09/15/2022: The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Report Launch:




Right from the onset, it seems as though Tedros laid the pipe into Sachs, .... And Sachs Wants More !! lol

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Are you aware of the so called SMART vaccine / “Quantum Dot Tattoo” / MAPs Vaccine ?

It’s a microneedle wrist vaccine patch (meant for the wrist).

Plus strategised data / I.D. / banking digital system.

The wrist vaccine has a pattern. M.I.T developers said it was “something like a bar code” / “like a QR code”.

The so called “health passports” store proof of vaccination.. with a QR code..

See the connection and that they were grooming us for this ?

Scannable people businesses & services.

I’m not a person of faith, but I see how this would not be welcomed by Christians - “mark on the hand to buy and sell coming” to mind.

The foreheads bit is missing right ?

So a hand/arm ties to fingerprint I.D and if there’s no limbs, where is appropriate for close to the iris and acceptable for “modesty” religious purposes in airports etc ?

The forehead?

I have a fully referenced academic style free essay on this, with reliable reputable sources.

I’d be happy to share it with anyone to raise awareness.

It has a lot more details and information on how the various alliances, such as Gates foundation, Gstes, GAVI, U.N. Etc plan to get us to accept these so called SMART or MAPS shots (microarray patches).

And a case study of a VERY interesting company.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

This fits with my thoughts since the beginning of this and is the best explanation i've come across:


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Yes, I like that article a lot. Finally a proper left critique of this crisis. I've shared it with many people.

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Then that makes two of us, keep sharing it! You'd be surprised how many on the "right" also feel it resonates. I lean more right then left, but feel both sides make good points. Ten years ago i would have been viewed as radical, and generally was with my "solutions" for the GFC. Now i'm a moderate!

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All heretofore existing political categories have been destroyed by the Covid craziness.

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The questions should be



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I mentioned George Webb in an earlier post. His recent substack talks about the initial outbreak at the Wuhan Military Games. In the past he has investigated US Military bases as a possible origin. https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/the-george-webb-russian-blood-smear

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Start here. It might or might not be related to this virus, but problems from the banking system explain Japan’s seemingly inexplicable economic collapse.


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This virus only exists in people's minds. Everything else is an elaborate, very well orchestrated show that is perpetuated and fed by bullshit PCR results,, confirmation bias, deadly protocols for those who would have been fine otherwise, and hypochondria. This is the conclusion I have come to from what I have witnessed with my own eyes. They are the only thing I can trust now after the last 3 years. I have not seen any unusual symptoms in anyone I know. All I see is adverse Vax reactions being labelled as covid or long covid.

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My theory from the beginning was "covid" was just another flu strain (and/or a cold in milder "cases"). Definitely not some super scary, super deadly "novel" virus. I mean, notice how almost nobody gets a cold or the flu anymore?

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I know lots of people who have had Covid -- including lots of people in the movement who are skeptical about all of these things. HCQ and ivm were the treatments of choice against Wuhan and Alpha variants, then they stopped working as well and full flush niacin became the most effective treatment during Delta. I'm not sure what best practices is for Omicron. FLCCC is doing extraordinary work keeping up to date with the latest developments. https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/

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Hi Toby, thanks for the reply. I also know people who have tested positive for a covid test, almost everyone as it happens, myself being the exception. I had one pcr for an emergency procedure that was negative. Like I said, I am just going on my own personal observations. I'm also not denying that some people in some areas might have shown more illness (pre vax) than the usual but I think that other factors can't be discounted as the reason for these.

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I suspect a physical virus would not have to be transported from NC to Wuhan, just knowledge on methods of splicing, then they can make it on site and proceed with GOF work in live animals to isolate the desired mutations which bind better to human cells.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

And they key receptor on the cells? ACE2

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Hi again, Toby. Here is a link to an article published in Nature in 2015 https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2015.18787; where it reports "An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)" ...."In an article published in Nature Medicine1 on 9 November, scientists investigated a virus called SHC014, which is found in horseshoe bats in China. The researchers created a chimaeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human airway cells — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It also caused disease in mice, but did not kill them"......"and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) allowed it to proceed while it was under review by the agency, says Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a co-author of the study. The NIH eventually concluded that the work was not so risky as to fall under the moratorium, he says."

Another article from 2015 that outlines the above. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/lab-made-coronavirus-triggers-debate-34502.

Whether you and your readers are fans of Tucker Carlson, he nevertheless does a good job of outlining the origins of the pandemic in this segment:https://youtu.be/1MJrUew2Kyg

Be well, Toby


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FANTASTIC links!!!!! Thank you so much for posting them!!! 🙌

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Republicans and Democrats are allies now? Check out NED, IRI and NRI.

