12 hrs agoLiked by Toby Rogers

I can't believe you would praise Musk after all of his censorship (and other sociopathy), but that aside, I might add a couple of items to the list:

First would be the prevalence of addiction of all sorts but especially to substances, for both the emotional disregulation as well as the degree to which so many are viewing reality through a distorted lens -- or denying it entirely.

And the second would be the extent to which we've shunned community. Most people don't even seem to be able to handle basic niceties anymore -- much less more challenging conversations -- much less self-governance!

From a meta perspective, I'd suggest that viewing ourselves as fundamentally separate from each other underlies all of it, and hence, will rediscovering that fact be the inevitable and necessary remedy?

Thanks for another thought-provoking essay. 🙏

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It was faint praise indeed (for Musk) but your points are well taken.

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Until daylight savings time is abolished, nothing else will EVER, EVER change. I'm totally serious here. A simple, simple necessary thing that can be done in a blink of an eye that WILL NEVER be done. This tells you all you need to know about modern USA society. We refuse to do the simple things, forget about the complicated things.

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Fantastic ideas!

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"We should also break up McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, Bain, Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and other oligopolies." — Toby, you missed one ... KPMG.

BTW, great article!

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Lawyers are our biggest problem. If we deleted lawyers from the system then people could speak for themselves and be heard. Lawyers have done way more harm than good for the people in our country and are ruining everything by turning right to wrong with legal jargon and strangling meaning and common sense out of our language. Their profession relies on creating problems and harm for people for income just like the pharmaceutical companies rely on sickness for profit. If it keeps going in this direction the only people left in the world will be lawyers and that would be an interesting show down. I wonder what that language will sound like.

Kirkland & Ellis “When the Feds Go Marching In: Revisiting the march-in provisions of the Bayh-Dole Act”

March 18, 2024


West LegalEdcenter


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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

"The remedy for billionaires is taxation."

No it isn't. The remedy is an end to the Federal Reserve and a permanent end to central banking, which would prevent them getting all that money in the first place. Taxation is just something that will always be avoided by the richest people on the planet. That's what "charitable foundations" are all about. The other remedy is to eliminate the stock market, which has replaced the real economy with a completely fake one that adds absolutely nothing of value, but makes every decision to enslave as many people as possible to drive up share prices, lest the corporation be sued by shareholders.

In addition, do we want the government having more money to waste because it's not as if they're going to lower deficits and debt.

But in the end, these people already write all the laws and control absolutely everything so I don't know how anything will ever change. It's not as if enough people have a choice to not participate in the financial system of the world.

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Sep 18Liked by Toby Rogers

When Standard Oil was broken up they just created 34 mini Standard Oils and those companies still control the energy market today (including Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP, and Marathon). <<<

Standard oil was broken up in 1911.

So we've had 113 years to find a better way to better handle these behemoths.

And we've got... what, to show for it?

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Sep 18Liked by Toby Rogers

Another great synopsis.

We’ve entered an age of inversion, Toby, the “Age of Aqueerius” where nothing matters including the truth if it isn’t profitable or can’t be turned into a social media fad or used to promote war and chaos.

1. We’ve dismantled the family, what it means to be a man or woman, and debauched the innocence of childhood.

2. We’ve turned to nihilism and scientism to save us from an inauthentic psychodrama future of “climate crisis”.

3. Every institution is corrupt, the government hates you, science considers you a virus and the elites want you gone.

4. Capitalism as it stands is nothing but a rapacious mindfuck apparatus that’s turned modernity into a caste system, albeit a convenient one for many in the West, but it will devour itself before the end.

Other than that, it’s all rosy.

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Sep 18Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby, you can't fix it from above when the "above" has been captured by the personality-disordered power hogs.

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Sep 18Liked by Toby Rogers

This all rings so true. Thanks Toby for the 30,000 foot view.

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We Relegated Schooling And Teaching

As “Woman’s Work”.

Boy. Did They Fuck That Up.


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Globalist parasites are only a symptom, and it is futile to attack a symptom without addressing the cause. In our case, the cause is willing human hosts. As long as these exist, we will have a parasite problem.

Globalist parasites harm our health only with our own connivance. Sure, there are a few direct assaults like EMF and LED lighting, but almost all of their weapons are addictive poisons that we must voluntarily consume to destroy our physical and mental health.

Whatever your appetitive vulnerability, they have customized a poison for it: trash food, trash culture, street drugs, pharma drugs, porn; the list goes on. But you are not forced to partake in any of this. In fact, you are free to consume the best possible foods, practice the most effective exercise, and remove yourself from time to time into a natural setting, moreso than the vast majority of people who ever lived.

The same singularity of knowledge that catalyzed the mass enslavement of humanity is also available to you to bulletproof your own health. That information is at everyone's fingertips, and anyone who looks will find it. No human in history was ever tempted by such an onslaught of vice, but no human ever had so many opportunities to choose virtue.

Therefore, the most important thing any of us can do to outlast, outbreed and defeat the parasites is to make ourselves the strongest, healthiest people we can be. We have to eat the best food we possibly can. We have to train increased performance in lifting heavier weights and carrying burdens farther and longer. If we only put our health first, we will survive and even thrive while the culture collapses, taking the NPCs and their parasites with it.

Trying to show other people the truth is doomed to failure. You can't tell anybody anything. You have to focus on what you can control, which is your own example. The change from within is the only promise and the only hope.

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Sep 17Liked by Toby Rogers

Awesome, this new article by Dr. Toby Rogers.... He is reporting about our present-day reality as a real independent and investigative researcher. His recommendations for a much more decentralized and human society, are a Must-Read for every civilized human being on our planet. Thank you, dear Toby for your courage and honesty and intellectual integrity. Best wishes, Nathan.

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Sep 17Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you for your brilliant efforts grappling with the overarching situation. Wish I could come to your talk at Brownstone, but hopefully it will be recorded.

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Sep 17Liked by Toby Rogers

It blows my mind how many people think that it’s imperative to cut taxes on the rich and corporations. People say that cutting taxes lets big business put more money back into their businesses, but it lets them buy back their stocks and manipulate the stock market in their favor.

Same with gutting regulations. Sure let’s let them poison us even more so they can save money and buy back their stocks.

People despise poor people getting help, but they have no problem with the welfare big business gets. Why does Exxon Mobil get subsidies when they have long been profitable and they gauge us at the pump? Same with all big businesses.

The power of brainwashing. Making people go against their own interests.

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Fits with concept of local UNODOC office peoples offices based on U.N.charter to enforce proper criteria and dismantle pharmaceuticals. At least shut down bogustriant injections. The central problem is it is thought providing the option is thought something the same organization which did not use UNODOC as an oversight office is thought fo be able to open ,local anti corruption offices to monitor W.H.O. initiatives which also impact local health agencies as have one agenda for bogustriant injections.

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