"It’s a rather unflattering view of the all-powerful."
There is two Gods. Mercy, and Evil. I am not the third God, so I cannot, nor can I delude myself that that is the case, know the relations and hierarchies between the Two. As far as I am concerned, I assume they are even: each with its army of aware, half-aware, mostly unaware and entirely unaware generals, colonels, captains, pawns, ... locked in deadly fight for every physical and spiritual square inch of every creature's soul, and the universe (or every universe).
Give a boy a toy, and then expect him not to use it? This applies to all of the players. They have the toys, and golly gee, they are going to use them.
My own personal theory embraces parts of several of these. Generally speaking, because of the not-insignificant portion of humanity which lies on the sociopathic/psychopathic spectrum, any system will eventually become gamed by these opportunists.
Regarding the 'Evil' theory. In order to create a person other than himself, agency was given to both men and angels. God accomplishes His purposes in spite of the evil His creation chooses to commit that he might demonstrate His attributes to His glory. Evil exists because of agency and God allows men and angels to exercise their agency. Man’s agency is corrupt from birth due to original sin and is also evident in personal sin. We are not told of a mechanism whereby demons impart their ideas into humanity other than demon possession. But the non-demon possessed can be enticed and deceived by the demon possessed to do their bidding. Followers and worshipers of demons have existed throughout history and we are told that “doctrines of demons” exist and infest humanity. Doctrines of demons are based on lies that oppose the truth of scripture and God’s creation. Within this worldview we follow God’s revealed truth from the Bible in our thoughts and actions and fight against the evil by speaking the truth. God is not undermined as He Himself prophesies the rise of a demonic one world religion and government. His purposes allow evil by design but God’s purposes cannot and will not be defeated. He will save those who love Him through faith in Jesus Christ and “I have sworn by Myself; the word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that to Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall take an oath.” Isaiah 45:23
I think it's a perfect storm, two waves colliding.
Most of what is happening is orchestrated by elites. It's a fact that psychopaths are found in greater proportions the higher up the hierarchy you go.
There's always been a bit of tension between government and private sector.
Politicians (Hitler, Stalin) rank 2nd for highest proportion of psychopaths, and Investment Bankers (American Psycho) rank 1st, this is a fact. In a sense Investment Bankers represent the archetype of the private sector.
So now, there is very little tension between the two big psychopathic arms of society. The synergies for malevolence have suddenly become massive. Nothing is at arm's length any more. Corruption abounds. And with religion mostly sidelined, soul-less nihilistic individuals are excited by the new religion of chaos and sadism which doesn't keep the government and business in-check.
Government and private sector are now aligned and anything they wish to do now is achievable
IV &V Mass Formation: I see both elements present. Appreciate your expansion into ‘symbolic immortality’ which I have simply tagged ‘virtue addiction’. I see hordes of civil ‘brownshirts’ policing neighbourhoods and places of social gathering under full emotional captivation, celebrating every totalitarian fist destroying their victims (IV). I also see the rational hedging of the self centered who surf the more-or-less comprehended carnage looking for opportunities and a sluice to emerge unscathed on the other side.
VII Evil: thx for the ‘unflattering fellow’. I’ve become increasingly fed up with the fanatic servitude to an oxymoron of a loving God in actuality perfectly depicting Yahweh (the wrecker). Try this idea on, a well executed interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UreYifdr2fk&t=2626s and snack on some Paul Wallis interpretations.
X: they are all in on it, just jostling for position.
AI is heavily involved in all of it and further contributes to erosion of spiritual and humanitarian guardrails, snuffing out the main human advantage over digital intelligence. In fact, sites such as this are prime AI learning centers studying human processing and solution building. The whole CIAnet is built around this very psyop.
Wow! It will take a while for me to reread and digest this comprehensive article. On a second reading now, Toby, your article hits my truth detection nerves point blank, as mostly being explanatory. The only big question I am thinking about is whether the symptoms we see, such as societal loss of history recognition are due to cause or effect.
The scariest of your examples is the excitement, even euphoria. That means that these people are in differing degrees of sociopathy, with the severest cases, when endorphins are released when another's suffering, even death, is witnessed as being pleasurable, shows a dangerous level of psychopathy.
I am now imagining a scoring system for individuals (or even operational systems), where the individual is scored by a standardized test, or by psychosocial examination by an expert. I would think that for your examples, Fauci or Gates would be close to "10" on each identifier.
Right. It would be better if Toby's theory were predictive rather than merely explanatory. This might be accomplished through the conduct of a properly funded scientific study as this would support achievement of a degree of control over our political futures.
I think you are right- at least about most of your points here. The thing is, the govt’s know the deathvax is killing people so why don’t they stop it? They know it is causing horrendous injury and disablement so why don’t they stop it? Because they don’t want to.
Thanks to your immense post - with at least one immense subpost in it, namely the electrifying conversation between Anne Alice Walker and CJ Hopkins; a sleepless night well spent. And never have I read such a brief-yet-non-bullet-pointy description of Mattias Desmet's mass formation.
