Rethinking mental illness, sanity, and culture in light of the fact that the chair of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Grace Lee, is literally insane
[This article is too long for some email servers so please click through to read it on the Substack site.]
I. The many faces of psychopathy
When you think of a psychopath, who do you picture? Do you picture Leonard DiCaprio in Shutter Island — wide-eyed, sweating, unwashed hair, not making any sense?
Or perhaps Jack Nicholson in The Shining breaking through a door with an axe?
Or maybe Christian Bale in American Psycho with his weird laugh and lack of affect?
In many ways those stereotypical psychopaths represent the least dangerous form of psychopathy— because they are so easy to spot. If you see a crazy guy spinning in circles on the street corner, you instantly know to steer clear of him.
But what about the people who fit in? As Hannah Arendt taught us in Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, the people who led the Holocaust were bureaucrats. They dressed properly, went to work each day, and figured out the most efficient means of carrying out their bosses’ vision.
[Oh far out — I just discovered this photo! Check out Eichmann’s crooked smile! Eichmann very well may have been vaccine-injured. But I digress.]
The photos of the staff who worked at Auschwitz show them laughing, smiling, flirting, and singing along to an accordion. If one did not know the context of this photo one might be inclined to think that this was a swell bunch.
The point in all of this is that the psychopaths one really needs to watch out for are the ones who fit in and are well-adjusted to a psychopathic society.
II. The American public health establishment is filled with well-adjusted psychopaths
I watched the February 22-24, 2023 meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The meeting was filled with smiling, laughing, happy people who are well-adjusted to a psychopathic society. If you bumped into them at the grocery store you would likely find them pleasant. But they are responsible for more dead and disabled Americans than any foreign military adversary in U.S. history.
Heading into the meeting, the ACIP and its fixers (Tom Shimabukuro, John Su, Matt Oster, and Nicola Klein) had a problem — the Covid clot shot causes so many strokes in seniors that the various vaccine safety monitoring systems — that are intentionally designed to hide vaccine-injury — were showing a statistically significant safety signal (which in a previous era would have been enough to get a vaccine pulled from the market).
So the true believers were scrambling to save their beloved toxic idol.
At the ACIP meeting they came up with a new & novel theory so brazen that I felt like I was hallucinating when they unveiled it.
A sane (actually scientific) study that is trying to measure the stroke risk from the bivalent booster would have compared the rate of strokes in the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated. But the CDC is staffed with psychopaths. So what they did instead was to compare the stroke risk in the bivalent-boosted population in days 1 to 21 post-vaccination against a group of bivalent-boosted people in days 22 to 42 days post-vaccination. There’s no control group and because everyone on the ACIP is dedicated to hiding vaccine safety signals, no one asked, “Hey, what if the stroke risk from the vaccine is similar across both time periods?”
But as it turns out, even by rigging the study in this way, there is still a statistically significant difference between the two groups (there were significantly more strokes in days 1 to 21). Super-fixer Tom Shimabukuro explained that yes, it appears [to your lying eyes] that there are more strokes in the first few days after receiving a Covid vaccine. But, that’s because the Covid shot is so effective at reducing strokes LATER in the month, that the first few days look bad by comparison. I wish I was joking because that claim is so completely preposterous that I feel like washing my hands after even typing a sentence that dirty. But that’s their story and they are sticking to it.
Which brings me to the chair of the ACIP, Grace Lee. Dr. Lee’s title is (grab a comfortable chair, this is going to take a minute) Chief Quality Officer and the Christopher G. Dawes Endowed Director of Quality at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, and Associate Dean for Maternal and Child Health (Quality and Safety) and Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine.
The powers that be are well-pleased with this one.
Dr. Lee is a bougiecrat par excellence. She wears a permanent smile, she makes jokes, her voice goes up at the end of sentences like she’s always asking a question, she keeps the meetings running on time, and she’s a complete psychopath.
As you may recall, Dr. Lee CALLED THE POLICE on Steve Kirsch when he tried to share vaccine safety data from Israel with her.
Apparently, anything that might disrupt The Official Narrative™️ is now a thoughtcrime punishable by arrest, in Dr. Lee’s opinion. (In fairness to the police, they were as confused as the rest of us about why they were called.)
At the end of the most recent three-day ACIP meeting, on top of two years of unrelenting carnage from the most disastrous vaccine role-out in human history, Dr. Lee said this (starts at 1:53:29):
Then reflecting back on the vaccine safety data we saw earlier... my interpretation is that the signal... I’m not convinced that there is a true signal. I am thinking that actually that signal that we are seeing is partly the protective effective of vaccination [Shimabukuro’s preposterous cover-up explanation]. So I’m not even sure if there is a signal…. I’m not saying that we should ignore it, I’m just saying that I don’t think that I’m convinced that that is a real signal given the totality of the data that we have seen today.
THAT, my friends, is how you get a fully-endowed position at Stanford and a sweet new house in Palo Alto!
I want to be clear about the level of psychopathology we are dealing with here.
