If their product is so great, why are the clinical trials so shoddy and the regulatory process so riddled with shortcuts and deception?

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The trials are so lousy and the fix is in. Each trial is carefully crafted to the benefit of the manufacturer and the FDA is bought and paid for to look the other way. Concerns about negative efficacy after the first shot? Just say that doesn’t count as vaccinated! Don’t want to look long term for adverse effects? Unblind they study and vaccinate everyone! Worries about how the vaccine might affect various health conditions? Only enroll the young and health! Wonder how it might affect kids? Make the trial population super small and test for antibodies instead of an actual side by side risk benefit RCT!

It goes on forever.

Glad I found you again after your ban from Twitter. Fight the good fight.

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Nov 23, 2021
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Nov 23, 2021
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He gets 20 cents for every person he killed?

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I think I may be sick. (You know, puke.) Mengele is looking down, (up?), proudly on his prize pupil.

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The antibody count argument they've been using is truly shocking. They used the same inanity to "prove" natural immunity doesn't exist. A first year A&P student should know better than that. The body doesn't keep huge numbers of antibodies around for everything you've ever encountered. Blood would be like molasses. Their argument is so absurd it's not even wrong.

It's like answering the question "what color is the ocean?" with "fuzzy".

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They are psychotic genocidal clowns.

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The level of incompetence it takes to not realize how moronic the lie is is what really scares me. Or they're just teabagging us. Neither is a good sign.

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That's what so strange. They are total amateurs. Maybe a 9th grade understanding of the topic? How on earth did they get to be in the positions they are in? And then you realize, this is a feature of the system not a glitch.

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Yep, working as designed. Ever happen to come across The Big Fat Surprise (Nina Teicholz)? That was what first got me to move past general skepticism into more directed disgust. The "experts" are just nitwits who can toss around big words and draw pretty graphs to bamboozle the other nitwits in congress. There used to be a few actual scientists there, I think. Just enough to provide a fig leaf for the bigwigs. I sincerely doubt any remain.

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I have not seen any actual government scientists in this whole debacle.

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Fauchi sure isn't. My best guess is he was a wannabe with dreams of being the next Salk. How many millions did he flush away chasing an impossible HIV vax? But it got him a promotion.

I'm looking forward to St Greta of the Screech for EPA commish.

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Yes, also found Ivor Cummings (FatEmporer).

Ancel Keys, Tony Fauci of his day, NIH. Falsely linked saturated fat to heart disease. Covered up studies that contradicted his desired outcome.

Destroyed scientists that contradicted him.

Studies funded by food industry. Seed-oil (vegetable oil) is killing us.

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Very, very true. When I found out what I had been taught my entire life was a lie, I switched to real butter and lard. (No, we don't eat a lot of either.) Food tastes better, too.

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And, of course, every "lo-fat" item in the grocery store is filled with... sugar - which is inflammatory and leads to heart disease. The obnoxious food pyramid is heavy on simple carbs, which break directly down to sugar.

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Toby you get credit for waking me up to the vaccine mafia via your Twitter account just prior to COVID. I was primed to see the scam. I was able to respond early and save my family and many friends. Thank you!

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Thank you for your comment! ❤️ Yeah it's really straightforward once you see it. But it takes a minute to drop some of our preconceived notions and see the data as it really is. I'm so glad that you've been able to protect yourself and help others! 🙌

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Once in a while, I actually meet someone who has received their first jab, who asks me what I think about all of this. That is a big question, I answer. What do you want to know? Questions, such as, is this going to stop soon? Or, when do I think it will stop? and others were asked. But I felt that the most important thing for me to get across to them was, that they should think very carefully about going for their next scheduled jab. With a breath of anxiety I raddle off to them that they might be able to detox from the one jab, but felt that after the second jab, they are likely to succumb to a weakened immune system, and the other side effects, but most of all, with the vaccine passport, they would be required to receive boosters forever.

