Dr. Rogers, today June 21, 2022 (B4 5pm Eastern) is the last day to send an email to speak out on the Future Framework meeting on June 28th. If you haven't requested to speak I am attaching the contact information. I think your voice must be heard so I hope, if you haven't already done so, that you will send an email and request to speak. PLEASE try to get your other doctor friends to request to speak as well.

Send an email to: CBERVRBPAC@fda.hhs.gov and submit

A brief statement of the general nature of the evidence or arguments you wish to present

Your name

Your email address

Your phone number

An indication of the approximate time requested to make your presentation (3 minutes)

CONTACT PERSON: Prabhakara Atreya or Sussan Paydar, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm. 1226, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 240-506-4946, CBERVRBPAC@fda.hhs.gov

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Let’s not forget the collateral damage that the assault on immunity is having. My 21 year old daughter, who never gets sick, is in hospital with severe bacterial infection. I have learned from staff (here in Winter-time Australia) about the staggeringly high levels of infections now filling their beds and creating staff shortages. The more we mask, isolate and sterilise the worse it will become - in a world where bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics.

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How is your daughter doing?

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Thanks for asking Lolly. She’s recovered however it really did make me realise that we are now entering an era of not only repeated Covid infection (especially among the vaccinated) and adverse reactions but now bacterial infections due to the futile attempt to sterilise ourselves which is backfiring and adding to the strain of hospitals groaning under the weight of chronic disease. On top of that underpaid nurses and nurses aids have had enough with staff shortages and underpayment. The domino effect keeps going - my daughter’s surgeon who operated on her at 1am said he can’t keep up with emergency operations. Makes a mockery of the trillions spent to support first world economies - ie large business and pharma instead of health infrastructure and aged care to protect the vulnerable. When the obvious isn’t done conspiracy starts looking like the truth. :)

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They're just trying to do the best they can with a fast mutating virus. It's not like anyone could have foreseen that this would mutate so quickly, rendering protection through "vaccination" an impossible tragedy of errors leading to absolute disaster. C'mon, Toby. #TrustTheScience. This time they'll do it right.

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I've got a really good feeling about the Covid-19 mRNA IV drip that will soon be required at all times in blue states.

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Yes, we're excited in NYC for the mRNA IV drip! And while they're developing the portable nano version that will soon be required, it's optional, and available in select establishments.

The juice bars have an mRNA drip lounge, with free green juice for every hour hooked up to a machine. Grand Central Station is offering a free 30-day unlimited metrocard for being mRNA drip'd for two hours. With virtual reality entertainment, of course.

Bars already have an injection lounge section with corresponding disease menu. Some tried a Free Shot With Every Shot Promotion, but that was mysteriously correlated with ambulances showing up, so they stopped that.

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If FDA, DOJ, DOD, HHS are running a bioterrorism program, does it matter if the future framework passes or not?

"FDA is not pulling the EUA products from the market or stopping the ‘vaccination’ campaign because Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and FDA Commissioner Robert Califf are running the US government’s bioterrorism program jointly with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Department of Justice Attorney General Merrill Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkas, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, and World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus."



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Toby - There is a problem with your contact list. There is a comma missing between two of the email addresses. It might be helpful to people who are copying and pasting if you would fix that.

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I fixed it. It's just wrong in the email but it's correct on the page here. You can just grab it from the post above.

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Make the work of emailing so many people easier. Check out how to make a template in Gmail.


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Make note of the phrase, “alternative pathways of decision.” and make sure to mock it’s unscientific, F U to real science ramifications!

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Great article! Thank you very, very much. The cherry on top was you including these maniacs contacts. I am most gracious! 🙏❤️

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"Any politician who wants the 18 million votes of single-issue medical freedom voters in November needs to know that there must be hearings, arrests, and trials of the bureaucrats at FDA, CDC, NIAID, HHS, and NIH who did this to us." Living in a dream world.

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Wouldn't it be AWESOME if we lived in a world where one could "vote them out." The crazy thing is, folks are so inculcated into this BS political system that they still believe politics can beget legit change.

