Still one of my favorite articles. Thank you so much for being so brilliant

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I'm sympathetic to your overall thesis, but your point #3, early treatment, gives me pause. If this could work so well, then why hasn't it been done anywhere else in the world? Please don't cite "some African country" or other third world place with utterly inadequate record-keeping or public health system. Only middle-income countries and up.

I get why politicians in the USA, likely on both sides, are utterly captured by Pfizer, et al. But politicians in Mexico? Japan? Indonesia? Turkey? Great Britain? Why doesn't such a plan work anywhere?

I read the Scott Alexander (slate star codex) analysis on Ivermectin; seems about right. Works where it's killing parasites in folks who also have covid. I should add that I had covid in July (in Mexico, though I'm an American), and my doctor somewhat reluctantly prescribed me Ivermectin, which is in reasonably wide use here. Though one anecdote doesn't make a study, I'd say that I felt no effect whatsoever from the ivermectin. This is in contrast to immediately feeling when an antibiotic kicks in against a bacterial infection.

So, I'm all for early treatment, and I don't have any trouble believing that the US establishment is utterly captured by Big Pharma. But I'd also say that point #3 may well be a pipe dream for now. I wish I didn't believe this, but you need some stronger evidence.


Kim G

Roma Sur, Mexico City

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Thank you for this thoughtful comment. Sweden, Japan, Mexico, India, and Florida all seem to be having better than average outcomes at this point and they are not obsessed with vaccines (in the same way that blue states are). So it seems that they are doing something right. It's not just ivermectin, there are about 20 alternative treatments that show some promise. https://c19early.com/ From talking with friends, ivermectin seemed effective, if used early, against the initial variants (from March 2020). Niacin seems more effective, if used early, against the most recent variants. And it seems to require a combination of treatments and there is no 1 silver bullet that works for everyone. That's where I'm at now.

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I'll certainly agree that both ivermectin and niacin are low-risk or close to zero-risk options. And that's what really makes me wonder about the war against ivermectin. What harm is there in trying it? Studying it? I understand it worked in vitro. Yeah, lots of things that work in vitro don't work in bodies. But given the almost zero side effect profile, I don't understand the reluctance to study it intensively. I'd also file niacin under that rubric. Hydroxychloroquine is a bit more dangerous, but seems like it certainly could have been managed. Buy why the failure to study? This is something that should concern everyone.


Kim G

Roma Sur, Mexico City

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So true! I wish an israeli had written this.

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You described me perfectly. I've never voted for a Republican before, but Youngkin and every other Republican on my Virginia ballot got my vote based solely on the covid1984 craziness.

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Same here, same in Virginia, lol. Youngkin needs to read this.

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I feel seen!!

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Curious if you follow @undercovervirologist and the claims that these "viruses" are not real at all. There are very compelling arguments.

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I represent the former 'always democrat' voter now who will only vote Republican because of this issue. This is my hill and I AM NOT ALONE. I will never vote for the Dems again after this covid fiasco. It's obvious who is in bed with Pharma and China. It's the only issue I can about and the only one that will get me to the polls now....MEDICAL FREEDOM.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/6X4g66qAEWgU/ C.J. Hopkins and Max Blumenthal on Germany’s Dark Winter. A must-see interview. EXCELLENT.

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Wow, that is intense there.

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It sure is. And to think it could be coming to the USA or wherever you are if you’re not in the U.S. We cannot let it happen. It’s truly a nightmare and it’s all of the establishment goons’ making. Fight on, Jerome. We will win.

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Thank you.

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I think the issue goes beyond medical tyranny. The plan is to assign social credit based on all ideological aspects that determine conformity to totalitarianisms, just as being practiced in China. Unfortunately, I don't see republicans demonstrating an appreciation of the big picture. Our single-issue voting tendencies have been highjacked by both parties just to get votes and promptly forget the issue and return to their corporate pandering. We need independent candidates who speak to the big picture......!

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I agree with you about candidates speaking "to the big picture," but I'm not sure the majority of Americans, on either side, could, or would, appreciate the arguments given. Americans today are very self-centered and have a narrow vision of what is important overall. They want their little corner of the world to kowtow to their wishes, and the rest be damned. This doesn't bode well for our country. So, if speaking to one, or a few things, that have people impassioned will help get the country headed back towards freedom from fascism/totalitarianism/communism, I guess we'll just have to deal.

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Unfortunately you are right. Let's get JFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci read. He deals with a lot more than Fauci's corruption, and paints the bigger picture of technocrat's plans

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RFK, Jr. I'm only correcting, in case someone were to go to a bookstore and be disappointed. --- Have you been following him? Lord, the brains he has! Wonderful to listen to. --- I have renamed his book, to myself, to, "The Life and Lies of Anthony Fauchi." It makes me smile. 😊

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Yes, he is amazing and exceptionally well informed.

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I think you underestimate the number of single-issue medical freedom voters. Think of all the moms whose children have been masked and quarantined for a year and a half. They are furious.

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Biden also promised no mandates. That promise sure didn't last very long.

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He also thinks he was a truck driver, factory worker... Soon, he'll regale us of that time he walked on the moon.

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To this day Trump is still going around patting himself on the back for the vaccine disaster his administration created. Yeah, I still think he's the funniest president of all time, but when I voted in my election here in Canada, I was a single issue voter and voted against the ONLY party who opposed vaccine passports. Too many Trump cultists still believe he's got their backs.

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Wokeism drove me to the right, and then the "vaccines" drove me straight into the medical freedom voting block. I was welcomed with open arms by all of you. I didn't even have to recant or repent. Maybe Republicans have gotten lazy because the other side is actually doing their work for them? The "what my opponent is saying is so absurd that I'm just going to take a nap and hope he keeps talking" style of governance?

Anyway, hope they wake up long enough to read your missive!

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You have high hopes that history tends to suggest are wildly unrealistic. Republicans are, with only a few principled exceptions, go-along-to-get-along Stockholm-syndrome captured losers.

Even Dan Crenshaw voted for the massive expansion of big government in the form of a centralized “vaccine database”, the very thing that’s at the heart of this whole fraud.

How many in Congress actually made any effort to support Trump, flawed as he may have been, who was only the second president in my 60 years of memory to actually advocate for American citizens against the now-obvious deep state?

Forget about Republicans, at least federally. We’re on our own. The only hope is at state and local levels. The national fissure is forming. Will it result in a break-up of the republic? It’s hard to see any other future.

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IMO, Trump was vilified by both sides for 1 reason, he was, and is, not a career politician. Yeah, he was, and is, also a loud mouth, but there are plenty of obnoxious loudmouth career (and a few wannabe career) politicians still sitting on their posteriors, running their mouths, in the houses of Congress right now. He, mostly, did his best for the country, while chained to a tree.

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I would agree. Personally I couldn’t care less about his mannerisms. He did a lot of good work, most notably on the economy and on foreign policy. He succeeded where entire careers, and no small number of fortunes, had been built on failure. And that’s why they hated him.

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🙌 And those reasons were why so many voted for him.

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The most peaceful solution, to be sure. The busybodies who make up our trusty government and at least half the country who still believe in their false authority will never allow that to happen, however. They LIVE for this shit.

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Point is... my vote is for sale to the highest principled deliverer not the lowest principled promiser and deceiver.

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