In the movement, we’ve been circling around two big questions for the past two years:
Who is “they”; and
Why are they doing this* to us?
*this being: developing and releasing bioweapons into the population; suppressing safe and effective treatments; destroying the global economy via lockdowns; pushing dangerous shots with negative efficacy that maim, kill, and cause infertility at an astonishing rate; and implementing global totalitarianism including the suspension of Constitutional rights and the introduction of central bank digital currencies, 24/7/365 digital surveillance, and vaccine/carbon/ESG passports.
For now I want to set aside the question of “Who is ‘they’?” Generally speaking I think we are dealing with structures not individual actors. If Bill Gates died of a heart attack tomorrow I doubt it would make much difference in the trajectory of this crisis — he would quickly be replaced by another character who is just as bad or worse.
Today I want to focus on the question of WHY? Below I sketch out eight theories of the case — most of which you’ll already recognize and then a new theory that came to me this week.
I. Political Economy
Let’s start with the political economy theory of the case. “Follow the money” is always a good strategy. RFK, Jr. has shown that vaccines are a $50 billion a year industry that generates another $500 billion a year in revenue from treatments for vaccine injury. That’s Pharma’s business model — they cause autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorders, childhood cancer, diabetes, dementia, epilepsy, Tourette’s, etc. — and then they sell expensive patented treatments to the injured who depend on these pharmaceutical products to survive.
Toxic Covid shots add another $50 billion annually in vaccine revenue and probably another $500 billion in revenue from treatments for myocarditis, infertility, cancer etc. So Pharma doubled their revenue in just two years — not too shabby!
II. The base determines the superstructure
I’ve written a bit about this in the past but I keep returning to this theme because it explains a lot. To summarize briefly: “the base determines the superstructure” which means that the values and corresponding institutions of every era are shaped by the mode of production (types of industries, ways that wealth is generated) of that era. Our current economy is built around Eds., Meds., Media, & Tech. The people who work in these industries come to identify with and see the world through the interests of their employer. Pharma poisons 95% of the population through the childhood vaccine schedule, schools require it to create demand, and media + “higher education” cover up the harms. Big tech lends a hand through surveillance, censorship, and amplification of the preferred industry narrative. These industries hire, promote, and reward people just like them — people lacking in empathy who just want to fit in — and the system thus reproduces and magnifies itself.
III. An immortality project
My thinking in this area is shaped by two brilliant books — Revolutionary Immortality by Robert Jay Lifton and The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker. Here how I see their theories mapping onto our situation:
People have a deep-seated need to feel “symbolic immortality” which is “an inner sense of continuity with what has gone on before and what will go on after his/her own individual existence.”
The sense of immortality may be expressed biologically, by living on through one’s sons and daughters and their sons and daughters; theologically, in the idea of a life after death or of other forms of spiritual conquest of death; creatively, or through “works” and influences persisting beyond biological death; through identification with nature, and with its infinite extension into time and space; or experientially, through a feeling-state — that of experiential transcendence — so intense that, at least temporarily, it eliminates time and death.
Science came along and destroyed our innate sense of symbolic immortality. They created toxicants that left people infertile. They assailed the notion of God and the afterlife. They engaged in Cartesian reductionism that reduces everything to parts without wholes. They see nature and life itself in mechanistic terms — machines to be conquered rather than souls to be experienced. The result of this two hundred year ideological assault on our connection to the divine, each other, and the earth is that people are left staring into an existential abyss asking why are we even here?
Bad things happen when people are left staring into an existential abyss. So Pharma attempts to fill that void with a few symbolic immortality projects of their own:
1. Vaccinating everyone on earth (the goal of the Gates Foundation, W.H.O., Pharma, and presidents of both political parties) has nothing to do with health; its sole function is to give atheists in the developed world a feeling of heroism that supplies them with a sense of symbolic immortality.
2. Within the veneration of science in general and vaccines in particular (especially these crazy genetically engineered mRNA concoctions) is a wink and a nod that ‘if we just stick with the plan long enough that eventually scientists will figure out how to make us live forever.’ That’s certainly the plan with transhumanism — to upload our consciousness into the computerized cloud so that we can live forever digitally even after our bodies expire. That’s certainly the goal of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, and the Davos crowd.