I believe he adheres to dynamic systems theory somewhat (Jams Gleich, Lorenz, etc), which could mean he doesn't put all the causes for the covid plandemonium in the 'Psychology' box, nor does he ignore the 'reality shaping' that goes on historically (or dramatically) as per cj Hopkins.
Both gentlemen mention ideology, and rightfully so; but given that ideology is a covert/sneaky thing, a framework to be dissimulated rather than simulated, I think "eugenics" (Vera Sharav) and its semantic field (depopulation, newgenics, Giorgio Agamben's homo sacer, the (older) System of Domination (of "Christendom", initially) that dispolaed first nations/peoples... (author/scholar Steven Newcomb, he sat down twice with Tessa Lena)
'Killing for excitement' and 'China' don't resonate that much, for reasons I can't untangle; and since dawn is incumbent on me, I shall succumb to Morpheus' arms. I do like the Eisenstein allusion though. Courage!
Thank you, Toby, as always, great stuff to chew on.
Another possibility is that that this is a full scale manifestation of the genetically rooted in the lobster-elements of our dna associated with hierarchical recognition that, with the development of agriculture, created a mostly unconsciously drive towards deservedness and for the concomitant removal of the undeserving?
And that idea has a strange connection to the other possibility that this is all about the evolution of the human creature, although not from an eugenics perspective. What if the goal of evolution – actual 'evolution' isn't random – is to change the physical structure and functioning of the brain? To displace amygdala with pre-frontal cortex (or other)? And all this durm und strang is a part of that process? LoL! Human creatures are a product of nature and so human creations, destructive or constructive, are also natural and thus this genocide is a form of natural disaster? And what if it really isn't that, and simply an elaborate, perhaps kind of quantum jump energised by the demand for changes as delineated above or by the peak-oil scenario delineated by ck_ below, into more sophisticated brain functioning connecting more absolutely to the Buddhist idea of 'the emptiness as a characteristic' of matter, or the quantum field of physics that lies outside of time?
The idea of evolution being primarily one of expanding consciousness is well explored in The Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann.
What if this is all a kind of odd theatre of the absurd? A kind of play of something beyond the fabric of existence that is pointing to the existence that cannot be named? Tao, or other?
The oddly wrong conception of evolution being the survival of the fittest or (less accurately) the strongest is rather to see it as that of the survival of the most playful and resilient, ie. those most fully living from the parasympathetic system? Another way to think about it is to look at Shakespeare's formulation of what has been expressed in the roots of many other spiritual traditions:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
In my recently published investigation of the relationship between "Obedience to Authority, Mass Formation, Woke, and the Corporate News", I came to the surprising conclusion that this whole thing may be an elaborate 'play' in the aid of shrinking the amygdala and expanding the pre-frontal cortex. It gives an interesting look at Mass Formation being a manifestation as a subset of obedience to authority that cannot exist without obedience to authority, and the place that the lobster like hierarchical signalling pattern recognition evolved into the extremes of deserving and undeserving.
Again, thank you for contributing your Self to this amazing time of transition into truth. We are living the Bhagavad-Gita. Who would have thought that even 2 years ago? Wow!
I think there are 4 main motives for the Great Reset (a massively depopulated world in which the Elite control us serfs via CBDC):
1) The Elites don’t need us anymore due to increasing automation and AI.
2) The global debt and derivative bubble will implode soon, causing the Greatest Depression of all time and wiping away their fiat wealth. So they need to switch us over to a new currency (CBDC).
3) Pensions and other entitlement programs are near-insolvent due to an aging population, which is increasingly living longer.
4) A smaller population is easier to control. Some of the Elite also want to cull us for eugenicist purposes.
1-4 suggest CO2 hysteria was fabricated in order to justify a massive cull to the minions who are implementing the Great Reset.
5) Another factor (perhaps even the primary one) might be Peak Oil i.e. affordable oil has peaked and the cost of oil will increasingly ramp up, causing the global economy to collapse. (The global economy is dependent on CHEAP ENERGY.) In this scenario, the lockdowns were meant to reduce oil demand and the Ukraine war gives Russia an excuse to reduce oil/gas exports since their output and the rest of OPEC’s output is declining anyway. In this scenario, CO2 hysteria was used to justify alternative energy investment (which has largely failed) without unduly alarming the public. And the clot shots are meant to depopulate us “humanely” instead of via mass starvation/civil unrest.
Mercola, Mike Adams and Clif High (all controlled opposition?) promote prepping and a LOCAL, low-tech lifestyle. Are the globalists culling the "stupid" people with the clot shots and trying to prepare those who pass the "test" for a post-Peak Oil World? Perhaps Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Fauci and the WEF are meant to be Fall Guys for the clot shots (i.e. take the blame).
Here's a long comment (not mine) about Peak Oil (see last few comments in the link below):
The biggest, darkest conspiracy of all is the one that gets dismissed by even the vast majority of the conspiracy theory community, due to the community largely being controlled by TPTB. That being the conspiracy to suppress knowledge of Peak Oil/Limits to Growth. To suppress knowledge of ecological reality.