I have no idea how/if we'll ever course correct. However, in my 61 years, I've yet to see politics every be anything but a clown show fraught with drama and finger pointing. Doesn't matter who's president, which party is in power - we always seem to keep trashing the commons and the globe. And that at ever greater pace.

I hate to say it, but as far as I can see, something(s) gotta break. We are in the breaking right now, and the powers that be are so blinded by avarice they have no capacity to course correct. Instead, they are doubling down with ever greater fervency.

I can only hope they are in their death throws. However, the element that is very difficulty to forecast is how much power the people will continue to give these jamokes. I suspect if anything good will come in the coming years, it'll be related to the ratio of jailers to those willing to be jailed.


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People still believing, fervently, that they can fix the system if only "their" favorite politician could find a way to get elected are living in a delusional world they have created and reinforced for themselves. I try every time I hear or read someone say something like, "if only we could get those Republicans back in charge," to get them to understand that it really does not matter, at all, whose in charge; they will tax us as much as they can and use that money to further their political futures by laundering that money into their pockets or the pockets of their families or cronies. Not until the whole thing collapses of its own weight (or we bring it down) could we ever have a chance to change things.

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Fair point. Even in collapse though, those with money and networks of relationships/contracts are better positioned to rebuild. All of the German industries that fueled fascism survived the war and morphed into modern conglomerates.

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They did, with significant help from international bankers and U.S. industrialists, the same rich cabal that owns practically everything and everyone, at this point.

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If you've got a better plan I'm all ears.

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I wish I had one.

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Here's my email...My name is Chris Jack. I am an Active Duty Navy Captain, Nurse Corps officer with 27 years of service. I have dedicated my life to defending the Constitution and the freedom we are blessed with here in the United States. I recently discovered that the FDA is trying to apply the same strategy they use for the influenza vaccine process to the mRNA vaccine process. This has been a failed strategy for the influenza vaccine. Every single Corcoran Review that has been performed in the last 20 years has determined no efficacy with the influenza vaccine. To use this process for the mRNA injections will be disastrous for public health! This is a dangerous idea and you must please vote NO on this proposal, for the sake of our children, our health!

Shortly after I was mandated to take the mRNA vaccine by the DoD, I followed orders and took the shot. Within 3 months I developed autoimmune thyroiditis, had several episodes of supraventricular tachycardia, and had several months of significant fatigue. The VAERS data, government reported excess deaths in young age groups, peer reviewed case studies and research reports continuing to be published and clearly demonstrate significant harm with no benefit to the younger population (unders 65).

You must please say NO Covid-19 shots for kids that failed clinical trials. According to the journal Nature Medicine, children and young people have a 99.995% recovery rate. According to the CDC, the overwhelming majority of children already have natural immunity. The harms from Covid-19 shots in kids are catastrophic.

The FDA and CDC must pivot to therapeutics. About twenty off-the-shelf treatments are more effective than vaccines (if used for prophylaxis or early intervention). Get these safe and effective medicines to people who need them and let doctors be doctors again and treat patients based on their own best clinical judgment.

Any reformulated Covid-19 shots MUST go through proper HUMAN clinical trials and FDA review. That means:

• large (50,000+ person) double-blind randomized controlled trials with inert saline placebos conducted by an independent third party;

• safety and efficacy studies for two years prior to any application; monitor the treatment and control group for the rest of their lives to record non-specific effects;

• must provide sterilizing immunity with greater than 90% efficacy and less than 0.1% Grade 3 Adverse Events; and

• proper monitoring for carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and impairment of fertility.

Please, for the sake of all humanity, put the health of the US people and the rest of the world first. As a public servant, you are entrusted to do the right thing.

Thank you for your time. I can be reached at 619-643-8268 if you would like to speak with me directly.

Very Respectfully,

Chris Jack, MSN, RN, CNS

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Please accept my sincere condolences for all the trauma and turmoil you have endured. I hope things turn out well for you in the future.

Sadly, the push to vaccinate the whole world, children include (or children especially) has little to do with public health. If it did, we would not be in this situation. It's really all about the money and population control. These are sick people we're up against.

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This is beautiful. God bless you.

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Thank you Chris Jack! Send this to Chris Martenson, Steve Kirsche, the FLCC, Naomi Wolf, Steve Bannon, Robert Malone, RFK jr. You need to get coverage/your story out.

