I got my first mercury-based dental amalgams at age 37, and it whooped my ass. Finally figured out the root cause, no thanks to the various allopathic docs I saw.
Here's what amazed me the most, after spending 3 years detoxing mercury and aluminum with Andy Cutler's chelation protocol: Things I just assumed were unfortunate parts of my t…
I got my first mercury-based dental amalgams at age 37, and it whooped my ass. Finally figured out the root cause, no thanks to the various allopathic docs I saw.
Here's what amazed me the most, after spending 3 years detoxing mercury and aluminum with Andy Cutler's chelation protocol: Things I just assumed were unfortunate parts of my temperament (social anxiety, ruminating thoughts, paralyzing perfectionism, hypersensitivity, etc.) just disappeared. Poof, gone.
It was interesting to realize that a lot of the mental and emotional effects of those mercury fillings were just amplified symptoms of things I'd experienced in college, after getting a pile of vaccines to study abroad in Africa. Wasn't really ever the same after those, and I was already a bit of a high-functioning mercury weirdo throughout my childhood. Grateful to have been born in the 70s, when the childhood vaccine schedule wasn't so obscene.
When it comes to toxicity, mercury, lead, arsenic, etc. each have their own associated personality profile. And once you understand it, you see it everywhere in the genpop—and not confined to ether political party, I should add. About 40% of people have certain MTHFR polymorphisms (genetic mutations) that make it especially difficult to process toxins in the liver.
So, yeah. Great article, Toby. I'm not familiar enough with postmodernism to comment on that angle, but regardless...we are well and truly screwing ourselves up.
I got my first mercury-based dental amalgams at age 37, and it whooped my ass. Finally figured out the root cause, no thanks to the various allopathic docs I saw.
Here's what amazed me the most, after spending 3 years detoxing mercury and aluminum with Andy Cutler's chelation protocol: Things I just assumed were unfortunate parts of my temperament (social anxiety, ruminating thoughts, paralyzing perfectionism, hypersensitivity, etc.) just disappeared. Poof, gone.
It was interesting to realize that a lot of the mental and emotional effects of those mercury fillings were just amplified symptoms of things I'd experienced in college, after getting a pile of vaccines to study abroad in Africa. Wasn't really ever the same after those, and I was already a bit of a high-functioning mercury weirdo throughout my childhood. Grateful to have been born in the 70s, when the childhood vaccine schedule wasn't so obscene.
When it comes to toxicity, mercury, lead, arsenic, etc. each have their own associated personality profile. And once you understand it, you see it everywhere in the genpop—and not confined to ether political party, I should add. About 40% of people have certain MTHFR polymorphisms (genetic mutations) that make it especially difficult to process toxins in the liver.
So, yeah. Great article, Toby. I'm not familiar enough with postmodernism to comment on that angle, but regardless...we are well and truly screwing ourselves up.