Apr 15, 2023·edited Apr 15, 2023

I want to have a fallacy named after me! What would it be? Perhaps the 'Uninjected Will Survive'?fallacy (the Jacquelyn Sauriol fallacy) (Sauriol is like s-oreo-l); as our blood is being taken over by effing graphene/nanobots as well. Ah, it's a worthy and popular fallacy, and now it's named after me!!

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

The "bougiecrats" have lost their minds and many so-called liberals.

It's a fallacy that they even possess the knowhow to build a better mousetrap let alone a better world.

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OK, thanks for this info. I thought I was being censored, Jack.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

"This is how to protect others and be a good person" fallacy. (and the inverse, "people not complying are putting others at risk")

(that said, there's something to the fact that we're all connected and contagious diseases are contagious. But what they were saying was protective was not. If anything, people who were sick thought they were protecting others by wearing useless face diapers. And plenty of masked people cough all over public transit.

"Humans are suddenly not mammals" - brilliant.

"Went to a good school." What a twisted way to see things. The best schools are the worst, these years (And the years before for some), made quite clear.

And (for my cousin A, who probably will never see this) - "I only listen to virologists." (Meanwhile, believing what wikipedia and incompetent journalists say about Dr Byram Bridle, and not comprehending that fact checkers and Washington Post "journalists" are not virologists.

And the one he said with almost every email - some version of "people who believe what you do about the vaccine also don't believe in climate change and think the election was stolen." It's an obvious deflection from the vaccine conversation, and at first I thought it was completely off base, because I was sure about climate change and didn't believe the election was stolen, (but a tiny part of me wondered, especially as I saw how many lies the media told on covid).

As time went on I see there actually is a connection (altho it's still a fallacy to not listen to credible doctors on the vaccine / covid treatments conversation). Many of the same people who smell the bullshit all thru the covid narrative also smell bullshit in the doomsday climate models, the blind #FollowTheScience, and how climate is being used to usher in digital dystopia. One can see those things and still hold that maybe massive industrial activity from humans had some negative effects on the atmosphere, but maybe doesn't trust the powers that (shouldn't) be to interpret that and provide solutions.

And why wouldn't psychopaths desperate to hold onto control, and brainwashed enablers who laugh at horse paste and dance with vax-scenes, why wouldn't they lie about elections also? I've seen enough about the election thing to make me not trust at all that these elections were fair, even tho I don't have time to go deep enough to verify exactly what happened.

( https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/?sort=search&search=election )

And of course there's the - 99% of doctors and scientists agree (yeah when the others are censored.)

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I signed in and did a long comment, now it is gone after it was posted. What happened to it?

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I did a comment and now it is gone, what the hell is going on?

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

It may not be gone. I've noticed for a while now that shortly after I post a comment, it seems to disappear, but in fact has been put at the bottom of comments. Obviously, when there are a lot of comments, often numbering in the hundreds, it will be hard to find the one you just posted.

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I have some advice for those of you that may or may not know. Bankers have been behind every war, every financial meltdown in our history, and are behind what we are experiencing now! The Rothchilds representative came to the US for the express purpose of planning a way to take control of our monetary system, and they did it at Jekel Island in 1910 with a secret meeting among the wealthy banker's trust. The result of it was the Federal Reserve, that is not federal and has no reserves, then step two was the league of nations that morphed into the UN, and these same players were the power behind this. They created the Counsil on foreign relations and the trilateral commission, the CIA, and all the foundations that were a way to influence policy, and at the same time get tax free status. The long-term goal that has been stated over the decades was to create a one world government, or as it is actually known as communism, socialism. No more individual sovereign nation states, just a one world cabal of these same families' decedents as the rulers of this dystopian nightmare. One player who is consistently in the center of this is Henry Kissinger who was Claus Schaubs mentor. They created the WEF that states plainly that Democracy will be no more, you will own nothing and be happy because they will provide you with all you need, oh and you will also be less human in this future that is now the right now by implanting microchips in our brains. This will allow them to spy on your thoughts, your whereabouts at all times as well as control you by digital currency. The first step has been the conditioning with fear because it works so well. Pandemics was the perfect vehicle as they started with AIDS and the lies about all of it, and guess who was at the helm at that time, Fauci and he is here now with the same pseudoscience about this flulike virus that we now know was created in labs with gain of function, another word for weaponizing a virus, then they released it, lied about the dangers of it, fixed the numbers, the research, and everything about it. It worked verry well because they knew how to scare us half to death, and only a handful of real scientists knew that the science was not evidence based, and they had to be silenced so they used the news agencies they control as well as the social networks they control to make us believe that 2+2= 5, the earth is flat, George Bush is smart, the poison gene altering jabs would protect us from the humanity destroying virus. None of it true but like good little sheep we followed along because our government would never be so evil because we are America, and we are all exceptional, and this could never happen here! But it did happen, and for the verry reasons mentioned, world control. You see the long games the smart game, and since the Rockefellers took control of the financial, medical and education systems in this country, the proceeded to brainwash all of us all of our lives, we naturally believe them because they are our handlers, get it? Now let's practice for the bomb by ducking and covering under our desks so we will be protected, as well as being in a good position to kiss your ass goodby.

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The longest running fallacy that the founding fathers established a democratic form of majority-rule governance when they in fact established a self governing republican form of governance. This has nothing to do with the political parties. Democracy was and is Britain and Rome's system. To recap: Democratic form of government is majority rule governance. Republican form of government is self governance.

