Another hugely thought provoking post.

I've been bothered for a long time by the idea that much of what we take for granted in our lives actually makes us ill. The effects aren't recognised because the harms are often delayed by years and manifest in chronic rather than acute diseases, or even subtle behavioural changes. Before the vaccine age, autism was rare, in the range of 1 in 30000. Now it is less than 1 in 30.

Then there are the massive range of novel chemicals for which nobody knows the long term harmful effects.

Maybe coincidence, but I watched the film Dark Waters again last night: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9071322/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk. An amazing story about DuPont and their product Teflon, which was so useful and marketed so well that nobody wanted to think about harmful effects: until animals and people started dying. A crusading lawyer saved the day, yet the legacy of the product is that nearly everyone in the world has trace amounts in their bodies.

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Just checked out http://forrestmaready.com/ and he looks really interesting - very interesting bio as well - love these guys who come from a creative, diverse background who apply themselves to research like this. Awesome.

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He's so great!

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This from your post. “ What’s intriguing to me is that postmodernism posits that ‘one cannot possibly understand another person’s viewpoint. There can be no universals.” And yet, these postmodernists continued to write books that they expected people to understand. Curious. Always felt this claim was more a lever to gain cultural influence. But, maybe you are right. It may also explain a host of things that defy logic.

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Yes, great point. "There are no universals" was a club to smash existing institutions and values. Definitely a lever to gain cultural influence. And it basically worked. Now that they have gained power, they certainly believe in universals, starting with Pharma Über Alles.

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I fear that in some sense, you may be correct. What we may be witnessing is a transformation of the world to better serve the interests - and ease the ludicrous anxieties - of the brain-damaged and the soulless.

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“There are no universals” is a universal. Self-refuting.

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I have always felt there was something wrong with childhood vaccines when they provide lame ass excuses as to why they can’t be spread out over years so child behavior and physical traits can be tracked and documented.

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Yep, something does not add up.

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Toby would you be interested in being a guest on a talk radio program with a wide reach out of CT. The host read one of your other substacks and loved it. I told him I would ask you.

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Sounds good. I'll send you an email and we can chat further.

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I got my first mercury-based dental amalgams at age 37, and it whooped my ass. Finally figured out the root cause, no thanks to the various allopathic docs I saw.

Here's what amazed me the most, after spending 3 years detoxing mercury and aluminum with Andy Cutler's chelation protocol: Things I just assumed were unfortunate parts of my temperament (social anxiety, ruminating thoughts, paralyzing perfectionism, hypersensitivity, etc.) just disappeared. Poof, gone.

It was interesting to realize that a lot of the mental and emotional effects of those mercury fillings were just amplified symptoms of things I'd experienced in college, after getting a pile of vaccines to study abroad in Africa. Wasn't really ever the same after those, and I was already a bit of a high-functioning mercury weirdo throughout my childhood. Grateful to have been born in the 70s, when the childhood vaccine schedule wasn't so obscene.

When it comes to toxicity, mercury, lead, arsenic, etc. each have their own associated personality profile. And once you understand it, you see it everywhere in the genpop—and not confined to ether political party, I should add. About 40% of people have certain MTHFR polymorphisms (genetic mutations) that make it especially difficult to process toxins in the liver.

So, yeah. Great article, Toby. I'm not familiar enough with postmodernism to comment on that angle, but regardless...we are well and truly screwing ourselves up.

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My son developed ptosis in his right eye after the meningitis vaccine before heading to college. Since he was 18 at the time, it was easy to see the differences in photographs.

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This is a spicy health conspiracy if i have ever seen one. Well played sir

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😊 🙌

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Good associations, could be the case! Thanks for Forrest book recco, I still need to read Moth in the Iron Lung! This chemical truncation of his (their) ability to empathize with other people may also explain Foucult's pedophilia...and maybe Sartre's and all the other members of the supposed French intelligencia that signed this letter promoting the rape of other people's children: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petition_against_age_of_consent_laws

This tells me all I need to know about the superiority of their high-minded mutterings.

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Very interesting hypothesis. It really makes sense too. 🤔 Not just of the left, but of people in general in our highly vaccinated country.

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Interesting hypothesis Toby. Along similar lines would be the correlation between vaccine rollouts and increasing number of autistic diagnoses over the last few generations. Wonder if there's a connection there in terms of the postmodern inability to understand another person's perspective and similar traits in ASD? Just throwing the idea in the ring.

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There are other aspects of the postmodern world that resemble schizophrenia and a left-hemisphere biased take on the world - something I'm looking into at the moment. So it may be partly brain damage, partly a hemispherical bias, and partly an ideological push that's been going on for about 100 years from various schools of thought.

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Yes, I was inspired in part by your earlier post. Those are all great points.

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Have you read the book The Master and his Emisary - the divided brain and the making of the western world from Iain McGilchrist? It touches on this!

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Yes, a number of times, I'm going to be writing summaries of some of his points that I feel are critical for these days. I'm also waiting for the delivery of his next 2 volume book The Matter With Things.

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Oh wow! Will you be sharing your summaries? Im also looking forward to his next 2 volumes :-)

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Yes I will, I think it's important material for people and very few will wade through the dense text to glean the gems, and even fewer people will fork out the money and have the time to read his next book.

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I love it. Crooked is one of the best vax books I've read. You're way smarter than me but sounds plausible to me that postmodernism is a vaccine injury.

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Wow! And very well possible...all through their heads, not their hearts.

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Fascinating read. Thank you for sharing.

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I'm not trying to devalue your argument, I'm trying to understand, as I am not a doctor in any way, shape, or form. That being said, please help me understand, if it is a vaccine injury that causes postmodernism, why are only some people effected? Does it have something to do with the strength of our immune systems fighting off the effects of the damage to our brains, making some of us less likely to subscribe to the "left" leaning ideation? Or is is conditioning, how we are raised? Or are we just really stubborn people that wish not to be pushed around, and really believe that caring for others is as it should be?

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Those are great points. Everything is epigenetic -- the combined effect of genes and the environment (social, cultural, toxicological). There's a distribution curve for any toxicant, some people are severely impacted, some are mildly impacted, and some do not appear to suffer any harms at all (depending on the dose). So what if the different slices of that distribution curve then self-sort into different political tribes? On the one hand, there are clearly toxic harms happening and this will show up in ideas, values, and culture. On the other hand, my hypothesis above could be completely wrong.

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The Nevada Chief Medical Officer Ihasn Azzam (who is in DEEP with the public health/pharma cartel) is unbelievably crooked! Google and watch him talk sometimes. Perhaps the most crooked smile I have EVER seen.

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Can't edit my comment...his first name is correctly spelled Ihsan

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Sometimes you completely knock my socks off - this is one of those times. Top notch.

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❤️ 🙌

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