Civilization hiding the fact that it is built to collapse catastrophically is *the* mother of all conspiracies, and the closer to collapse it comes the louder get the avoidance tactics that seek to delay the inevitable. The plandemic and Russian war being the two main globally-coordinated fake crises post-peak oil that serve to both initiate and fine-tune demand destruction ahead of the supply collapse of remaining affordable energy to the marginal global consumer.
If you can see peak oil then you can see the necessity to head for the hills and start busting your ass because you and your family’s lives depend on it. And what’s more, honoring our species depends on it.
Peak Oil is the most maligned (non-) conspiracy theory of all time. So much so that it’s been turned into the inverse of what it is, by the conspiracy theory community. The conspiracy to cover up the geological reality of peak oil has been inverted by people like Alex Jones into a ‘malthusian’ conspiracy by the elites to have a fake justification to kill everyone off. And that’s just plain stupid. Carrying out depop agendas bring extreme risk to elites. You don’t do it for no reason. You don’t even countenance doing it. They’re doing it out of necessity no different from the aging hobby farmer downsizing the herd out of necessity.
As with most things, it’s the ignorant strawman fallacy that gets lobbed at Peak Oil Theory in order to maintain the denialism that finds it’s root in fear. Peak Oil scares people because the industrial dynamics of catabolic collapse surely leads to Senecan Cliff. There’s no reason-based room for doubt.
The strawman ignorantly says, “they’ve been talking about peak oil forever and it never happened, and they’re still talking about it!” The strawman refuses to go inside peak oil just as the germ theorist refuses to go into the terrain.
There are numerous classes of oil production as well as numerous geographical and economic sectors of the oil industry. This, there are various peaks of production that must be distinguished from each other, and the natural order in which the peaks occur.
Here is the most basic peak oil pattern of historic production peaks and the *causal* fallout from them.
1970- the US hit peak conventional crude production. About 2 years later it went off gold altogether and by surrounding the middle east with it’s military it forced the world onto the petrodollar system which is the dollar backed by oil instead of gold. (Gold is an agrarian standard of value unsuited for the scale of mature industrialism.)
1989- Soviet Union total oil liquids production peaked (all-time high). About 2 years later the USSR collapsed.
1999- Global peak cheap oil occured. This was the all-time low of the real, inflation-adjusted cost (not the nominal cost) of retail petroleum products. About 2 years later 9/11 happened, which catalysed the oil theft wars of the next two decades AKA the ‘war on terror.’
2004/5- global peak conventional oil happened. This was the peak that the godfather M King Hubbard was referring to when in the 50s he predicted global peak oil in the year 2000. About two years later Bear Stearns happened, then Lehman Brothers, and global organic economic growth ended forever, and ever since we’ve been riding on nested financial bubbles, the suspension of mark-to-market accounting in the shale industry that enabled that bubble, bailouts, and quantitative easings.
2018/2019- the world hit global total oil liquids production, which is all conventional crudes plus the unconventional shale and tarsands plays. About 1.5years later they front-ran the uncontrolled collapse caused by this final peak — THE peak in Peak Oil — with the plandemic. Because they saw the pattern long before I ever did.
The future is an endless series of overlapping manufactured crises that frontrun uncontrolled collapse until there’s no more manufacturing. I tend to think the manufacturing on any national has about ten more years to run. At most. We nobodies won’t personally be burning fossil fuels in a few short years – five at most. Once the deflationary spiral hits, all oil production will be uneconomic. Only the easiest remaining plays will be able to be kept flowing by nationalizing them. Any play that is turned off will be turned off for good because well-pressure will be gone, maintenance will be foregone, and momentum is everything in that industry.
There’s a lot of noise and disinfo out there, and the best we can do is pattern the truth with the lateral thinking of reason-based systems analysis, and pattern it on available data because that’s all we have. Naturally that leads to suspicions about unavailable data.
There do appear to be a few oil reservoirs that have appeared to have had some ‘replenishing’ dynamics but there are plausible geological explanations for that. And those fields we’re not significant commercial fields by any stretch. Abiotic oil has no geological grounding AFAIK. On the other hand we can know from biology that ‘fossil’ fuels in their various manifestations are the obvious result of the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. We can see it happening at the surface and in a single lifetime with peat.
The market-based reason for the collapse over the last 15 years in the oil industry’s capital expenditures and specifically exploration is a reflection of the collapse in economical discoveries. The places they explore now are deep sea and arctic. It’s consistent with short-term thinking under natural law (the profit motive) to pick all the low hanging fruit first. Then when the infrastructure that was built with low hanging fruit in mind no longer has a low hanging fruit source, it finds itself in a fix. It’s a simple resource dynamic.
They are on a tightrope. If the prices are too high the economy breaks and if they are too low they can’t get the more expensive to produce oil out of the ground. So they have been highly manipulating the oil markets both ways since the 2014 barrel price collapse, in order to keep the price within the ever-narrowing range that’s neither too low or too high. That range is now gone altogether and any price now is either too low or too high for some plays out there which is why famines are suddenly knocking on the door.
My position on ‘suppressed silver bullet’ technologies is that I’ll believe them when I see them. The phony new age princes and princesses who clamor for ‘free’ energy just want more laziness for less money while ignoring the costs that that mindset imposes on the ecology.
