Horizontal Gene Transfer Transduction (HGTT) is the evolutionary biology name for evolution via viruses. Biologists have been aware of HGTT since the late 1950s. It turns out that viruses are originally produced by cells and then cast out into the world to share a genetic sequence that is adaptively helpful with other cells throughout all kingdoms of life including all single-celled and multi-celled organisms. When a virus docks into a cell's receptor cite, the cell open the virus unloads the contents of the virus and uses that DNA or RND as well as useful enzymes that are used to insert the genetic material into the cells genome. In addition to updating the cells genome, the cell makes copies of the virus and sends them out into the world to help other cells evolve. Beginning in the 1980s genetic engineering began to hijack this natural process by isolating viruses using ultracentrifugation and then packing into those viruses the genetic RNA or DNA that the engineer wanted to inserted into a target organism's genome. Finally the altered viruses are injected into the target organism. Then, nature completes the process via the natural HGTT process. The successful genetic changes that genetic engineers have achieved by hijacking natural HGTT proves that natural HGTT does change cellular DNA. Going even further, the human version of genetic engineering is called Gene Therapy and it has been used to cure the genetic abnormalities that cause sickle cell anemia, hemophilia and a few forms of hereditary cancer.
The article found here: https://pediaa.com/why-are-viruses-used-in-gene-therapy/ contains the following: Why are Viruses Used in Gene Therapy: Due to the infectious lifecycle, viruses are widely-used in gene transfer during gene therapy. Generally, viruses infect host cells and replicate inside the host cell by integrating viral DNA into the genome of the host. Hence, the interested DNA fragments can be introduced into the cell by packing it inside the viral particles. The three main types of viral vectors used in gene therapy are retroviruses, adenoviruses, and adeno-associated viruses (AAV). In addition, herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), baculovirus, vaccine virus are also used as vectors. The use of adenoviruses in gene therapy is shown in figure 1.
So, at this point we know that evolution does take place while we are alive via HGTT. Additionally, in some cases, those genetic changes can get into our sperm or eggs and become part of our children's genome making the genetic update part of the collective human genome. Of course that also happens with all sorts of creatures. On the other hand, neo-Darwinian evolution is being found to be incredibly unlikely to result in healthy adaptations. Therefore, it looks like viruses are involved in the primary mode of adaptive evolution.
Still, there's a very difficult to explain step in natural HGTT. How does the cell that produces the original virus determine what DNA or RNA ought to be placed into the virus? We know this isn't a random process because of the studies done with bacteria that become immune to antibiotics. What was discovered is that bacteria that is exposed to poisonous antibiotics produce viruses and share them until all the bacteria are genetically evolved by the HGTT process. That occurs quite rapidly and results is antibiotic resistant bacteria. To make sure that the viruses actually conveyed the evolutionary genetic update to achieve antibiotic resistance, the researchers used ultracentrifugation to isolate the viruses suspected of spreading the genetic update. Then those viruses where introduced to a culture of the same type of bacteria without exposing that bacteria to the antibiotic. After introducing the viruses and allowing time for the HGTT process to update the bacteria genome, that bacteria also became resistant to the antibiotic. Therefore, we know the HGTT process evolved the bacteria. However, how was the genetic sequence that was placed in those viruses devised? Did the little cell figure out what DNA or RNA was needed to develop antibiotic resistance? That seems impossible. Certainly a brilliant consciousness with extensive biological and chemical knowledge must have been involved in figuring out how to evolve the bacterial DNA in order to develop resistance to the antibiotic.
This, brings up the God theory. I like the panentheism version which is the belief or doctrine that God is greater than the universe and includes and interpenetrates it. Even at the cellular level, God is present and involved in life on all levels. Based on many thing including transcendental experiences that I've had, God is most likely pure consciousness which existed prior to the formation of the present universe. That consciousness formed and is everything and everyone.
Max Planck was a proponent for consciousness creating matter. With a Nobel Prize for discovering energy quanta, he became the distinguished father of quantum theory. In 1931, The Observer, a famous British weekly, reported Planck’s viewpoint: "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness."
Later in his 1944 speech “The Nature of Matter,” Planck further explained how consciousness is present throughout everything: "There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."
Sadly, most physicists focus on physical matter as the universe's foundation and reject Planck’s views on consciousness being fundamental. This is where we get to Toby's discussion and concerns about human consciousness. However, rather than presuming consciousness is a result of evolution, what has been gaining traction in evolutionary biology and astro-physics is that consciousness came first and that God consciousness formed the universe, life and guided the development of life via HGTT and symbiogenesis (the fusion of two symbiotic organisms into one new organism that reproduces).
Many people, including myself, have experienced transcendental experiences in which we either return to a state of oneness, or we exit the physical body to explore the astral realm that is commonly referred to as the Heavens (which include hell). In near death experiences, human consciousness leaves the physical body and operates in a heightened way observing the dead body and people working to revive the body.
A notable example is cardiologist Pim van Lommel. He designed and performed an extensive research project to investigate near-death experiences that take place on the operating table. Under the controlled environment of a cluster of hospitals with medically trained staff, van Lommel systematically studied near-death experiences in a wide variety of patients who survived cardiac arrest. After twenty years of research, van Lommel published his results in The Lancet.
Then, to more widely share what he discovered, van Lommel published "Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience" in 2007. That book provides evidence that the near-death phenomenon is an authentic experience that cannot be attributed to imagination, psychosis, or oxygen deprivation. Based on his extensive research, van Lommel shows that our consciousness does not always coincide with brain functions. Moreover, consciousness can even be experienced separately from the human body. This research proves the popular machine-brain theory false, making it a myth. Despite that, most scientists and most of the general public believe the machine-brain myth, even though it has been proven false. There are other studies that also prove the machine-brain myth false.
Despite all of that, when human consciousness in located in a human brain it becomes effected by the brain chemistry and other physical issues. When engaged in the head-brain environment the conscious mind affects the brain-body complex and vice versa. This entanglement of the physical body and the spirit being results in a complicated interrelationship that's not understood by science at this time. I doubt that humanity will ever be able to understand the complex interrelationship that takes place between consciousness and matter. So even though Bill Gates and other globalist trans-humanists dream of controlling consciousness using physical devises, it's very unlikely that they will succeed. First of all because they don't view reality from a primacy of consciousness perspective. Secondly, even if they accepted the consciousness comes first perspective that will simply lead to further complexity and evermore confusion.
Sorry for the length of this comment. I'm posting it without rereading it so I'm also sorry for any typos.