3. The Pharma cartel also lets millions of people play God — doctors, public health officials, bureaucrats, etc. Like Aztec or Mayan high priests they get to assure the public that if we just sacrifice enough innocent people (particularly children), that the crops will be bountiful this year. And, their thinking goes, if they are Gods, then they must be immortal and so all of the carnage, paradoxically, provides them with a sense of (calming) symbolic immortality.
IV. Mass formation
Belgian psychology professor Mattias Desmet argues that the rise of totalitarianism is a psychological phenomenon. Dr. Desmet studies what’s called “Mass Formation” — the conditions that produce collective delusions and willing participation in totalitarian systems. Chelsea Green just published an English-language translation of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, which is a must read.
Dr. Desmet argues that mass formation emerges if certain conditions are met: a lack of social connectedness; a lack of meaning; free-floating anxiety; and free-floating frustration and aggression. Obviously our modern society met all of these conditions prior to Covid.
Then he argues that “a narrative is distributed via mass media that focuses anxiety and aggression on a certain object” (in this case a virus). And that leads to a new kind of bonding and meaning-making in society. This new narrative creates a heroic battle with the object of anxiety which leads to a “mental intoxication of connectedness” and calming feelings of order and control.
The more absurd the narrative the better it serves as a ritual because it shows that the participants belong to an “in” group. Through this process, people come to participate in, support, and identify with totalitarian systems.
V. Realpolitik
CJ Hopkins, an extraordinary American playwright who now lives in Germany, disagrees with Desmet. Hopkins explores the human condition through his plays, essays, and books and he argued recently in a brilliant interview with Margaret Anna Alice that what’s happening is political not psychological per se. Hopkins writes:
Totalitarianism can be imposed on any society if the government, or whatever structure rules it, controls the essential elements of power (i.e., the military, the police, the media, the culture industry, etc.). Once the transition to totalitarianism begins, you can count on roughly two-thirds of the society either embracing it or acquiescing to it, not because they are in some vulnerable psychological state, but rather because they correctly perceive which way the wind is blowing and they don’t want to challenge the totalitarian regime and be punished for doing so. They are not hypnotized or under any other kind of spell. It’s pure survival instinct.
I think there is a lot to be said for this approach. Fascism is a recurring problem throughout history (it’s just gotten more sophisticated recently because of technology). Power corrupts. This is what governments have always done if given the opportunity (with a brief period of liberalism when governments pretended to like democracy).
British documentarian Adam Curtis makes a similar case in The Living Dead. He argues that darkness resides in the hearts of all men. When human structures and systems fail to check the human tendency towards power and control then the result is totalitarianism (which can afflict any nation, not just Zee Germanz).
VI. Eugenics
Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav makes a strong case that the problem is eugenics once again rearing its ugly head. She argues that eugenics never went away after World War II and she points out that 1,600 of the top Nazi scientists and doctors were brought over to the United States where they left their imprint on key institutions and helped train the next generation of scientists and doctors. Now we are reaping the fruits of this poisonous tree.
There are many data points to support this. Bill Gates, Sr. was a eugenicist and he was the architect of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and served as its co-chair for two decades. The Covid-19 shots appear to be causing a 15% to 20% increase in all cause mortality and the people who are being murdered by these shots are mostly senior citizens and people with pre-existing conditions or cancers that were previously in remission.

The mass murder of athletes and celebrities somewhat complicates this theory. But I imagine the eugenicists see this as acceptable collateral damage in order to achieve their Malthusian aims. I’m currently reading Edwin Black’s, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race to better understand the history of eugenics in the U.S. so I anticipate that I will have more to say about this in the coming weeks.
VII. Evil, Satan, etc.
Evangelical Christians (and a wide range of other people in my replies) often argue that what we are dealing with is evil itself, Satan, etc. Gain-of-function research and everything that has followed is certainly evil. But I cannot do much with this theory of the case. Can we see Satan? No? Satan operates through others? Via demonic possession or just ordinary sin? More importantly I don’t know how to organize to fight back against this. I imagine prayer helps. But prayer + the Red Army + the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, & Marines + the British Air Force + the Dutch, French, and Jewish Resistance is what it took to defeat the Nazis. And there is a certain sense in which this theory of the case undermines God — can God not already see what’s going on? Why does it take extra special pleas to rouse this fella? It’s a rather unflattering view of the all-powerful. I believe that spirit will indeed be essential in overthrowing the regime, but at this point I need to focus on understanding the human actors and structures in order to develop a plan for revolution. If “Evil itself” is your theory of the case and I’ve misrepresented it here (as I’m sure I have), please explain this idea further in the comments.
