Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Hi Dr Toby. You are amazing at keeping us rallied and I enjoy reading your posts... I just wanted to say I am not sure Berenson is running on all cylinders right now. I agree he was an earlier a resource but lately I think he is overwhelmed by the reality we all face; as well he criticized RFKJr‘s book but without saying specifically why. It seemed basically the same reasons as during their interview together where he felt only the COVID shot was bad and all others were fine. But in reality all are bad. But he just couldn’t believe it. Even though the data was right there. I feel he is proof that some of us are captured by the cult even if we seem to be trying to get out.

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I agree with all of that. My complaint about Berenson is that he still wants to maintain his membership card in the bourgeoisie. And so he does dumb stuff like disparaging RFK Jr. for no reason. Berenson does not seem to realize that he will never be allowed back into that club. I will say this though, and this is why I recommend him first -- he has broken more big stories during this pandemic than any other reporter. It's not even close. That guy bags 5 scoops a week. It's amazing. The bigger he gets the more people slip him inside information. Berenson has broken more major stories about the pandemic than the rest of the mainstream media combined. And for that, I'm grateful.

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Upending society is a danger that he may have been trying to avoid. Who knows, but I take all sources for what they have, Alex is putting a lot of good stuff out there so there should be more good than bad with his stuff.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

First off Toby I want to give a heartfelt thank you to all that you have done and said over these last 18 months.

I first came across your musings on twitter quite by accident as I never looked at twitter before "The Covid" and do not and will not have an account myself.

Of the numerous twitter accounts that I began looking at yours was one of the dozen or so that consistently struck at the core of this massive fraud that we are being subjected to. Of the 200 or so accounts that I have in my "twitter library" easily a third of them have been inactivated by the censors- yours included. It is blatantly obvious that the accounts that hit the closest to the truth must be eliminated. That's called a badge of honor.

I cut my teeth on the massive amount of corruption and profiteering and Pharma con jobs back in 2004 with the Avian Flu hoax. Once you gone into the details of these things it is easy to identify the scam as it is happening. The playbook is pretty much the same they simply refine the techniques.

Not so easy to convince others of the scam as they are bombarded with fear porn 24/7. I have to say that the "messaging" is far more comprehensive, insidious and sophisticated with Operation Covidius than all others before by quantum leaps. That and they produced the cadavers this time through an array of medical democides (remdesivir, neglect, midazolam, ventilators, etc.) which solidified the fear mechanisms in the masses.

It's breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear this had and still has on millions and a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This is particularly true among the "educated" classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.

As for the the Covid fable of 2020 itself, it was and is a nasty lie- all of it from top to bottom.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as new medical “miracle cures” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

Every single one of the media bullhorns that were blasting the Covid fiction for the past year have direct financial ties to Pharma Inc.

It’s not exactly accurate to say Pharma uses its power to influence the news- more to the point it is Pharma that writes the script. Pharma and it’s investors own “the news” and you will speak the Pharma gospel if you wish to maintain your position of privilege- it goes without saying.

And when we speak about Pharma this cannot be separated out from the investor class who rakes in oceans of taxpayer wealth through numerous Pandemic Ponzi Schemes with Pharma as it’s “offering” and its Trojan Horse.

Covid-19 is a business plan not a medical situation.

Now more than ever it’s important to understand the economics of vaccines. Traditional systems of vaccine procurement and distribution are rapidly giving way to vast public–private supply chains. Despite annual revenues approaching US$1 trillion, the industry has been unable to reverse a declining rate of profit and finds itself in a perpetual state of crisis.

In Fall/Winter of 2019 all stocks of Big Pharma companies were in steep decline. This changed dramatically in Spring 2020 as we know.

The experimental gene therapy mRNA drugs are set to become the most lucrative drugs in medical history. Pharma depends on its “blockbuster drugs” to remain profitable and appealing to investors. It is not an exaggeration to say that without these “blockbuster drugs” the Pharma industry implodes.

What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term Covid-19 was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.

This was done as the Western economies were in total free fall in late 2019 and the plan to digitize the economies of The West had to be rushed through lest the collapse be seen for what it was- the by-product of decades of Ponzi schemes by the Wall St. parasites and their allies.