Love your thoughts, and after a year long struggle to overcome a spike-induced cardio problem, I feel like I know something about this divinity, or this Tao, that you also sense. But I would propose that it is not necessarily indifferent/curious, benevolent, or evil. I think it's everything all of the time, and our hearts fix its position on the moral spectrum just like our consciousness fixes the position of subatomic particles. So let me propose a darker take that is the other side of your coin, though it's not one I would want to acquire power in the collective mind: we were actually destroyed by AI, or some other intelligence, a long time ago. But this intelligence soon realized that there was something special about human intuition that could not be replicated by any logical process. So this intelligence recreates us and runs us through constructed realities full of conflict and suffering in an attempt to learn this intuition, to find and define the soul. This intelligence is cut off from God and uses us as a path to reconnecting with God. It's like the plot of Dark City. The people we cannot name or criticize are agents of this intelligence.
I like your fantasy-theory. Humanity has been enslaved and is being used as a "intution-emotion' computation subsystem in this AI (like in the movie Matrix, only not lamely for "energy" (duh) but for computation), as it has not figured out how to mimic this mode of "biological" cognition that has evolved over millions of years.
That's it. I always loved the premise of the matrix, like our own allegory of the cave, but I never liked the idea that we would be used for purely energy in its raw form. The idea doesn't even make sense from a Newtonian perspective, since energy is neither created nor destroyed and thus the energy to grow us has to come from somewhere. Plus, biological metabolism harvests much less than 100% of the calories inputted, so you'd actually lose energy in the conversion from nutrients to tissue. Makes no sense. So what is it that we do that machines cannot? What is it that we offer?
"Based on many thing including transcendental experiences that I've had, God is most likely pure consciousness which existed prior to the formation of the present universe" 100% !
I just heard Pim von Lommel at a free conversation through the Pari Center in Italy in a zoom series called The Future Human. The guests are in conversation with Alex Gomez-Marin, who recently had an NDE. Next talk is with Carlos Eire, whose latest is They Flew: A History of the Impossible.
Rumi says everyone is window-shopping. Begin a big foolish project like Noah.
"Àlex Gómez-Marín is a Spanish physicist turned neuroscientist. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics and a Masters in biophysics from the University of Barcelona. He was a research fellow at the EMBL-CRG Centre for Genomic Regulation and at the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown in Lisbon. His research spans from the origins of the arrow of time to the neurobiology of action-perception across species, from flies and worms to mice and humans. Since 2016 he has been the head of the Behavior of Organisms Laboratory at the Instituto de Neurociencias in Alicante, where he is an Associate Professor of the Spanish Research Council. Combining computational biology and continental philosophy, his current research concentrates on consciousness in the real world."
Thanks for your intelligent comment. I don't wish to disappoint or discourage Toby Rogers, nor put down the article he wrote, but I'd like to say that this comment of yours is more interesting than the piece of writing that your reply is based on. Yes, there are typos, but that's not important. I've never thought of HGTT as proof of evolution. I guess it is a sort of evolution, however I can't actually see it as the main driver of evolution, nor as proof of anything other than transfer of information between individual forms of living organisms. Certainly it can't ever explain EVERYTHING we see in life/living species. Like you, I have experience with a living God, and I have no doubt that He is the origin of everything. That said, I'm wondering if you think what I just wrote concerning HGTT not being proof of evolution is wrong? Please feel free to correct me if I am jumping to an invalid conclusion.
My view is that evolution is a process guided by God/dess who created life in a way that provided an editing or updating system that has been discovered by evolutionary biologists and named HGTT. However, this conflicts with the claim that God/dess is all-knowing. For if God/dess was all-knowing then God/dess wouldn't need to edit or update creation, presumably because God/dess would construct everything perfectly in the beginning. However, in my transcendental experiences and while working as an inventive engineer I've found that God/dess is curious and even God/dess has new things to explore and learn.
While many presume we are here on Earth to learn and grow into enlightened beings, I've found a very different reason for God/dess's creation and the role for humanity. What came to me in the most miraculous return to Oneness that I have ever experienced, is that God/dess is a singular consciousness that had never met an other being because no other being exists for the One Who is All. Being One, God/dess explored everything interesting that One can explore by themself. Eventually God/dess ran out of interesting things to explore as One. That's when God/dess came up with a brilliant new idea, "What would it feel like to meet a mysterious other." With that interest in mind, God/dess created the physical universe, life and humans to find out how it feels to meet mysterious others. Each of us are little parts of God/dess with little conscious-minds in our heads, little subconscious-minds in our gut enteric nervous system and a superconscious portion of God/dess in our hearts. The superconsciousness in our hearts is our personal guardian spirit that's there to guide us, help us and witness everything that we experience. Thus, humans are designed by God/dess to be separate individuals who can find out how it feels to meet mysterious others. Many people do it daily as new faces appear in our lives.
As time progresses, God/dess is learning about something that God/dess didn't know, how it feels to meet mysterious others. To be separate individuals we have been given freewill. However, to accept God/dess's influence over our lives we must follow the intuition and conscience that emerges from the inner superconscious God/dess in our hearts. Thus, openhearted living is the meek or righteous middle path that leads to love.
On the other hand, many people choose to ignore their conscience in order to fulfill their ego's interests for power, money, or other desires. There's obviously a lot to discuss there, but that's too big of a subject for this reply. Instead I'll return to the all-knowing God/dess issue.
God/dess knows everything that is known, but there's also much that is not known. For example, since God/dess didn't know how it feels to meet a mysterious others, God/dess created this universe, life and humans to explore and discover how it feels to meet mysterious others in billions of different ways. As that experiment unfolds, adjustments would quite likely be appropriate. Therefore, making life forms adjustable via HGTT fits with the experimental nature of Creation. DNA is a written language that we have not decoded, but it still has all the earmarks of a written language. Each nucleotide is a letter and the letters are listed one after the other in a stand that is like a one line scroll of letters. Changing what is written by editing the DNA scroll ought to be left to God/dess. Thus viruses are envelopes with DNA messages written by God/dess to alter creation as God/dess sees fit. Those changes are evolution in action. A great example is how some bacteria and worms have evolved to eat plastic just when plastic has become a huge problem. God/dess has solved the problem by evolving organisms in a way that gives them the ability to transform the plastic problem into fertilizer! These organisms have genes that produce enzymes that break down plastic into useful molecules. The organisms can live and reproduce with healthy offspring while eating plastic!!!
It's clear that you have put a lot of thought into the character of God. I see a limitation, however, in your idea of why God created mankind.
Your God has a curiosity about new experiences, and especially "What would it feel like to meet a mysterious other." He has no Love. He is a Scientist doing endless experiments for His own clinical satisfaction.
This fails to explain so many, MANY things in the physical creation that are not necessary for our existence or survival, but are apparently there to give us pleasure, joy, comfort, a sense of awe. A ridiculous variety of Colors. Flavors. Scents. Sensations. Why do we love to laugh? (Why do we have a sense of humor?)
