I am physically ill knowing what’s about to happen. The mass genocide of a generation of babies. I knew this would happen. I’ve been saying it from the very beginning. But it feels much sicker, darker & more evil than I thought it would. Will these criminals EVER PAY??
I am physically ill knowing what’s about to happen. The mass genocide of a generation of babies. I knew this would happen. I’ve been saying it from the very beginning. But it feels much sicker, darker & more evil than I thought it would. Will these criminals EVER PAY??
Feel free to use this. Just change name at bottom:
Dear XX:
Regarding the upcoming decision on whether to recommend an Emergency Use Authorization for vaccinating children between six months and four years, it is critical that you vote against this. Why? Please read all of the below reasons.
#1 This action has no data to support it. Subjecting the most vulnerable age group to the vaccine when there is almost zero risk of children this age dying – or even getting sick – from Covid 19, is against all medical ethics.
#2 The ‘vaccine’ neither prevents Covid nor prevents those with Covid from affecting others. What possible rationale could you have then, for vaccinating (immunizing) children under four years of age when they have virtually no risk from the virus?
#3 The mRNA vaccines appear to pose substantial risks. If you have not looked at either the data on unexplained deaths, or anecdotally, the life stories of those who have been damaged from the Covid vaccine, given your position and background, you have no excuse. All the information is out there and you have a responsibility to look at this. When someone is charged in court claims they did not understand what they were doing was wrong or illegal, there is a saying: ‘the lack of knowledge about the law is not a legal defense’. Similarly, trying to defend your actions in future trials or hearings by saying you did not know the vaccine could injure young children – even if a small number - will not be a workable defense given the total lack of offsetting benefits the vaccine offers to children.
#4 The original clinical trials were flawed and this, like everything, will come out. Without high-quality science reflected in these experiments, the trials could only determine short-term adverse effects and deaths. The trials did not address long-term effects that, if serious, would be borne by children and adolescents for potentially decades. These effects are now showing up, especially in the cardiomyopathy in young boys as well athletes who are now unable to do much of anything.
Lastly, if doing the right thing is not enough, think of this: I, like many, have grandchildren who you are putting at risk; for many, it will be their children. If they were to be injured from having this vaccine, I would not let this go. And no, I would not take violent action (although I’m sure some would). Instead, I will hire the best attorneys I can afford, and I will personally sue everyone of you who voted to recommend the Emergency Use Authorization to allow vaccinating children under five. (I am sure I will not be alone in this). I am not an attorney, but I think that any defense that rests of arguing that you simply were following the CDC’s recommendation will sound like “I was just following orders’ (and you know how well that one works out). As a group you are about to ‘lock step’ over a cliff. Don’t do it.
Oh they'll pay alright. First when they land in hell, for knowingly committing mass murder. And maybe on this side of the grave their names will live in history as the peers of the Nazi doctors.
I am physically ill knowing what’s about to happen. The mass genocide of a generation of babies. I knew this would happen. I’ve been saying it from the very beginning. But it feels much sicker, darker & more evil than I thought it would. Will these criminals EVER PAY??
Indeed, we are in the midst of a genocide.
I will be writing letters tomorrow. Thank you for never giving up.
Feel free to use this. Just change name at bottom:
Dear XX:
Regarding the upcoming decision on whether to recommend an Emergency Use Authorization for vaccinating children between six months and four years, it is critical that you vote against this. Why? Please read all of the below reasons.
#1 This action has no data to support it. Subjecting the most vulnerable age group to the vaccine when there is almost zero risk of children this age dying – or even getting sick – from Covid 19, is against all medical ethics.
#2 The ‘vaccine’ neither prevents Covid nor prevents those with Covid from affecting others. What possible rationale could you have then, for vaccinating (immunizing) children under four years of age when they have virtually no risk from the virus?
#3 The mRNA vaccines appear to pose substantial risks. If you have not looked at either the data on unexplained deaths, or anecdotally, the life stories of those who have been damaged from the Covid vaccine, given your position and background, you have no excuse. All the information is out there and you have a responsibility to look at this. When someone is charged in court claims they did not understand what they were doing was wrong or illegal, there is a saying: ‘the lack of knowledge about the law is not a legal defense’. Similarly, trying to defend your actions in future trials or hearings by saying you did not know the vaccine could injure young children – even if a small number - will not be a workable defense given the total lack of offsetting benefits the vaccine offers to children.
#4 The original clinical trials were flawed and this, like everything, will come out. Without high-quality science reflected in these experiments, the trials could only determine short-term adverse effects and deaths. The trials did not address long-term effects that, if serious, would be borne by children and adolescents for potentially decades. These effects are now showing up, especially in the cardiomyopathy in young boys as well athletes who are now unable to do much of anything.
Lastly, if doing the right thing is not enough, think of this: I, like many, have grandchildren who you are putting at risk; for many, it will be their children. If they were to be injured from having this vaccine, I would not let this go. And no, I would not take violent action (although I’m sure some would). Instead, I will hire the best attorneys I can afford, and I will personally sue everyone of you who voted to recommend the Emergency Use Authorization to allow vaccinating children under five. (I am sure I will not be alone in this). I am not an attorney, but I think that any defense that rests of arguing that you simply were following the CDC’s recommendation will sound like “I was just following orders’ (and you know how well that one works out). As a group you are about to ‘lock step’ over a cliff. Don’t do it.
Ernest A. Simpson III
So thorough!! Thank you!! I’m using this as well!!
Me too!
I too am physically ill at the thought of this. I keep praying something, somehow stops it.
Oh they'll pay alright. First when they land in hell, for knowingly committing mass murder. And maybe on this side of the grave their names will live in history as the peers of the Nazi doctors.