Great article, thank you Toby. Any updates on Novavax, which is being promoted by the military as a fourth alternative to covid shots in our Armed Forces, in addition to Modern, Pfizer, and J&J? Any updates on when the Armed Forces mandate policy is going to be reversed, or face lawsuite, as the "safe and effective" claims fall apart in light of emerging evidence to the contrary?

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It's 27 July 2022. I'm ready Aaron's Siri's brief for the Air Force lawsuit about how most of the plantiffs will take Covaxin when approved. What? Why? Surely it causes mycarditis too and probably auto immune diseases. It's a new adjuvant, maybe.

Can you please write an article on why people should consider avoiding this one too as well as asking for Indian readers to share their stories of vax injury/no injury post this shot? Your reach is much bigger than mine.

"The adjuvant used in COVAXIN, Alhydroxiquim-II, was discovered and tested in the laboratory by the biotech company ViroVax LLC of Lawrence, Kansas with support exclusively from the NIAID Adjuvant Development Program. The adjuvant comprises a small molecule attached in a unique way to Alhydrogel, a substance frequently called alum that is the most commonly used adjuvant in vaccines for people. Alhydroxiquim-II travels to lymph nodes, where the small molecule detaches from alum and activates two cellular receptors. These receptors, TLR7 and TLR8, play a vital role in the immune response to viruses. Alhydroxiquim-II is the first adjuvant in an authorized vaccine against an infectious disease to activate TLR7 and TLR8. In addition, the alum in Alhydroxiquim-II stimulates the immune system to search for an invading pathogen."


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Thank you for the heads up! Alhydroxiquim-II sounds like all kinds of bad news.

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My absolute decision has been to never ever take any vaccine (shunned them anyway)

again. I am a retired RN with a 35 yr. employment in the hospital system

in a variety of roles. Not so much experience with vaccines, but loads of

experience with general medications ubiquitous in today's pharma culture.

Never believed anything re "that" flu variant after two weeks time. Certainly didn't

offer myself up for an injection.

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Please, let there be an understanding: There is no "cure" for the common cold,

and other corona viruses.

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Not only will I never receive another vaccine again, or will I ever allow any of my children to be vaccinated, but I don’t want to HEAR the word “vaccine” ever again.

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The pure bloods among us are the control group😊

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They all make me sick.

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Looking forward to your update on Novavax. Just saw this. Seems really suspect: https://www.fda.gov/media/159498/download

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So they killed another control group? Just like Pfizer did. That is probably the reason for allowing the crossover. Then they wouldn’t have a control. These companies are as evil as it gets!

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Am I reading correctly that the 64-77% of the subjects crossed over? So… after the 2 shots of whatever MOST then swapped sides such that very few would be left with no novavax in their system? And this was approved unanimously with one abstention… There are no regulatory authorities. Full stop.

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Today I was reading a comical abc news story about all the Covid reinfections. This paragraph to me says it all.

I believe that virtually everyone will be infected at some point in their lives, and most people multiple times. We see plenty of patients with reinfection, though it is a really hard number to quantify,” Dr. Shira Doron, an infectious disease physician and hospital epidemiologist at Tufts Medical Center, told ABC News.

It seems our Covid virus acts a lot like a cold. People will just keep getting it. Everyone at some poinT. Makes you wonder why we have to keep taking these vaccines. Well. We know why.

The news article also said this about unvaccinated.

In New Jersey, unvaccinated people were 1.7 times more likely to become reinfected than vaccinated people, and 7.3 times more likely to become reinfected than vaccinated and boosted people.

Hmmmm. So interesting. Wonder where they got this data from. Those pesky unvaxxed people. In NJ. They keep getting reinfected even more than vaccinated and boosted!

Funny. I’m unvaccinated and everyone around me is vaccinated and most boosted. They all keep getting reinfected and even if they have it and I drink from their cup I don’t get it! I’m sure I’m just a special case though. I’d love to do our own surveys on sub stack and ask the unvaccinated how many times they have had Covid?