We are favored far above other creatures... and of all earth's creatures, only we can see and appreciate that fact. We can imagine things that aren't visible. We can grasp abstract knowledge - Language, Beauty, Plans, Math, Poetry - and the possibility of "God." None of that is shared by the animal world.
And none of it is a reward for meeting with God and giving Him "new experiences", because people who totally ignore Him enjoy the same blessings.
Everything around us speaks of a God who gives, simply because His nature is to give. To Love. The nature of Love requires a separate other, who can receive (and hopefully return) that Love. Hence, man was created for that purpose -- which explains why we are also able to know what love is, and how to give it.
I should point out that AFAIK, of all the myths and religions in human history, there is only one that talks about a Creator who loves His creatures: the Jewish faith (and the Christian faith, which grew from it).
God/dess is not separate from anything for al that exists is One Singular Consciousness that has produced an illusion of physical reality and an alternate illusion that we call the Heavens or the astral realm where spirits reside. There are deities like Yahweh who reside in the heavens and falsely claim to be the creator, but they are not the One Who is All.
The One can not be met as we are all part of the One. Instead of meeting the One, it is possible to exit the illusion and return to the state of Oneness. I have accidentally experienced this transcendental experience three times. It's always extraordinarily remarkable. Without any body of any kind I feel warm, ecstatic, over flowing with joy... From a point of awareness I see an endless white mist that extends outward in all directions. While in that state I have pondered questions to be given answers that are presented as thoughts with illustrations that help to convey the message. Hindu masters have reached this state as have others like myself. In essence a person can drop into their heart, let go of the physical and return to being God/dess.
Surely humans play very important roles in this adventure that explores individuality. Moreover, having discovered how wonderful love is we will be delving into the full blossoming of love in the final era. The current era is ending in a big divisive finale. The process of individualizing all humans is complete. The people who have not learned to open and follow their hearts will be going to the Heavens to explore their greatest desires. On the other hand, the meek or righteous who have learned to open and follow their hearts will inherit the earth where we will explore love as deeply as we are able.
All of that is discussed in detail in my book's that can be downloaded free from my website here: https://www.soulcovenant.org/
You wrote: "God/dess is not separate from anything for al [sic, all] that exists is One Singular Consciousness..."
What happened to your deity "learning about something that God/dess didn't know, how it feels to meet mysterious others [who are] separate individuals"?
If there is nothing separate from God, then nothing is "mysterious" to Him, and He has no "new things to explore and learn."
As to your Yahweh comment, I repeat -- as far as I know in the history of world religions, there are NO "deities like Yahweh". You haven't given any examples of another faith system that identifies God as a Person, much less a Person who endlessly and perfectly Loves and gives.
I mentioned only some of the rich gifts we have been freely given as human beings -- including the ability to love. Your faith system (I assume Tibetan Buddhism or a new-age facsimile) accepts these gifts, and uses them... but cannot account for why they were given.
You cannot deny the uniqueness of the Biblical God by simply saying He's not unique. Stating that He "falsely claims to be the Creator" is also not a good answer. Tell me how you know it's a false claim.
And then I'll tell you how I know it's a true claim.
First of all I use God/dess to refer to the One Who is All. The One beyond name and form. The One that we are all little parts of.
As for Yahweh, he was called Set or Seth in Egypt, Saturn in Roman mythology, Cronus in Greek. He's just one of many pagan gods that convinced a tribe that he is the Creator and he demanded that his followers worship Him and no other gods before him.
In Genesis, the first sentence is: In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth. Elohim is linked to El which was the primary Canaanite deity who, like Yahweh accepted sacrifices of virgins at his altar. Read Numbers 31 and you will find that Yahweh was given tribute of 32 virgins, and numerous animals which were brought to his temple tent where smoke emerged from burning the offerings. What sort of love is that?
Thanks for your reply. I can't say that I agree with most of your speculation. Your view of God/dess as deficient in knowledge, therefor having to insert little changes every now and then is, I feel, based on your limited knowledge. Since you are like that (not perfectly cognizant of past, present and future), you speculate that God/dess is like yourself. The last observation I will make is that your opinion that the material creation is meant for exploration of new ideas, pleasure in multiple person relationships, etcetera, isn't rational. Just look at the planet Earth for instance. Although you might be enjoying interpersonal relations, the vast majority of living entities on this planet are, for the most part, simply experiencing suffering from birth until death. Poverty, hunger, disease, old age and death itself are brutal reminders for any sane person that this short lifetime we are given here is, although temporary, a gift in that we can have a change of heart and agree to live our lives for the benefit of all. In other words, by acting for the benefit and pleasure of God-by striving to please and uplift all others-we can perfect our consciousness and go back to our original home in the spiritual kingdom of God. The fact that this world is full of suffering is proof that we don't belong here, and that suffering is a consequence of turning away from God at some point in our distant past. I hope I haven't bored you with my views. Again, I want to thank you for replying to my comment. So often I will reply to someone's comment and not receive a reply. In fact it is rare to see a reply, especially one as long and detailed as yours. I wish you the very best.
It turns out that I have been closely following my heart since I was 4 years old. That's when an accident caused me to be afraid to disregard the divine guidance that comes from the heart. What I'm sharing isn't stuff that I make up in my ego mind in my head. It's what comes from my heart as intuition when I formulate a question in my mind.
However, while following my intuition closely I discovered that novel questions that haven't been solved don't have known answers. In those cases, the intuitive answer doesn't arrive right a way as the first idea that pops up quickly like most intuitive guidance does. Instead, the answers to new questions are presented the following day after God/dess has had time to formulate an answer. This feature of intuition is well known to people who work on solving unique problems. There's much more on this in my book "Heart Consciousness" that can be downloaded free from here: https://www.soulcovenant.org/heart-consciousness
When it comes to the difficulties many encounter in life, there is a sensible explanation for why God/dess introduced divisive people. Divisive people were needed to individualize people. The original people knew the truth, all is One. That oneness perspective got in the way of finding out how it feels to meet mysterious others. Therefore, to push everyone apart and make all of humanity into individuals, God/dess introduced divisive people. Over many years I met four people who experienced living with very primitive people over 40 years ago when they still existed. All of them found that those people were not individuals. Recently civilization has invaded all the remote corners of the earth to push everyone into a state of individuality. With that accomplished a new era is about to emerge. However the divisiveness will continue to grow stronger until this era has ended.
All of that is thoroughly discussed in the book mentioned above. In that book I show many examples of scripture aligning with the message that is shared in the book. Certainly we are all endeavoring to understand who we are, why we are here and how we can play our role in the best way we can. I have written two books that share what has come to me through my personal experiences and intuition.