Climate change policy is just political cover for peak oil. They can’t admit peak oil or chaos ensues. So they use the fake-green agenda’s fight against fossil fuels to mask peak oil which is a force of nature they can do nothing about.
Far as I’m concerned globalization has been the new world order they’ve sought. Total world domination. They got about 40 years of it. They even got the Confucian Chinese doing old testament capitalism on a scale never seen before.
I think a few hunger games -type city states may be plausible over the next decades but I don’t see nation states surviving much less global government. No city states will exist at all in the northern hemisphere unless they dispose of all the spent fuel in the spent fuel pools. My expectation is that they do have a plan for that as soon as the current political establishment has finished serving its purpose over the next two years here. Decommissioning the nuclear power industry will be the global Manhattan project of collapse and the signature policy of the wave of National Socialist politics coming our way.
The illuminati stuff doesn’t inspire people to take responsibility for their lives. Whether that’s Icke’s version or Alex Jones’. People prefer to point fingers instead of take responsibility for their lives.
The elites are just farmers of men. They started out goatherding when everyone else was hunting and gathering. They learned they could do it with people too so they did. Do they do occult ritual sacrifice stuff? I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. Their religion is a supremacist cult. As far as they’re concerned everyone alive today is alive because of them. From their perspective, we wouldn’t even be alive if they hadn’t farmed us into existence and, frankly, they’re not wrong are they? Who among us would be alive without the old banking families? Other people would be alive but they wouldn’t be us. That might be a hard truth to swallow but it needs reckoning with. So it wouldn’t surprise me that that type of power would cause some of them to play sick games with people’s lives. But we can see from Q-anon how these grotesque mythologies can distort people’s sense of reality, and how they can ultimately be elite disinfo/misdirection campaigns. I think these mythologies are designed to lower people’s political expectations of the future so much that the death of global capitalism and lowered standards of living won’t seem as bad when a new establishment of earnest, capable, populist takes over under very bad circumstances. The populist ‘revolutions’ will be their disappearing act by design. No more Fed. No more Goldman Sachs. No more Zuckerberg and Gates and Fauci.
They know when to hold em and they know when to fold em.
Excellent article, Toby. I believe it's a combination of all ten, but I am particularly intrigued by number eight (because it's exciting). People get addicted to excitement/drama and it's very hard to kick that dopamine surge that comes with it. I believe that's why there are still a significant number of people who don't want the "pandemic" stuff to end. They're addicted to the fear factor and the rush they get every time someone tells them they are a hero for getting an injection or wearing a mask.
I am sure the people/organizations behind this thing are getting serious psychological jolts of pleasure as they are seeing their plan advancing. It lets them know they are smart, cunning, and superior to all the inferiors to whom they are providing a simple method to win Darwin awards.
Here’s the thing. Psychopaths who are running this agenda of genocide and winner takes all do not feel. They are biologically and spiritually incapable of feeling love, empathy, compassion, regret, guilt, remorse. They think people who have these emotions are weak and are to be taken advantage of. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. Because they can’t feel the positive emotions that normal people feel, they get excited by, and only feel the exaggerated negative emotions like revenge, jealousy, hate, anger, rage etc.
I subscribe to the Daniel Quinn story, by and large. As our population grew, around the time of the cognitive revolution we invented hyerarchical mass societies, mythologies, culturally determined identities. At the time of the agricultural revolution, we invented private property. At the time, those were highly adaptive modifications that, firstly, allowed a much larger number of people to live in proximity without eating each other and a seemingly infinite new domain of cultural innovation and preservation of knowledge, and allowed us to suck resources out of our environment in a very significantly more efficient manner, creating positive feedback loops that amplified population growth further. But now we've come to the edge of a pretty hard box, and now these adaptions no longer serve us - hence the current bottleneck. The people in power sense the tension but stay attached to the old strategies: they are okay with the majority suffering in undignified lives or even dying undignified deaths en masse, as long as them and their descendants get to stay on top of the heap of corpses. It is ultimately a futile strategy, but if you accept evil into your life, it can seem like winning for a very long time.
Uncle Daniel passed over well before Covid, but he wrote a bunch of books expounding more or less the same ideas. The book "Ishmael" was the first and is the most famous exposition, they even made a film of it (loosely), with Anthony Hopkins (Instinct). My personal favourite is "The Story of B". His story starts with the agricultural revolution, the idea about the cognitive revolution being actually the start of social evolution comes from elsewhere, but I forget.
"It’s a rather unflattering view of the all-powerful."
There is two Gods. Mercy, and Evil. I am not the third God, so I cannot, nor can I delude myself that that is the case, know the relations and hierarchies between the Two. As far as I am concerned, I assume they are even: each with its army of aware, half-aware, mostly unaware and entirely unaware generals, colonels, captains, pawns, ... locked in deadly fight for every physical and spiritual square inch of every creature's soul, and the universe (or every universe).
There's also the concept of: BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Give a boy a toy, and then expect him not to use it? This applies to all of the players. They have the toys, and golly gee, they are going to use them.
