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you said it! (CDC plays duck an' cover and they all still collect their paychecks). My ma, in her 80's, just got outta the hos-spittle after having...a stroke. two weeks of fun (not for her). 3 jabs, one flu shot, and she insists, as she slurs her words (when she finds them) though she does find her ol' self unable to walk, unable to make it to the loo unassisted, let alone drive now---that she's "good as ever." Been tryin' to undo some'a the harms via an endless fambly battle (them pro-jabbers are stabby types!) and that plus one big move ta the boonies sans reliable internet has had me outta the loop but now with my own ma so badly harmed it's gettin' even "closer" ta home and I'm madder than a hornet, my girls have only one grandparent and jabs-bad were not kind to her... Meanwhile the beat (on the rest've us) goes on... I imagine nobody's gonna fess up to much...

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Hey Daisy MCC,

I'm so sorry about your mom.......Much of my life was devoted to caring for mine. But she taught me most of what I know about, well, everything we're dealing with now.

When my Stanford/Harvard/Cambridge edjyookatit siblings insisted she go to the hospital once, I waited 4 hours with her in ER because they could find no records on her. Because she never had a "doctor." She had given birth 4 times in that hospital and been born there herself!

I'm sorry your mom apparently went to a "doctor".

Anyway, I'm glad you're back. I missed receiving your edjyookashun on grammar and spelling.

PS How DO you spell "edjyookashun" ?( The kind you get when you exchange your heart and brain for money and prestige.)

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