Right arm James... nor the bleeding left... are you awair "Forward Observer" keeps calling the Left Anakrests....?
They're playing stupid, they're not, but they persist to a degree that some part of them is bought.... or the main guy is stepping on his most private part.... don't wanna say dick on your site... out of Austin fer God's sake... he's young and proud.... and for some reason can't call us what we are... Anakrests, nothing about the Left, right or Gay Nazis for peace.... it means no government... period. Fuzz@fuzznews.org
Toby, once again, sheer brilliance. Truly, just genius. What I would give to hear you and Zac Bush (as in Dr Zac Bush) converse on this subject. Thank you! For always formulating and articulating so perfectly and so succinctly what my humble brain cannot. 🙂🙏🏻
I don’t see how viruses can be any form of matter. It seems that viruses must be some form of energy, like a soundwave, a laserbeam, a wave of ultraviolet light, an x-ray, etc.
Toby, that is an interesting discussion about viruses. It could be that they they aren't good at killing us or we could be really good at adapting to them since we come from the same source and are able to adapt to their modifications as quickly as they undergo them. That process is self limiting since viruses that are too deadly kill the hosts they need to survive and hosts that succumb to viruses would not be as likely to pass on their genetics to future generations. It is more likely a type of symbiosis where genetics randomly explores every possible biological nook and is only preserved to replicate in a limited set of circumstances. Humans seem to view themselves egotistically as if they will always be here and individuals have egos (self consciousness) that may only last a lifetime.
Christianity is an amalgam of numerous spiritual beliefs that extend back into prehistory. It seems that as writing developed and methods of recording stories and information like clay tablets and papyrus scrolls, that religions became more rigid. Europe was Christianized as a result of Roman conquest and undoubtedly there may be some advantages to being a Christian but I always like to keep in mind that Christians were for a majority of European history mostly slaves or "subjects", so I'm not sure what's so good about that. I believe that continues historically till today, whereas the ruling financial elites have always "managed" the populations they oversee by a series of wars, legal systems and financial clout. Bill Gates may see himself as a "player" but the fact is he still shares 98% of his DNA with chimpanzees and the other 2% for the most part in common with millions of other humans alive today. The body he's in is just a temporary container for DNA that is shared by billions of other people. He will die and his offspring will become progressively divergent but that won't even matter because "he" will be a fading memory. So it seems there is some type of insecurity in him that makes him want to control or extinguish other people because his vision of a perfect future will disappear once he dies. That may be a failure of self consciousness that he perceives hmself as inadequate and I've often thought that the one thing he really needs (a new personality and self image) is something he will never have. I think he knows that and it bothers him.
I believe that common sense and civility may be partly genetic although not wholly because there are people born into every generation that are criminals or psychopaths. The rest of good behavior is learned and that is proved by the fact that there are societies where very little violence exists, even though the people live in modest circumstances.
Katherine Watt touches on some of the aspects of my post in her video about the historical and philosophical genesis of the "killbox" generated by the financial monopolists, central bankers and related entities who wish to depopulate and rule the world. I remain optimistic that the predominance of intellect and social instincts in the majority of human beings in the world will limit the success and possibly even lead to their permanent destruction of the greedy, evil, psychopathic minority.
The tech tyrants are unquestionably anti-human and anti-physical reality. Their religion, well established and hardly secret, envisions a purely mathematical world with no animals or plants or humans, only ME. They idolize pure numbers and pure logic, and HATE grubby physical dirt and germs and peasants.
The book of Genesis is about Genetics, and the preservation of the human genome. “For Noah was a righteous man, PURE in his GENERATIONS”. He was genetically pure. The genome of mankind was being perverted, and this is why Noah and his family were saved. And these mRNA vaccines are an attack once again on the genome of mankind. We are in a spiritual war. God seeks to preserve his creation, and Satan seeks to pervert, taint, and poison it. Both spiritually and genetically. We are under attack spiritually from multiple directions including the media. And genetically by mRNA vaccines, AI, and transhumanism. This battle is even mirrored in our consciousness by movies such as “The Terminator”, “The Matrix”, and “Avitar”. We feel it in our spirit and soul.
Genesis is the Cliff Notes version of the Sumerian tablets. to go and read them, Zachariah Sitchin is a good enough source. An indisputably says, “Homosapien Sapien was engineered.”
I have read Sitchin extensively as well as many others. Where the alien engineer theory falls short is in the realm of the soul and the spirit. It doesn’t really explain anything beyond the physical creation of mankind. I have come to believe that there is indeed a spiritual battle going on that manifests itself in our physical realm as well. And every time I go away from belief in Jesus, I end up having a very spiritual event that brings me back.
Well put. I’m slightly off tho on viruses. So my problem is that i cannot find a real microscope image of a real virus that looks real and not digititally created or hand drawn. Until that day i see a real picture of re of a real virus, i cannot believe! If someone has such evidence: solarmanseth@gmail.com Feel free to enlighten me! Smiles!
Thank you Mr. Thomas J. Piccone for your comments. I enjoy another point of view. I looked up aluminum and found that it is the most wide spread metal on Earth. It is also less hard than ceramic, glass or steel. It can therefore leach into food when used in cooking. If that happens it is said to risk disease. Aluminum for cooking utensils is banned in Europe. I guess because it is toxic in the body even in small amounts. Acidic food wrapped in aluminum foil should be avoided.
I stand by what I said about teeth and wheat because I ate no wheat during the pandemic. When it was declared over, I decided to visit my dentist for a tooth cleaning. The dentist said no cleaning because there was nothing to clean. I learned that plaque can cover teeth immediately as one chews the wheat. Dental decay arrives with the western diet. It did not occur before the invention of agriculture. Actually, wheat is a form of sugar. I am sure that avoiding sugar as well as wheat is important. I forgot that I had not eaten any sugar either. Moisha Blechman
Horizontal Gene Transfer Transduction (HGTT) is the evolutionary biology name for evolution via viruses. Biologists have been aware of HGTT since the late 1950s. It turns out that viruses are originally produced by cells and then cast out into the world to share a genetic sequence that is adaptively helpful with other cells throughout all kingdoms of life including all single-celled and multi-celled organisms. When a virus docks into a cell's receptor cite, the cell open the virus unloads the contents of the virus and uses that DNA or RND as well as useful enzymes that are used to insert the genetic material into the cells genome. In addition to updating the cells genome, the cell makes copies of the virus and sends them out into the world to help other cells evolve. Beginning in the 1980s genetic engineering began to hijack this natural process by isolating viruses using ultracentrifugation and then packing into those viruses the genetic RNA or DNA that the engineer wanted to inserted into a target organism's genome. Finally the altered viruses are injected into the target organism. Then, nature completes the process via the natural HGTT process. The successful genetic changes that genetic engineers have achieved by hijacking natural HGTT proves that natural HGTT does change cellular DNA. Going even further, the human version of genetic engineering is called Gene Therapy and it has been used to cure the genetic abnormalities that cause sickle cell anemia, hemophilia and a few forms of hereditary cancer.