Okay we’ve identified seven pieces of the puzzle. But I contend that the situation we are facing is still weirder than that.
And here’s what I just realized this week…
VIII. They are killing us because it’s exciting (which is the result of widespread neurological injury in the population)
This answer has been staring us in the face this whole time but somehow we could not see it (because it’s so weird and antithetical to our usual mental picture of how society works). But now I see it clear as day:
They are killing us because it’s exciting. They want this chaos to continue and get worse forever. It does not matter who gets hurt or killed (even oneself or members of one’s own family) so long as it’s exciting. THAT’S the part that we are missing and what makes this situation unique in the history of the world. There are several steps in the logic to understand this theory of the case:
1. We are in the midst of a mass poisoning event. 95% of American children are poisoned 72+ times from conception through infancy and early childhood via the CDC vaccine schedule. The situation across the developed world is similar (with somewhat fewer vaccines administered in Nordic countries).
2. There is a distribution curve of harms from toxicants across a population. Some people are not affected much, some people are somewhat affected, and then there is a portion of the exposed population who are severely affected. 500 years ago Paracelsus argued that “the dose makes the poison” but that’s not the view of toxicology today. With these newer toxicants even small doses can cause catastrophic effects and the dose response curve can be non-linear.
We usually focus on the 3% of the population with severe vaccine injuries (autism, SIDS, childhood cancer) or the 16% of the population with ADHD or learning disabilities or even the 54.1% of the population with at least one chronic condition including obesity. But the problem is so much bigger than that. As RFK, Jr. points out, we are likely looking at 95% vaccine injury rates with varying degrees of injury.
The toxicants in these vaccines (and other toxicants that are ubiquitous in our country and in our bodies including pesticides, herbicides, ingredients in plastics, fire retardants, and other pharmaceuticals) destroy the dendrites in our brain necessary to process logic, reason, empathy, compassion, sympathy, reciprocity, etc. You can watch mercury destroy the dendrites of neurons in this video:
But it’s not just mercury. Aluminum and other toxicants also wreak havoc in ways that we are just beginning to understand (research in this area moves very slowly because the cartel blocks any public funding of the health impacts of their products).
The toxicants in our air, water, soil, and food end up in our bodies where they physically create an amoral society. The result is that people’s brains are incapable of processing the emotions necessary to have healthy relationships and a healthy society. Look around you, there’s no more right and wrong anymore in our society, there is just what’s exciting!
3. Mass shooters tend to have two things in common — they are massively overvaccinated and they are on psychopharmaceuticals to treat their neurological injuries from vaccination. Both suicidal and homicidal ideation are known side effects from psychopharmaceuticals. All of the shooters (Columbine, Parkland, Stoneman Douglas, the Aurora movie theater, Tops Friendly Market, etc.) are amoral (the dendrites necessary to process empathy and sympathy are gone), their lives become first person shooter games, and they shoot up the place because it’s exciting!

I don’t see a lot of remorse from these people. And there certainly isn’t any ideology. What these people seek is an extreme pathological experience of excitement itself.
4. But here’s the thing — “overvaccinated and on psychopharmaceuticals” describes 10% to 15% of the population in the U.S.
It is difficult to explain why the bougiecrats participate in their own demise — driving themselves and their kids to the poisoning appointments that are going to destroy their lives forever. And even once they are injured (see Greg Poland) they keep getting more boosters and urging others to do the same. These are not the actions of sane people.
As I have pointed out many times, this is the first self-inflicted genocide in human history. Perhaps this bizarre dynamic stems from the fact that a huge percentage of the population is so neurologically damaged at this point that all they want is excitement. The pandemic and especially all of the mayhem from these toxic shots is incredibly exciting to them. Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and Tony Fauci grin from ear to ear as they talk about the pandemic and mRNA shots. But it’s not just the elites who are enthralled by this catastrophe, we all know friends, neighbors and co-workers who are deeply invested in pandemic theater and love toxic shots more than life itself. The chaos and carnage is a massive dopamine hit for these people and they do not want it to end, this is their favorite alternate reality game ever — because the dying is real! It’s Squid Game and Hunger Games come to life and this time everyone gets to play!
