I enjoyed your article and subject content. Hannah Ardent reminds us of the banality of evil, like you mentioned Eichmann and how the bureaucrats just follow orders and then go home and enjoy their dinners. We definitely have psychopaths among us who are in positions of power. Thank you.
I spent a chapter in my book on vaccine harms discussing the ACIP meeting 1.0 called the Simpsonwood Meeting in GA. Basically the same psychopathy only then they discussed whether vaccines caused autism which they most assuredly do. These people are truly psychotic and selfish and greedy. The entire panel should be executed for murder in the first degree i.e., premeditated.
Thanks for this. You called it: the ACIP panel and so many more in public health are psychopaths, no doubt about it.
Are you familiar with John Abramson's books on the corruption of American medicine? The most recent is "Sickening"; one published in 2008 was entitled "Overdosed America". Both do a nice job of describing the collapse of honest medical research and reporting, the takeover of medical research by contract research organizations (CROs) that are in many cases owned by marketing and advertising corporations. He does, unfortunately, gush about the wonderful covid vaxxxines, which almost made me stop reading. But he does have interesting things to say about how we got here. There seems to be overlap of greed and psychopathy in American medicine.
A bit off topic, but along the lines of exposing these terrible experiments on mankind is following what’s happening with chem trails. A CA group is making progress in bringing on an attorney to stop the chemical atmospheric spraying.
Since the bureaucrats have declared "open season" on all of us common folk these last 3 years, I'd like to know when it's our turn to experiment on them.
“We could be having a spectacular conversation about this ‘biopolitical turn’ (as they would say) but the political left, that debated biopolitics for decades, is busy standing in line at the pharmacy to get their sixth or seventh Covid shot — and they don’t have an opinion about any of this anyway because they now love Big Pharma.” ... I love this! And we ARE having a spectacular convo about this turn - often because of YOUR stack, Doc Rogers! We now have decades of new material to hash over. I’m lookin forward to it. Four yrs ago everyone said sociology was dead. Ha!
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work--Paul Babiak, Ph.D. & Robert D.Hare, Ph.D. 2006--really good read on the topic. I'm also wondering why there are so many--was it always that way, or has the vaccination program and metals in foods as vitamins, minerals contributed to the negative impact on the development/function of the part of the brain responsible for empathy. The use of paracetamol, over the counter meds like: acetaminophen, antihistamines, asthma medication and other overly prescribed meds like: SSRI's, Benzodiaxepines, Statins etc. all impact empathy. Empathy is what psychopaths and sociopaths are missing. Of course, psychology presently believes that psychopaths are born and sociopaths are made. Still, they are both prevalent.
The 1/3 who did not were probably mostly the COVID unvaccinated. People capable of independent thought. People of integrity. People who are not followers.
Problem is, psychopaths and others with personality disorders are not actually insane; illogical and unrealistic, sure, but not insane. Their survival skills are well-honed but they lack normal empathy and have biased perspective, perhaps utilizing selective or atrophied "theory of mind" skills. Consequently, they use confabulation and triangulation to buoy up their world-view which includes their exalted place in it - which as we have seen can be very lucrative. My grandmother would have said, "they are crazy like a fox."
I think we all have in us the thought of self survival. We don't give away all that we have because others have so little. These people are able to almost completely turn off the ability to emphasize with others so they can have more in life. Only when they too suffer will there be change.
The Dark Triad goes into a bar. The bartender asks, “Which one of you is the darkest of the Dark Triad?” The narcissist quickly responds, “Me, of course!” The psychopath challenges, “What does it matter?” The Machiavellian says, “Whoever I want it to be.”
LOL - It does get confusing, I admit - like in the old comic book serials where the villain manages to effect a disguise that makes him appear identical to the hero.
However, "flying monkeys" is appropriate terminology for those who gang up on someone at the behest of a narcissistic abuser, e.g. family who alternately berate the abused spouse and emotionally pressure her to either stay with or return to the abuser. Or the vaccinated who virtue signal with illogical statements, "I care about people. I can't associate with you anymore, since as an unvaxxed person, you obviously don't care about my health." Or a mob of people who break windows and erect a gallows in response to the urging of an authority figure in order to get what they want.