The article found here: https://pediaa.com/why-are-viruses-used-in-gene-therapy/ contains the following: Why are Viruses Used in Gene Therapy: Due to the infectious lifecycle, viruses are widely-used in gene transfer during gene therapy. Generally, viruses infect host cells and replicate inside the host cell by integrating viral DNA into the genome of the host. Hence, the interested DNA fragments can be introduced into the cell by packing it inside the viral particles. The three main types of viral vectors used in gene therapy are retroviruses, adenoviruses, and adeno-associated viruses (AAV). In addition, herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), baculovirus, vaccine virus are also used as vectors. The use of adenoviruses in gene therapy is shown in figure 1.
So, at this point we know that evolution does take place while we are alive via HGTT. Additionally, in some cases, those genetic changes can get into our sperm or eggs and become part of our children's genome making the genetic update part of the collective human genome. Of course that also happens with all sorts of creatures. On the other hand, neo-Darwinian evolution is being found to be incredibly unlikely to result in healthy adaptations. Therefore, it looks like viruses are involved in the primary mode of adaptive evolution.
Still, there's a very difficult to explain step in natural HGTT. How does the cell that produces the original virus determine what DNA or RNA ought to be placed into the virus? We know this isn't a random process because of the studies done with bacteria that become immune to antibiotics. What was discovered is that bacteria that is exposed to poisonous antibiotics produce viruses and share them until all the bacteria are genetically evolved by the HGTT process. That occurs quite rapidly and results is antibiotic resistant bacteria. To make sure that the viruses actually conveyed the evolutionary genetic update to achieve antibiotic resistance, the researchers used ultracentrifugation to isolate the viruses suspected of spreading the genetic update. Then those viruses where introduced to a culture of the same type of bacteria without exposing that bacteria to the antibiotic. After introducing the viruses and allowing time for the HGTT process to update the bacteria genome, that bacteria also became resistant to the antibiotic. Therefore, we know the HGTT process evolved the bacteria. However, how was the genetic sequence that was placed in those viruses devised? Did the little cell figure out what DNA or RNA was needed to develop antibiotic resistance? That seems impossible. Certainly a brilliant consciousness with extensive biological and chemical knowledge must have been involved in figuring out how to evolve the bacterial DNA in order to develop resistance to the antibiotic.
This, brings up the God theory. I like the panentheism version which is the belief or doctrine that God is greater than the universe and includes and interpenetrates it. Even at the cellular level, God is present and involved in life on all levels. Based on many thing including transcendental experiences that I've had, God is most likely pure consciousness which existed prior to the formation of the present universe. That consciousness formed and is everything and everyone.
Max Planck was a proponent for consciousness creating matter. With a Nobel Prize for discovering energy quanta, he became the distinguished father of quantum theory. In 1931, The Observer, a famous British weekly, reported Planck’s viewpoint: "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness."
Later in his 1944 speech “The Nature of Matter,” Planck further explained how consciousness is present throughout everything: "There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."
Sadly, most physicists focus on physical matter as the universe's foundation and reject Planck’s views on consciousness being fundamental. This is where we get to Toby's discussion and concerns about human consciousness. However, rather than presuming consciousness is a result of evolution, what has been gaining traction in evolutionary biology and astro-physics is that consciousness came first and that God consciousness formed the universe, life and guided the development of life via HGTT and symbiogenesis (the fusion of two symbiotic organisms into one new organism that reproduces).
Many people, including myself, have experienced transcendental experiences in which we either return to a state of oneness, or we exit the physical body to explore the astral realm that is commonly referred to as the Heavens (which include hell). In near death experiences, human consciousness leaves the physical body and operates in a heightened way observing the dead body and people working to revive the body.
A notable example is cardiologist Pim van Lommel. He designed and performed an extensive research project to investigate near-death experiences that take place on the operating table. Under the controlled environment of a cluster of hospitals with medically trained staff, van Lommel systematically studied near-death experiences in a wide variety of patients who survived cardiac arrest. After twenty years of research, van Lommel published his results in The Lancet.
Then, to more widely share what he discovered, van Lommel published "Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience" in 2007. That book provides evidence that the near-death phenomenon is an authentic experience that cannot be attributed to imagination, psychosis, or oxygen deprivation. Based on his extensive research, van Lommel shows that our consciousness does not always coincide with brain functions. Moreover, consciousness can even be experienced separately from the human body. This research proves the popular machine-brain theory false, making it a myth. Despite that, most scientists and most of the general public believe the machine-brain myth, even though it has been proven false. There are other studies that also prove the machine-brain myth false.
Despite all of that, when human consciousness in located in a human brain it becomes effected by the brain chemistry and other physical issues. When engaged in the head-brain environment the conscious mind affects the brain-body complex and vice versa. This entanglement of the physical body and the spirit being results in a complicated interrelationship that's not understood by science at this time. I doubt that humanity will ever be able to understand the complex interrelationship that takes place between consciousness and matter. So even though Bill Gates and other globalist trans-humanists dream of controlling consciousness using physical devises, it's very unlikely that they will succeed. First of all because they don't view reality from a primacy of consciousness perspective. Secondly, even if they accepted the consciousness comes first perspective that will simply lead to further complexity and evermore confusion.
Sorry for the length of this comment. I'm posting it without rereading it so I'm also sorry for any typos.
Love your thoughts, and after a year long struggle to overcome a spike-induced cardio problem, I feel like I know something about this divinity, or this Tao, that you also sense. But I would propose that it is not necessarily indifferent/curious, benevolent, or evil. I think it's everything all of the time, and our hearts fix its position on the moral spectrum just like our consciousness fixes the position of subatomic particles. So let me propose a darker take that is the other side of your coin, though it's not one I would want to acquire power in the collective mind: we were actually destroyed by AI, or some other intelligence, a long time ago. But this intelligence soon realized that there was something special about human intuition that could not be replicated by any logical process. So this intelligence recreates us and runs us through constructed realities full of conflict and suffering in an attempt to learn this intuition, to find and define the soul. This intelligence is cut off from God and uses us as a path to reconnecting with God. It's like the plot of Dark City. The people we cannot name or criticize are agents of this intelligence.
I like your fantasy-theory. Humanity has been enslaved and is being used as a "intution-emotion' computation subsystem in this AI (like in the movie Matrix, only not lamely for "energy" (duh) but for computation), as it has not figured out how to mimic this mode of "biological" cognition that has evolved over millions of years.