Congress funds NED, NED funds the others. The others have dem or repub board members. They, along with Open Society got together to fund and train activists of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine 2004 (It's a club and you ain't in it) - https://pollard.substack.com/p/the-puppet-master-of-ukraine

They team up for some things and in this case, the thing was to get rid of Trump. Along comes covid, mass mailing of ballots and ballot collection boxes. All planned from the get go or "Never let a crisis go to waste"? I don't know but I wouldn't doubt the former.

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And the enemy is… us? YES

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Zoonotic origin or Wuhan lab leak in December 2019... what if it was neither?


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I believe this story is most likely misdirection. You already know where the virus came from. Remember when US Intelligence leaked to the New York Times what had been a top secret report given to Trump in the early days of the pandemic? It warned Trump that a highly virulant and contagious virus was spreading through Wuhan. The only problem was it was dated late Oct. 2019, at least a month before the Chinese themselves knew something was up. This is the biggest smoking gun. To have this foreknowledge they would have had to be involved. Pompeo also gave it away when he said the pandemic was a "live exercise."

The virus has a 19 nucleotide Furan Cleavage Site without which it would be harmless. That Furan Cleavage Site was patented by Moderna 5 years ago and is own by the US government.

Trump hired Robert Kadlec in 2017. They released bird flu in China 2018 and a mystery pig virus in 2019 that killed 40% of China's pigs. Oct. 2019 Covid was released during the military games. Wuhan is a travel center for China and late October is the biggest holiday of the year there. Having a biolab was a great misdirection.

It's not gain of function. It's genomically targeted, genetically engineered bioweapons. Same as what the 327 biolabs bordering Russia and China were for (targeting Slavs). There's even one in Nicaragua the Russian military is investigating right now. They released a worse variant in China after they refused to support sanctioning Russia. That's why the extreme lockdown.

The contracts for the Ukraine labs are in possession of the Russian military and posted on Telegram. Read them and decide for yourself if they look made up.

Remember, Trump provided training and weapons to Ukronazis to kill Donbass civilians and ignored their stockpiling of plutonium. He canceled the INF Treaty so nukes could be placed in Poland, Romania and Ukraine. He spent money like never before, much of it on the military, putting the Fed and the Treasury on the brink. This inflation was a long time coming. He had John Durham assigned as a special prosecutor to protect the elites (Durham protected Mueller for his taking payments from Whitey Bulger in Boston when he was head of FBI there). The Ghislaine Maxwell trial taught us that the FBI has lost all the evidence from the raids on Epsteins properties as well as what was collected from the radio tower in Florida.

Trump created Prosperty Zones which were places where tech billionaires could buy real estate to avoid paying tax on their huge capital gains. Then BLM went on a rampage and burned down buildings only in these Property Zones while Trump refused to call in the national guard. I'll bet that land is dirt cheap now for those billionaires. All the elites are working together. You just have to look at the evidence from a non partisan perspective.

The genetically engineered bioweapons program was started by Reagan in 1984. The US is the only country who's ever had such a program. Every intelligence agency and government in the world knows where Covid came from. Iran was telling the world at the time but the media doesn't give coverage to them.

I'm just a regular guy working in a factory. No special sources. Ron Unz

(unz.com) came out recently and has been promoting these theories though they've been circulating from the beginning. The first place I'd heard about it was in a peer reviewed study about Covid.

These stories about Wuhan being a ghost town during the military games, that all the athletes got really sick (yeah right - from Covid? Most healthy young people would hardly notice it). That there was a massive epidemic starting the previous summer. Could all be true but I'll eat my shorts if it's even shown to be highly likely, and I'm not eating my shorts.

And Obama outlawed gain of function research on US soil because it was too dangerous? Don't make me laugh. The Kenyan had no problem brain damaging black children in Michigan, started 5 wars and tried to start 2 others, was on a constant drone missile attack frenzy where 90% of the dead were civilians. Tried to rig the election for The Infamous Hildebeast. Rigged the US medical system so doctors wouldn't have the freedom to treat patients properly during the Plandemic.

I could go on but I'm running out of time. My point is that this false dichotomy of right versus left or whatever is a con game. I dont know how it works. Most of the parts are hidden. But the evidence is they're working together. Every conspiracy theorist I've ever know was a complete fruit loop. The nonsense they believe. But the little evidence we do have is real bad. I don't see any way out of this. We're in God's hands.

