Even when one realizes that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, the rest of the story still does not make sense
So I turn to you dear reader to help fill in the gaps
Jeffrey Sachs is the most esteemed economist of his generation. Hired by Harvard at the tender age of 26 he became a full professor with tenure at 28. Whoa. Over the last 40 years Sachs has had a hand in many of the biggest economic projects in the world — crushing inflation (and civil society) in Bolivia, advising the Russians on the transition to capitalism, crafting Millennium Development Goals for the U.N., and running the Earth Institute at Columbia.
(For the record, Jeffrey Sachs blocked me on Twitter back in 2013 when I pointed out that he screwed up the transition to capitalism in Russia and created the mafia oligarchs who had already begun to destroy the world).
Jeffrey Sachs is the ultimate insider, the golden boy that capital can always turn to in order to make things right so that they can return to conquest (while feeling great about it).
So of course The Lancet named Sachs to head its blue ribbon commission to look into and cover up the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
Well, apparently the lies about SARS-CoV-2 were too much even for Dr. Sachs and at a recent conference he revealed that the best evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 originating from a bio(weapons) lab — IN THE UNITED STATES!
Like the horror movie cliché, the call is coming from inside the house.

(Hilarious that he does the perfect impression of the chin stroke emoji in the clip. 🤔)
The full clip is (here) — the relevant portion begins at 12:24.
Sachs is presumably referring to the Baric Lab at the University of North Carolina but there could be many other suspects.
This is a massive story — literally the story of the century — that the mainstream media will completely ignore and censor as they have done with nearly all important news since the start of the pandemic.
But even with this massive revelation, the story of the origins of SARS-CoV-2 still does not add up. So I turn to you today not with answers but with questions. I have some of the pieces but I’m asking you to help fill in the rest.
First principles: As I have pointed out before, there are a quadrillion x quadrillion viruses in the world (more viruses on earth than stars in the universe). We know a little something about a few hundred of them. There is absolutely no reason to create more viruses. Gain-of-function research (to make viruses more lethal) is always bioweapons development. It has no civilian purpose. It has never produced a usable human product.
Like most developed countries, the U.S. has a massive bioweapons program. During the Cold War it focused on countering or perhaps conquering the Soviet Union. As Kris Newby reveals in the absolutely brilliant book Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons — U.S. bioweapons labs were keenly focused on using fleas, ticks, and mosquitos to transmit gain-of-function viruses and bacteria to kill our enemies. The U.S. military tested the delivery mechanisms for these weapons (including the use of fog machines mounted on ships) on the U.S. population. The book presents fairly convincing evidence that the spirochetes that cause Lyme Disease originated in a U.S. bioweapons lab and somehow escaped into the population (not a big surprise because leaks often happen at these labs).
We know that the Obama Administration banned gain-of-function research in 2014. We also know that there was still money in the NIAID pipeline that had not been spent so Fauci laundered it through the EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). We know that WIV was splicing pieces of HIV into bat coronaviruses.
If SARS-CoV-2 originated in the U.S., which lab did it come from?
If SARS-CoV-2 originated in the U.S., when was it invented and did the inventors violate the ban on gain-of-function research?
If SARS-CoV-2 originated in the U.S., how did it first infect humans? Who was patient zero?
If SARS-CoV-2 originated in the U.S., how did it get to Wuhan, China? And why only Wuhan at first?
Meanwhile similar gain-of-function research was also going on in China as funded by the U.S. If this research was already happening in the U.S., why also fund it in China? And why China — literally our biggest military adversary? U.S. Department of Defense, DARPA, and BARDA surely knew about this project and signed off on it.
So the U.S. and China are allies now? And the enemy is… us?
Why did the French help build the bioweapons lab in Wuhan?
France and China are allies now? And the enemy is… us?
This is by far the biggest act of treason in U.S. history. Politically, this is a fat slow pitch right over the middle of the plate. Yet only two national-level Republicans — Ron Johnson and Rand Paul — know how to hit this pitch??? What on earth.
If Republicans ran on this (as they did in connection with an ill-advised press release after four Americans were killed in Benghazi) they could sweep nearly every Congressional seat in the midterm elections. One might think that the opposition party would be interested in making hay out of this situation. Yet the Republican party bosses are SILENT on the fact that the highest paid federal bureaucrat in D.C. killed 1 million Americans and 6 million people worldwide?
What on earth is going on?
Republicans and Democrats are allies now? And the enemy is… us?
As you can see, I’m out of answers, so I’m looking for someone to explain it to me. I dislike conspiracy theories because they are usually unnecessary — if you just follow the money you can usually figure out what happened and create the leverage for criminal convictions or revolution. In this case, we just have scattered fragments of the story. 27 months into the pandemic, no government agency, public health official, nor media source is the slightest bit curious about how it all started. This is the ultimate “dog that didn’t bark.”
I’m hoping that one of you can make it make sense because I cannot.
Sachs will likely be forced to walk back his statement by the end of the week but the cat is already out of the bag (download the video before Google deletes it).
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting against Pharma fascism. 🙏
In the comments, please share your thoughts on what is going on. Links are appreciated. Who is doing the best work on these questions?
As always I welcome any corrections.
I think it actually might boil down to willful ignorance at the individual level. There are no coincidences: only choice. And most people choose to remain ignorant. It is incredibly hard, but everyday I try to make myself understand that my information feeds are gigantically different from others' information feeds. I try to imagine that most people have no idea what is actually going on. I do find it hard to believe that so many are so 'huh?', for lack of a better word. But what I find harder to believe is that such a grand majority of people are evil. Because, that's what we're talking about here. So I choose to believe they are good people who just can't cross their own cognitive dissonance barriers so either consciously or subconsciously, choose to remain ignorant.
Logic fails to explain any of this. Because logic operates in a world of consequence and accountability. This is the material world of the natural order. However, at some point in the recent past, corporate and government leaders abandoned the material world as the context of their rationality. They began to believe that they transcend that world, and live in one where they can abuse logic and nature. This non-material world has only two values: money and power. They have structured a global system where they are the only winners. In 1983, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn was awarded The Templeton Prize. His acceptance speech is remembered for one sentence, “Men have forgotten God.” Nietzsche saw this. There are countless examples of people during the past century who not only forgot God but believed that they were God as they also forgot that the material world, the context for science discovery, operates as a natural order. We live under the tyranny of devils who will destroy the world. Only the natural world with its material resources has the capacity to recover. I thank God everyday for the incompetence of small-minded egotists. They will fail. And those of us who humbly respect the real, material world are ready and are already at work repairing and restoring the world that transcends their madness. For me this is where logic leads.