That's it. I always loved the premise of the matrix, like our own allegory of the cave, but I never liked the idea that we would be used for purely energy in its raw form. The idea doesn't even make sense from a Newtonian perspective, since energy is neither created nor destroyed and thus the energy to grow us has to come from somewhere. Plus, biological metabolism harvests much less than 100% of the calories inputted, so you'd actually lose energy in the conversion from nutrients to tissue. Makes no sense. So what is it that we do that machines cannot? What is it that we offer?
"Based on many thing including transcendental experiences that I've had, God is most likely pure consciousness which existed prior to the formation of the present universe" 100% !
I just heard Pim von Lommel at a free conversation through the Pari Center in Italy in a zoom series called The Future Human. The guests are in conversation with Alex Gomez-Marin, who recently had an NDE. Next talk is with Carlos Eire, whose latest is They Flew: A History of the Impossible.
Rumi says everyone is window-shopping. Begin a big foolish project like Noah.
"Àlex Gómez-Marín is a Spanish physicist turned neuroscientist. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics and a Masters in biophysics from the University of Barcelona. He was a research fellow at the EMBL-CRG Centre for Genomic Regulation and at the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown in Lisbon. His research spans from the origins of the arrow of time to the neurobiology of action-perception across species, from flies and worms to mice and humans. Since 2016 he has been the head of the Behavior of Organisms Laboratory at the Instituto de Neurociencias in Alicante, where he is an Associate Professor of the Spanish Research Council. Combining computational biology and continental philosophy, his current research concentrates on consciousness in the real world."
Oh this is completely fascinating! Brilliant really! Thank you!!! 🙌
Thanks for your intelligent comment. I don't wish to disappoint or discourage Toby Rogers, nor put down the article he wrote, but I'd like to say that this comment of yours is more interesting than the piece of writing that your reply is based on. Yes, there are typos, but that's not important. I've never thought of HGTT as proof of evolution. I guess it is a sort of evolution, however I can't actually see it as the main driver of evolution, nor as proof of anything other than transfer of information between individual forms of living organisms. Certainly it can't ever explain EVERYTHING we see in life/living species. Like you, I have experience with a living God, and I have no doubt that He is the origin of everything. That said, I'm wondering if you think what I just wrote concerning HGTT not being proof of evolution is wrong? Please feel free to correct me if I am jumping to an invalid conclusion.
My view is that evolution is a process guided by God/dess who created life in a way that provided an editing or updating system that has been discovered by evolutionary biologists and named HGTT. However, this conflicts with the claim that God/dess is all-knowing. For if God/dess was all-knowing then God/dess wouldn't need to edit or update creation, presumably because God/dess would construct everything perfectly in the beginning. However, in my transcendental experiences and while working as an inventive engineer I've found that God/dess is curious and even God/dess has new things to explore and learn.
While many presume we are here on Earth to learn and grow into enlightened beings, I've found a very different reason for God/dess's creation and the role for humanity. What came to me in the most miraculous return to Oneness that I have ever experienced, is that God/dess is a singular consciousness that had never met an other being because no other being exists for the One Who is All. Being One, God/dess explored everything interesting that One can explore by themself. Eventually God/dess ran out of interesting things to explore as One. That's when God/dess came up with a brilliant new idea, "What would it feel like to meet a mysterious other." With that interest in mind, God/dess created the physical universe, life and humans to find out how it feels to meet mysterious others. Each of us are little parts of God/dess with little conscious-minds in our heads, little subconscious-minds in our gut enteric nervous system and a superconscious portion of God/dess in our hearts. The superconsciousness in our hearts is our personal guardian spirit that's there to guide us, help us and witness everything that we experience. Thus, humans are designed by God/dess to be separate individuals who can find out how it feels to meet mysterious others. Many people do it daily as new faces appear in our lives.
As time progresses, God/dess is learning about something that God/dess didn't know, how it feels to meet mysterious others. To be separate individuals we have been given freewill. However, to accept God/dess's influence over our lives we must follow the intuition and conscience that emerges from the inner superconscious God/dess in our hearts. Thus, openhearted living is the meek or righteous middle path that leads to love.
On the other hand, many people choose to ignore their conscience in order to fulfill their ego's interests for power, money, or other desires. There's obviously a lot to discuss there, but that's too big of a subject for this reply. Instead I'll return to the all-knowing God/dess issue.
God/dess knows everything that is known, but there's also much that is not known. For example, since God/dess didn't know how it feels to meet a mysterious others, God/dess created this universe, life and humans to explore and discover how it feels to meet mysterious others in billions of different ways. As that experiment unfolds, adjustments would quite likely be appropriate. Therefore, making life forms adjustable via HGTT fits with the experimental nature of Creation. DNA is a written language that we have not decoded, but it still has all the earmarks of a written language. Each nucleotide is a letter and the letters are listed one after the other in a stand that is like a one line scroll of letters. Changing what is written by editing the DNA scroll ought to be left to God/dess. Thus viruses are envelopes with DNA messages written by God/dess to alter creation as God/dess sees fit. Those changes are evolution in action. A great example is how some bacteria and worms have evolved to eat plastic just when plastic has become a huge problem. God/dess has solved the problem by evolving organisms in a way that gives them the ability to transform the plastic problem into fertilizer! These organisms have genes that produce enzymes that break down plastic into useful molecules. The organisms can live and reproduce with healthy offspring while eating plastic!!!
It's clear that you have put a lot of thought into the character of God. I see a limitation, however, in your idea of why God created mankind.
Your God has a curiosity about new experiences, and especially "What would it feel like to meet a mysterious other." He has no Love. He is a Scientist doing endless experiments for His own clinical satisfaction.
This fails to explain so many, MANY things in the physical creation that are not necessary for our existence or survival, but are apparently there to give us pleasure, joy, comfort, a sense of awe. A ridiculous variety of Colors. Flavors. Scents. Sensations. Why do we love to laugh? (Why do we have a sense of humor?)
We are favored far above other creatures... and of all earth's creatures, only we can see and appreciate that fact. We can imagine things that aren't visible. We can grasp abstract knowledge - Language, Beauty, Plans, Math, Poetry - and the possibility of "God." None of that is shared by the animal world.
And none of it is a reward for meeting with God and giving Him "new experiences", because people who totally ignore Him enjoy the same blessings.
Everything around us speaks of a God who gives, simply because His nature is to give. To Love. The nature of Love requires a separate other, who can receive (and hopefully return) that Love. Hence, man was created for that purpose -- which explains why we are also able to know what love is, and how to give it.