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And another thing... I forgot to mention The Program for a New American Century, co-authored by Paul Wolfowitz and the Kagan brothers (one is married to that sweet sweet lady, Victoria Nuland) said that genomically targeted, bioengineered bio weapons was the key to America maintaining hegemony throughout the 21st century.

Which begs the question; why do these people tell everybody what their planning?

I think it has a supernatural explanation. One could be they think that by telling people what they're planning gives them permission according to God's law.

Or Satan is under the misconception that it gives him permission and therefore makes it right.

Or the Harlot is about to be killed by the Beast. Both the Harlot and the Beast get their power from the Dragon (Satan). That is, the Dark side Luciferian system is being sacrificed for the Light side Luciferian system which will rise up in it's place and usher in the end times. The Great Reset is going to be destroyed by The Great Awakening. Most will be deceived but everyone will find out just how bad things can get. YouTube channels Probably Alexandra and E511 Ministries explain this stuff.

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Conceptual models I use, for what's going on at posts linked below.

Tl;dr - Yes, transnational banking and soul-destructive interests (who know no national loyalities) have been working together to kill off and enslave and surveil ordinary people all over the world. They launched the current phase of the war on humanity around 1913, intensified it in 1983, and intensified it still more starting in 2017.

Yes, for them, the enemy is us.

And Yes, Republicans and Democrats are working together to carry out the program here in the U.S., and for them also, the enemy is us.

Why? Out of a combination of hubris and misplaced loyalty to the evil people, expecting that they will be allowed on the "ark" after they help with the cull; greed (they are well-paid in the present); and fear (they don't want to be rendered destitute or dead by the international bankers).



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Time to drop the fraudulent "virus" narrative.

Messing about with in silico sequences, something quite different altogether.

Still not viruses/virions/exosomes.

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The sooner it is widely spread and debated, the less power the official discourse and the pushing of the bio weapons, injected, incrusted, or whatever, will have.

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It's actually simple and easy to understand. Gates gave us a great hint in his _title_ for his book review of the (wonderful book) "Project Hail Mary." Here is the link to his review:


Now picture you are speaking to your great grandchild who asks you something like "With regard to climate change (and all the chaos, destruction and problems we now face), did you do everything that you could?"

It doesn't matter if climate change is real or a conspiracy. If you believe the science, then in this hypothetical you are obligated to do everything you can, if you care about your descendants. I see no evidence indicating BG (and the other prominent players) _don't_ care about their descendants. So in order to help them, humanity's course must be changed.

Apparently, nothing so far has worked to change this much. The tiny changes made have no effect. CO2 continues to increase. Glaciers are melting. Fires increasing. The scientists tell us nothing is changing this.

So in order to survive, humanity must significantly alter course. There may be other ways, but those doing this bioweapon-scenario are going for compliance.

Be it simply out of fear of contamination/disease, or manipulation with the tiny chips injected, or increasing surveillance in the name of contact tracing, compliance will increase.

At some point, there will be sufficient compliance that the computer models of the world will indicate it is time for the next stage, in which whatever it takes to stop humanity's headlong destruction of the atmosphere will stop. Transportation sector? Animal-based agriculture? Fossil-fuel heating and cooling? Solutions to all of these strong contributors to global warming/increasing CO2 exist. They are not implemented because they are too expensive, or the politicians want to get re-elected, or people resist change. So compliance, in this case fear-based compliance, will, in this scenario, save us all.

So if those creating this believe the 'ends justifies the means' then many of us survive. To them, to put it simply, compliance = survival.

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Has anyone bothered to look at the data regarding how LUSH our planet once was? For millions of years? Temps and humidity were HIGH. CO2 was considerably higher than now. Polar caps SMALL. When O2 started to increase things got wonky. Then we had glaciation off and on for awhile. Things got even wonkier. It may be the planet prefers hot, humid with higher CO2 levels and is trying to move itself back to the “good ole days.” POLLUTION with things that don’t degrade are the planets biggest issues and ours. We don’t need fewer people to stop polluting. We just need to stop polluting. Stop with the ag chemicals. Stop with oil-based drugs. Stop using plastics. We could manage fossil fuels with more efficient engines and such but the rest needs to go. This would shut down the bad guys. We could learn to live healthier more sustainable lives. Farmers and ranchers could shift to sustainable, smaller operations and just feed those nearby, globally. Let the planet rearrange herself as she pleases but with a cleaner environment. Go check out atmospheric O2 vs CO2 levels in times past. The planet was considerably healthier and I would bet would like to be again. We don’t need BG et al to fix this. Just some honesty about what was on this dirt ball and a commitment to cleaning up our mess and then move on move on. The only thing we need to stop are oligarchs who want to be the only people left.

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