Anyways. Love this article Toby on the Novavax. . Food for thought. I won’t be taking it but if it gets released I’m sure some will run out to get the jab for that extra protection. Mix and match those vaccines! That should protect you even more! Perfectly safe. And effective!

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The vaxxed and boosted around me are also the ones getting this Covid cold, also. We'll stick with our protocol including Ivermectin and stay well. I had the Covid cold in March and still have antibodies. My doctor is not happy, but who cares?

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I'm unvaxxed and I haven't been ill in over 5 years. For the entire year of 2020 I knew very few people sick with covid. In 2021, after the vaccines, I knew a bunch of people sick with covid including 2 young people who were in hospital for weeks... the vaccines didn't safe them.

I also know a woman who came down with covid THE SAME day she got a booster and flu shot. I asked her how they could tell it wasn't a reaction to the vaccine and she looked at me like she hadn't had that thought cross her mind "I tested positive for covid though so I know it was that!"

The 3 unvaxxed ppl I work with are the same - no illness. The ppl getting boosters are a train wreck... feeling dizzy ir sick or lightheaded... blood clots... liver disease... heart attacks... unusually severe spots on their back... it is a mess! Lol I don't feel safe being around them tbh!

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My daughter got covid on Dec 1. 2019. We were celebrating her birthday. All eating and sharing the cake. She’s a healthcare worker. next day she was sick. None of us got it from her. She had mild symptoms. Then in Jan she was coerced to take the Moderna shots. Then a booster. Then she gets covid again! I was around her while she was still positive. I did not get. My son and husband got J&J. Only one shot. They were exposed to covid but never got it. Crazy. This whole vaccine thing is a complete scam and I don’t know how people cannot see it.

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I had a very mild Covid before jabs out. I am unjabbed and haven’t been sick since. Unlike other jabbed I know. I’m 74. Vitamin d level between 70 and 80 for years. No novovax for me.

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DrBeen explains everything very well here.

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When you think it cannot get worse...it does.

Years ago, I got DTap. What I think was soon after (like 25/26 y.o.) I develop "allergies" to food. Is the DTap a root cause of this? I dont know. What I do know, is later life allergy attainment is sus.

Wtf do I know though.

Not one bit of this passes the sniff test.

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Toby-where can I find information on the Shingles vaccine? I want to know more about potential side effects with this vaccine.

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You get shingles, is the most likely outcome.

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You may also enjoy Dr Toni Bark destroying the Chicken Pox shot programme in detailed testimony here: https://odysee.com/@VaxxedDoctors:c/toni-bark:8 plus Dr Sam Bailey here destroys Chicken Pox itself aswell : https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/chickenpox-parties-and-varicella-zoster:f See her recent work on Pox viruses and infamous Monkey Pox too.

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CHD does good work. This article captures some of the history that I allude to above: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-varicella-vaccine-skyrocketing-shingles-and-cdc-chicanery/

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Thank you

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There is Trusting, that’s anyone who believes Big Pharma. There is Trusting and Stupid, that’s anyone who took the Booster because the first shot didn’t work. Then there is Beyond Stupid, that’s anyone who would enter into ANY trial for ANY pharmaceutical product, ever, anywhere!

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Or put their children in them.

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Well, it’s been given the vaunted “EUA.” Now watch helplessly as all the injuries and deaths start rolling in. So shameful- 21 voted yes, 0 voted no, and there was 1 abstention.

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A copy of this piece will be placed at the front desk of my office just in case any of my holdouts feel persuaded to join the GoodPeople club if/when Novavax becomes available. That trial is insane, and how incredibly disturbing (yet not surprising) that it qualified as legitimate science. I saw all the deaths, too. Holy fright…

It seems like Fauci and company didn’t want this one to make its way to the marketplace, but I’m sure they will find a way to use it to further their agenda. Scapegoat seems like a plausible option.

Ya, the “classic” v platform conjured out of moth juice and matrix m gets an “immediately no” from me, too. The Biebs is so wise…

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I've updated the article a bit based on what I learned by listening to the VRBPAC meeting this morning.

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Perfect - thanks for sifting through all the crazy for us! 🙏

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