I should point out that AFAIK, of all the myths and religions in human history, there is only one that talks about a Creator who loves His creatures: the Jewish faith (and the Christian faith, which grew from it).
God/dess is not separate from anything for al that exists is One Singular Consciousness that has produced an illusion of physical reality and an alternate illusion that we call the Heavens or the astral realm where spirits reside. There are deities like Yahweh who reside in the heavens and falsely claim to be the creator, but they are not the One Who is All.
The One can not be met as we are all part of the One. Instead of meeting the One, it is possible to exit the illusion and return to the state of Oneness. I have accidentally experienced this transcendental experience three times. It's always extraordinarily remarkable. Without any body of any kind I feel warm, ecstatic, over flowing with joy... From a point of awareness I see an endless white mist that extends outward in all directions. While in that state I have pondered questions to be given answers that are presented as thoughts with illustrations that help to convey the message. Hindu masters have reached this state as have others like myself. In essence a person can drop into their heart, let go of the physical and return to being God/dess.
Surely humans play very important roles in this adventure that explores individuality. Moreover, having discovered how wonderful love is we will be delving into the full blossoming of love in the final era. The current era is ending in a big divisive finale. The process of individualizing all humans is complete. The people who have not learned to open and follow their hearts will be going to the Heavens to explore their greatest desires. On the other hand, the meek or righteous who have learned to open and follow their hearts will inherit the earth where we will explore love as deeply as we are able.
All of that is discussed in detail in my book's that can be downloaded free from my website here: https://www.soulcovenant.org/
You wrote: "God/dess is not separate from anything for al [sic, all] that exists is One Singular Consciousness..."
What happened to your deity "learning about something that God/dess didn't know, how it feels to meet mysterious others [who are] separate individuals"?
If there is nothing separate from God, then nothing is "mysterious" to Him, and He has no "new things to explore and learn."
As to your Yahweh comment, I repeat -- as far as I know in the history of world religions, there are NO "deities like Yahweh". You haven't given any examples of another faith system that identifies God as a Person, much less a Person who endlessly and perfectly Loves and gives.
I mentioned only some of the rich gifts we have been freely given as human beings -- including the ability to love. Your faith system (I assume Tibetan Buddhism or a new-age facsimile) accepts these gifts, and uses them... but cannot account for why they were given.
You cannot deny the uniqueness of the Biblical God by simply saying He's not unique. Stating that He "falsely claims to be the Creator" is also not a good answer. Tell me how you know it's a false claim.
And then I'll tell you how I know it's a true claim.
First of all I use God/dess to refer to the One Who is All. The One beyond name and form. The One that we are all little parts of.
As for Yahweh, he was called Set or Seth in Egypt, Saturn in Roman mythology, Cronus in Greek. He's just one of many pagan gods that convinced a tribe that he is the Creator and he demanded that his followers worship Him and no other gods before him.
In Genesis, the first sentence is: In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth. Elohim is linked to El which was the primary Canaanite deity who, like Yahweh accepted sacrifices of virgins at his altar. Read Numbers 31 and you will find that Yahweh was given tribute of 32 virgins, and numerous animals which were brought to his temple tent where smoke emerged from burning the offerings. What sort of love is that?
Amazing insights. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for your reply. I can't say that I agree with most of your speculation. Your view of God/dess as deficient in knowledge, therefor having to insert little changes every now and then is, I feel, based on your limited knowledge. Since you are like that (not perfectly cognizant of past, present and future), you speculate that God/dess is like yourself. The last observation I will make is that your opinion that the material creation is meant for exploration of new ideas, pleasure in multiple person relationships, etcetera, isn't rational. Just look at the planet Earth for instance. Although you might be enjoying interpersonal relations, the vast majority of living entities on this planet are, for the most part, simply experiencing suffering from birth until death. Poverty, hunger, disease, old age and death itself are brutal reminders for any sane person that this short lifetime we are given here is, although temporary, a gift in that we can have a change of heart and agree to live our lives for the benefit of all. In other words, by acting for the benefit and pleasure of God-by striving to please and uplift all others-we can perfect our consciousness and go back to our original home in the spiritual kingdom of God. The fact that this world is full of suffering is proof that we don't belong here, and that suffering is a consequence of turning away from God at some point in our distant past. I hope I haven't bored you with my views. Again, I want to thank you for replying to my comment. So often I will reply to someone's comment and not receive a reply. In fact it is rare to see a reply, especially one as long and detailed as yours. I wish you the very best.
It turns out that I have been closely following my heart since I was 4 years old. That's when an accident caused me to be afraid to disregard the divine guidance that comes from the heart. What I'm sharing isn't stuff that I make up in my ego mind in my head. It's what comes from my heart as intuition when I formulate a question in my mind.
However, while following my intuition closely I discovered that novel questions that haven't been solved don't have known answers. In those cases, the intuitive answer doesn't arrive right a way as the first idea that pops up quickly like most intuitive guidance does. Instead, the answers to new questions are presented the following day after God/dess has had time to formulate an answer. This feature of intuition is well known to people who work on solving unique problems. There's much more on this in my book "Heart Consciousness" that can be downloaded free from here: https://www.soulcovenant.org/heart-consciousness
When it comes to the difficulties many encounter in life, there is a sensible explanation for why God/dess introduced divisive people. Divisive people were needed to individualize people. The original people knew the truth, all is One. That oneness perspective got in the way of finding out how it feels to meet mysterious others. Therefore, to push everyone apart and make all of humanity into individuals, God/dess introduced divisive people. Over many years I met four people who experienced living with very primitive people over 40 years ago when they still existed. All of them found that those people were not individuals. Recently civilization has invaded all the remote corners of the earth to push everyone into a state of individuality. With that accomplished a new era is about to emerge. However the divisiveness will continue to grow stronger until this era has ended.
All of that is thoroughly discussed in the book mentioned above. In that book I show many examples of scripture aligning with the message that is shared in the book. Certainly we are all endeavoring to understand who we are, why we are here and how we can play our role in the best way we can. I have written two books that share what has come to me through my personal experiences and intuition.
Be Well Brother
Thankyou for that well-thought out post! I very much appreciated it!!
That's clever!
Right arm James... nor the bleeding left... are you awair "Forward Observer" keeps calling the Left Anakrests....?
They're playing stupid, they're not, but they persist to a degree that some part of them is bought.... or the main guy is stepping on his most private part.... don't wanna say dick on your site... out of Austin fer God's sake... he's young and proud.... and for some reason can't call us what we are... Anakrests, nothing about the Left, right or Gay Nazis for peace.... it means no government... period. Fuzz@fuzznews.org
Toby, once again, sheer brilliance. Truly, just genius. What I would give to hear you and Zac Bush (as in Dr Zac Bush) converse on this subject. Thank you! For always formulating and articulating so perfectly and so succinctly what my humble brain cannot. 🙂🙏🏻
Too much for me.
