Couldn’t said it better myself, imagine the blinders it takes, talk about cognitive dissonance

Also didn’t Miss Wolf use the money from the freedom movement to pay her rent and servants. I think rent was $15,000 a month in Florida.

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GFY Klein

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There was no virus though, no lab leak, no gain of function.

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Doppelgangbanger, witch burner Klein was flushed out by the Poison-19 psyop along with crowd favorites like Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Howard Stern et all, setting there previous works on fire along with there reputations

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In 1970 the average age of a woman when having her first child was 21. Today it is almost 30 and rising. Vaccines may well play a role in increasing autism rates, but we cannot ignore the 100% rock solid science showing that older women have pregnancies that are exponentially more prone to such problems. An honest assessment would look at all the contributing factors, not just one bogeyman.

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"acknowledge her own possible role in her child’s disability"

The cruel reality is that childbearing at age 42 is extremely risky. The probability of conditions like autism is astronomically higher in women that age than in an 18 year old.

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The great irony in this article is that the author sees clearly the massive swindle that took place during Covid, yet is utterly blind to the even larger "climate change" swindle perpetrated literally by precisely the same people for almost exactly the same reasons.

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Couldn’t said it better myself

Also didn’t Miss Wolf use the money from the freedom movement to pay her rent and servants. I think rent was $15,000 a month in Florida.

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Wolf's scholarly mistake for which she was taken to task by the BBC was a huge one that disproved the entire hypothesis of her book. Nevertheless it was an honest mistake that any of us could have made.

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Jeeze, Toby— that was epic. Agreed on Klein’s notable absence in the biggest disaster capitalism in history— I even cited her book at the start of the pandemic (March/April 2020) when I could see what was happening. Obviously Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky both should’ve been at the forefront of the conversation, but both of them collapsed into pandemic conformity. Yes, according to what you wrote, seems reasonable that Naomi Klein went the same way as Peter HoeTease in building pro-vaccine defenses to protect their autistic kids.

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Jeeze, Toby— that was epic. Agreed on Klein’s notable absence in the biggest disaster capitalism in history— I even cited her book at the start of the pandemic (March/April 2020) when I could see what was happening. Obviously Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky both should’ve been at the forefront of the conversation, but both of them collapsed into pandemic conformity. Yes, according to what you wrote, seems reasonable that Naomi Klein went the same way as Peter HoeTease in building pro-vaccine defenses to protect their autistic kids.

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I see that Klein has joined that loudly proclaiming exodus from X who are complaining about the “toxicity” of that “Far Right” environment. It was Musk’s entire objective to “kidnap” X and lend it the requisite air of “nutty right wing conspiracy white supremacist reactionary” yadda yadda.

The current meme factory product is to focus on “Asian grooming gangs” which is one of those incendiary topics that is bound to whip up aggression from both sides. (And it is interesting to note how both sides are being stoked up over this: on the one hand, the foaming “deport them all!” faction along with the “this is a total phony psy-op” lot.)

But other matters on which I reckon the vast majority are more likely to be unified in their scepticism (transgender theology, the latest scary pandemic extravaganza, and of course the climate apocalypse) have taken a very remote back seat. Though admittedly Klein likes to stir the old emissions epic up.

The most important matter here is to see through and ditch the “Right/Left” theatre. I have always seen myself as “Left” but when THAT particular demographic fell totally for the infernal trinity of covid/ climate/ trans excrement, I didn’t hesitate to abandon them.

That Naomi Wolf has found herself “making new friends” is OK with me. I don’t care if they are Christians or whatever. Of course Klein’s “groovy Left” atheists will love this and constantly highlight it.

So I can’t see myself starting an account on Blue Sky or whatever “sensible” channel is set up to guide the designated “dissident” faction. And certainly not when I find myself nestling next to Klein and The Guardian and other such odious self-congratulating “voices of sanity”.

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Also interesting to look at the two from physigonomy or "vibes" perspective. I googled imaged Naomi Klein and Naomi Wolf and Wolf who is apparently 8 years older older than Klein has a glowing, happier, wilder hair, voluptuous, sensual untamed look. Kinda what you would expect from someone living in contact with instinct/intuition-- which isn't separate from sexuality. These old psychologists will tell you there's some relationship between libido, life force, lack of armoring, psychological health, and spiritual enlightenment.

While Klein looks less happy, intellectual pinched, uptight, refined, proper, polished, more blank, awkward, frail and frigid. Kinda what you would expect of a "virtuous" , condescending elitist control freak who wants to control other people's bodies and doesn't trust the unwashed masses to make their own decisions. Knowing nothing of their ideas in their heads, having only the photographs, out of the two who would you rather be? Who would you rather be married to? Have for a bestie?

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Fascinating story. As a psychology phd I would recommend Klein read Richard Schwartz "No Bad Parts" on internal family systems and apply that to her relationship with Wolf to integrate this so called doppleganger.

Another technique I would use for mediation is the mind cracking possibly of asking what's possible. Not what's likely, not what's certain, just is something hypothetically possible? (Which of course nearly anything is possible in this Universe so you begrudgingly have to say Yes).