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Billy’s story is out. Just do a search for his name. LT Bill Moseley. It’s his story. He’s the one who had the courage to refuse and go all the way. I caved and got it. Never again.

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Thank you Chris! Great letter!! I'm so sorry for what you have been through! 🙏

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It’s ok. I recently got to testify at LT Bill Moseley’s (my good friend) Board of inquiry. He was acquired of the charges of disobeying a lawful order for refusing the mRNA injection. HE WON!! THe board was on the edge of their seats when I testified. What these government organizations is doing is criminal and we must stand up against it no matter the cost!

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Wow, that is fantastic news. Thank you for speaking on his behalf. I hope you are feeling better these days.

We can NEVER let this shit happen ever again. I thought people would wake up over the pediatric vaccines but it's not looking too good..

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Done and shared.

Thanks for explaining the alternative pathways of decision leading to The Correct Understanding(TM). I feel so much better now...

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Excerpt from my email to power-mongers reminding them that their due diligence should incorporate:

1: RESEARCH: Proper research of drugs require human clinical trials, full data transparency including data of those dropped from the trials, and long term data prior to any consideration of use by children or pregnant women.

2: RISK EVALUATION: Proper risk assessment should be the foundation of any drug approval. There is no cost-benefit justification for the current vaccines for Covid.

3: DILIGENCE: Investigation of VAERS reports is vital to population health, as is adherence to the 1974 National Research Act and 1979 Belmont Report

4: BIOETHICS: Medical mandates are politics pretending to be science and constitute medical assault and battery. Medical mandates are an immoral violation of medical consent and biological integrity. No vaccine/biologic/drug should be mandated for all.

5: TREATMENT: Therapeutics for those who are ill and consent is the only responsible path forward at this point. Take it.

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Excellent!!! 🙌

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There are millions of variants because every time they run the software to sequence the alleged virus, it produces new variants and the priesthood of virologists pick the one they like the most and give it a name like BA.1, but there are plenty more where that came from. It's all a game, a creation of the sequencing software, not anything base on reality. Taking a soup of genetic material and running a sequencing program on it will always produce new combinations, no two alike. So, that can only mean unlimited shots to produce as they chase an illusion.

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a paper published last in the WHO Bulletin claimed that a variant analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes "detected in total 65776 variants with 5775 distinct variants.



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Looks like we'll need 5775 boosters to cover all those variants! That number is only what they counted but each time you run a sequencing, you'll get new ones. One of the things they don't tell you is that the initial Sars-Co2 (that they use to compare against for all other "variants") is just one of many sequences but that they picked one and said THIS is the one and all others are now compared to that when really, it could have been another sequence just as easily. All a throw of the dice. When they made the PCR that was used to tell thousands they were infected, they had NO sample of the virus. They just made it up and said, "yeah, close enough".

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That sounds like a lot of variants.

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The rebel alliance sums up perfectly. We need this to grow from the 18 million.

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"Furthermore, only a conspiracy theorist would believe that the FDA has abandoned all of its statutory responsibilities to protect public health in order to prostitute themselves to Pharma."


If that's a "conspiracy theory", then what is the one about Big Pharm all choosing the toxic part of the virus and using lipid nanoparticles to ensure that fertility would decrease and that people would die ON PURPOSE to cull the herd for the Global Elites?

A Super Duper Conspiracy theory?

Feels like a lot of people are clear on the former, but very leery of the latter. What say you, Host Toby?

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I mean, they choose the spike part supposedly because that's the part that binds to the cell. But yeah it's toxic and they don't know how to turn off mRNA once it's injected and this is the biggest medical mistake in human history.

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Their own trial data indicates that they understood the product did not work and was dangerous.

To me? This cannot be deemed a mistake. "Mistake" elides intention.


edit: You could term it malfeasance. Or fraud.

Or, you could ask why a "vaccine" for a family of viruses that had never been successfully done for all the reasons that Geert Vanden Bossche laid out very early.

For a gain of function created bioweapon.

With rushed trial data for the "Emergency Use Authorization" which relied on making effective treatments verboten

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