My own personal theory embraces parts of several of these. Generally speaking, because of the not-insignificant portion of humanity which lies on the sociopathic/psychopathic spectrum, any system will eventually become gamed by these opportunists.
Even the idea of evil, with the religious aspect removed, fits into this; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_ponerology
Regarding the 'Evil' theory. In order to create a person other than himself, agency was given to both men and angels. God accomplishes His purposes in spite of the evil His creation chooses to commit that he might demonstrate His attributes to His glory. Evil exists because of agency and God allows men and angels to exercise their agency. Man’s agency is corrupt from birth due to original sin and is also evident in personal sin. We are not told of a mechanism whereby demons impart their ideas into humanity other than demon possession. But the non-demon possessed can be enticed and deceived by the demon possessed to do their bidding. Followers and worshipers of demons have existed throughout history and we are told that “doctrines of demons” exist and infest humanity. Doctrines of demons are based on lies that oppose the truth of scripture and God’s creation. Within this worldview we follow God’s revealed truth from the Bible in our thoughts and actions and fight against the evil by speaking the truth. God is not undermined as He Himself prophesies the rise of a demonic one world religion and government. His purposes allow evil by design but God’s purposes cannot and will not be defeated. He will save those who love Him through faith in Jesus Christ and “I have sworn by Myself; the word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that to Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall take an oath.” Isaiah 45:23
I think it's a perfect storm, two waves colliding.
Most of what is happening is orchestrated by elites. It's a fact that psychopaths are found in greater proportions the higher up the hierarchy you go.
There's always been a bit of tension between government and private sector.
Politicians (Hitler, Stalin) rank 2nd for highest proportion of psychopaths, and Investment Bankers (American Psycho) rank 1st, this is a fact. In a sense Investment Bankers represent the archetype of the private sector.
So now, there is very little tension between the two big psychopathic arms of society. The synergies for malevolence have suddenly become massive. Nothing is at arm's length any more. Corruption abounds. And with religion mostly sidelined, soul-less nihilistic individuals are excited by the new religion of chaos and sadism which doesn't keep the government and business in-check.
Government and private sector are now aligned and anything they wish to do now is achievable
IV &V Mass Formation: I see both elements present. Appreciate your expansion into ‘symbolic immortality’ which I have simply tagged ‘virtue addiction’. I see hordes of civil ‘brownshirts’ policing neighbourhoods and places of social gathering under full emotional captivation, celebrating every totalitarian fist destroying their victims (IV). I also see the rational hedging of the self centered who surf the more-or-less comprehended carnage looking for opportunities and a sluice to emerge unscathed on the other side.
VII Evil: thx for the ‘unflattering fellow’. I’ve become increasingly fed up with the fanatic servitude to an oxymoron of a loving God in actuality perfectly depicting Yahweh (the wrecker). Try this idea on, a well executed interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UreYifdr2fk&t=2626s and snack on some Paul Wallis interpretations.
VIII : indeed, but may also involve elements of ‘hypnosis’ aka ‘mass formation’ plus already activated nanotech from various contamination (rGO, GMO, self aware assembles) over the past decade and hooking up to connectivity. Overlap, as you say, to me indicates we are circling the bulls-eye. https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/95/95/38/5ee082f4c72d09/US10786570.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
X: they are all in on it, just jostling for position.
AI is heavily involved in all of it and further contributes to erosion of spiritual and humanitarian guardrails, snuffing out the main human advantage over digital intelligence. In fact, sites such as this are prime AI learning centers studying human processing and solution building. The whole CIAnet is built around this very psyop.
Wow! It will take a while for me to reread and digest this comprehensive article. On a second reading now, Toby, your article hits my truth detection nerves point blank, as mostly being explanatory. The only big question I am thinking about is whether the symptoms we see, such as societal loss of history recognition are due to cause or effect.
The scariest of your examples is the excitement, even euphoria. That means that these people are in differing degrees of sociopathy, with the severest cases, when endorphins are released when another's suffering, even death, is witnessed as being pleasurable, shows a dangerous level of psychopathy.
I am now imagining a scoring system for individuals (or even operational systems), where the individual is scored by a standardized test, or by psychosocial examination by an expert. I would think that for your examples, Fauci or Gates would be close to "10" on each identifier.
Right. It would be better if Toby's theory were predictive rather than merely explanatory. This might be accomplished through the conduct of a properly funded scientific study as this would support achievement of a degree of control over our political futures.
I think you are right- at least about most of your points here. The thing is, the govt’s know the deathvax is killing people so why don’t they stop it? They know it is causing horrendous injury and disablement so why don’t they stop it? Because they don’t want to.
Dear Utobia, kudos to you!
Thanks to your immense post - with at least one immense subpost in it, namely the electrifying conversation between Anne Alice Walker and CJ Hopkins; a sleepless night well spent. And never have I read such a brief-yet-non-bullet-pointy description of Mattias Desmet's mass formation.
I believe he adheres to dynamic systems theory somewhat (Jams Gleich, Lorenz, etc), which could mean he doesn't put all the causes for the covid plandemonium in the 'Psychology' box, nor does he ignore the 'reality shaping' that goes on historically (or dramatically) as per cj Hopkins.