The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”

Covid-19 deaths follow the same age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of flu/pneumonia at the same time that flu inexplicably vanished from the face of the earth while all pneumonia deaths were suddenly called “Covid” using mass death certification fraud.

Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies in response to the non- existent threat.

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Thank you for your kind message! 🙌

I agree with a lot of that. But I think COVID is definitely real. Fauci/Wuhan were clearly engaged in dangerous gain of function bioweapons research. Leaks happen all the time at these labs so I'm not surprised that it *may have* happened again. As far as COVID replacing flu -- one could also argue that COVID is just a more efficient virus, so it killed all of the people that flu ordinarily would have killed in a given year. COVID is treatable, but the death toll is so high because all of the best treatments are being suppressed. https://c19early.com/

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I would contend that if it is a bioweapon it is not a very good one- it seems to only take out 80 year olds with 4 comorbidities- those who already had one foot in the grave. They were pushed in there by Fauci and the pharma cartel with their dignity and last days/months taken from them and spent in isolation- those were crimes.

I'm also skeptical of the Wuhan leak theory as regards to how Covid supposedly first arrived in the "Western" world in N Italy where these "viral events" have become yearly occurrences for the past 15 years. Up until this year it was called interstitial pneumonia. The primary culprit not being any "virii" but a cavalcade of environmental toxins. The Po River Valley is the 2nd most polluted area in Europe. The air quality is horrendous and there is an ageing population. There are also a few other significant factors there.

As far back as March 2020 I was tracking the CDC's weekly flu surveillance reports. It was painfully, almost comically apparent that they had eliminated the flu counts. The Covid cash cow had arrived- they knew (as seen in the Milliken conference) that "selling the flu" was not going to gin up the fear quite enough to roll out their new mRNA Frankenshot.

While I'm in the camp that holds that virology itself is quack science (I believe that most disease is a result of toxicity) I'm not dogmatic- the only thing that matters right now as I see it is to halt the devastation being wreaked upon us all. Afterwards I guess we can gather around the fire and discuss all the rest.

Thanks Toby.

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Hi. Please watch Dr David Martin Red pill expo or Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan and Christine Massey or Dr Sam Bailey. There is no sars2 as an infectious virus. It is a patented computer sequence but designed to sell the vaxs. Not a real cause of harm on its own. Here is a link to a summary. It’s a cute video in a few mins. But all of the longer videos are available on each of their BitChute channels or websites. You are an awesome researcher so you can easily verify what they are saying.


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Hi Helen,

I've seen those and am in agreement with most of what they say.

I'm a bit wary of David Martin for various reasons.

Sam Bailey is rather remarkable- "Virus Mania" sits on my shelf. How about they teach this in the school system? Laughs at possibility.

It is a fact that with over 140 requests made to Gpv't and/or health agencies none have been able to show the existence of SARS-Cov2. It is a fiction.

The "pandemic" is a manufactured event used as the excuse to create and implement structures for social control.

Funny how "The War on Terror" has disappeared from view isn't it?

as the economies of the West crumble.

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Wary of Martin here too. I think it's because he's now promoting his own crytpo/blockchain/currency and comes across as somewhat untrustworthy.

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You've pretty much nailed most of it there. I'd add that viruses themselves are just rejigged 'germs' and that they've always been over-hyped. I don't believe in them anymore.

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We need to cross over into what is being said in other languages as well. As good as your recommendations are as can be seen from this book there are the same conversations going on in Greek, Italian, French, German, Russian, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese etc etc.

Our enemy is on that scale, we need to be as well.

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Yes, fine point. How best do we do that do you think?

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As a short-term measure, people can posts videos and pictures. Of course, with any picture or video, we need to be sure it is NOT a movie; or reports Chinese-style.

As they say, a picture/video is worth...

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I'm not sure.

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Google Translate is good but lots of important ideas hang on the definition of a single word or inflections/emphases that are sometimes missed by the AI translation. All of the essays in this book were originally published in Italian (or Greek) and translated by the wonderful Valeria Dani.