"Narcissistic projection" is descriptive of the habit of the narcissist to accuse someone trying to set reasonable boundaries with someone who has been trampling all over them or otherwise being controlling. Ex. "Why are you looking a pumice stones, again? I told you - no. You don't listen." Chanting "lock her up" and then claiming they are being victimized by investigations.
Then we have "reactive abuse" - which happens when the person being subjected to all sorts of controlling behaviors, large and small, finally shows some temper - which results in a huge display of dysregulated rage by the narcissist who started it all.
P.S. For the record, I have friends I like very much who still support Trump who I still believe to be a malignant narcissist, conman and criminal.
Right around the time the Plandemic took off I read the book JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why it Matters by James Douglass. Through its well documented scholarly tale we take a look at what the last president named Kennedy faced every day he was in office.
What was so alarming was the way JFK discovered and had to deal with the psychopaths in high places who thought nothing of seeing 10 million Americans die if it meant 30 million Russkies would fall as well. And on and on it went. These were definitely part of the crew who felt we’d all be better off if he wasn’t around.
My biggest hope is that the spark of love that we hold and rely upon can wake up the sleepy frightened sheep. We just need to keep getting back up every time we fall down and remember there’s no turning back. Welcome to the battle for your soul. The good wolf inside against the bad wolf inside. And the winner is the one you choose to feed.
"Dr. Mary's Monkey" is another good read. I never could believe it wasn't just one crazy gunman, until I read that one.... JFK's death is associated with hiding the harm from the polio vaccine.
I enjoyed your article and subject content. Hannah Ardent reminds us of the banality of evil, like you mentioned Eichmann and how the bureaucrats just follow orders and then go home and enjoy their dinners. We definitely have psychopaths among us who are in positions of power. Thank you.
I spent a chapter in my book on vaccine harms discussing the ACIP meeting 1.0 called the Simpsonwood Meeting in GA. Basically the same psychopathy only then they discussed whether vaccines caused autism which they most assuredly do. These people are truly psychotic and selfish and greedy. The entire panel should be executed for murder in the first degree i.e., premeditated.
Thanks for this. You called it: the ACIP panel and so many more in public health are psychopaths, no doubt about it.
Are you familiar with John Abramson's books on the corruption of American medicine? The most recent is "Sickening"; one published in 2008 was entitled "Overdosed America". Both do a nice job of describing the collapse of honest medical research and reporting, the takeover of medical research by contract research organizations (CROs) that are in many cases owned by marketing and advertising corporations. He does, unfortunately, gush about the wonderful covid vaxxxines, which almost made me stop reading. But he does have interesting things to say about how we got here. There seems to be overlap of greed and psychopathy in American medicine.
Took a long time to get her to where she is. This is just the beginning.
A bit off topic, but along the lines of exposing these terrible experiments on mankind is following what’s happening with chem trails. A CA group is making progress in bringing on an attorney to stop the chemical atmospheric spraying.
Since the bureaucrats have declared "open season" on all of us common folk these last 3 years, I'd like to know when it's our turn to experiment on them.
“We could be having a spectacular conversation about this ‘biopolitical turn’ (as they would say) but the political left, that debated biopolitics for decades, is busy standing in line at the pharmacy to get their sixth or seventh Covid shot — and they don’t have an opinion about any of this anyway because they now love Big Pharma.” ... I love this! And we ARE having a spectacular convo about this turn - often because of YOUR stack, Doc Rogers! We now have decades of new material to hash over. I’m lookin forward to it. Four yrs ago everyone said sociology was dead. Ha!
You’re so epic, Toby! ♥️
The voice uptick at the end of a declarative statement, rather than a question:
The Dumbass Meter beeps loudly, the <->path proximity detector begins to hum.
Add the crooked smile: GTF outta here.
It's a bad sound, competes with Valley-girl glottal fry for the hallmark of a stupid woman.
Nobody is allowed to question "the sacred miracle elixir." If you do, you are a "$$$cience denier!'
Fantastic article, Sir Toby! Glad to see people are stepping up to support your work.