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"Free speech is a danger to our democracy."

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“Logical fallacies are always dangerous and in this case they are flat out deadly.”

This is so true!

FYI, I went to give my condolences to my friend yesterday who lost his sister, she SUDDENLY died! In January of 2023 his brother died SUDDENLY. Both fully vaccinated… my mother-in-law are in so much pain, her Dr cannot give her a proper diagnosis. March 15, 2023, her Dr gave her injections inside both her palms. My neighbor daughter was rushed to the hospital for pain & cramps, they gave her pain meds & send her home. Her brother had the same issues a few months ago, they couldn’t properly diagnosed either of them. they are all fully vaccinated. I’ve know them all my life, their parents are both healthy & goes to the gym daily & in great health. Their injuries started after the experimental jabs….why is it we cannot get an honest diagnosis? Very sad.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

One need only read the first few chapters of Virus Mania https://www.amazon.com/Virus-Mania-Continually-Epidemics-Billion-Dollar/dp/1425114679 - to see how the entire medical industry developed the virus paradigm in order to sell 'vaccines'. It's a fascinating read. There are also videos that cover the premises of the book.

Another good read is 'Turtles All the Way Down' https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981045

More and more research is exposing the fraudulent science behind vaccines. It's a great business model if you can convince people. Just wait until you read about polio - one of the main arguments for 'vaccines'.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Fallacy: Because correlation is not causation, correlation has no significance.

There is strong correlation and weak correlation. Strong correlation has been used to find safety signals in medicine for a very long time. And there is a very strong correlation between the roll out of the jabs and unprecedented increases in disabilities and deaths worldwide.

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Ultimately, they are shortcuts. Why? So that we can think less, because thinking takes time, and there's Netflix to get to. It's also challenging, and we don't learn to do it in school, where we spend our formative years. Entertainment wins out too often, as it's too easy. But thought feeds to soul and entertainment starves it.

I love what you write because you spend thought, which is expensive.

The joy in life is discovering what's worth thinking about and delving in, rather than running away. That is the grand adventure. Perhaps the most crippling result of our schools is that young people seldom realize that anymore.

And the biggest fallacy of all: Life is a zero-sum game.

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Ohh, gosh, what a fun game! For my education pieces, I call them lies, but fallacy works even better!

The "The science is settled," fallacy.

The "There is no debate" that shuts down any ability to think, fallacy.

The "If you spend enough on college, you'll be educated," fallacy.

The "School is necessary," fallacy, and its implied step-child, "School is a necessary evil."

The "Learning happens in institutions," fallacy.

The "I went to school and I'm educated but I can't teach," fallacy.

The "Children need socialization," and it's corollary, "Children effectively socialize other children of the same age" fallacies.

There's just a TON of them. My favorite these days is the negative vs. positive attribute fallacy: "All my failures ("I don't have a math brain") are personal (my fault), while all my successes ("My English teacher really inspired my writing and she's why I became a lawyer") are credited to the institution (school's success). I'd love to know what you think of that!

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These are excellent! Yes the logical fallacies are all around us -- we've built an entire culture out of them -- and they are designed to benefit corrupt institutions. The more we rid ourselves of these cognitive distortions, the more we will flourish. 🙌

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Nice constructive insight. I argue that the same dynamic was/is at work with the Apollo Space Program. https://peteryim.substack.com/p/the-spell-of-apollo

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby and others, I would add parens around the DMED being spiked fallacy--this seems more like an inflitration issue into the databases by foreigners in order to demoralize the United States that the Armed Forces is no longer interested in protecting its fighting force. I have a very hard time believing the DoD would have done this because of the implications.

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You raise a good point. The *motivation* for Pharma to poison us is massive. It's a much bigger reach to find a motivation for the DoD to democide the citizenry. I mean it's possible and it has happened before in history. But again, it's just a bigger reach, it does not fit the data as well as Pharma being the architect -- at least to me.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby, I think China is the instigator behind the whole shebang, not Pharma or DoD. I am not willing to sign onto the theory that Pharma or DoD were at all willfully planning global genocide via the covxx. But by their compliance, they have become willful participants in the agenda. (WEF, WHO and fellow globalist travelers perhaps colluded with China, maybe).

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I like the China theory too. Naomi Wolf promotes this theory as well. But how do we explain the fact that developed nations throughout the world did NOT push back against such Chinese aggression? If this is an act of war, then why did the DoD lay down under both a Republican and a Democratic president?

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Toby, China the Red Dragon owns the nations. This was a well thought out agenda. Also, progressive mindset recoils from communist atrocities and believes enlightened mankind has eliminated communism and that the West won the cold war. All of these are fallacies which the West has glommed onto even though there was plenty of evidence that the West had believed a series of well orchestrated lies about Russia and China and the collapse of Communism.. these were brought out into the open by Soviet defectors who told us of the Soviet plans to "throw in the towel' to put the West to sleep. And since we were put to sleep, we saw the rise of globalisms dealing with both Russia and China having now been raped of its economic resources by both Russia and more specifically China. The West and its militaries have swallowed lies upon lies which led to Big Pharma and DoD embracing China as a willing 'partner' in the globalisation of the world. What happened is just the opposite--a phython came into our tent. I recommend Trevour Loudon and JR Nyquist to help elaborate. Jeff Nyquist has written numerous recent posts concerning the china strategy and deception on covid.

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