Both gentlemen mention ideology, and rightfully so; but given that ideology is a covert/sneaky thing, a framework to be dissimulated rather than simulated, I think "eugenics" (Vera Sharav) and its semantic field (depopulation, newgenics, Giorgio Agamben's homo sacer, the (older) System of Domination (of "Christendom", initially) that dispolaed first nations/peoples... (author/scholar Steven Newcomb, he sat down twice with Tessa Lena)
'Killing for excitement' and 'China' don't resonate that much, for reasons I can't untangle; and since dawn is incumbent on me, I shall succumb to Morpheus' arms. I do like the Eisenstein allusion though. Courage!
Thank you, Toby, as always, great stuff to chew on.
Another possibility is that that this is a full scale manifestation of the genetically rooted in the lobster-elements of our dna associated with hierarchical recognition that, with the development of agriculture, created a mostly unconsciously drive towards deservedness and for the concomitant removal of the undeserving?
And that idea has a strange connection to the other possibility that this is all about the evolution of the human creature, although not from an eugenics perspective. What if the goal of evolution – actual 'evolution' isn't random – is to change the physical structure and functioning of the brain? To displace amygdala with pre-frontal cortex (or other)? And all this durm und strang is a part of that process? LoL! Human creatures are a product of nature and so human creations, destructive or constructive, are also natural and thus this genocide is a form of natural disaster? And what if it really isn't that, and simply an elaborate, perhaps kind of quantum jump energised by the demand for changes as delineated above or by the peak-oil scenario delineated by ck_ below, into more sophisticated brain functioning connecting more absolutely to the Buddhist idea of 'the emptiness as a characteristic' of matter, or the quantum field of physics that lies outside of time?
The idea of evolution being primarily one of expanding consciousness is well explored in The Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann.
What if this is all a kind of odd theatre of the absurd? A kind of play of something beyond the fabric of existence that is pointing to the existence that cannot be named? Tao, or other?
The oddly wrong conception of evolution being the survival of the fittest or (less accurately) the strongest is rather to see it as that of the survival of the most playful and resilient, ie. those most fully living from the parasympathetic system? Another way to think about it is to look at Shakespeare's formulation of what has been expressed in the roots of many other spiritual traditions:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
In my recently published investigation of the relationship between "Obedience to Authority, Mass Formation, Woke, and the Corporate News", I came to the surprising conclusion that this whole thing may be an elaborate 'play' in the aid of shrinking the amygdala and expanding the pre-frontal cortex. It gives an interesting look at Mass Formation being a manifestation as a subset of obedience to authority that cannot exist without obedience to authority, and the place that the lobster like hierarchical signalling pattern recognition evolved into the extremes of deserving and undeserving.
If curious, you can get to it at https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/obedience-to-authority-a-rumination
Again, thank you for contributing your Self to this amazing time of transition into truth. We are living the Bhagavad-Gita. Who would have thought that even 2 years ago? Wow!
I think there are 4 main motives for the Great Reset (a massively depopulated world in which the Elite control us serfs via CBDC):
1) The Elites don’t need us anymore due to increasing automation and AI.
2) The global debt and derivative bubble will implode soon, causing the Greatest Depression of all time and wiping away their fiat wealth. So they need to switch us over to a new currency (CBDC).
3) Pensions and other entitlement programs are near-insolvent due to an aging population, which is increasingly living longer.
4) A smaller population is easier to control. Some of the Elite also want to cull us for eugenicist purposes.
1-4 suggest CO2 hysteria was fabricated in order to justify a massive cull to the minions who are implementing the Great Reset.
5) Another factor (perhaps even the primary one) might be Peak Oil i.e. affordable oil has peaked and the cost of oil will increasingly ramp up, causing the global economy to collapse. (The global economy is dependent on CHEAP ENERGY.) In this scenario, the lockdowns were meant to reduce oil demand and the Ukraine war gives Russia an excuse to reduce oil/gas exports since their output and the rest of OPEC’s output is declining anyway. In this scenario, CO2 hysteria was used to justify alternative energy investment (which has largely failed) without unduly alarming the public. And the clot shots are meant to depopulate us “humanely” instead of via mass starvation/civil unrest.
Mercola, Mike Adams and Clif High (all controlled opposition?) promote prepping and a LOCAL, low-tech lifestyle. Are the globalists culling the "stupid" people with the clot shots and trying to prepare those who pass the "test" for a post-Peak Oil World? Perhaps Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Fauci and the WEF are meant to be Fall Guys for the clot shots (i.e. take the blame).
Here's a long comment (not mine) about Peak Oil (see last few comments in the link below):
The biggest, darkest conspiracy of all is the one that gets dismissed by even the vast majority of the conspiracy theory community, due to the community largely being controlled by TPTB. That being the conspiracy to suppress knowledge of Peak Oil/Limits to Growth. To suppress knowledge of ecological reality.
