I can see why it took you eight years to articulate this issue. Not only is it complicated, but the forces arrayed to suppress your description are vast. I, as I suspect most people, felt no compulsion to question the "safe and effective" narrative for most of my life. My grandfather was Doctor in General Practice who sang the praises of…
I can see why it took you eight years to articulate this issue. Not only is it complicated, but the forces arrayed to suppress your description are vast. I, as I suspect most people, felt no compulsion to question the "safe and effective" narrative for most of my life. My grandfather was Doctor in General Practice who sang the praises of the polio vaccine and personally administered my smallpox vaccine. The global warming scam should have been enough to tip me over the edge, as I never have believed that heap of propaganda dedicated to manipulating our every action. COVID's only contribution to the world is that it, and the idiotic reaction to it, caused the scales to fall from the eyes of so many. Thanks. Great article, however sad.
I can see why it took you eight years to articulate this issue. Not only is it complicated, but the forces arrayed to suppress your description are vast. I, as I suspect most people, felt no compulsion to question the "safe and effective" narrative for most of my life. My grandfather was Doctor in General Practice who sang the praises of the polio vaccine and personally administered my smallpox vaccine. The global warming scam should have been enough to tip me over the edge, as I never have believed that heap of propaganda dedicated to manipulating our every action. COVID's only contribution to the world is that it, and the idiotic reaction to it, caused the scales to fall from the eyes of so many. Thanks. Great article, however sad.