This panel of people who vote for the boosters, hand-picked by the harvesting machine which sniffs out the yes ma'am guys/gals, is what feeds the engine of this whole cartel operation. The most important question to ask is, what makes human beings so completely corruptible?. What makes them so completely manipulated by the all powerful government? At what time in their history did they decide to abandon their humanity, and an altruistic conscience? Does anyone here believe that if we could convert the reservoir of sleep-walking, half alive, germ theorists from participating in adding their vote to the history of humanity, there might be some big shift.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts! And your wonderfully informative daily blog posts. They mean a lot right now, as the squeeze to fit into the world of covidian insanity increases.

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Thank you for your thoughtful message! I'm grateful that you are helping others to wake up! 🙌

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HOW and WHEN are these corrupt criminal charlatans going to be held accountable?!

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Not here on Earth. Alas.

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Keep the faith. No fate but what we create.

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"No fate but what we create". True. Proof? Punch a brick wall and see.

That is why we have the Commandments to guide us. Otherwise, no laws are necessary since the future is determined regardless of our action.

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Goebbels gives me hope ;-)

“There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph.”

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It’s clear they don’t care at all about rules and regs, and won’t until they’re called on it. And who in the Brandon administration would do that?

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And not in the media, the scientific community, no where in the world will this be discussed. And this is already "public!"

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How do we take power, to see these Nuremberg 2.0, give much needed catharsis to those injured and traumatised, when those in power are acting like emotionally stunted teenagers or tantrum throwing, 6year olds!!!

We say, "you can't do that, it's not legal." And they flip us the finger, ignore us and do it anyway!

We parentise further, "you haven't followed your own safety protecols, you must correct this!"

And they respond, by taking all their toys(data) and trashing it, obscuring it, ignoring us, lie to us, have a tantrum about "questioning the science", and then do exactly as they please anyway.

They are ignoring their own rules. We can't argue with someone that won't even speak to us! So again, I ask, what are we to do?

If we choose silience, or peacefully waiting it out, I fear, that much more harm will come to us and them. So peaceful protests- another 18months of insanity, I fear we won't survive. Germany has already gone full metal insane, again. Other countries, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Australia, followed.

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Kind of reminds me of the Irish Treaty of Nice referendum in 2001. The Irish rejected it. So they just held another referendum the next year where it was accepted. It's all theater. The System always gets what it wants in the end.

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The Irish changed their constitution based on majority vote. Shocking that they lasted as long as they did.

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There's power in the BIG lie. The more absurd the better. The more obvious the better!

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Yes, Janet Woodcock is perhaps one of the all-time worst examples of egregious lefty crony statism we have on clear display today. I won't cross-promote a link to my pages in your comments (rude) but I cover several of her sins in a poast called "The Booster Regime" if any care to come review it when done reading here.

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Do they honestly think they can get away with this behavior?! It’s unethical. It’s criminal. Do they think that nobody will notice and they’ll be not held accountable for the death and destruction directly caused by their actions?!?!?

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My belief is that they think no one will still be around to notice their criminality, other than their cronies anyway.

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“Because Science™️ is now "Because Finance" and "Because Obedience".

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Nothing to argue with here. Nice job as always. Just when you thought the FDA couldn't sink any lower.

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It's stunning that the FDA just skipped the advisory committee altogether rather than submit their junk science to further scrutiny. Rigorous scrutiny of clinical trials is literally their entire job and they just decided to do away with all of that to enrich their captors. Madness.

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In my area, people were spitting mad about this, and not in the way you and I were. The Science is Real crowd is irate that boosters for all weren't approved earlier. When I innocently ask about their antibodies from the first two shots, they condescendingly explain that their doctor refuses to test for antibodies because this is unreliable. Ah, I say. So the vaccine manufacturers must be using a different kind of antibody test to justify the need for the booster (and for pediatric vaccines). Too bad we can't get that one.

(I just act like the village idiot so I'll survive around here, in the proud tradition of village idiots everywhere. Of course it's the same test.)

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Holy cow - just stunning in its brazenness. No fear at all! They know something we do not.

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Just curious---when exactly will we take power? :)

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In an alternative timeline, 1 December 2021!

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