Civilization hiding the fact that it is built to collapse catastrophically is *the* mother of all conspiracies, and the closer to collapse it comes the louder get the avoidance tactics that seek to delay the inevitable. The plandemic and Russian war being the two main globally-coordinated fake crises post-peak oil that serve to both initiate and fine-tune demand destruction ahead of the supply collapse of remaining affordable energy to the marginal global consumer.
If you can see peak oil then you can see the necessity to head for the hills and start busting your ass because you and your family’s lives depend on it. And what’s more, honoring our species depends on it.
Peak Oil is the most maligned (non-) conspiracy theory of all time. So much so that it’s been turned into the inverse of what it is, by the conspiracy theory community. The conspiracy to cover up the geological reality of peak oil has been inverted by people like Alex Jones into a ‘malthusian’ conspiracy by the elites to have a fake justification to kill everyone off. And that’s just plain stupid. Carrying out depop agendas bring extreme risk to elites. You don’t do it for no reason. You don’t even countenance doing it. They’re doing it out of necessity no different from the aging hobby farmer downsizing the herd out of necessity.
As with most things, it’s the ignorant strawman fallacy that gets lobbed at Peak Oil Theory in order to maintain the denialism that finds it’s root in fear. Peak Oil scares people because the industrial dynamics of catabolic collapse surely leads to Senecan Cliff. There’s no reason-based room for doubt.
The strawman ignorantly says, “they’ve been talking about peak oil forever and it never happened, and they’re still talking about it!” The strawman refuses to go inside peak oil just as the germ theorist refuses to go into the terrain.
There are numerous classes of oil production as well as numerous geographical and economic sectors of the oil industry. This, there are various peaks of production that must be distinguished from each other, and the natural order in which the peaks occur.
Here is the most basic peak oil pattern of historic production peaks and the *causal* fallout from them.
1970- the US hit peak conventional crude production. About 2 years later it went off gold altogether and by surrounding the middle east with it’s military it forced the world onto the petrodollar system which is the dollar backed by oil instead of gold. (Gold is an agrarian standard of value unsuited for the scale of mature industrialism.)
1989- Soviet Union total oil liquids production peaked (all-time high). About 2 years later the USSR collapsed.
1999- Global peak cheap oil occured. This was the all-time low of the real, inflation-adjusted cost (not the nominal cost) of retail petroleum products. About 2 years later 9/11 happened, which catalysed the oil theft wars of the next two decades AKA the ‘war on terror.’
2004/5- global peak conventional oil happened. This was the peak that the godfather M King Hubbard was referring to when in the 50s he predicted global peak oil in the year 2000. About two years later Bear Stearns happened, then Lehman Brothers, and global organic economic growth ended forever, and ever since we’ve been riding on nested financial bubbles, the suspension of mark-to-market accounting in the shale industry that enabled that bubble, bailouts, and quantitative easings.
2018/2019- the world hit global total oil liquids production, which is all conventional crudes plus the unconventional shale and tarsands plays. About 1.5years later they front-ran the uncontrolled collapse caused by this final peak — THE peak in Peak Oil — with the plandemic. Because they saw the pattern long before I ever did.
The future is an endless series of overlapping manufactured crises that frontrun uncontrolled collapse until there’s no more manufacturing. I tend to think the manufacturing on any national has about ten more years to run. At most. We nobodies won’t personally be burning fossil fuels in a few short years – five at most. Once the deflationary spiral hits, all oil production will be uneconomic. Only the easiest remaining plays will be able to be kept flowing by nationalizing them. Any play that is turned off will be turned off for good because well-pressure will be gone, maintenance will be foregone, and momentum is everything in that industry.
There’s a lot of noise and disinfo out there, and the best we can do is pattern the truth with the lateral thinking of reason-based systems analysis, and pattern it on available data because that’s all we have. Naturally that leads to suspicions about unavailable data.
There do appear to be a few oil reservoirs that have appeared to have had some ‘replenishing’ dynamics but there are plausible geological explanations for that. And those fields we’re not significant commercial fields by any stretch. Abiotic oil has no geological grounding AFAIK. On the other hand we can know from biology that ‘fossil’ fuels in their various manifestations are the obvious result of the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. We can see it happening at the surface and in a single lifetime with peat.
The market-based reason for the collapse over the last 15 years in the oil industry’s capital expenditures and specifically exploration is a reflection of the collapse in economical discoveries. The places they explore now are deep sea and arctic. It’s consistent with short-term thinking under natural law (the profit motive) to pick all the low hanging fruit first. Then when the infrastructure that was built with low hanging fruit in mind no longer has a low hanging fruit source, it finds itself in a fix. It’s a simple resource dynamic.
They are on a tightrope. If the prices are too high the economy breaks and if they are too low they can’t get the more expensive to produce oil out of the ground. So they have been highly manipulating the oil markets both ways since the 2014 barrel price collapse, in order to keep the price within the ever-narrowing range that’s neither too low or too high. That range is now gone altogether and any price now is either too low or too high for some plays out there which is why famines are suddenly knocking on the door.
My position on ‘suppressed silver bullet’ technologies is that I’ll believe them when I see them. The phony new age princes and princesses who clamor for ‘free’ energy just want more laziness for less money while ignoring the costs that that mindset imposes on the ecology.
