it cruel that the activists and physicians promoting gender transition aren't more honest with those who desire to transition. People wanting to be "treated" by society as a gender different than their biology is frequently a material reason for seeking to transition genders. But "society," aka other humans, are hard wired to treat people in certain circumstances as the gender they biological are.

The reaction from strangers towards me will always be different than the reaction those same strangers have to a trans woman in certain circumstances - from walking into a women's bathroom, being in the area of a fight breaking out, or seeking an intimate partner. The pushes to deny this realty has caused small and great suffering to all involved, particular lesbians who are bullied into dating trans women only to be deeply traumatized by the experience, and trans adults who will always fall short of the goal of being fully "accepted" as the gender they "present" as. That reality doesn't come from a place of being bigoted or hateful or mean. It comes from an acknowledgement of natural instincts.

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Thats the language they use. They claim Gender is assigned at Birth and arbitrary since they believe Sex and Gender is unrelated. The intention of Gender Pronouns was originally to communicate information about Biological Sex, not their temperament. Gender Dysphoria is a Social Construct.

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Yes, I take your point. But they use the wrong terms, intentionally, to replace sex with gender. Which is very weird.

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Its insanity and people are afraid to challenge it, even tho its total nonesense. Have you seen this? Psychiatry & Big Pharma Exposed - Dr James Davies, PhD


Seems Pharma are now in the business of medicating healthy people with toxic injections and cultivating psychiatric disorders so they can then supply pills/injections to everybody for the rest of their lives, and the psychiatry/medical establishment are bought and paid for, so no resistance. Strange days, but it could all be a prelude to something far more sinister - if thats not bad enough

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TOBY, Want to see something really f#ucked up? This ad is all over the radio today. Pfizer has a new drug for athletes who drop dead from AMYLOIDOSIS caused by their own death vax. The slick website is a masterful Mind-fuck of red herrings and gas lighting. READ!!!! https://www.yourheartsmessage.com/

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I really loved this collection of thoughts. Fist, er *knuckle* bumps. 👊😊

Anxious to look into Jason Hommel’s work. I’ve struggled with copper balance as it relates to thyroid. I have to be super careful with iodine and make sure it’s balanced properly with selenium, but getting it right was a game changer for sure. Thanks for the tip!

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I’m in the same boat. Any suggestions on what to read and where to find proper dosing? Thanks much!

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I had to study a lot, run my own labs, and find out what worked for me. These two are my favorite sources. You have to dig through articles, but there’s some real pearls.



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This is great info! Thank you!

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Food being the best medicine my doctor (naturopath) has started me using organic dulse flakes as a flavoring in my cooking to boost my iodine because I don’t use “table salt” (it being an over processed product I now find gross compared to Himalayan salt). Bonus points for helping detox heavy metals.

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Thanks much!

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Chris Masterjohn has a substack. Here is his link: https://chrismasterjohnphd.substack.com/

One thought is that nutritionally dense foods grown organically or found in the Ocean like kelp are the best sources for re balancing your body or my mind. It might take a bit longer to effect you. That is because the obvious symptoms are not always the root symptoms.

Best of health to you. May you find your way.

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I have taken an ipak class by dr braunstein that I found interesting but didn’t quite have enough concrete info for my taste. Thanks much for your suggestion. I will look into it.

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Hana the Sage … never underestimate the clarity she has brought to this psyops.

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