If this is the case (a huge percentage of those who are participating in the genocide are doing so because it is exciting) — then what? Then we need to figure out how to detox millions of people. The challenges our revolution faces are unprecedented.
IX. Depopulation
A strong case can we made that this is just straight up depopulation (and depopulation is related to, but somewhat different from, eugenics). Elites in every era tend to be Malthusians — they think that they are the best people, that everyone else is coming for their stuff, and that the planet would be a better place if there were fewer people.
In our current era, Malthusianism takes on a couple of strange new forms. The large federal financial obligations to senior citizens via Social Security and Medicare create pressure to raise taxes on billionaires in order to keep the trust fund solvent. And some extreme environmentalists who are worried about climate change are growing increasingly bold in calling for a smaller global population. Bill Gates certainly wants a smaller population and he’s calling the shots at the World Health Organization.
Depopulation is happening right now as we speak. Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. birth rate was already below replacement (perhaps as a result of the HPV vaccine causing infertility). Now we are seeing a 15% to 20% increase in all-cause mortality across the developed world and I imagine this will continue as long as these Covid shots are being administered. So whether this was planned or not, depopulation is happening.
X. China
Naomi Wolf make a compelling case (on her brilliant Substack and on regular appearances on War Room with Steve Bannon) that the disaster of the last two years is really about China’s plan for world domination by 2050. Lots of data points support this. The virus appears to have leaked from a bioweapons lab in Wuhan. Yet China faired relatively better than other large countries around the world. My hunch is that China knew that Tony Fauci and the public health establishment in the United States are incredibly corrupt. I doubt the Chinese Communist Party was surprised that Fauci blocked access to safe and treatments in order to get rich from mRNA shots that do not work (they’ve never worked in humans). China took Hong Kong while everyone was busy focusing on the pandemic and they are looking to take Taiwan next. Now the U.S. military is unprepared for a major war because vaccine requirements have harmed so many troops, the U.S. economy is a mess, and faith in U.S. institutions is at an all time low. China has thus far refused to use mRNA shots on their own citizens, which suggests that perhaps they know something we don’t. Again, whether planned or not, China is much better off, and much better positioned in international relations as a direct result of the pandemic. Qui bono? China, Bill Gates, Pharma.
XI. Conclusion, for now
These theories are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they are overlapping and describe different parts of the elephant and the motivations of different segments of the population. I feel a sense of urgency to figure out the psychology, sociology, and politics of this crisis because our theory of the case will necessarily shape how we respond.
Now I’m curious to know your thoughts. Why do you think they are doing this to us? Do any of the eight theories above resonate with you? Have you seen other theories of the case that your prefer? Or do you have a new theory of the case that you can share with us? I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the replies below.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting against Pharma fascism and building the better world our hearts know is possible. 🙏
As always, I welcome any corrections.
“ If Bill Gates died of a heart attack tomorrow I doubt it would make much difference in the trajectory of this crisis”
… but for sure it would be a good start 🤣…
There is no single answer. To me, this is like a mathematical formula. Each component that Toby lists is part of the formula. The end result is chaos. That is the goal. If this isn't the plan, then explain why 196 or so countries all went lockstep down the same road, and are still doing so. The next components in the formula are the green agenda, then global currency, (to hide the economic damage from the plebs) and global ID for control. - or maybe the order is different but the result is the same. Create absolute chaos an death then step in with a "solution". if that solution is the CCCP stepping in, what do you think most people will do? Roll over and lay down, or stand up to the PLA? How many did Mao kill in the "Cultural Revolution"? 20 million?
Peter McCullough and Mike Yeadon are not wrong. Both have been saying the shots are bioweapons. We have only seen the results of them after a little more than one year. What will the next five show? the next ten? Recall Luc Montagnier saying that everyone who took the shots would be dead inside of 5 years?. Was he wrong? We don't know yet. But clearly the shots are part of the formula.
Gates has the largest acreage of land in private ownership in the USA. What do you think he will do with it? Return it to the wild and let the buffalo roam? - or use it to grow non GMO food and meat for the overlords after the rest of us are either dead, or eating locusts. Over the last few years, many of these overlords have been building homes on the Caribbean islands. Why would they do that? Some of them spend maybe 2 or 3 weeks in the year there. Yet these homes cost millions to build. Bolt holes? Escape from the madding crowds?
Tell me this isn't planned.