Climate change policy is just political cover for peak oil. They can’t admit peak oil or chaos ensues. So they use the fake-green agenda’s fight against fossil fuels to mask peak oil which is a force of nature they can do nothing about.
Far as I’m concerned globalization has been the new world order they’ve sought. Total world domination. They got about 40 years of it. They even got the Confucian Chinese doing old testament capitalism on a scale never seen before.
I think a few hunger games -type city states may be plausible over the next decades but I don’t see nation states surviving much less global government. No city states will exist at all in the northern hemisphere unless they dispose of all the spent fuel in the spent fuel pools. My expectation is that they do have a plan for that as soon as the current political establishment has finished serving its purpose over the next two years here. Decommissioning the nuclear power industry will be the global Manhattan project of collapse and the signature policy of the wave of National Socialist politics coming our way.
The illuminati stuff doesn’t inspire people to take responsibility for their lives. Whether that’s Icke’s version or Alex Jones’. People prefer to point fingers instead of take responsibility for their lives.
The elites are just farmers of men. They started out goatherding when everyone else was hunting and gathering. They learned they could do it with people too so they did. Do they do occult ritual sacrifice stuff? I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. Their religion is a supremacist cult. As far as they’re concerned everyone alive today is alive because of them. From their perspective, we wouldn’t even be alive if they hadn’t farmed us into existence and, frankly, they’re not wrong are they? Who among us would be alive without the old banking families? Other people would be alive but they wouldn’t be us. That might be a hard truth to swallow but it needs reckoning with. So it wouldn’t surprise me that that type of power would cause some of them to play sick games with people’s lives. But we can see from Q-anon how these grotesque mythologies can distort people’s sense of reality, and how they can ultimately be elite disinfo/misdirection campaigns. I think these mythologies are designed to lower people’s political expectations of the future so much that the death of global capitalism and lowered standards of living won’t seem as bad when a new establishment of earnest, capable, populist takes over under very bad circumstances. The populist ‘revolutions’ will be their disappearing act by design. No more Fed. No more Goldman Sachs. No more Zuckerberg and Gates and Fauci.
They know when to hold em and they know when to fold em.
"They are killing us because it’s exciting".
Or Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the death drive
“better place if there were fewer people. “
Has anyone not harbored that solution to the anxiety of competition?
oh what me one of the fewer ones?
Great article. Plots out aspects of this huge planetary plot and presents them in one place.
For those of us trying to keep the broad aspects of the rabbit hole in mind while coping with specifics - it resonates.
Excellent article! I believe all of the above with a heavy dose of evil, Satan. This whole farce has made me turn to God after decades of atheism.
You’re not alone. A lot of people have turned to the orthodox religion, as opposed to Catholicism or Protestism which I find interesting.
Excellent article, Toby. I believe it's a combination of all ten, but I am particularly intrigued by number eight (because it's exciting). People get addicted to excitement/drama and it's very hard to kick that dopamine surge that comes with it. I believe that's why there are still a significant number of people who don't want the "pandemic" stuff to end. They're addicted to the fear factor and the rush they get every time someone tells them they are a hero for getting an injection or wearing a mask.
I am sure the people/organizations behind this thing are getting serious psychological jolts of pleasure as they are seeing their plan advancing. It lets them know they are smart, cunning, and superior to all the inferiors to whom they are providing a simple method to win Darwin awards.
Here’s the thing. Psychopaths who are running this agenda of genocide and winner takes all do not feel. They are biologically and spiritually incapable of feeling love, empathy, compassion, regret, guilt, remorse. They think people who have these emotions are weak and are to be taken advantage of. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. Because they can’t feel the positive emotions that normal people feel, they get excited by, and only feel the exaggerated negative emotions like revenge, jealousy, hate, anger, rage etc.
I subscribe to the Daniel Quinn story, by and large. As our population grew, around the time of the cognitive revolution we invented hyerarchical mass societies, mythologies, culturally determined identities. At the time of the agricultural revolution, we invented private property. At the time, those were highly adaptive modifications that, firstly, allowed a much larger number of people to live in proximity without eating each other and a seemingly infinite new domain of cultural innovation and preservation of knowledge, and allowed us to suck resources out of our environment in a very significantly more efficient manner, creating positive feedback loops that amplified population growth further. But now we've come to the edge of a pretty hard box, and now these adaptions no longer serve us - hence the current bottleneck. The people in power sense the tension but stay attached to the old strategies: they are okay with the majority suffering in undignified lives or even dying undignified deaths en masse, as long as them and their descendants get to stay on top of the heap of corpses. It is ultimately a futile strategy, but if you accept evil into your life, it can seem like winning for a very long time.
This is brilliant. Where can I read more about the Daniel Quinn story?
Uncle Daniel passed over well before Covid, but he wrote a bunch of books expounding more or less the same ideas. The book "Ishmael" was the first and is the most famous exposition, they even made a film of it (loosely), with Anthony Hopkins (Instinct). My personal favourite is "The Story of B". His story starts with the agricultural revolution, the idea about the cognitive revolution being actually the start of social evolution comes from elsewhere, but I forget.