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Toby, I think China is the instigator behind the whole shebang, not Pharma or DoD. I am not willing to sign onto the theory that Pharma or DoD were at all willfully planning global genocide via the covxx. But by their compliance, they have become willful participants in the agenda. (WEF, WHO and fellow globalist travelers perhaps colluded with China, maybe).

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I like the China theory too. Naomi Wolf promotes this theory as well. But how do we explain the fact that developed nations throughout the world did NOT push back against such Chinese aggression? If this is an act of war, then why did the DoD lay down under both a Republican and a Democratic president?

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Toby, China the Red Dragon owns the nations. This was a well thought out agenda. Also, progressive mindset recoils from communist atrocities and believes enlightened mankind has eliminated communism and that the West won the cold war. All of these are fallacies which the West has glommed onto even though there was plenty of evidence that the West had believed a series of well orchestrated lies about Russia and China and the collapse of Communism.. these were brought out into the open by Soviet defectors who told us of the Soviet plans to "throw in the towel' to put the West to sleep. And since we were put to sleep, we saw the rise of globalisms dealing with both Russia and China having now been raped of its economic resources by both Russia and more specifically China. The West and its militaries have swallowed lies upon lies which led to Big Pharma and DoD embracing China as a willing 'partner' in the globalisation of the world. What happened is just the opposite--a phython came into our tent. I recommend Trevour Loudon and JR Nyquist to help elaborate. Jeff Nyquist has written numerous recent posts concerning the china strategy and deception on covid.

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