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work--Paul Babiak, Ph.D. & Robert D.Hare, Ph.D. 2006--really good read on the topic. I'm also wondering why there are so many--was it always that way, or has the vaccination program and metals in foods as vitamins, minerals contributed to the negative impact on the development/function of the part of the brain responsible for empathy. The use of paracetamol, over the counter meds like: acetaminophen, antihistamines, asthma medication and other overly prescribed meds like: SSRI's, Benzodiaxepines, Statins etc. all impact empathy. Empathy is what psychopaths and sociopaths are missing. Of course, psychology presently believes that psychopaths are born and sociopaths are made. Still, they are both prevalent.
The 1/3 who did not were probably mostly the COVID unvaccinated. People capable of independent thought. People of integrity. People who are not followers.
Problem is, psychopaths and others with personality disorders are not actually insane; illogical and unrealistic, sure, but not insane. Their survival skills are well-honed but they lack normal empathy and have biased perspective, perhaps utilizing selective or atrophied "theory of mind" skills. Consequently, they use confabulation and triangulation to buoy up their world-view which includes their exalted place in it - which as we have seen can be very lucrative. My grandmother would have said, "they are crazy like a fox."
Enticement, entanglement & estrangement: https://maggierusso.substack.com/p/triangulation
I think we all have in us the thought of self survival. We don't give away all that we have because others have so little. These people are able to almost completely turn off the ability to emphasize with others so they can have more in life. Only when they too suffer will there be change.
Wish I could subscribe, but I really can't. However, I reference you, often.
Wish I was selling more copies of my book, but I find it hard to market something under pen name. https://maggierusso.substack.com/p/dance-with-the-devil
Have you heard this one:
The Dark Triad goes into a bar. The bartender asks, “Which one of you is the darkest of the Dark Triad?” The narcissist quickly responds, “Me, of course!” The psychopath challenges, “What does it matter?” The Machiavellian says, “Whoever I want it to be.”
Calling people you don't like "Flying Monkeys" is a sign of sociopathy.
LOL - It does get confusing, I admit - like in the old comic book serials where the villain manages to effect a disguise that makes him appear identical to the hero.
However, "flying monkeys" is appropriate terminology for those who gang up on someone at the behest of a narcissistic abuser, e.g. family who alternately berate the abused spouse and emotionally pressure her to either stay with or return to the abuser. Or the vaccinated who virtue signal with illogical statements, "I care about people. I can't associate with you anymore, since as an unvaxxed person, you obviously don't care about my health." Or a mob of people who break windows and erect a gallows in response to the urging of an authority figure in order to get what they want.
"Narcissistic projection" is descriptive of the habit of the narcissist to accuse someone trying to set reasonable boundaries with someone who has been trampling all over them or otherwise being controlling. Ex. "Why are you looking a pumice stones, again? I told you - no. You don't listen." Chanting "lock her up" and then claiming they are being victimized by investigations.
Then we have "reactive abuse" - which happens when the person being subjected to all sorts of controlling behaviors, large and small, finally shows some temper - which results in a huge display of dysregulated rage by the narcissist who started it all.
P.S. For the record, I have friends I like very much who still support Trump who I still believe to be a malignant narcissist, conman and criminal.
Right around the time the Plandemic took off I read the book JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why it Matters by James Douglass. Through its well documented scholarly tale we take a look at what the last president named Kennedy faced every day he was in office.
What was so alarming was the way JFK discovered and had to deal with the psychopaths in high places who thought nothing of seeing 10 million Americans die if it meant 30 million Russkies would fall as well. And on and on it went. These were definitely part of the crew who felt we’d all be better off if he wasn’t around.
My biggest hope is that the spark of love that we hold and rely upon can wake up the sleepy frightened sheep. We just need to keep getting back up every time we fall down and remember there’s no turning back. Welcome to the battle for your soul. The good wolf inside against the bad wolf inside. And the winner is the one you choose to feed.
"Dr. Mary's Monkey" is another good read. I never could believe it wasn't just one crazy gunman, until I read that one.... JFK's death is associated with hiding the harm from the polio vaccine.
Yep. I agree. Dr. Mary's Monkeys is a good book to check out.
(I LOVE that book)