Is it POSSIBLE that vaccines can cause side effects? Is it possible a side effect could be encephalopathy? Is it possible a side effect could be developmental regression? Is it possible these symptoms could overlap with symptoms of autism?

Id ask her What are some things you agree with Wolf about? What are some things Wolf may be right about regarding Covid?

Are you one hundred percent certain the research regarding the effectiveness and safety of the covid as presented to the public is unbiased and accurate? If you haven't looked into it what makes you certain?

Are you one hundred percent certain there is no supportive research linking vaccines to autism? If you haven't read and investigated it yourself what makes you certain?

I personally have never understood the parent part. If a parent says the witnessed an illness and regression immediately after a vaccine not months, not weeks, how can you look them in the eye and tell them they are crazy it was a coincidence.

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Decided to make you my doppelgänger after being alerted to this post by Mark Crispin Miller, because we both critiqued Klein's book as a case study of progressive mass psychosis. Plus we've we've both written books on vcxx truth. I link to this post in my latest piece of the puzzle.


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I love the idea that at any time I can simply make someone my Doppleganger and project away! “The tealeaves are swirling” was also a lively phrase.

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The price of admission to Doppelgänger House of Mirrors is dropping. Dozens are showing up in my Rear View review to be released when it's lively enough for you.

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Toby - TY for your clarity on Wolf's books, her dedication & importance to the search for C19 truth & for your empathy for Naomi Klein (as difficult as it is to empathize w/those who demonize us as true freedom-fighters) since being empathetic w/others makes us caring, loving & fully sentient humans.

I completely related to this comment of yours re: NK's works as she was also a hero of mine for her searing exposes of disaster capitalism around the world in her writings & books.

You say: "Watching my former heroes succumb to fascism is one of the most heartbreaking aspects of the iatrogenocide. Naomi Klein was once my favorite public intellectual. I’ve seen her speak in person several times. She’s the scholar I most sought to emulate. But during the pandemic she became a Pharma fascist. This book review is the story of how she unwittingly went from fierce critic of capitalism to a shameless defender of its worst aspects…."

I read this stack way back when you published it but don't think that I commented on it then. So when I read MCM's recent Died Suddenly stack today mentioning it I went back & read it again. And then I restacked it with the note below:

Absolutely brilliant analysis of Naomi Klein’s book - titled “Doppelganger” - & its attacks on Dr Naomi Wolf & Wolf’s research/books & efforts to totally expose the C19 debacle through a statistical analysis of govt, medical & corporate documents.

Toby Rogers writes:

“Dr. Wolf, in her writings on and and in her numerous appearances on podcasts and TV, is making verifiable claims. If one thinks she’s wrong one can go look up her sources and challenge them however one wishes. Dr. Wolf wrote an entire book explaining her views — The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human naomiwolf.substack.com (published May 31, 2022) and Dr. Wolf published “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity” (published September 10, 2024)


And an earlier expose pub of Pfizer papers here:

naomiwolf.substack.com (on January 16, 2023). Yet neither book is mentioned in Doppelganger.”

“Ms. Klein’s entire engagement with the scientific debate in connection with [so-called] Covid and [so-called] Covid vaccines consists of the following sentences:”

“That is not how lipid nanoparticles work. It is not how vaccines work. It is not how anything works.” p. 112.

“At no point does Ms. Klein ever provide any evidence of how these things “actually” work according to her trusted experts. Instead Ms. Klein’s entire attack on Dr. Wolf’s verifiable claims boils down to ‘nuh-uh!’”

“Later Ms. Klein gives away the game by saying that the general public could not possibly read and understand vaccine studies for themselves. That is a flat out lie. The statistics in vaccine studies are relatively straightforward — just odds ratios, risk ratios, and such. Anyone with at least one semester of college statistics (or even a good high school statistics class) can understand them and see how they are manipulated and rigged.”

“What this tells us though is that Ms. Klein has never read an original vaccine study for herself, which means that all of her opinions about vaccines come from secondary sources — filtered through the gatekeepers who usually have a financial conflict of interest.”

Sending love & blessings to you, Toby, & all our fellow truth-tellers who brave public contempt & dismissal for simply - courageously - following the facts, evidence & sharing it with everyone. <3

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Thank you for this brilliant analysis of something which didn't make any sense. I watched an interview with Naomi Klein discussing this book and was surprised at how unintelligent she sounded when discussing it. I've found that people who focus on "conspiracy theories" as explanations, seem to lose the ability to think clearly. Now that you've explained the emotional defense system going on, it makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, only someone with a tremendous sense of her own infallibility, would take her personal struggle into the public realm and try to defame another person who is obviously doing something factually verifiable and is willing to pay a high price for her convictions. If only Ms. Klein had sought out wise advice and the publisher had the ethics to turn her away, for her own good.

I was surprised and very disappointed when learning Joan Baez had painted a portrait of Fauci and had shared a fawning letter to him. What has happened to previously questioning fighters? Since when do they bow down to those who are serving the very corrupt power structures that these folks used to rail against? Maybe Joan's shadow might hold a clue?

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