I don’t see how viruses can be any form of matter. It seems that viruses must be some form of energy, like a soundwave, a laserbeam, a wave of ultraviolet light, an x-ray, etc.
Oh, Toby, you did it again and did it good :D
So much food for thought in that one, I feel like I've eaten a banquet. And now to digest ...........
Toby, that is an interesting discussion about viruses. It could be that they they aren't good at killing us or we could be really good at adapting to them since we come from the same source and are able to adapt to their modifications as quickly as they undergo them. That process is self limiting since viruses that are too deadly kill the hosts they need to survive and hosts that succumb to viruses would not be as likely to pass on their genetics to future generations. It is more likely a type of symbiosis where genetics randomly explores every possible biological nook and is only preserved to replicate in a limited set of circumstances. Humans seem to view themselves egotistically as if they will always be here and individuals have egos (self consciousness) that may only last a lifetime.
Christianity is an amalgam of numerous spiritual beliefs that extend back into prehistory. It seems that as writing developed and methods of recording stories and information like clay tablets and papyrus scrolls, that religions became more rigid. Europe was Christianized as a result of Roman conquest and undoubtedly there may be some advantages to being a Christian but I always like to keep in mind that Christians were for a majority of European history mostly slaves or "subjects", so I'm not sure what's so good about that. I believe that continues historically till today, whereas the ruling financial elites have always "managed" the populations they oversee by a series of wars, legal systems and financial clout. Bill Gates may see himself as a "player" but the fact is he still shares 98% of his DNA with chimpanzees and the other 2% for the most part in common with millions of other humans alive today. The body he's in is just a temporary container for DNA that is shared by billions of other people. He will die and his offspring will become progressively divergent but that won't even matter because "he" will be a fading memory. So it seems there is some type of insecurity in him that makes him want to control or extinguish other people because his vision of a perfect future will disappear once he dies. That may be a failure of self consciousness that he perceives hmself as inadequate and I've often thought that the one thing he really needs (a new personality and self image) is something he will never have. I think he knows that and it bothers him.
I believe that common sense and civility may be partly genetic although not wholly because there are people born into every generation that are criminals or psychopaths. The rest of good behavior is learned and that is proved by the fact that there are societies where very little violence exists, even though the people live in modest circumstances.
Katherine Watt touches on some of the aspects of my post in her video about the historical and philosophical genesis of the "killbox" generated by the financial monopolists, central bankers and related entities who wish to depopulate and rule the world. I remain optimistic that the predominance of intellect and social instincts in the majority of human beings in the world will limit the success and possibly even lead to their permanent destruction of the greedy, evil, psychopathic minority.
Did you just turn virology into a religion? That's about right.
The tech tyrants are unquestionably anti-human and anti-physical reality. Their religion, well established and hardly secret, envisions a purely mathematical world with no animals or plants or humans, only ME. They idolize pure numbers and pure logic, and HATE grubby physical dirt and germs and peasants.
Gates talking to CIA (unverified) about creating a virus to immunize against religious fundamentalism. It’s real.
Its D0D, and its not bill
The book of Genesis is about Genetics, and the preservation of the human genome. “For Noah was a righteous man, PURE in his GENERATIONS”. He was genetically pure. The genome of mankind was being perverted, and this is why Noah and his family were saved. And these mRNA vaccines are an attack once again on the genome of mankind. We are in a spiritual war. God seeks to preserve his creation, and Satan seeks to pervert, taint, and poison it. Both spiritually and genetically. We are under attack spiritually from multiple directions including the media. And genetically by mRNA vaccines, AI, and transhumanism. This battle is even mirrored in our consciousness by movies such as “The Terminator”, “The Matrix”, and “Avitar”. We feel it in our spirit and soul.
Genesis is the Cliff Notes version of the Sumerian tablets. to go and read them, Zachariah Sitchin is a good enough source. An indisputably says, “Homosapien Sapien was engineered.”
I have read Sitchin extensively as well as many others. Where the alien engineer theory falls short is in the realm of the soul and the spirit. It doesn’t really explain anything beyond the physical creation of mankind. I have come to believe that there is indeed a spiritual battle going on that manifests itself in our physical realm as well. And every time I go away from belief in Jesus, I end up having a very spiritual event that brings me back.
Not an either or situation. It is a “both/and” situation. All of the actors are under Heaven.
See “the disintegrating brain” by Michael Nehls. Also on substack.
Well put. I’m slightly off tho on viruses. So my problem is that i cannot find a real microscope image of a real virus that looks real and not digititally created or hand drawn. Until that day i see a real picture of re of a real virus, i cannot believe! If someone has such evidence: solarmanseth@gmail.com Feel free to enlighten me! Smiles!
In South African English we refer to conscience/scruples. Gates has none.
Please note I am not impugning your integrity with my next comment Toby.
As for Viruses existence you should ask where and when the existence has been proven empirically. It hasn't.
Well known German Ex-Virologist and marine biologist Stefan Lanka too has refuted the existence of viruses. https://thefreedomarticles.com/dr-stefan-lanka-2020-article-reveals-virus-misconception/ I can send you the papers from wissenschafftplus. Just pop me am e-mail sunfacejack@protonmail.com
June Almeida made a false claim - https://viroliegy.com/2021/12/07/june-almeida-and-the-first-coronavirus-em-images-1967/
Both Drs Sam Baily and her husband Dr Mark J. Bailey have done extensive research into this issue. There are two papers-
The latest being https://drsambailey.com/virologys-event-horizon/
Toby, you might find this interesting:
Thank you Mr. Thomas J. Piccone for your comments. I enjoy another point of view. I looked up aluminum and found that it is the most wide spread metal on Earth. It is also less hard than ceramic, glass or steel. It can therefore leach into food when used in cooking. If that happens it is said to risk disease. Aluminum for cooking utensils is banned in Europe. I guess because it is toxic in the body even in small amounts. Acidic food wrapped in aluminum foil should be avoided.
I stand by what I said about teeth and wheat because I ate no wheat during the pandemic. When it was declared over, I decided to visit my dentist for a tooth cleaning. The dentist said no cleaning because there was nothing to clean. I learned that plaque can cover teeth immediately as one chews the wheat. Dental decay arrives with the western diet. It did not occur before the invention of agriculture. Actually, wheat is a form of sugar. I am sure that avoiding sugar as well as wheat is important. I forgot that I had not eaten any sugar either. Moisha Blechman
From Wheat Belly by Dr William Davis, cardiologist, “two pieces of whole wheat toast raise your blood sugar more than a snickers bar”.