So I asked the team at OpenVAERS to run the actual numbers for me. My contact at OpenVAERS explained to me that “stroke is VERY difficult to define simply. Some are blockages, some are bleeds etc…” So, as the right proper scholars that they are, they reached out to Dr. Peter McCullough to ask him to list every single different type of stroke or stroke symptom that one might find in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). He came back with a list of 51 different terms that a doctor might use to describe what we commonly refer to as a stroke.
Then OpenVAERS ran the numbers to see how many reports are in VAERS for these 51 different terms and then broke the reports into 4 categories: All VAERS/All Stroke reports, All VAERS/Covid vaccine only stroke reports, U.S. Only (so, no foreign reports)/All stroke reports, and U.S. only/Covid vaccine only stroke reports. The table looks like this:
Here’s the .xlsx file:
Reading the totals across the bottom, there are 24,159 reports of stroke in VAERS for all vaccines over the last 32 years. Over 92% of those reports (22,296) are following Covid vaccines (so, just in the last two years, an obvious safety signal). If one only wants to look at U.S. reports there were 9,134 reports of stroke following any vaccine in the last 32 years. And 87% of those reports (8,010) are following Covid vaccines. All independent scholars agree that these are significant undercounts of the actual harms.
And the chair of the ACIP, Dr. Lee, just stated in a public meeting that “I’m not convinced that there is a true signal.”
Dr. Lee is the ultimate submissive subject in the giant Asch Conformity Experiment being inflicted upon our society. Dr. Lee has access to the same data that OpenVAERS does. But Dr. Lee, as a high ranking protector of the drug cartel, sees 22,296 reports of stroke following Covid shots and says, “I’m not convinced that there is a true signal.”
So while we were all learning to avoid the psychopaths from the scary movies, the real monster was operating in broad daylight and chairing the CDC’s “expert” vaccine safety committee.
III. Conclusion
I’m running out of words to describe how completely deranged the public health establishment really is.
Hannah Arendt was right, the bureaucrats are the ones who will really kill you. But it messes with our heads, right? When we think “psychopath”, we think of the scary, over-the-top, male characters from the movies. Over millions of years of evolution our brains have been trained to think ‘nice, smiling, happy = probably safe.’ But in reality that’s not the case at all. And I feel like Pharma has weaponized this instinctive danger-sorting tendency against us. Pharma selects nice, happy, polished women and men, from all ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations (not from all classes), and then has them implement the iatrogenocide.
So insanity is not just being maladjusted to a healthy society (if there ever was one). The really scary form of insanity (and perhaps the most common form) is people who are well-adjusted to an insane society — which describes every member of the ACIP.
It is a crying shame that the political left evaporated over the last three years because what we are living through is the quintessential example of biopolitics (popularized by Michel Foucault, who also had a crooked smile). The fascist corporate state seeks to control the bodies of the populace down to our DNA itself and the people tasked with carrying out the iatrogenocide are often, but not always, from formerly marginalized groups. In order to be selected for a gatekeeping position in the bourgeoisie one must be so completely mentally colonized (by capital) that one will continue the conquest and call it public health, justice, and equity without even a hint of irony. We could be having a spectacular conversation about this “biopolitical turn” (as they would say) but the political left, that debated biopolitics for decades, is busy standing in line at the pharmacy to get their sixth or seventh Covid shot — and they don’t have an opinion about any of this anyway because they now love Big Pharma.
So daily life becomes like an episode of the Twilight Zone where the crazy people are in charge and when we try to point out the insanity of the system they just get sad and confused (and then later, angry and violent) because they have no idea what we are talking about.
Value proposition: I don’t want to do a pledge drive but I do need some of my free subscribers to step up to paid accounts to make this venture sustainable. Don’t do it if you cannot, but if you are able, I’d be grateful.
A yearly subscription to the NY Times costs about $325 — and they are actively trying to kill you (so, not a good investment). Basic cable costs about $480 a year — and most mainstream news channels are actively trying to kill you (also not a good investment). If the work I do saves your life or the life of someone you love or even just helps you to see the world in a new way, it’s worth considerably more than that.
I’ve discovered that for every 1 minute it takes you to read one of my articles it takes me at least 1 hour to write (on top of 11 years of post-secondary education). Every public figure in the movement is sacrificing everything to stop the iatrogenocide. Let’s keep going on offense and sticking it to the other side — and paid subscribers are the ones who make that possible.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone building the alternative society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
I enjoyed your article and subject content. Hannah Ardent reminds us of the banality of evil, like you mentioned Eichmann and how the bureaucrats just follow orders and then go home and enjoy their dinners. We definitely have psychopaths among us who are in positions of power. Thank you.
I spent a chapter in my book on vaccine harms discussing the ACIP meeting 1.0 called the Simpsonwood Meeting in GA. Basically the same psychopathy only then they discussed whether vaccines caused autism which they most assuredly do. These people are truly psychotic and selfish and greedy. The entire panel should be executed for murder in the first degree i.e., premeditated.