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This helps explain the script i keep seeing from people who have been jabbed and then caught covid: "thank god i took the vaccine, i can't imagine how bad this would have been otherwise." i.e. people have genuinely been convinced that they need this pharmaceutical intervention and life would have been a disaster without it.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you so much for your articles and also recommendations for other substacks. I appreciate all of you. With employment no longer being secure under the current tyranny I can pay for all of them. But if I get any monetary Christmas gifts this year, that is what they will be spent on. You're work is so important and I want to help fund those who actually adhere to the job of investigative journalism and provide truth so that people can make up their own minds.

God Bless

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you for introducing me to Agamben's articulation of us moving from a right to be healthy to a legal obligation to be healthy, and the concept of the current war against liberty as a global civil war. That sure resonates with me. Both sides carry righteousness in their hearts, but one side's beliefs are based in fear and based on propaganda - lies, while the other side is comparatively brave, rational, and well-informed. A great irony is that it is the not-fearful [brave], rational, and well-informed are presented by propaganda as rebellious barbarian ignoramus philistines, while it is this movement towards fascist biosecurity-based authoritarianism that is intellectually dishonest (anti-logic) and transformative and destructive to the health of our society.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

I find both the passage and your critique of the final part convincing.

A thought: if the primary end goal of healthcare is "avoiding death", and thus "health" can be defined as "the state of being alive and mitigating any factors which The Science says lead to early death," the passage you quoted is unimpeachable.

For those of us who understand health as the ability to live well on this earth, not as the fear of death, their "right to health" actually strips us of all rights. It began, perhaps, with the nursing homes, but it's coming for all of us: keeping people alive is more important than allowing them to live.

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Thank you, Toby.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

"Where are we now?"

We are here.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Fantastic share and suggested Warriors to subscribe to. Thank you Toby and have a blessed day.

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Nov 27, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Today. I go my firsthand experience with the SPZ,trdmrkd, dawn . . . sorry my intuition for the S part won't come ~, psychopathic zombie. Actually , it was my second experience, but I did not realize it until now. It sucked. They are going to go.

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As a result of Berenson's last post I re-read a few reviews I wrote several years ago for the International Journal of Drug Policy, and referenced one in a comment as a reply to his views (and book) about marijuana - a reivew of Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence. He seems to have revived Reefer Madness to an alarming level!

But the point I wish to make: Reading another of my anti-prohibitionist screeds however, I was suddenly reminded of the parallels between mid-20th century fascism, drug warriorsim, and the current hysteria. It's a review of Drug Warrirors and Their Prey. Might be of interest here as another, larger view of the situation: What Drug Warriorism was attempting to do and largeley failed, is exactly what is going on now under a new disguise. Different set of clowns running the show, but it's quite obvious it's "déjà vu all over again", to quote a famous American philosopher;>)



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Nov 26, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Just wanted to share with someone ~ that's all.

I was just pondering something this Thanksgiving Day morning. I asked myself as I stood behind my kitchen window, looking at the beautiful waterfall across the street, while allowing myself to be somewhat free of my human body constraints (with a quick glimpse of pixelation), "What If We're All Already There and They have just found a Need to Neccesitate Waking Us Up? " hmm, I thought and decided not to go any further and to just enjoy today with my loving family. Dawn.

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“From ‘the right to health’ to ‘an obligation to be legally healthy’” is a very astute observation. I like your take on it too, however the bugeois, democracy, imperialism etc. questions seem to me just side roads, abstract theoretical BS that obstruct from the pure and brutal totalitarian system that’s already in all our faces. Things seem to me to be picking up pace, and the discourse gets substantially tougher. I just heard some guy on France 24 the other day saying bluntly ‘We need to stop the argument (with the unvaxed). We need mandates and if we need to use force...

I was just going thru some info they have on nature.com and stumbled across a timeline of vaccine developments that I think is illustrative :


I wrote just a bit about it:



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Thank you for your thoughtful comment and the links! That's a brilliant post you wrote! Subscribed!

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Thanks. Maybe you will appreciate this update on the ‘A new theory’ post on my page. I can’t seem to copy a link here. Any thoughts are welcomed. Best regards.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Good morning Toby, Friday in New Zealand and this has come across my feed: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QelOEcNjQrbf/ it's from your country, and if this is correct, which looks like a strong possibility, there may be a sea change in the current situation.

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